HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2014-01ORDINANCE NO.14-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,AMENDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICT MAP FOR APPROXIMATELY 80 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED ALONG EAGLE RIDGE DRIVE AS SHOWN IN CASE NO.Z2013-06,FROM Rl-43,Rl-8 AND Rl-6 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL)TO ADERO CANYON PAD (MULTI- FAMILY/HOTEL,TOWNHOMES,SEMI-CUSTOM AND SALES & ADMINISTRATION). WHEREAS,the Mayor and Council of theTown of Fountain Hills(the "Town Council")desirestoamendtheTown of FountainHillsOfficialZoningDistrictMap(the "ZoningMap")pursuantto Ariz.Rev.Stat.§9-462.04,tochangethezoningdescriptionfora + 80acreparcel of real propertyfrom Rl-43,Rl-8 and Rl-6 toAderoCanyonPAD(the "Zoning DistrictMap Amendment");and WHEREAS,the zoning proposed bythis ordinance is consistent withthe amendment to theFountainHills General Plan2010,GPA2013-01,approved bytheTownCouncilon May 1,2014;and WHEREAS,alldueandpropernotices of public hearings onthe Zoning District Map Amendment tobeheld before the Town of Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission (the "Commission")andtheTownCouncilweregiveninthetime,form,substance and manner providedby Ariz.Rev.Stat.§9-462.04;and WHEREAS,the Commission heldapublic hearing on February 13,2014,ontheZoning District Map Amendment,after whichthe Commission failedtomakea recommendation tothe Town Council;and WHEREAS,pursuanttotheTown of FountainHillsZoning Ordinance,Section2.01 (D)(1),because the Commission wasnotabletomakea recommendation totheTown Council within60days after thedate of thehearing,the Zoning District Map Amendment was automatically forwarded totheTown Council witha recommendation fordenial;and WHEREAS,theTownCouncilheldan additional publichearing regarding the Zoning District Map Amendment onMay1,2014. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1.Therecitalsabovearehereby incorporated as if fullysetforthherein. 2147245.2 SECTION 2.The+80acreparcel of real property generally located along EagleRidge DriveasshowninCaseNo.Z2013-06,asmore particularly described and depicted on Exhibit A. attachedheretoandincorporatedhereinbyreference,isherebyrezonedfrom Rl-43,Rl-8 and Rl-6 (Single-Family Residential)toAderoCanyonPAD (Multi-Family/Hotel,Townhomes, Semi-Custom and Sales &Administration). SECTION 3.Ifanyprovision of this Ordinance isforanyreasonheldbyanycourt of competent jurisdiction tobe unenforceable,suchprovisionorportion hereof shallbedeemed separate,distinctand independent of allotherprovisionsandsuchholdingshallnotaffectthe validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION4.TheMayor,theTownManager,theTownClerkandtheTownAttorney areherebyauthorizedanddirectedtotakeallstepsnecessarytocarryoutthepurposeandintent of this Ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED bythe Mayor and Council of theTown of Fountain Hills, May 1,2014. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS:ATTESTED TO: LindaM.KavanJagh,Mayor Bevelyn J.Better,Town Clerk REVIEWED BY:APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenneth W.Buchanan,Town Manager AndrewJ.McGuire,TownAttorney 2147245.2 2147245.2 EXHIBIT A TO ORDINANCE No.14-01 [Adero Canyon PAD] See following pages. Adero Canyon PAD ADERO CANYON PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT (PAD) Section 1-Purpose TheAderoCanyonPADzoningdistrictislocatedon79.9acreswithinAderoCanyon,andisestablished soasto accomplish thefollowing: 1.Reconfigurationandreclassification of residentiallandusesandzoningdistricts,including zoningchangesfrom Rl-6,Rl-8 and Rl-43 toAderoCanyonPADpursuanttothestandards outlined below. 2.Increase total residential unit count. 