HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1995-45c RESOLUTION NO.1995-45 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA APPOINTING A HEARING OFFICER PURSUANTTO A.R.S. §9-500.12.AND PROVIDING A METHOD FOR NOTICE TO REAL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THEIR RIGHTS OF APPEAL. WHEREAS,the Arizona State Legislature has enacted House Bill 2229 which when effective,will beknown as A.R.S.§9-500.12.;and, WHEREAS,paragraph A.of that Section requires theTownof Fountain Hills to appointahearingofficer and to notify property owners oftheirrightto appeal a dedication or exaction whichisaconditionofgranting approval forthe use,improvement or development ofreal property; NOW,THEREFORE,BEIT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.That the Townof Fountain Hills TownCouncil hereby appoints Mr.Richard W.Garnett,7272 East Indian School Road,Suite 109,Scottsdale,Arizona 85251,to serve as the appointed hearing officer pursuant to A.R.S.§9-500.12.A. Section 2.ThattheTown hereby directs the Community Development Directorin cooperation with the TownAttorneyto prepare and distribute a printed noticeof the right to appeal dedication and exaction inaform similiar to the form attached to this Resolution and marked as Exhibit A. Section 3.That the Community Development Director is requested to develop a system whereby written receipt of the Noticeis evidenced by property owners or property owner's agents and that each application which requests that real property be puttoa use, improvement or development shall require as part of the application the complete name and address of the real property owner so that a copy of the Notice can be mailed to the real property owner. Section 4.That the hearing officer appointed in Section 1 above is,hereby,directed that all hearings pursuant to A.R.S.§9-500.12.shall be conducted between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PMon Monday through Friday,except for holidays;and that they shall conducted at the offices of the Town of Fountain Hills.Permission tohold hearings atany other timeor any other locationshallonlybe granted upon the expressed written approval of the property owner. PASSYFAIL *1~S-?S MOTION *'\aA$£>V\ SECOND "PhbgiS FH1995.RES -1 COUNT ~~I-Q w <w PASSED AND ADOPTED BY this5thdayofJuly 1995. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: /'^- John M.:Cutillo,Mayor ATTESTED TO: Casswe Hansen,Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: illiam E.Farrell,TownAttorney FH1995.RES-2 c NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OF APPEAL RIGHTS UNDER A.R.S.§9-500.12. A.R.S.§9-500.12.A.requiresyou,asapropertyowner,tobenotifiedthat if youhave requestedfromthe Town of FountainHillsapprovalfortheuse,improvement ordevelopment of realpropertyandanofficialoranadministrativeagency of the Town hasmadeafinal determinationthatasacondition of your approval,you must eithermakeadedicationoran exactionandyouwishtoappealtherequired dedication oranexaction,thereisaprocessinplace forthatappeal. The Town of Fountain Hills has retained Mr.Richard W.Garnett,7272 East Indian SchoolRoad,Suite109,Scottsdale,Arizona 85251,toserveasa hearing officer pursuant to A.R.S.§9-500.12.A. Thisright of appeal of adedicationorexactionrequireddoesnotapplytothose dedicationsorexactionsrequiredinalegislativeact of the Town Councilthatdoesnotgive discretiontoanadministrativeagencyoranofficialtodeterminethenatureor extent of the dedication or exaction. The appeal must bein writing and signed by theproperty owner and should be mailed orfiled with thehearing officer within thirtydaysafterthefinal determination is made.There isnochargeforfilingtheappeal. The hearing officer shallscheduleatimeforahearingnolaterthanthirtydaysafterthe receipt of theappeal.You asaproperty owner willbegivenatleasttendaysnotice of the time forthehearing of theappealand only you may agreetoashorter time period. At thehearing,the Town of FountainHills,will have the burden to establish thatthere isan essential nexus between the dedication or exaction asked of you anda legitimate governmental interest.The Town will further have the burden to show thatthe proposed dedication or exaction is roughly proportionaltothe impact of the proposed use,improvement or development of your parcelorparcels of land. The hearing officer shalldecidetheappeal within five working daysafteryourappealis heard. If thehearing officer either modifies or affirms the requirement of the dedication or exaction andyouastheproperty owner areaggrievedbythedecision,you may file,within thirty daysafterthehearing officer hasrenderedadecision,a complaint foratrialde novo inSuperior Courtonthefactsandlawregardingtheissue of the condition or requirement of thededication or exaction. A.R.S.9-500.12.-1 x^p/ C At theSuperiorCourt,the Judge hasthe authority to award reasonable attorney fees incurredinthe appeal andthetrialtotheprevailingparty.TheCourtmayalso award damages as are deemed appropriate tothelandownertocompensatefordirectand actual delay damages butonlyuponafindingthattheTown of Fountain Hillsactedinbadfaithin requiring the dedication or exaction. A.R.S.§9-500.12.containslegalrightsthatareforthebenefit of propertyownersand thissheetshouldnotberelieduponasanythingmorethananoticethatStatuteexistsandthat you,asapropertyowner,haverights.Forafurtheranddetail explanation of yourrights,you shouldcontactyourownattorney.The Town Staff hasbeenspecificallydirectednottoanswer anyquestionsregardingtheappealprocessorthetrialinSuperiorCourt.You may,however, obtainatnochargeacopy of any of thewritten material necessaryforyoutopursueyourrights underthisStatuteincluding,butnotlimitedto,acopy of all Staff reports concerningyour propertyandminutes of any meeting of theBoard of Adjustment,thePlanning&Zoning CommissionortheMayorandCouncilconcerningyour property. A.R.S.9-500.12.-2