HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1998-34 - FAILED• When Recorded Return to: Town of Fountain Hills Engineering Dept. PO Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 1998-34 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA PURSUANT TO A.R.S.§28-1901 ET.SEP.ABANDONING ALL RIGHT,TITLE OR INTEREST IN PORTIONS OF CERTAIN PUBLIC RIGHTS- OF-WAY LOCATED WITHIN FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NUMBER 207,BLOCK 1 AS RECORDED IN BOOK 147,PAGE 6 OF THE RECORDS OF THE MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDER WHICH HAVE BEEN FOUND TO BE NO LONGER NECESSARY. WHEREAS,A.R.S.§28-1901et.seg.providesforthedispositionofunnecessarypublicroads;and WHEREAS,TheTownCounciloftheTownofFountainHillsisthegoverningbodyoftheTown;and NOW THEREFORE,beit resolved bythe Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona,as follows: SECTION 1.Thatthe30'publicalleylocatedwithinPlat207,Block1,adjacenttoLots1,2,3,4,5,and 17,asrecordedinBook147,Page6,Maricopa CountyRecorderRecordsasdepictedin Exhibit A attached heretoand incorporated hereinishereby declared tobenolonger necessary for public useasa right-of-way. SECTION 2.ThattheCouncildeterminesthispropertycanbestbeusedtoprotectthepublichealth, safetyand welfare ofthe adjacent propertyowners andthe citizens ofthe Town and thereforedeclaresthatthevalueofthepropertyisdeminimisandthatnocompensationis required fromthe adjacent property owners pursuant to A.R.S.§28-1902.A.3 and§28- 1902.A.5. SECTION 3.Thatuponrecordationofthisresolutionintheofficeofthe Maricopa CountyRecorder, titleto 15'as depicted in Exhibit Ashallvestintheownersofrecordofthe adjacent property as determined bythe records ofthe Maricopa County Recorder onthedayof recordation,subject tothe easements retained. SECTION 4.Thatapublicutility easement,drainage easement,no-building easement,and joint-use private access easement shallbe retained as shown in Exhibit A. Resolution 1998-34 Page 1 of 2 PASS(FAIl> MOTION U3 SECOND _ COUNT n-s-n lr».(xv\_ LlU /GOtovoa iko-W-0+a< PASSED AND ADOPTED this5thdayof November,1998. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS:ATTEST: Sharon Morgan,Mayor REVIEWED BY: Paul L.Nordin Town Manager Cassie B.Hansen Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E.Farrell Town Attorney Resolution 1998-34 Page2 of 2 Exhibit A TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS RIGHT-OF-WAY ABANDONMENT PLAT 207 BLOCK 1 Sfl PRIVATEACCESSEASEMENTFORTHE BENEFIT OFLOTS 3,4 &5TOBERETAINED. PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT FORTHE BENEFIT OFLOTS 1,2 &17TOBERETAINED. ALLEY R/W TO BE ABANDONED,PUBUC UTILITY EASEMENT,DRAINAGEEASEMENT 8c NO-BUILDING EASEMENT TO BE RETAINED. LOTS 1-5 &17 ABANDONMENT AREAS LOT NO.AREA AC. 1 0.0433 2 0.0510 3 0.0436 4 0.0473 5 0.0893 17 0.0950 ABANDONMENT STIPULATIONS: ABOVE GROUND UTILITY STRUCTURES SHALL NOT BE RESTRICTED. A FENCE WILL BE PERMITTED AT EITHER EDGE OF THE EXISTING ALLEY RIGHT-OF-WAY. PADLOCKABLE GATES WILL BE PERMITTED CROSSING THE ABANDONED ALLEY RIGHT-OF- WAY,(OUTSIDE OFTHEPRIVATEACCESSEASEMENT AREA)WITH THEVARIOUS UTILITIES HAVING PADLOCK ACCESS. PROPERTY OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING ANY DAMAGE TO THEIR ENCROACHING FACILITIES SHOULD A UTILITY COMPANY NEEDTO PERFORM ANY WORK ON THEIR FAC