53 of theoriginal 171 customhillsidelotsinAderoCanyonaretobereplacedbyrevised platsandtheAderoCanyonPAD.The requested AderoCanyonPADunitcountis increased to 195 as follows: Semi-Custom Lots 31 Townhome Lots 44 Multi-family /HotelUnits120 PAD Total 195 3.Increase the Disturbance Allowance. ThepreviousAderoCanyonmaster plan limited the non-infrastructure related hillside disturbance allowance to 89.11 acres which was allocated ona lot-by-lot basistobe 22,700 square feetpersingle family lotbasedontheoriginally contemplated 171 custom hillside lots.Duetothesmallerlotsandproductionnature of thethreenewproducttypeswithinthe PAD,thetotal non-infrastructure-related hillsidedisturbanceareaallowedwithinAdero Canyonwillincreaseto95.0acres of which approximately 23acreswillbewithinthe PAD. Section 2-Establishment of Districts and Design Guidelines TheAderoCanyonPADherebyestablishesthe following fourland-usedistrictswithinthe79.9acre PADzone.Theseareuniquezoningdistrictsthataresubjecttothedesignguidelinesand standards set forthbelowandtheTown of FountainHillsZoningOrdinance.Intheevent of aconflictbetweenthe Zoning Ordinance (orthe Amended and Restated Settlement Agreement relating tothe PAD zone approved concurrently with this PAD)andthis PAD,the provisions ofthis PAD shall prevail. MF-Multifamily/Hotel TH -Townhomes SC -Semi-Custom Lots SA -Sales &Administration LanduseswereconceivedandsitedfortheAderoCanyonPADbybalancingthreeobjectives: 1.Transitionresidentialusesanddensitiesfromexisting neighborhoods adjacenttothe southeast to avoid stark changes in housing type. 2.Change building density logically by progressively lowering density asthe land plan traverses northwesterly into Adero Canyon tothe custom lotsatthe higher elevations. 1 2145251.7 Adero Canyon PAD 3.Siteandsizelanduses where the natural landforms arebest suited forthe product type. Figure1-TheAderoCanvonPADDistrictMapdepictsthePADzoneboundaryaswellasthefour land-use districts within that boundary. 2145251.7 FIGURE 1 Adero Canyon PAD District Map AderoCanyonPAD Land Use Descriptions Thefollowingdescribeseachland-usedistrictandthereasonsforitsinclusionintheAderoCanyon PAD: MF -Multifamily /Hotel Parcel Designed for garden-style multi-family residential units,orhotel units either asan extension of anexistinghotelinthevicinity,orasa stand-alone hotel(pursuanttoaspecialusepermit),on approximately 12.5acres,withupto120units (approximate density of 9.6unitsperacre).The unitswillbeclusteredinbuildings of uptothreestoriesinheightandwillbe compatible withthe high-density adjacenthotelbuildings,providing alogicalprogression of landusestothelower densityusesfurtherintoAderoCanyon.Theunitsmayeitherbeforsaleorforrentormaybe convertedtoroomsorsuitesforaresorthotel.Residentialunitswillbeorganizedinaseries of buildingsoneachside of anaccessdrive.Thebuildingswillbeorientedalongthecontours of the natural landforms and built intothe grade in order limit visual impacts. TH -Townhome Lots A24acreparcelwith44 attached Townhomes inblocks of twoorthree contiguous units,witha maximumdensity of 2.0unitsperacre.Theindividualstructures,containing eithertwoorthree single-story independent units willhavean overall massing similar tofuture homes tobe built on thelargeestatecustomlotsatthebackand adjacent higher elevations tothisparcelsoasnotto appear out of scaletothefuture custom homes.Theunitswillfanarounda prominent knollin lower Adero Canyon in terraces following the basic hillside Iandform making itthefirsticonic architectural expression viewedasonesweepsdownintoAderoCanyononEagleRidgeDrive fromthemain entrance.Internal streets are generally "single loaded"withunitsononesideso astoavoidunsightly driveway cutsintotheuphillsides of roadwaysandusingbuilding structurestopartiallyconcealstreet improvements fromview of neighboringproperties. Resident parking willbe provided in two-car garages within eachunitaccessedfrom common auto courts infrontof,or between,unitsanda small common parking lotwillbe constructed to serveasmall swimming poolamenity.Temporary visitorparkingwillbepermittedononeside of streets only and clearly marked sothata20foot clear area remains intheright of wayfor passage of motor vehicles.Building setbacks are