HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1997-44\^g/ Nj^^x RESOLUTION 1997-44 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,AMENDING THE PERSONNEL POLKTES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BY REPEALING POLICY 4.13 AND ADOPTING A NEW POLICY 4.13 REGARDING NEPOTISM;AMENDING POLICY 6.4 VACATION LEAVE BY ADDING A NEW SECTION FOR EXCESS ACCRUAL BUY BACK; AMENDING POLICY 15.11 TOWN OWNED VEHICLES AND EQUTPMENT BY ADDING A NEW SECTION FOR CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROCEDURES;AND BY ADDING A NEW POLICY 16 REGARDING INTERNET USES AND SECURITY POLICY. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,AS FOLLOWS: Section1.ThattheTownhasadoptedpersonnelpoliciesand procedures andthattheCouncil wishestoamend those policiesand procedures asfollows. Section 2.Thatpolicy 4.13 presentlyprohibitingnepotismisrepealedandanewpolicy 4.13 to allowforemployment of relativesundercertaincircumstancesisattachedheretoasExhibit"A". Section 3.Thatpolicy 6.14 regardingvacationleaveisamendedbyaddinganew paragraph that provides for the buyback of excessaccrualand that amendment is attached hereto asExhibit"B". Section4.That policy 15.11 regardingTownownedvehiclesandequipmentisamendedby addinganewsubsectionCprovidingfortestingforcontrolledsubstanceandalcoholatthediscretion ofthe investigating officer orsupervisorandthenewamendmentis attached heretoasExhibit"C". Section5.Thatanewpolicy 16 regardingInternetusageandsecurityis attached heretoas Exhibit "D". Resolution 1997-44 £\WPDATA\FH\RES\1997-44.RES "age 1 OI Z c PASSED AND ADOPTED bythe Mayor andCommonCouncil of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona this 4th day of September,1997. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN FULLS:ATTESTED TO: REVIEWED BY: Paul L.Nordin,Town Manager Z:\WPDATA\FH\RES\1997-45.RES Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: WilliamE.Farrell,Town Attorney Resolution 1997-4^ Page 2 of2 4.13 NEPOTISM EXHIBIT "A"if RESOLUTION 1997-4S A relative of aregular full timeemployeemaybeconsideredforemploymentwiththeTown inanydepartmentunlessthe employment wouldcreateadirectorindirectsupervisory- subordinate relationship.Employeeswhomarry,orbecomerelatives of anotherregular full timeemployeebymarriage,maycontinue employment solongasthereisnotadirector indirectsupervisor-subordinate relationship.Forthepurposes of thispolicyrelativemeans thespouse,child,child's child,parent,grandparent,brother orsister of thewholeorhalf blood andtheir spouses andtheparent,brother,sisterorchild of aspouse.Town reserves the option to transfer ordismissaffectedemployees. L L EXHIBIT "B" RESOLUTION 1997-4^ 6.4 VACATION LEAVE H.Excess Accrual Buy Back Atthelastpayperiodof December ofeach calendar yeartheTownshallcalculatethenumber of hours ofvacationleaveaccruedbyeachfulltime employee.Foreachfulltimeemployee who has exceeded the maximum amount of accrual as set forth in Section B.above a sum equaltoeightypercent(80%)of therate of thethencurrentrate of payforeachemployee will beaddedtothe employee's paycheck,subjecttoalldeductions,andwillbepaidwiththe lastpaycheck of thecalendaryear.Thetotalnumber of hoursaccruedinexcess of the maximumallowableratewillbedeductedfromthe employee's accumulationandthe employee will start thenext calendar yearatthemaximumlevel. EXHIBIT "CCJLAJtilJSll"L, RESOLUTION 1997-4^ 15.11 TOWN OWNED VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT w If intheopinion of theMarshalortheemployee'ssupervisorthereisreasontobelievethat the employee mayhaveused alcohol or controlled substance,theMarshalorsupervisormay immediately instructtheemployeetocomplywiththe Town's establishedcontrolled substances andalcoholusetestingprogram. L XVI TOWN PROPERTY EXHIBIT "D" RESOLUTION 1997-4^ Attachedheretoare five (5)pages consisting ofthenewpolicy numbered 16.1 regarding Internet usageandsecuritypolicy. NSfjptl/ TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Effective 1/96 1.Notify their Supervisor andthe Town Clerk's officeassoonas possible.TheSupervisorshallinspectpropertydamageandobtain estimateofrepairor replacement cost. 2.File a Vehicle/Property Damage incident report within two working days. 15.12 RETURN OF TOWN PROPERTY AnemployeewholeavestheTownserviceduetoretirement,layoffor dismissal, is responsible for returning any Town property inhisorher possession.Any badge,identification card,creditcardorother item certifying position or authority mustalsobereturned.Thefinalpaycheckoftheemployeeshallbewithhelduntil suchpropertyanditemsarereturnedor arrangements forpaymentaremadein lieu thereof. 15.13 TOWN EMPLOYEE CODE OF ETHICS NoemployeeoftheTownofFountainHillsmayatanytimeusethefactofhis Townemploymenttosecureunwarrantedprivileges,obtainpersonalgain,or influence the policies and actions of Town officials onbehalfofany special interest or persons. XVI.TOWN PROPERTY 16.1 INTERNET USAGE AND SECURITY POLICY A.Introduction All employees granted internet access,utilizingTownofFountainHills facilities,willbeprovidedwithawrittencopyofthispolicy. TheTownofFountainHillswilllimitInternetaccesstothoseemployees who demonstrate a legitimate business need. B.Definitions: Certain termsinthis policy should be understood expansively toinclude related concepts. 