HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1997-23L c When recorded,return to: Engineering Department Town of Fountain Hills P.O.Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 lift' RESOLUTION +996*23 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA TO ACCEPT FROM THE PROPERTY OWNER OF PLAT 604B,BLOCK 6,LOT1 ALL RIGHT,TITLE,AND INTEREST THEY POSSESS TO CERTAIN REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA WHEREAS,The Town Councilof the Town ofFountain Hills,as the governing body of real property located in the Townof Fountain Hills,may require the dedication of public streets,sewer,water,drainage,and other utility easements or rights-of-way within any proposed subdivision;and WHEREAS,TheTownCouncilof the TownofFountain Hills has the authority to accept or reject offers of dedication of private property by easement,deed, subdivision,plat or other lawful means;and WHEREAS,All present utility companies have received notification of the proposed abandonment; NOW THEREFORE,be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Townof Fountain Hills,Arizona as follows: SECTION ].That itis the intention of the Mayor and the Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills,Arizona to accept by deed any and all interest possessed by Philip and Clare Holcombe in the real property as depicted in"Exhibit B" and described in "Exhibit A". SECTION2.That upon presentation of proper documentation reviewed by the Town Attorney and certified by the Town Engineer,the Mayor and Town Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to accept the deed for the real property and personal property and are instructed to record same in the Office of the Maricopa County Recorder for notice to the world as the intent of the Town of Fountain Hills to accept this property as public right-of-way. 1997 Resolution 4996-23 Page 1 of 2 SECOND AfpO » COUNT le^l (9(sfiK<>v-n^ PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of May,1997. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: iWED BY Paul L.Nordin Town Manager ATTEST: (_^M^6>Jj Cassie B.Hansen Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: [AMlMZb £<%AAi(j{fcW\ William E.Farrell Town Attorney Resolution 1996-23 Page 2 of 2 Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR A PORTION OF PLAT 604-B AMENDED,BLOCK 6 (MUSTANG DRIVE),FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA AportionofMustangDrivelocatedinSection20and21,Township3North,Range6Eastof theGilaandSaltRiverBaseand Meridian,Fountain Hills,Maricopa County,Arizonaandmore particularlydescribedasfollows: BEGINNING atthe most Southwesterly corner of Fountain Hills,FinalPlatNo.604-B Amended as recorded on January 27,1978in Book 196,Page27oftherecords of the Maricopa County Recorder; THENCE North57°05'00"Easta distance of 84.00 feet crossing Palisades Boulevard alongthe boundaryofsaidPlat604-B Amended,toapointona non-tangent curve concave Northeasterly andhavingaradiusof558.00feet,saidpointbeingontheEasterlyright-of-waylineofPalisades Boulevard as described above; (THENCE Northwesterly alongsaidcurvethroughacentralangleof 18°40'07",anarclength ^^of 181.81 feet to a point on a tangent curve concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 20.00 feet,saidpointbeingontheEasterlyright-of-waylineofPalisadesBoulevard; THENCENortheasterlyalongsaidcurvethroughacentralangleof 16°20'06",anarclength of5.70feettoapointonatangentcurveconcaveSoutheasterlyandhavingaradiusof20.00 feet,saidpointbeingonthe Easterly right-of-way lineof Palisades Boulevard,saidpoint being thetruepointofbeginningofParcel "B"; THENCE Northeasterly alongsaidcurvethroughacentralangleof72°17'24",anarclength of 25.23 feet; THENCE South 09°27'00"East a distance of 15.88 feet; THENCE North80°33'00"East a distance of 17.45feettothePointof Beginning ofsaid Parcel "B". Thisparcelcontains0.0046acresmoreorless. \z a m / ' E X H I B I T B T O W N OF FO U N T A I N HI L L S R I G H T - O F - W A Y / E A S E M E N T AC Q U I S I T I O N A PO R T I O N OF PL A T 6 0 4 - B AM E N D E D . BL O C K 6, LO T 1 SC A L E : 1 " = 5 0 ' \iif(fcsx \*njg^ts When Recorded Return to: Engineering Department Town of Fountain Hills P.O.Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED (A Portion of Plat 604-B Amended,Block 6,Lot 1) FortheconsiderationofTenDollars($10.00)andothervaluableconsiderations,PhilipandClareHolcombe ("Grantor"),herebyconveystotheTownofFountainHills,("Grantee"),thefollowingrealpropertysituatedin MaricopaCounty,Arizona(the"Property"): See Exhibit "A"and"B"attached heretoand incorporated hereinbythisreference. Andtogetherwithatemporaryconstructioneasementforaperiodof6monthsasshowninExhibitB. SUBJECT toalltaxesand other assessments,reservations in patents orall easement,covenants,conditions, restrictions,reservations,rightsandrightsofway,obligationsandliabilitiesasmayappearofrecord,andtoall Federal,State,County,Districtandlocallaws,ordinances,regulations,zoningcodesandthelikeasthesamenow existand as maybe hereafter established oramended. Grantorherebywaives,releasesandrelinquishesallsurfacerightstotheProperty,includingwithoutlimitationthe rightsofingressandegresson,to,overandacrosstheProperty. GrantorherebybindsitselfanditssuccessorstowarrantanddefendthetitleasagainstallactsofGrantor herein and noneother,subjecttothemattersabovesetforth.< ^_i99$rDatedthis/-3 day nf-Z'.S-\Q^oC'<> By:PUy ^Auut^ STATE OF ARIZONA Countyof Maricopa SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TOBE before me this, 199^f by Philip and Clare Holcombe,Owners. My Commission Expires:J£/j&/c¥l' c.-4-1 i->W*.X. lik~day of -f^^^l^u /S OFRCIAL SEAL ^BEVELYN J.BENDER NOTARY PUBUC-ARBOI* MARICOPA COUNTY Myomfl.«0mAuQ.2*1000 T yfjotary Public