established to minimize disturbance andcuts andfills.Thesitedesign,landscape treatment and architecture willbe developed to carefully integrate withthe dramatic desert setting. SC -Semi-Custom Lots Plannedforatotal of 31detached,single-family homesatamaximumdensity of 1.05unitsper acre.These lots will havea minimum allowable size of 10,000 square feet.Building setbacks are established to minimize disturbance as well as cuts and fills.The semi-custom lot neighborhoodhasbeen strategically locatedinthebasin of AderoCanyonwheretopographyis relatively flatin order to produce flatlotsand minimize cutsandfills.Steps between thelots balancetheresponsetothedirection of naturalslopeswiththerequirementsforbuilding footprintsand15%maximumroadgradesgradualenoughforfire emergency vehicles.All homesmaybesingleortwo-storyandgarageparkedforresidents.Temporary visitorparking will bepermittedononeside of streetsonlyandclearlymarkedsothata20footcleararea remainsintheright of wayforpassage of motorvehicles. 2145251.7 Adero Canyon PAD SA -Sales &Administration AsmallSales&Administration useis reserved nearthe entrance toAdero Canyon foralotand homesales.Later,thebuildingwillbeusedasan information and administration buildingfor thecommunity.Itissitedbetweentheinboundandoutboundrights-of-way of EagleRidge Drive.Thisparcelisrestrictedforuseonlyasasalesofficeand administration officefora property owner's association. Density,Area,Building and Yard Regulations ADERO CANYON PAD -Zoning Ordinance Summary Thechartthatfollowsspecifiestheminimumlotsizes,minimum lot width,maximumbuildingheights, minimumyardsetbacks,lot coverage percentages,anddistancebetweenbuildings. SC (Semi-Custom Residential) pfyr>4l»d \i\tv S-njte family horttl *th CuUOfttry Utttttry holdup.W*lt AridHncei an *d**r>d rt*properly liiet in ptrnttlrd. titmli.fru fk/l-Mr.v*.v»rr=«fn..l»frfyn-Thf tab-'eb^ow ww<fc#nh«mrima^'at io«.m.r*r*jn;«wiStfi.rtt*ir».nOuidnt Hei&X p*iivj-i»yl-d KttaAv fltt.irxp|lot coverip e*fC9<*!#.'•™,ifl«n d-WJX«brtw***tH»4 ifi.uvl m.rtnkjrn d ttano?between Ould net or »d|»£»nl kotl. Lot Area (sqft)Width Building Height Minimum Yard Setbacks Lot Coverage Distance Between Buildings Distance Between Buildings on Adjacent Lots Front Side Street Side Rear 10.000 SO-30'20'•S'15'20 50%6'14' '13 vMttit>d*!Mdec!taratft TH (Townhome) Permuted Vmk Sm{!»-farm1yrevdaniat attached dwellings nulb family re».de«niala*d accettory u«t. 0*nf.Vn Bu^nt ang Vyg BenJatTflni for common ow*fr*ia n^etur*=rfl»*M'tff lie.mutf-Mm**cangcrrVi^ml:Pw tattfe Wtw ipetfet the nr»^parcel tie, ^a»riKriderivty,m«Wrrkjm parcel w<t^,mauiiiurnbuildict h*tM.^*i^mbuJ<f«t i«ngh,r,»'imwmyard vrtbadtt,matitTkim parcel coverage percentage,druante between Outdr^v andp**i*iet*r ptrstf wttteVi. Pa-eel Area (sqft) Parcel Area/DU {sqft) Width Building Height Building Length Minim urn Yard Setbacks Parcel Coverage Distance Between Buildings Perimeter Parcel Line SetbackFront Street Side Street Rear 24.000 3.500 150'30'175'20'"20'20'65%25'30' *10 »wth vd#loaded (ara(e lat »*«*r+*it-ict^e Wtt>>tnetMr:d tie.»>*e far-jit tttacfredl;TH.Iabte bebw tpMi*iei t-w rin»-THm lot »i«. unjm bmldr•;hex*,mkimunt bt«d r)(length,rmirnwm yard setbacks,ma*j<r»urn lot c»M(«percentage.distance between LVm^.Vet.Pt/id^e.t-^d Varfl Ben.iH;o fnacirrKrrtdentity,mininvnlol wcth,ma bui1dr*(%ar>dperimeter parcel tetbacfci. Lot Area <s°ft) Parcel Area/DU (sqft) Width Building Height Building Length Minimum Yard Setbacks Lot Coverage Distance Between Bjildings Perimeter Parcel Line Sctoack Front Side Street Side Rear Street Rear 2.000 3.500 40'30'175'20 '0'20'0'20'100%••25'30' 2145251.7 *Iff with tdeiMded (rate **Cover*|#oUheover»l platted parce'eor»t*ri»rt(loliihallrfc>t»*ce*d 6S% MF (Multifamily/Hotel) EgrfMted tAet;(A,lttar»i»fev(3e'i»-*Jodpfif irdacc«ii)y*L«l. Ceml*.VeaBuTdtna.**flVarfl RffUrtcm:The take be**K»C>f#t tr«mr,r*^\p*tef fcie.