HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1998-52L When Recorded Return to: Town of Fountain Hills Engineering Dept. PO Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 1998-52 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA ACCEPTING THE DEDICATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY FROM PLAT 509,LOTS 41 AND 42. WHEREAS,TheTownCounciloftheTownofFountainHills,asthegoverningbodyofrealproperty locatedintheTownofFountainHills,mayrequirethededicationofpublicstreets,sewer, water,drainage,andotherutilityeasementsorrights-of-waywithinanyproposed subdivision;and WHEREAS,TheTownCounciloftheTownofFountainHillshastheauthoritytoacceptor reject offers ofdedicationofprivatepropertybyeasement,deed,subdivision,platorotherlawful means; NOW THEREFORE,beit resolved bythe Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona,as follows: SECTION 1.ThattheMayorandtheCommonCounciloftheTownofFountainHills,Arizonaacceptby deedanyandallinterestpossessedbyMCO Properties intherealpropertyasdepictedin "Exhibit B"and described in "Exhibit A",for both Lots 41 and 42 of Plat 509. SECTION 2,That the Mayor andTownClerkare hereby authorized and directed toacceptthedeedfor thereal property and personal property andare instructed to record sameinthe Office of the Maricopa County Recorded for notice tothe world that the Town of Fountain Hills accepts this property as public right-of-way. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of October,1998. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS:ATTEST: JUM/^L^Uaji^M)JJt^^j Sharon Morgan,Mayor Cassie B.Hansen Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Town Manager CisVUxvri l-^ouM!/ William E.Farrell Town Attorney Resolution 1998-52 Page 1 of 2 JASS/FA1L K MOTION fcf p> SECOND t^Yvx COUNT (g~0 lo-iS-U ^<&im»t>'/ When recorded mail to: OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDER HELEN PURCELL 98-0747723 08/25/98 08:30 CAPTION HEADING: DO NOT REMOVE This is part of the official document. When Recorded Return To: MCO Properties LP. 16838 E.Palisades Blvd. Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 Attn:Jamie Rodgers MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDER HELEN PURCELL 98-0585240 07/08/98 11:23 W0RKER6 7 OF 18 Exempt ARS42-1614(A3)"Re-recorded to include Exhibit nBM SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED GRANTOR:MCO PROPERTIES L.P.,a Delaware limited partnership d/b/a MCO Properties LimitedPartnership GRANTEE:THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,anArizonamunicipal corporation FOR THE CONSIDERATION OFTen Dollars ($10.00)and other valuable considerations, GrantorherebyconveystoGranteethefollowingrealpropertysituatedin Maricopa County, Arizona,together withall improvements thereon andallrightsandprivileges appurtenant thereto (the "Property"): SeeExhibit"A"attachedheretoand incorporated hereinbyreference *and Exhibit MBM EXCEPTalloil,gasesandotherhydrocarbonsubstances,coal,stone,metals,minerals,fossilsand fertilizers of everynameand description,togetherwithall uranium,thoriumoranyother material whichisormaybe determined tobe peculiarly essential totheproduction of fissionable materials, whether or not of commercial value;and EXCEPTall underground waterin,underor flowing throughthePropertyandwaterrights appurtenant thereto; SUBJECT TOall taxes and other assessments,reservations,patents,easements,covenants, conditions,restrictions,reservations,rights,rights-of-way,obligationsand liabilities thatmay appear of record,rightsor claims of partiesin possession and easements or claims of easements notshownbythe public records;encroachments,roadways,overlaps,conflicts in boundary line, shortages inareaandother matters which would be disclosed bya survey or inspection ofthe Property;unpatented mining claims;and all Federal,State,County,District and local laws, ordinances,regulations,zoning codes andthe like asthe same now exist andas may hereafter be established or amended. c Grantor herebybindsitselfanditssuccessorsto warrant anddefendthetitleas against all acts of Grantorhereinandnoneother,subjecttothemattersabovesetforth. DATED this 24th_day of June STATE OF ARIZONA )SS COUNTY OF MARICOPA 1998. MCOPropertiesL.P.,aDelaware limited partnership By:MCOPropertiesInc.,a Delawarecorporation, generalpartner *\ By;^Afe^^^S^^' Name:Hank Lickman