1.Town of Fountain Hills -includes all branches of Town Government. 2.Document -covers anyfilethatcanbereadona computer screen asifitwerea printed page,including the so-called HTML files readinan Internet browser,anyfilemeanttobeaccessedbya Personnel Policies and Procedures 41 c TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Effective 1/96 word processing or desk-top publishing program oritsviewer,or thefiles prepared forthe Adobe Acrobat reader and other electronic publishing tools. 3.Graphics -includes photographs,pictures,animations,movies,or drawings. 4.Displav-includesmonitors,flat-panelactiveorpassivematrix displays,monochrome LCDS,projectors,televisions andvirtual- reality tools. 5.Firewall -any software,hardware,or combination that functions to protect,control access toor from any Town of Fountain Hills network. Policy Provisions 1.Management and Administration a.The Town of Fountain Hills has software and systems in placethat can monitor and record all Internet usage.Our security systems are capable of recording (for each and every user)each World Wide Web sitevisit,each chat, newsgroup or e-mail message,and each file transfer into and out of our internal networks,and the Town reserves the right todosoatany time.No employee should haveany expectation of privacy astohisorher Internet usage.The Town Manager may review Internet activity and analyze usage patterns,and may choose to publicize this data to assure that Town of Fountain Hills Internet resources are devoted to maintaining the highest levels of productivity. b.Colleagues,citizens or occasional users may deem awide variety of materials offensive.Itisa violation of Town of Fountain Hills policy tostore,view,printor redistribute any document or graphic filethatisnotdirectlyrelatedto the users job orthe Town of Fountain Hills'business activities.The Town reserves therightto inspect anyand allfiles stored in private areas of its network in order to assure compliance with policy. c.The display of anykindof sexually explicit imageor document onany Town of Fountain Hillsowned system maybeaviolationofTownpolicyonsexualharassment. Inaddition,sexually explicit materialmaynotbearchived, stored,distributed,edited or recorded using the Town's Personnel Policies and Procedures 42 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Effective i % network or computing resources. d.TheTownof Fountain Hillsusesindependentlysupplied softwareanddatatoidentify inappropriate orsexually explicit Internet sites.Access maybe blocked fromwithin our networks to all such known sites.If a user finds that they have accidently connected toasitethat contains sexually explicit or offensive material,theymust disconnect from that site immediately,regardless of whether thatsite hadbeen previously deemed acceptable byany screening or rating program. e.The Town of Fountain Hills'Internet facilities and computing resources shall notbe used to violate thelaws and regulations of the United States,orany other nation,or the laws and regulations of anystate,cityor province,or other local jurisdiction inany material way.Use of any Town owned or provided resources for illegal activity is grounds for immediate termination. f.Any software or files downloaded,viathe Internet intothe Town of Fountain Hills'network,becomes the property of the Town of Fountain Hills.Any such filesor software maybe used only in ways that are consistent with their licenses or copyrights.Employees with Internet access may download only software with direct business use,and must arrange to have such software properly licensed and registered. g.NoonemayusetheTownof Fountain Hills'Internet facilities to deliberately propagate any intentionally malicious or destructive computer programs including but not limited to:viruses,worms,Trojan horse,or trap-door program codes. h.Noonemayusethe Town of Fountain Hills'Internet facilities knowingly to disable or overload any computer systemornetwork,ortocircumventanysystemintendedto protecttheprivacyorsecurityofanotheruser. i.EachemployeeusingtheInternetfacilitiesoftheTownof Fountain Hillsshallidentify himself honestly,accurately, Personnel Policiesand Procedures 43 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Effective 1/96 and completely (including one's TownofFountainHills affiliation and function where requested)when participating inchatsor newsgroups,orwhensettingup accounts on outside computer systems. j.Onlythoseemployeesorofficialswhoaredulyauthorized tospeakonbehalfoftheTownofFountainHillsmay speak/write inthe name of the Town of Fountain Hillsto anynewsgrouporchatroom.Otheremployeesmay participate in newsgroups orchatsinthecourseofbusiness whenrelevanttotheirduties,buttheydosoasindividuals speakingforthemselves.Whereanindividualparticipant is identified asan employee oragentoftheTownof FountainHills,theemployeemustrefrainfromany unauthorized political advocacy andmustrefrainfromthe unauthorizedendorsementorappearanceofendorsementby theTownofFountainHillsofanycommercialproductor service notsoldor serviced bythe government oftheTown of Fountain Hills.Onlythose managers,staff membersand Town of Fountain Hills'officials who are authorized to on behalf oftheTownof Fountain Hillsmaygrantsuch authorityto newsgroup orchatroomparticipants. k.TheTownof Fountain Hillsretainsthe copyright toany material posted toanyforum,newsgroup,chatorWorld Wide Web page byan employee inthe course of hisorher duties. 