HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2001-26^iiiiij^jjjj^ii^ RESOLUTION 2001-26 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,AMENDING RESOLUTIONS 1999-24,2000-30 AND 2000-53 BY EXTENDING THE COMPLIANCE DATE FOR AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SCOTTSDALE AND THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CONCERNING THE LOS ARCOS MULTI-PURPOSE FACILITIES DISTRICT FROM ITS CURRENT DUE DATE OF JUNE 1,2001 TO A NEW DATE OF JUNE 1, 2011;AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, WHEREAS,theTown ofFountainHillshasonthreeprevious occasions adoptedresolutions extending thedateforthe compliance withone ofthe major conditions inthe resolution thatformed theLos Arcos Multi-purpose Facilities District;and, WHEREAS,the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills still desire tohavein placeanintergovernmentalagreementwiththeCityofScottsdaletoprovideforamongotherthings indemnification incase of litigation and reimbursement for expenses madeon behalf of thedistrict; and, WHEREAS,itnowappearsthatasubstantialperiod of additionaltimewillberequiredby theCity of Scottsdale andtheland owner before a viable plan fortheuse of thearea known asthe LosArcos Multi-Purpose Facilities District willbe completed; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.ThatSection3,Paragraph 3 of Resolution1999-24ishereby amended toreadas follows: 3.Thatonor before June1,2011,theCity of Scottsdale andtheTown of FountainHillsshallhaveenteredintoandexecutedanintergovernmental agreement settingforththedutiesand obligations of thetwomunicipalities with particular attentiontotheissues of costs incurred by Fountain Hillsin theformation of the District andthoseissuesdeemedrelevantbythe respective councils. Section2.That Section 4 of Resolution 1999-24 is hereby amended toreadasfollows: That if and inthe event any of the conditions set forth donot occur onor before thedatessetforthhereinandsaiddateshavenotbeen modified bythe actions of the Fountain Hills Town Council,thenthe participation of the Town of Fountain HillsintheLos Arcos Multi-Purpose Facilities District shall terminate on June 1,2011. Resolution 2001-26 Page 1 of2 Section 3.Thattheimmediateoperation oftheprovisions of this Resolution isnecessaryforthe preservation of the public peace,health,safety and welfare of the citizens,andthat the Council therefore declares thatan emergency exists andthatthis Resolution shall beinfullforceandeffectfromandafteritspassagebytheCouncilasrequiredby law. PASSED AND ADOPTED bythe Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills,Arizona this 17,h dayof May,2001. FOR THFrTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: Sharon Morgan,Mayor REVIEWED BY L./Nordin,Town Manager ATTESTED TO: Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM 6 WilliamE.Farrell,Town Attorney Resolution 2001-26 Page 2 of2