-ntM-nor*der-^ty,fl*r»>*jn par :•<w*1,ijinam bu IcUrf n#|*>t nur mum^yard tetbaekx parce-l cave'ace p*rcentale,niflinKfi drtta'Kebetwwert &uikJ*ij*.ari(3penawter p*c*ietba&i. Parcel Area (sqft) Parcel Area/DU (sqft) Width Building Height Building Length Minimum Yard Setbac'<s Parcel Coverage Distance Between Buildings Perimeter Parcel Line Setback Front Side Street Side Rear 6.000 1.500 60'40'200'30 10 30 30'50%40'30' SA (S*la$&Administration) pgrmmed mev Sato officev and property owweri auociaticHi adr»i» Pfvntv.Afea.Buldine.artf Yard fieftJafrftrti:ihetabre below ipectoithe n •u-T»i»m yard setback.w la coverate percentage,a*d minr^um distance between bu<ldingt. lot Area (sqft)Wdth Building He'ght Minim jm Yard Setbacks Lot Coverage Distance Between BuildingsFrontS'de St-eet Side Rear 6.000 50'"2S'10'10'10'10'60%6' Adero Canyon PAD Design Guidelines The refined direction for Adero Canyon focuses on incorporating a broader spectrum of housing types. Recent development modelsindeserthillside environments haveshownthatacarefulmix of varied residentialproducttypescanhelpelevatethequality of communityaswellasensurefinancialstability and sustainability by appealing toabroadermarket.Therefined plan forAderoCanyonmovestoone witha mixture of unique and identifiable products in neighborhoods that celebrate thebest aspects of diverse community building. Thefollowingprincipleswillguidetheplanning,designand execution of thecommunity: Focus on Quality Incorporate authentic timeless architecture thatreinforcesthe community brand. Maintain a consistent design theme Create aunique community identity thatfurther elevates the reputation of Fountain Hills' lighttouchontheland Carefully balance development withopenspace Create designthatis highly sensitive tonatural topography and landforms Maximize view corridors Limit disturbance intothenative desert landscape Focusonlong-term stewardship of theland Integratehealthyliving opportunities withthe outdoors Createlasting positive impressions for homeowners and visitors Establish a financial model that's based onlongterm success Introduceamorediverseproducttypetomeetmarket segmentation Anticipate future market changes and trends Understand changing buyer demographics Community Theme Theoverallsiteplanningwillbecomplementedbycommunityfeaturesandthemesthatwillbe organizedaroundaseries of materials,deserttreatmentsandspecialfeaturesthattakeinspiration fromthesimpleorganicbuildingmethods of indigenouspeople,prospectorsandranchers of the past,incorporatingrammedearth,rusticelements,simplegeometry,bouldersandnatural vegetationincommonareas.Communitydesignelements,suchassignageandwalls,willfocus onarange of materialsincluding,butnotlimitedto,thefollowing: 1.RUSTED STEEL 2.STONE BOULDERS 3.RAMMED EARTH 4.BOARD FORM CONCRETE 5.PAINTED METAL/CONCRETE PANELS 6.WROUGHT IRON 7.ADOBE BRICK AND SLUMP BLOCK Architecture Concepts While thedesignintentisnottoestablishonesinglestyle,thestrategyforbuildingthemeistocreatea unifying philosophy of designthatechoessome of thehistoricbuildingaspectsoftheSonoran Desert. The design intentisto focus ondesign expressions thatare authentic totheareaand embrace the heritage ofthe historic inhabitants ofthe McDowell Mountains.The community theme willbe"old Arizona"echoingthesimpleorganicbuildingmethods of indigenous people,prospectors and ranchers incorporating rammed earth,rustic elements,simple geometry,boulders and natural vegetation.Design 5 2145251.7 AderoCanyonPAD guidelinesforhomeswillincorporate environmentally-sensitive design techniques andthemesthathave longbeenassociatedwiththedesertsouthwest.Ahaciendaranchthemewill complement thenatural setting and reinforce a desert ranch vernacular thathas evolved over centuries. Simplebuildingmasses,withbroad overhangs,pitchedroofs,shedroofsandcarefullylocated courtyards and gateway thresholds provide for indoor/outdoor livingwith integrated shadeand landscapeforcomfortandlifestyle.Naturalmaterials of brick,adobe,stone,metalandwoodprovide attractivevisualaccentsanddurability.Strategicplacement of doorsandwindows,alongwithcareful