1.Employees are reminded that chats and newsgroups are public forumswhereitis inappropriate toreveal confidential Town of Fountain Hills information,data,and any other material covered by existing Town of Fountain Hills policies and procedures.Employees releasing protected information viaa newsgroup or chat -whether or not the release is inadvertent -willbe subject toall penalties under in existing data security policies and procedures. m.Use of Town of Fountain Hills'Internet access facilities to commit infractions such as misuse of Town of Hills assets or resources,sexual harassment,unauthorized public speaking,and misappropriation ortheftof intellectual Personnel Policies and Procedures 44 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Effective \m property arealso prohibited by general Town of Fountain Employee policy andwillbe sanctioned under therelevant provisions of the personnel handbook. n.The Town of Fountain Hillswill comply withauthorized requests fromlaw enforcement and regulatory agenciesfor logs,diaries and archives on individuals'Internet activities. o.Employees with Internet accessmusttake particular careto understand the copyright trademark,libel,slander,and public speech control laws of all countries in which the Town of Fountain Hills maintains a presence,sothatour use of the Internet does not inadvertently violate anylaws which might be enforceable against us. p.Employees with Internet access maynot upload any software licensed to the Town of Fountain Hills or data owned or licensed bythe Town of Fountain Hills without explicit authorization fromthe Town Manager or designated responsible authority. 2.Technical a.User IDs and passwords help maintain individual accountability for Internet resource usage.Any employee who obtains a password or ED foran Internet resource must keep that password confidential.Town of Fountain Hills' policy prohibits the sharing of userIDsor passwords obtained for access to Internet sites. b.Employees should schedule communications-intensive operations suchaslargefile transfers,videodownloads, mass e-mailings,andthelikefor off-peak times. c.All software available on the Internet must be scanned for Trojan Horsecodeor computer virusesonceithasbeen downloaded toa Town of Fountain Hills'computer.All downloaded software should be loaded preferably ontoa floppydiskandnottothesystemharddisk.Onceyouare reasonably assuredthatthe downloaded softwaredoesnot containTrojanhorsesor computer viruses,itcanbeplaced onthe hard drive.Ifthe software willnotfitonafloppy disk,thentheonly option istheharddisk. Personnel Policies and Procedures 45 Xij'j^l^ ^&$0$r TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Effective 1/96 All downloaded software must be scanned fora potentially harmfulcodebeforeitis executed onany Town owned computer. d.Video and audio streaming and downloading technologies represent significant data traffic,which can cause local network congestion.Video and audio downloading should be avoided andonlybe scheduled for off-peak times. 3.Security a.TheTownof Fountain Hills has installed a variety of firewalls,proxies,Internet address screening programs,and other security systems to assure the safety and security of theTownof Fountain Hills'networks.Any employee or userwho attempts to disable,defeat,or circumvent any Townof Fountain Hills'security facility will be subject to immediate termination. b.Computers thatuse their own modems to create independent data connections toany outside computer can beusedbyanattackertocompromiseanyTownof FountainHills'networktowhichthatcomputerisattached. Thatiswhyany computer usedfor independent dial-up or leased-line connectionstoanyoutsidecomputerornetwork must be physically isolated from Town of Fountain Hills' internalnetworksatthetimeofanymodemuse. c.Only those Internet services and functions with documented business purposes forthe Town of Fountain Hillswillbe enabled at the Internet firewall. d.TownofFountainHills'networksecuritypolicyrequires thatallFTPtransactionsbeblockedatthefirewallexcept to machines isolated from secure data.However,users with aspecificbusinessneedforFTPmayrequestsuchaccess in writing to Information Systems. Personnel Policies and Procedures 46 xab*/' TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Effective i/% Please read the following and sign: "Ihave received a written copyofmyTownof Fountain Hills'Internet usagepolicy.Ifully understand the terms of this policy and agree to abide by them.I realize thatthe Town of Fountain Hills'security software may record for management usethe Internet addressofanysite thatIvisitandkeepa record of any network activity in which I transmit or receive anykindof file.I acknowledge that any message I send or receive may be recorded and stored inan archive filefor management use.I know that any violation of this policy could lead to dismissal or even criminal prosecution." <w Employee Name: Date: Personnel Policies and Procedures