AS its:Vir.fi Prpg.Hpnt Thisinstrumentwasacknowledgedbeforemeonthe 2frth day of J imp byHank Lickman ,as Vir.p Prp<;iHpnt- ,1998, of MCO Properties Inc.,a Delaware corporation on behalf of that corporation,as general partner on behalfof MCO Properties L.P.,a Delaware limited partnership d/b/a MCO Properties Limited Partnership. MyCommissionExpires: £Jfc&>//snfca^* ary Public in and^or the State of Arizona OFTOALSEAJ. JAMIE RODGERS NOIAFYPUBUC-ARODNA MAUCOBtOOUOTY Mycamm.o^kw Dao.31,19 HUH c Xttj^ EXHIBIT "A" A Portion of Lot 41,Fountain Hills Arizona Final Plat 509 A portion of Lot 41,Fountain Hills Arizona Final Plat 509,located in Section 8,Township 3 North,Range 6Eastof the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian,Fountain Hills,Maricopa County,Arizona, as recorded on September 24,1992inBook354,Page2as Recording Number 92-533883 in the Records of Maricopa County,and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of said Lot 41,said corner being on a curve concave easterly and having a radius of 558.00 feet,a radial line passing through said point bears South 84 degrees 33 minutes 17 seconds West;thence northeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of13 degrees 09 minutes 49 seconds an arc length of 128.20 feet to the northerly line of said Lot 41; thence South 82 degrees 16 minutes 54 seconds East along said lot line a distance of 12.74 feet to a point on curve,said curve being concave easterly and having a radius of 398.55 feet,a radial line passing through said point bears South 87 degrees 55 minutes 19 seconds West;thence departing said northerly lot line, southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 18 degrees 00 minutes 45 seconds an arc length of 125.30 feet to the southerly line of said Lot 41;thence South 84 -degrees 33 minutes 17 seconds West along said line a distance of 39.33 feetto the POINT OF BEGINNING. This parcel contains an area.of 0.07243 acres more or less. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION EXHIBIT "B" PLAT 509 LOT 41 AREA ACRE 1 0.0911 2 0.0749 XntKaX' When recorded mail to: OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDER HELEN PURCELL 98-0747722 08/25/98 08:30 CAPTION HEADING: DO NOT REMOVE This is part of the official document. >iiyp*i^ C When Recorded Return To: MCO Properties LP. 16838 E.Palisades Blvd. Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 Attn:Jamie Rodgers OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTYRECORDER HELEN PURCELL 07/08/98 11:2398-0585239 6OF IS Exempt ARS 42-1614(A3)>Re-recorded to include Exhibit "B1 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED GRANTOR:MCOPROPERTIES LP.,aDelaware limited partnership d/b/a MCO Properties LimitedPartnership GRANTEE:THETOWNOFFOUNTAINHILLS,anArizona municipal corporation FORTHE CONSIDERATION OFTenDollars($10.00)andothervaluableconsiderations, GrantorherebyconveystoGranteethe following realpropertysituatedinMaricopaCounty, Arizona,togetherwithall improvements thereonandallrightsand privileges appurtenant thereto (the "Property"): SeeExhibit"A"attachedheretoand incorporated hereinbyreference *and Exhibit "B" EXCEPT alloil,gasesand other hydrocarbon substances,coal,stone,metals,minerals,fossilsand fertilizers of everynameanddescription,togetherwithalluranium,thoriumoranyother material whichisormaybedeterminedtobepeculiarlyessentialtothe production of fissionablematerials, whether or not of commercial value;and EXCEPT all underground water in,underorflowing through the Property and water rights appurtenant thereto; SUBJECTTOalltaxesandotherassessments,reservations,patents,easements,covenants, conditions,restrictions,reservations,rights,rights-of-way,obligationsandliabilitiesthatmay appear of record,rightsorclaims of partiesinpossessionandeasementsorclaims of easements not shown bythepublic records;encroachments,roadways,overlaps,conflicts in boundary line, shortages inareaand other matters which would bedisclosedbyasurveyor inspection of the Property;unpatented miningclaims;andallFederal,State,County,District andlocallaws, ordinances,regulations,zoningcodesandthelikeasthesamenowexistandasmayhereafterbe established or amended. \gS&s/ Grantor herebybinds itself anditssuccessorsto warrant anddefendthetitleas against all acts of Grantorhereinandnoneother,subjecttothemattersabovesetforth. DATED this _24th day of June STATE OF ARIZONA COUNTY OF MARICOPA ) )SS ) 1998. MCOPropertiesL.P.,aDelaware limitedpartnership By:MCOPropertiesInc.,a Delawarecorporation, generalpartner Name:Hank Lickman As its:Vice President Thisinstrumentwasacknowledgedbeforemeonthe 2^th day of. by Hank Lickman ^as Vice President June ,1998, of MCO Properties Inc.,a Delaware corporation onbehalf of that corporation,as general partner on behalfof MCO Properties L.P.,a Delaware limited partnership d/b/a MCO Properties Limited Partnership. ))fatary Public in %nd for the State of Arizona MyCommissionExpires: OFRCMLSEAL JAMIE RODGERS NOlARyPUBUC-ARZOKA MAftKXMOOtJMTY Mycomm.eo^km Doc.31.1069 \ssgfibs \)^m/^i/' •-.,--3...J EXHIBIT MAM A Portion of Lot 42,Fountain Hills Arizona Final Plat 509 A portion of Lot 42,Fountain Hills Arizona Final Plat 509,located in Section 8,Township 3 North,Range 6 East of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian,Fountain Hills,Maricopa County,Arizona, as recorded on September 24,1992 in Book 354,Page 2as Recording Number 92-533883 in the Records of Maricopa County,and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of said Lot 42,said corner being on a curve concave easterly and having a radius of 558.00 feet,a radial line passing through said point bears North 82 degrees 16 minutes 54 seconds West;thence northeasterly along the westerly line of said Lot 42 and along the arc of said curve through a central angle of09 degrees 30 minutes 32 seconds an arc length of 92.61 feet to a point of cusp,said point being on a curve concave easterly and having a radius of398.55feet,a radial line passing through said point bears North 78 degrees 46 minutes 34 seconds West;thence departing said westerly lotline,southeasterly along the arcof said curve through a central angle of13 degrees 18 minutes 07 seconds an arc length of92.53feetto the southerly lineof said Lot 42;thence South 82 degrees 16 minutes 54 seconds West along saidlinea distance of12.74feetto the POINT OF BEGINNING. This parcel contains an area of 0.01240 acres more orless. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION EXHIBIT "B" PLAT 509 LOT 42 '•iuEUtr hile When recorded mail to: MCO Properties L.P. 16838 E.Palisades Blvd. Fountain H^lls,AZ85268 Attn:Jamie Rogers xii us70etc WARRANTY DEED (Joint Tenants) mil i in Hill llll Hi | mAD°tF/^CIAL RECORDS OFMARICOPACOUNTYRECORDER HELEN PURCELL 97-0708527 10/09/97 04:18 RICHARD 28OF3S •For the consideration of Ten Dollars,and other valuable considerations,MCO Properties L.P.,a Delaware Limited Partnership,D/B/A MCO Properties Limited Partnership ("GRANTOR") does hereby convey to DARRELL J.WOLFE AND JOAN M.WOLFE,HUSBAND AND WIFE, JOINT TENANTS WITH RIGHT OF SURVIVORSHIP AS not as tenants in common and not as community property estate,but as joint tenants with right of survivorship,("GRANTEES"),the following described real property (the "Property")together with all rights and privileges appurtenant thereto,to wit: Lot 41,Fountain Hills,Arizona,Final Plat 509, according to the plat of record in the office of the County Recorder of Maricopa County,Arizona,in Book 354 of Maps,page 2,excepting therefrom that portion included in the right of way of Sunridge Drive,more fully described in Exhibit "A"attached hereto and made a part hereof. Except alloil,gases and other hydrocarbon substances,coal, stone,metals,minerals,fossils and fertilizers of every name and description; Together with all uranium,thorium,or any other material which isor may be determined tobe peculiarly essential tothe production of fissionable materials,whether or not of commercial value. Except all rights todrillforor otherwise withdraw underground water in,under or flowing through the Property. Subject toa non-exclusive easement which Grantor hereby dedicates to the Town of Fountain Hills in,over and under the areas designates as slope easements asmore particularly described on Exhibit "B"attached hereto and made a part hereof,for excavation and grading reasonably required to construct and maintain the roadway adjoining such slope easements.Maintenance oftheslope easements and supportofsubadjacentproperties,as c :^UJ« may be necessary in connection with work on the slope easements, shall be the responsibility ofthe Town of Fountain Hills.Nothing herein is construed to prohibit access to the properties containing such slope easements from the adjoining roadways. Grantor hereby binds itself and its successors to warrant and defend the title,as against all acts of Grantor and all persons whomsoever subject to the matters above set forth. Dated Il^fim/jYA^^°l .1997 STATE OF ARIZONA ) )SS. COUNTY OF MARICOPA) MCO PROPERTIES L.P. a Delaware Partnership By:MCO PROPERTIES INC., a Delaware Corporation, General Partner x^r^g— "James G.Flynn Its:Regional Vice President This instrument was acknowledged before me on the Qtvffi day ofJ\Zfjb/iinl'\Jjd 19 t7 .bv James G.Flvnn .Regional Vice President of 'MCO Properties Inc.,a Delaware corporation on behalf ofthat corporation,as general partner on behalf of MCO Properties L.P.,a Delaware limited partnership d/b/a MCO Properties Limited Partnership. My Commission Expires:/^c^/-ff OFFICIAL SEAL JAMIE RODGERS NOTAflY PUBUC •AHZONA MAKIOOPA COUNTY MyoofTm«gr»P»g-ai'10flg ^^^^ )tary Public in and for the State of Arizona A Portion of Lot 41,Fountain Hills Arizona Final Plat 509 A portion of Lot 41,Fountain Hills Arizona Final Plat 509,located in Section 8,Township 3 North,Range 6 East of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian,Fountain Hills,Maricopa County,Arizona, as recorded on September 24,1992 in Book 354,Page 2as Recording Number 92-533883 in the Records of Maricopa County,and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of said Lot 41,said corner being ona curve concave easterly and having a radius of 558.00 feet,a radial line passing through said point bears South 84 degrees 33 minutes 17 seconds West;thence northeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of13 degrees 09 minutes 49 seconds anarc length of 128.20 feettothe northerly line of said Lot 41; thence South 82 degrees 16 minutes 54seconds East along said lot line a distance of 12.74 feet toa point on curve,said curve being concave easterly andhavingaradiusof 35J^.5J)_^et^ C§ecorrds HftestfT^thencedepartingsaid norther] soutTieasterTir'along thearcofsaidcurve through a central angle of18 degrees 00 minutes 45 seconds anarc length of 125.30 feet to the southerly line of said Lot 41;thence South 84 degrees 33 minutes 17 seconds West along said linea distance of39.33feetto the POINT OF BEGINNING. This parcel contains an area.of 0.07243 acres more orless. passing through saidpointbearsSouth (^87 degrees55minutes 17) L.N.809 August 17,1995 GWN Page 1of2 EXHIBIT "A" C •Xjjgjjjjin*'' A PORTION OF LOT 41,FOUNTAIN HILLS ARIZONA FINAL PLAT 509 lot 42 / / LOT 41 LN.809 8/21/95 SHEET 2OF2 y o "'^U^ss*' ^fiDK/ SLOPE EASEMENT FOR SUNRIDGE DRIVE 7\DnDmrnM r>T?t ^m ^n FOUNTAIN HITT<?zvPT70Na ptmit.PLAT 509 A portion of Lot 41,Fountain Hills Arizona Final Plat 509,located in Section 8,Township 3 North,Range 6 East of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian,Fountain Hills,Maricopa County,Arizona, as recorded on September 24,1992 in Book 354,Page 2as Recording Number 92-533883 in the Records of Maricopa County,and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 41,thence South 82 degrees 16 minutes 54 seconds East alongthe northerly lineofsaid lot,a distance of 12.74 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING;thence continuing along said line South 82 degrees 16 minutes 54 seconds East a distance of 11.88 feet;thence departing said lot line, South 27 degrees 37 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 131.67 feet to the southerly line of said Lot41;thence North 73 degrees 50 minutes 34 seconds West along said line a distance of1.24feet; thence South 84 degrees 33 minutes 17 seconds Westa distance of 47.85 feet to a point on curve,said curve being concave easterly and having a radius of 398.55 feet,a radial line passing through said point bears South 69 degrees 54 minutes 34 seconds West; thence departing said southerly lotline,northwesterly along the arcof said curve through a central angleof18 degrees 00 minutes 45 seconds anarc length of125.30 feet tothe northerly line of said Lot 41,the POINT OF BEGINNING. This parcel contains an area of 0.0936 acres more orless. L.N.881 February 13,1996 GWN Page 1of2 EXHIBIT "B" ^ A PORTION OF LOT 41,FOUNTAIN HILLS ARIZONA FINAL PLAT 509 LN.881 2/13/96 SHEET 2 OF 2 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EASEMENT ABANDONMENT EXHIBIT "A" PLAT 428 BLOCK 5 LOT 3