HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1997-36RESOLUTION NO.1997-36 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ADOPTING THE TENTATIVE BUDGET AS THE 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS. WHEREAS,in accordance withthe provisions of Title 42,Sections 301,302,303and 304,A.R.S.,the Town Council ofthe Town of Fountain Hillsdid,onJuly3,1997,makean estimate ofthe different amounts required tomeetthepublic expenditures andexpensesforthe ensuing year,alsoan estimate of revenues from sources other than direct taxation,andthe amount tobe raised by taxation uponrealand personal property of the Town of $356,220;and WHEREAS,in accordance withsaidsectionsofsaidtitle,and following duepublic notice,the Council met on August 7,1997,at which meeting any taxpayer was privileged to appear andbe heard in favor ofor against any of the proposed expenditures and expenses;and WHEREAS,it appears that publication has been duly made as required bylaw,ofsaid estimates together witha notice that the Town Council would meet on August 7,1997,atthe meeting place ofthe Council forthe purpose of hearing taxpayers;and WHEREAS,it appears that the sums tobe raised by taxation,as specified therein,donot inthe aggregate amount exceed that amount as computed in Title 42 Section 301.A,A.R.S.; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the said estimates of revenues, expenditures and expenses shown onthe accompanying schedules asnow increased,reduced or changed by and the same are hereby adopted asthe budget of the Town of Fountain Hills forthe fiscal year 1997-98. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of August,1997,by the Mayor and Town Council of Fountain Hills. ATTEST:Jerry Miles -/2AL Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk Paul L.Nordin,Town Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM! •TnlL^/Ppj/<g)FA,L J_£Z^11 William E.Farrell,Town Attorney MOTION .OH SECOND OffjpA COUNT "7-0 RESOLUTION 1997-37 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,AMENDING RESOLUTION 1997-28 BY CLARD7YING THE LOCATION OF REAL PROPERTY THAT COULD BE ACQUIRED UPON THE SUCCESSFUL AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE AND SELL $6,000,000 PRTNCD7AL AMOUNT OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS,PROJECT OF 1997. WHEREAS,theMayorand Common Council of theTown of Fountain Hills,Arizona,on June19,1997,adoptedResolutionNo.1997-28,orderingand calling a special bondelectiontobe heldon November 4,1997;and WHEREAS,ExhibitAto Resolution 1997-28 calledfortheprincipal amount of thebonds tobeusedto acquire real property withintheareaknownasthe McDowell Mountains;and WHEREAS,upon reflection bythe Council and review bybondattorneys,itwasdetermined thatit would beinthebest interests ofthe Town and the qualified electors to define the property with morespecificitythanExhibitAtoResolution 1997-28 provided; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCEL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAEV HHXS,ARIZONA,AS FOLLOWS: Section1.That ExhibitA,the Official Ballot,toResolution1997-28,isherebyamendedto providethefollowingquestion: Question ShalltheMayorandCommonCouncil of theTown of FountainHills,Arizona(the "Town"),be authorized toissueandsellgeneralobligationbonds of theTownintheprincipalamount of $6,000,000toprovidefundsto:(1)acquire,purchase or condemn real property located in Sections 5,6,7,8and17 of Township3North,Range6East,GilaandSaltRiverBaseand Meridian foropen spacepreserves,parks,trailsandrecreationalpurposes,and(2)payall environmental,financial,legal, engineeringand other costs incurred in connection withthe purpose andthe issuance of thebonds? Section 2.That all other sections ofResolution 1997-28 are to remain in full force and effect and all other paragraphs of theOfficialBallotonExhibitAaretoremaininfullforceandeffect. (PASSyFAIL _&l1z-CL Resolution 1997-37 MOTION JOcdt^ Page 1 of 2 SECONQwhb COUNT JAM^x. L PASSED AND ADOPTED bythe Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills,Arizona this 7th day of August,1997. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS:ATTESTED TO: REVIEWED BY: PaulL.Nordin,Town Manager Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Bond Counsel tr Resolution 1997-37 Page2 of2 Z:\WPDATA\FH\RES\1997-37.RES RESOLUTION NO.1997-38 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,AMENDING THE PAY RESOLUTION FOR EMPLOYEES IN THE MUNICIPAL SERVICE OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS. WHEREAS,theTownCouncildesirestoamendand update job descriptions andpay ranges for employees inthe municipal service of the Town of Fountain Hills;and WHEREAS,the Town Council desires thattherates of paysetforthinsaid resolution shall supersede any previous salary ranges forsaid employees in various classes or positions; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA: SECTION 1:That the minimum and maximum annual salaries forthe employees of the Town of Fountain Hills described herein by position title shall beas follows: POSITION TITLE Engineer Community Development Director Town Marshal Parks &Recreation Director Street Superintendent Senior Planner Director of AdministrationYTown Clerk Accounting Supervisor Court Administrator Information Systems Specialist Public Works Foreman/Supervisor Recreation Program Coordinator Accountant Resolution 1997-38,Page 1 of 4 MINIMUM MAXIMUM 54,000 78,300 53,000 76,900 51,200 72,200 46,000 66,700 40,500 58,800 39,000 56,600 38,800 56,300 35,400 51,400 35,000 50,800 34,300 49,800 33,400 48,500 30,90044,800 29,80043,200 (PASS/TAIL %-7-^7 MOTION rt>ry\^, SECOND Lru^Vf yxtf COUNT *7-p VifiSjjgis/ C \i^^i/ SECTION 2:Thatthehourlypayrangesforthebuildingsafety,planning and zoning,engineering,publicworks,andGoldenEagleParkdepartmentemployeesoftheTown of Fountain Hills described hereinby position titleshallbeasfollows: POSITION TITLE MINIMUM MAXIMUM Traffic Engineer Chief Building Official Senior Building Inspector Senior Engineering Inspector Senior Plans Checker Engineering Inspector Engineering Plans Reviewer Engineering Technician/Cad Operator Building Inspector Drafting/CAD Technician Planning Technician Parks Operation Worker II Building Permit Technician Parks Operation Worker I Building Department Clerk 33.00 48.00 20.00 30.00 17.00 25.00 17.00 25.00 15.00 21.90 14.40 20.90 14.40 20.90 14.40 20.90 11.80 17.10 11.70 17.00 11.50 16.70 11.50 16.70 11.00 16.00 9.90 14.40 9.60 14.00 SECTION 3:Thatthehourlypayrangesforthemarshal department employees of the Town of Fountain Hills described herein by position titleshallbeas follows: POSITION TITLE MINIMUM MAXIMUM Deputy Marshal Administrative Services Coordinator Radio Operator Records Clerk 13.50 19.60 10.50 15.30 10.50 15.30 9.50 13.80 Resolution 1997-38,Page 2 of 4 \m^d/ SECTION 4:Thatthehourlypayrangesforthestreetdepartmentemployeesof theTownof Fountain Hills described hereinby position titleshallbeasfollows: POSITION TITLE MINIMUM MAXIMUM Field Supervisor Mechanic Maintenance III Maintenance II Maintenance I Maintenance Worker 13.50 19.60 12.50 18.10 12.30 17.90 10.90 15.80 9.90 14.40 8.00 11.60 SECTION 5:That thehourlypayrangesforthe administrative support employees of the Town of Fountain Hills described herein by position title shall beas follows: POSITION TITLE MINIMUM MAXIMUM Executive Assistant Human Resource Specialist Administrative Assistant (^,Court Services Specialist II Secretary Clerk Typist/Receptionist Court Services Specialist I 13.30 19.30 12.00 17.40 11.10 16.80 9.60 14.00 9.20 13.40 8.10 11.80 7.00 13.00 SECTION 6:That the hourly pay ranges for part-time,seasonal and temporary employees ofthe Town of Fountain Hills described herein by position titleshallbeasfollows: POSITION TITLE MINIMUM MAXIMUM Recreation Assistant III Recreation Assistant II Recreation Assistant I Intern Level III Intern Level II Intern Level I 9.20 13.30 8.10 11.80 5.30 7.70 9.00 13.10 7.00 10.20 5.20 7.60 Resolution 1997-38,Page 3 of 4 SECTION 7:Theminimumandmaximumratesandtherangesconstitutingthe salaryrangeofa position titleshall supersede any previously adopted forsaidtitles. SECTION 8:EmployeesinSection1areexemptandarenoteligibleforany overtime compensation.Employees in Sections 2,3,4,5and6are hourly/non-exempt and therefore entitled to overtime compensation. SECTION 9:The Town Manager is hereby authorized to place thesalaryofeach employee atarate of pay within the salary rangeforthe position titletowhichsaid employee is assigned.The rates of payso established for various employees shall be effective atthe time of review. SECTION 10:The adoption of Resolution 1997-38 will not cause an automatic wage increase of any employee currently inthe employ of the Town of Fountain Hills. PASSED AND ADOPTED this7thday of August,1997,bythe Mayor and Town Council of Fountain Hills. ATTEST: Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: Paul L.Nordin,Town Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM" William E.Farrell,Town Attorney Resolution 1997-38,Page 4 of 4