building orientation helptocapturenaturalbreezes.Thehaciendatraditionallayout of open-oriented rooms reinforces the connectivity tothe outdoors andan expanded living area.Unlikemany communities that introduce numerous house styles withthe intent of creating architecture variety,the intentforAderoCanyonwillbeto carefully integratethemany aspects of thehaciendadesignand incorporate contemporary construction techniques and materials to encourage a strong overalldesign themeforthe community.A thoughtful and refreshing spectrum of varietywillbebetterintegrated basedonhousesize,producttype,location,orientation andhowhomesintegratewiththedesertsetting. Architecturaldesign guidelines incorporating thisdesignintentwillbeconceived,administeredand reviewedbyoneormore property owners'associations. Landscape Theoveralllandscapestrategyforthe development willfocuson highlighting thespecialnature of the AderoCanyon environment.Allsite improvements willbe complimented withlandscapetreatments of nativetrees,shrubs,cacti,succulents and ground covers.The planting design will establish astrong visuallinkbetweennew construction andthenative,naturalsetting.A comprehensive landscape strategycomprised of threeprimarytreatmentzones will beutilizedtoensuretheoveralllandscape designintent.Thesethreezoneswillinclude: •Native Treatment -areas intended for native open space. •Transitional Treatment -areasalongstreetsandROWsadjacenttothenaturaldesert. •Enhanced Treatment-areas immediately surrounding new development. Eachtreatmentmaintainsitsownidentityand consistency of character whilesharingplantspeciesand designelementstocreatelogicaltransitionsbetweenlandscapedareas.Thesedifferingtreatmentsare designed tobothpromote preservation andallow homeowners flexibility in personal aestheticwithin theirlotswhilemaintainingaunifiedtheme.AllplantmaterialsshallbefromtheTownofFountain Hills approved plantspecieslists.Apropertyowners'associationshallbe responsible forthe maintenance of landscapingalongallrights-of-way,includingthepublicright-of-wayforEagleRidge Drive. 2145251.7 Native Treatment -areas intended for native open space. Transitional Treatment -areas along streets and ROWs adjacent to the natural desert. Enhanced Treatment-areas immediately surrounding new development Native Landscape Zone The Native Landscape Zone(NLZ)is intended to mimic the native condition of Adero Canyon inboth plant species and densities aswellas native ground cover treatment.Disturbance from construction activities within the NLZ will be revegetated tothe native condition.NLZ areasare primarily reservedfornative open space. Transition Landscape Zone The Transition Landscape Zone(TLZ)is similar innaturetothe Native Landscape Zoneandhasthegeneral appearance of the natural desert,but is intended to incorporate additionaladaptivespeciestoseamlesslyblendtheNativeandEnhanced Landscape Zones. TheTLZis also appropriate forimprovedroadside landscapes and disturbed areasthat warrant an improved landscape treatment. Enhanced Landscape Zone WhiletheEnhancedLandscapeZone(ELZ)maintainsmany of thesamecharacteristicsastheNative andTransition Landscape Zones,itallowsforadditionaladaptivespeciesandtreatmentsfor improvements adjacent to residential development andkey community features suchassite amenities andcommunityentrances.TheELZallowsflexibilityforindividualresidentialexpressionwhile maintainingcontinuitythroughoutthecommunityandwiththenativecondition of Adero Canyon. Conceptual Integrated Reuse of Boulders The planned townhomes havebeen thoughtfully organized to blend in with the terrain and natural setting.Eachgrouping of unitshasbeencarefullyconsideredforviewsintoandoutofthesite.The meandering roadway and circulation route provides access toaseriesof strategically located building pads.Associated retaining walls will be integrated into the overall architectural character ofthe units. Included inthis strategy willbeaseriesof boulder landscape terrace planned alongthe lower baseof severalgroupings of unitstoblendwiththeexistingenvironment. 