HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1997-15RESOLUTION NO.1997 -15 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA;AMENDING THE ADOPTION AGREEMENT FOR THE ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION PROTOTYPE MONEY PURCHASE PLAN AND TRUST FOR THE TOWN MANAGER; WHEREAS,the Town has previously established amoney purchase retirement planinthe form of the ICMA Retirement Corporation Prototype Money Purchase Planand Trust forthe Town Manager pursuanttothespecificprovisionsofanAdoptionAgreement;and WHEREAS,theCouncilhaspreviously adopted resolutionsrequiringtheTownto"pick up"themandatoryemployeecontributionsmadeonbehalfoftheTownManager;and WHEREAS,the Council desires to amend the Adoption Agreement providing for increased contributions tobemadebyboththeTownandtheTown Manager totheplan. NOW,THEREFORE,BEIT RESOLVED bythe Mayor and Common Council forthe Town of Fountain Hills,Arizona,that effective July1,1997,anduntil Further Resolutions of the MayorandtheCommonCouncil,the Town's contributionrateshallbe9.5%oftheTown ManagersearningsandthemandatoryemployeecontributionratebytheTownManagershallbe 9.5%of the Town Manager's earnings;and BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED,thatthe Town will pick upthe Town Manager's revised employeecontributionrateofcontribution;and BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED,thatthe Mayor ishereby authorized anddirectedto executeaSecondAmendmenttotheAdoptionAgreementtothePlanestablishingtherevised contribution rate as set forth above;and PASSED AND ADOPTED theMayorandCommonCouncil of theTownofFountain Hills,Arizona,this Htk day of frpwl 1997. William E.Farrell,Town Attorney REVIEWED BY: PaulL.Nordin,Town Manager rev.March 19,1997 Attest JerryMiles,Mayorr/Jerry Miles,J\ Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk c SECOND AMENDMENT TO ADOPTION AGREEMENT OF TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MANAGEMENT ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION PROTOTYPE MONEY PURCHASE PLAN AND TRUST WHEREAS,theTownofFountainHills,Arizona(the "Employer"),became a participating EmployerintheICMARetirementCorporationManagementPlan(the"Plan")byexecutionof an Adoption Agreement effective March 21,1991; WHEREAS,theEmployerisauthorized,pursuanttothePlan,toadopt amendments tothe Adoption Agreement;and WHEREAS,the Employer has determined that amendments arerequiredtoassurethe Plan's successful operation and administration. NOW,THEREFORE,pursuant tothe authority granted inthePlan,thefollowing amendments are adopted: 1.Paragraph 1 of Section VIIis amended inits entirety,effective withrespectto Participant EarningspaidonorafterJuly1,1997,toreadasfollows: "VII.CONTRIBUTION PROVISIONS 1.The Employer shall contribute as follows (choose one): (X)Fixed Employer Contributions Withor Without Mandatory Employee contributions. The Employer shall contribute on behalf ofeach Participant 9.5% ofEarningsforthePlanYear (subject tothelimitationsofArticle VIofthePlan).Each Participant is required to contribute 9.5%of EarningsforthePlanYearasaconditionofparticipation.(Write "0"ifno contribution isrequired.)IftheParticipantcontributions arerequiredunderthisoption,aParticipantshallnothavetheright todiscontinueorvarytherateofsuch contributions afterbecoming aPlan Participant. TheEmployerherebyelectsto "pick up"the Mandatory/Required Participant Contribution. X Yes No" 2.Nothing inthisSecond Amendment shallbe construed to adversely affect the rights of any Participant toany benefit provided under thePlannorto decrease any accruedbenefitunderthePlan,excepttotheextentpermittedundertheInternal Revenue codeor necessary to maintain thePlanasone qualified under Section 401(a)ofthe Internal Revenue Code. rev.March 19,1997 L IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Employer hascausedthis Second Amendment to be executed on this Ili-Uday of AflW 1 1997. EMPLOYER:ACCEPTED: TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION By t:(IAA^ul yD fdw^~lAttest:(JJUa a yj fOW^L^J Attest:. Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk rev.March 19,1997