HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2014-33RESOLUTION 2014-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYORAND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT,TITLE,OR INTEREST ITHASINA CERTAIN 15'WATER LINE EASEMENT LOCATED WITHIN PLAT705,PARCELA,FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,ASRECORDED IN THE OFFICEOFTHE COUNTY RECORDEROF MARICOPA COUNTY,ARIZONA, RECORDED IN BOOK 468 OF MAPS,PAGE 3. WHEREAS,the Mayor and Council ofthe Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town Council"),asthe governing body ofreal property located in the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town"),may require the dedication of public streets,sewer,water,drainage,andother utility easements or rights-of-way within anyproposed subdivision;and WHEREAS,the Town Council hasthe authority toacceptorreject offers of dedication of private propertyby easement,deed,subdivision,plator other lawful means;and WHEREAS,ChaparralCityWaterCompanyhasreceived notification oftheproposed abandonment. NOW THEREFORE,BEIT RESOLVED BY THE MAYORAND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAINHILLS,as follows: SECTION1.Thatthe 15'water line easement lying withinPlat705,ParcelA,Fountain Hills,as recordedtheOfficeoftheCountyRecorderofMaricopaCounty,Arizona,Book468ofMaps,Page 3,and asmore particularly describedin Exhibit A,attachedheretoand incorporated hereinbyreference.ishereby declared to be abandoned by the Town. SECTION 2.ThatthisResolutionisoneof abandonment anddisclaimerbytheTownsolelyfor thepurposeofremovinganypotentialcloudonthetitletosaidpropertyandthattheTowninnoway attemptstoaffecttherightsofanyprivatepartyto oppose the abandonment or assert anyright resulting there fromorexisting previous to any actionby the Town. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, June 19,2014. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS:ATTESTED TO: liiada M.Kavanatjh,Mayor REVIEWED BY: Kenneth Buchanan,Town Manager Andrew J.McGuire,Town Attorney TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EASEMENT ABANDONMENT EXHIBIT "A" PLAT 705 REPLAT,PARCEL A-(MCR 98-0338677) SCALE:1"-125' DATE:5-21-14 ^537*7*