2145251.7 Adero Canyon PAD Adero Canyon PAD Section 3-Adero Canyon PAD Legal Description Adero Canyon PAD Area Commencing ataGLOBrassCapatthe Northwest Corner of Section 17,Township-3-North,Ranges- East,of theGilaandSaltRiverBaseandMeridian,Maricopa County,Arizona,whichisthePoint of Beginning; thence S 89°53'25"W,a distance of 162.69 feet; thenceN 17°37'39"W,a distance of 235.86 feet; thence N 19°08'15"W,a distance of 188.09 feet; thence N 26°45'55"W,a distance of 405.46 feet; thence N 59°23'01"W,a distance of 391.44 feet; thence N 30°52'15"W,a distance of 411.95 feet; thenceN 44°10'32"E,a distance of 72.17 feet; thence N 35°05'58"E,a distance of 486.04 feet; thence S 65°21 '48"E,a distance of 136.48 feet; thence S 48°27'16"E,a distance of 723.50 feet; thence S 28°47'22"E,a distance of 521.43 feet; thence S 79°47'41"E,a distance of 276.70 feet; thence S 48°15'21"E,a distance of 366.99 feet; thence S 66°29'43"E,a distance of 148.14 feet; thence S 01°17'20"W,a distance of 250.46 feet; thence S 55°26'42"E,a distance of 164.36 feet; thence S 79°03'00"E,a distance of 440.08 feet; thence S 40°20'05"E,a distance of 231.03 feet; thence S 01°11 '09"W,a distance of 276.29 feet; thence S 41°49'37"W,a distance of 128.49 feet; thence S 28°54'30"W,a distance of 205.00 feet; thence S 43°06'08"W,a distance of 120.82 feet; thence N 86°55'29"E,a distance of 154.35 feet;toa tangent curve concave southwesterly witha radius of 500.00 feet; thencethroughsaidcurveanarclength of 521.97 feet,adeltaangle of 59°48'50"; thence S 33°15'41"E,a distance of 458.83 feet;toa tangent curve concave northeasterly witharadius of 500.00 feet; thencethroughsaidcurveanarclength of 103.59 feet,adeltaangle of 11°52'12"; thence S 44°54'11"W,a distance of 549.72 feet; thenceS 26°22'38"E,adistance of 79.43feet;toa non-tangent curveconcave southwesterly witha radialbearing of S 57°42'50"Wandwitharadius of 941.03feet; thencethroughsaidcurveanarclength of 21.08 feet,adeltaangle of 01°17'01"; thencethroughsaidcurveanarclength of 125.67feet,adeltaangle of 07°39'07"; thenceS 63°37'22"W,adistance of 76.85feet;toa non-tangent curveconcavewesterlywitharadial bearing of S 65°32'36"Wandwitharadius of 865.00feet; thencethroughsaidcurveanarclength of 265.06feet,adeltaangle of 17°33'24"; thence S 06°54'00"E,a distance of 48.00 feet; thence N39°14'11"W,a distance of 180.33 feet; thence N 22°01'13"W,a distance of 518.76 feet; thence N 41°06'07"W,a distance of 339.40 feet; thence N 18°18'49"W,a distance of 371.42 feet; thence N 56°00'07"W,a distance of 183.78 feet; thence N 80°37'56"W,a distance of 455.43 feet; thence N 53°14'25"W,a distance of 536.86 feet; 8 2145251.7 AderoCanyonPAD thenceN 15°00'08"W,a distance of 285.85feet; thenceN27°12'16"W,adistance of 209.34feet; thence N 58°25'53"W,a distance of 142.26 feet; thence N 00°07'50"W,a distance of 146.16 feet;which isthe Point of Beginning,having anareaof 3,529,185.23 square feet,or 81.0189 acres. Exception to the Boundary EPCOR Revised Reservoir Site No.6 Commencing ataGLO Brass Capatthe Northwest Corner of Section 17,Township-3-North,Ranges- East,of theGilaandSaltRiverBaseandMeridian,MaricopaCounty,Arizona; thenceS 76°48'30"E,adistance of 349.51 feettothePoint of Beginning; thence N 00°00'00"W,a distance of 123.95feet; thence N 64°25'00"E,a distance of 76.25 feet; thence S 77°24'01"E,a distance of 88.80 feet; thence S 77°24'0r E,a distance of 86.88 feet; thence S 16°39'33"W,a distance of 188.32 feet; thenceS73°20'27"E,adistance of 61.13feet;toanon-tangentcurveconcavesoutheasterlywitha radialbearing of S 17°38'05"Eandwitharadius of 35.50feet; thencethroughsaidcurveanarclength of 42.76feet,adeltaangle of 69°01 '09"; thence N 86°39'14"W,a distance of 105.31 feet; thenceN 47°36'09"W,adistance of 155.72 feet;whichisthePoint of Beginning,havinganarea of 47,180.46 square feet,or 1.0831 acres. TotalfortheAderoCanyonPADareais 3,482,004.77 squarefeet,or79.9358acres. 2145251.7