HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1995-44RESOLUTION NO.1995-44 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR ARIZONA STATE PARKS BOARD HERITAGE FUNDS OR LAND WATER CONSERVATION FUNDS KIWANIS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK WHEREAS,the Legislature underARS§41-503has authorized the establishment of the Heritage Fund program,providing matching funds to the State of Arizona,its political subdivisions for acquiring lands and developing facilities for public outdoor recreation purposes; and WHEREAS,the Congress underPublicLaw88-578has authorized the establishment of a Federal Land and Water Conservation fund Grant-in-aid Program,providing matching funds tothe State of Arizona,its political subdivisions and Indian Tribes for acquiring lands and developingfacilitiesforpublicoutdoorrecreationpurposes;and WHEREAS,theArizonaStateParksBoard (ASPB)is responsible forthe administration of the program within the State,setting up necessary rules and procedures governing application bylocalagenciesundertheprogram;and WHEREAS,said adopted procedures established by ASPB require the Applicant to certifyby resolution the approval of applications,signature authorization,the availability oflocal matching funds,and authorization tosigna Participant Agreement with ASPB priorto submission of said applications toASPB;and WHEREAS,theproposedprojectmustbeconsistentwiththeArizonaState Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan;and WHEREAS,the project must be compatible with the landuse plans ofthe applicant; NOW,THEREFORE,BEIT RESOLVED thatthe Town of Fountain Hills hereby: 1.ApprovesthefilingofanapplicationforArizonaHeritageFundorLandandWater Conservation Fund assistance;and 2.CertifiesthattheTownofFountainHillswillcomplywithallappropriatestateand federalregulations,policies,guidelines,andrequirementsastheyrelatetothe application;and 3.CertifiesthattheTownofFountainHillshasmatchingfundsintheamountof$100,000 fromthefollowingsources:FountainHillsGeneralFund;andcanfinance100percentofthe project,halfofwhichwillbereimbursedbyanArizonaStateParksBoardHeritagegrantorLand and Water Conservation fund grant;and _^^___ (^ASS/^AIL 7 ~S ~Yo SECOND LcxO^LncZT COUNT _ L C 4.Certifies that the Town of Fountain Hills has the non-project surcharge notto exceed ten percent of total project costs which will bepaidto ASPB upon AORCC approval of said application,if itis selected for LWCF assistance;and 5.Certifies thattheprojectis compatible withthelanduseplansoftheTownof Fountain Hills;and 6.Certifies that the project has been reviewed by the parks maintenance and operations staff of the Town of Fountain Hills and that the Town agrees to properly maintain this project;and 7.Appoints the Town of Fountain Hills'Director of Parks and Recreation as agent ofthe Town of Fountain Hillsto conduct all negotiations,execute and submit all documents including butnot limited to applications,agreements,amendments,billing statements,andsoon which may be necessary forthe completion of the aforementioned project. PASSED,ADOPTEDANDAPPROVED bythe Town of Fountain HiUs this 5th day of July,1995. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ,> Robuf Goodman John M.jZutillo DirectorofParksandRecreation Mayo: TTEST:. Cassie B.Hansen Town Clerk 1A £^L Paul L.Nordin William E.Farrell TownManager TownAttorney I,the undersigned,Cassie B.Hansen,beingtheduly appointed and qualified TownClerk of theTownof FountainHills,certifythattheforegoing Resolution No.1995^14 isatrue,correctandaccuratecopyof Resolution No.1995-44,passedandadoptedataregularmeetingoftheTownCounciloftheTownofFountainHills,heldon the5thdayofJuly,1995atwhichaquorumwaspresentandvotedinfavorofsaidResolutionNo.1995-44. Given under myhandandsealthis5thday of July,1995. Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk