HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2003-09RESOLUTION NO.2003-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,ADOPTING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS INVESTMENT POLICY. WHEREAS,the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town Council")has determined that itisinthe best interests of the citizens of the Town of Fountain Hills(the "Town")to establish written financial policies that ensure financial stability despite changes in Town personnel or political bodies;and WHEREAS,the existence of written financial policies isan important factor in securing and maintaining a favorable municipal bond rating;and WHEREAS,the Town Council desires to establish an investment policy to formalize the framework forthe Town's daily investment activities to include scope,objectives,authority, standards of riskand prudence,authorized institutions,investment type,col lateralization and diversification. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA as follows: SECTION 1.That the "Town of Fountain Hills Investment Policy"is hereby adopted in theform attached hereto as Exhibit Aand incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2.That the Town Manager is hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to ensure thatthe Town of Fountain Hills Investment Policy is implemented and applied toall Town investments. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona,March 20,2003. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: Tim G.Pickering,Town Manager 9196.001V .\2003-09 -lnvesLPolicy.fes.doc 3-14-03-1 ATTESTED TO: Bevelyn J.Binderj^Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Andrew J.McGuire,Town Attorney TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS INVESTMENT/CASH MANAGEMENT POUCY 1.0 Pnliry- Itis the investmentpolicy of the Town of FountainHills Uiat idlepublicfundswillbe invested in a manner which maintains the safety of principal,maintainsliquidityto meet cashflow needs,and conforming toallstate andlocalstatutesgoverning die investment of publicfunds.Investments willhe made with judgement andcarethat prudent persons would exercise,inthe exercise of their own affairs.The purpose of diese invesunent guidelines isto formalize die framework for the Town's daily investment activitiesto include scope,prudence,objectives,auUiority, eligible investments,collateralization and diversification. 2.0 SrnpP- This investment policyislimitedinits application tofundsthatare not immediately needed and are available for investment, including any and/or alldistricts,component units,etc.(hereinafter referred toas "die Town").These funds are accounted for in tiie Town of Fountain Hills Annual Financial Report andmayinclude: 2.1 Funds: 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 General Fund Special Revenue Funds Capital Project Funds Debt Service Funds Municipal Property Funds Anynew fund/component unit created unlessspecifically exempted. \\caith\JGhctti\WPDATA\l NVEST.docRc\iscci 3/13/2003 Exceptforcashincertainrestrictedand specialfunds,tfic Town will consolidate cash balances from all funds to maximize investment earnings.Investment income will be allocated to the various funds based on dicir respectiveparticipationandin accordance withgenerallyacceptedaccounting principles. 3.0 PniHffnrPT Investments shallbe made with judgment and care-under circumstances thenprevailing- which persons of prudence,discretion and intelligence exercise in tiic management of theirownaffairs,not forspeculation,butfor investment,considering theprobablesafetyof theircapitalaswellasthe probable income to be derived. 3.1 The standard of prudence tobeused byany Finn or individualgivenresponsibilityas investmentofficialshallbe die "prudent person"standard and shallbe applied in die context of managing anoverall portfolio or account Investment officersactingin accordance witii written procedures and tiie investment policy and exercising due diligence shallberelieved of personal responsibility for an individual security's credit risk or market price changes,provided deviationsfrom expectations are reported inatimely fasliion and appropriate action is taken to control adverse developments. Vjjjjjjjg/ ^Ssub/' 4.0 Ohjertive- The primaryobjectives,inpriority order,of die Town of Fountain Hills investment activities shall be: 4.1Safety:Safety of principal is tiie foremost objective of die invesunentprogram. Investments of The Town shall be undertaken in a manner tiiat seeks to ensure die preservation of capitalin die overall portfolio. To attain diis objective,diversification is requiredin order dial potentiallosseson individual securities do not exceed die income generated from die remainder of tiie portfolio. 4.2 Liquidity:The Town of Fountain Hills investment portfolio will remain sufficiendyliquidto enable die Town of FountainHillsto meet all operating requirements wliicli mightbereasonably anticipated. 4.3 Return on Investments:The Town of FountainHills invesunent portfolio shallbe designed widi theobjective of attainingarate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles,commensurate widi die Town of Fountain Hills investment risk constraints and die cash flow characteristics of die portfolio.Return shallbe subordinated tosafetyandliquidity.The coreofinvestmentsarelimitedtorelatively lowriskbeing assumed.Securities shallnot besoldpriortomaturity widi die following exceptions: •Asecurity widi declining credit may be soldearlyto minimize loss of principal. •Asecurityswapwould improve the quality,yield or target duration in die portfolio. •Liquidity needs of die portfolio require diat die securitybesold. Revised 3/13/2003 5.0Delegation r>f Aiithnrity- Audiority tomanagethe Town of Fountain Hillsinvestmentprogramisderivedfrom die ARS§35-323 dirough 328.Management responsibility for die investmentprogramis hereby delegated to die Town of"Fountain Hills Town Manager,or liis designee,who shallestablishwrittenproceduresforthe operationof die investmentprogram consistent widi diis investmentpolicy. Procedures should include reference to: safekeeping,PSArepurchase agreements,wire transfer agreements,bankingservice contracts and collateral/depository agreements.Such procedures shallincludeexplicitdelegation of" audiorityto persons responsiblefor invesunent transactions.Nopersonmay engageinaninvestmenttransactionexceptas provided under die termsof diis policyand die procedures establishedby die Town Manager.No person mayengageinan invesunent transactionexceptasprovided under die terms of diis policyand die procedures establishedby die Town Manager. The Town ofFountainHillsTownManager shallbe responsible foralltransactions undertaken andshallestablishasystem of controls toregulate die activities of subordinate officials. 6.0 F.thirs anrl ("!nnflirt«;nf Interest* Officersand employees involvedin die invcsUnent processshallrefrainfrompersonal business activity diat couldconflict widi proper execution of die invcsUnent program,or wliich could impair dicirabilitytomakeimpartial invcsUnent decisions.Employees and invcsUnent officials shall disclose to die Town Manager any material financial interests in financial institutions diat conduct business widiin diis jurisdiction,and they shallfurtlier discloseanylarge personal Page 2 of 9 financial/investment positions diat couldbe relatedto die performance of die Town of FountainHills,particularly widi regardto die time of purchases andsales. 7.0 Authorized Finanrial Dealer*and Institutions' The Town Manager will maintain alist of financialinstitutions autiiorized to provide investment services.In addition,alistwill also be maintained of approved security broker/dealers selected by credit wortliiness whoarc authorized to provide investment services in the State of Arizona.The Town shallqualifyinstitutionsbyapplyinggenerally accepted industry standards (i.e.capital requirements,assetquality,earnings,liquidity, management and local community development)usingavailablepublicagency andprivateratingservicesas appropriate. Investment transactions shall only be conducted with financial institutions diat are licensedasmaybe required bylawtodo businessin Arizona.Primary government securities dealers,or broker-dealers engaged in thebusiness of selling government securities shallberegisteredin compliance widi section 15 or 15C of die Securities Exchange Act of 1934and registered pursuant toA.R.S.§44- 3101,as amended (see excerpt attached as Exliibit A).Itshallbethe responsibility of die financial institutions and broker/dealers who desireto become qualified bidders for invesunent transactions to provide die following: a)audited financial statements within six months ofdie close ofdie fiscalyear, b)proof of National Association of Security Dealers certification,trading resolution, c)proofofArizona registration, d)certification of ha\ing read theTown of Fountain Hills investment policy and depository contracts. Revised 3/11/2003 Byresolutionof die Council,an eligible listing of broker/dealers shall be established for the purchase and sale of invcsUnent securities and furtlierresolved dial allpriorresolutions cstablisliing broker/dealers be rescinded.A newlist of approved broker/dealers will be establishedas needed andatleastevery five years.An annual review of the financial condition andregistrations of qualified companies willbe conducted by die Town Manager. 8.0 Authorized fr Suitable Investments' The TownofFountainHillsisempoweredby statutetoinvestin die following types of investments: Eligible Investments' The followingforms of investment are specifiedaseligible investments.All investments not listed will be considered prohibited investment purchases. 1.Collateralized or insured certificates of deposit,savings accounts,deposit accounts or money market deposits in amounts diat are continuously and fully insured by die Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC"), including die Bank Insurance Fund and die Savings Association Insurance Fund,collateralized at no less dian 102 percent. 2.Slate of Arizona lxx:al Government Investment Pool -GOV. 3.U.S.government obligations,U.S. government agency obligations,and U.S.government instrumentality obligations,wliich havealiquid market Page3 ol 9 ViUjIgjj/ \^/ widi areadily determinable market value. 4.Obligations of the Government NationalMortgageAssociation, Federal National Mortgage Association,or Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation,or any federal farm credit bank,federal land bank or banks or federal home loan bank notes or bonds. Prohibited Investments In addition to die limitations on investment types according to Arizona statutes,Town funds will not be invested in reverse repurchase agreement,callableagencies, derivativetype investments such as collateralized mortgage obligations,strips, floaters,etc.Certain types of such investments mayqualify under statestatute but are not deemed appropriate forusebythe Town of Fountain Hills. 9.0 G0llatp.rali7a.tinn; Collateralization willbe required onalltypes of investments:including certificates of deposit,money market or savings accounts, securities,etc.In order to anticipate market changesand provide alevel of securityfor all funds,the collateralization levelwill be (102%) of market value of principal and accrued interest Acceptable collateral of surplus cash in demand deposit accounts andcertificates of deposit are: •direct obligations of die United States Government,its agencies or instrumentalities to die payment of which die full faith and credit of die Government of die United States is pledged,or obligations tothe payment of wliich die full faidi and credit of diis stateis pledged. Revised 3/14/2003 TheFederalDepositInsuranceCorporation (FDIC)protectsdepositsupto$100,000.The Town will seek to collateralize certificates of depositorany odicr timedepositinan amount equal to100%of die investment less die amount ($100,000)insuredby die FDICat levels per recommended practices of die Government Finance Officers Association. Collateral will always beheldbyan independent diird party widi whom die Town of Fountain Hills has a current custodial agreement Aclearly marked evidence of ownersliip (safekeepingreceipt)mustbe supplied tothe Town of Fountain Hills and retained. Acceptablecollateralwillbesubjecttoa recognized and readily available market pricing. 10.0 Safe.ker.ping andCustody: Allsecurity transactions including collateralfor repurchase agreements,entered intobythe Town of Fountain Hills or it's agents/trustees shallbe conducted ona delivery-versus- payment (DVP)basis.Securities shallbeheld bya custodian designated by die Town Manager and evidenced bysafekeeping receipts. 11.0 Diversifiratinn; The Town of Fountain Hillswilldiversifyits investments by security type and institution. Widi die exception of U.S.Treasury securities and audiorized pools,no more dian 25%of die Town of Fountain Hills'total invesunent portfolio willbeinvestedinasinglesecurity type or widi asinglefinancialinstitution. Investments willbe diversified by: Page 4 of 9 c limiting investments toavoidover- concentration in securities from a specificissuer or business sector; Limiting investments in securities widi higher credit risks; Investinginsecurities widi varying maturities;and Continuously investinga portion of die portfolio inreadilyavailablefunds such as die Local Government InvcsUnent Pool or moneymarket fundsto ensure diat appropriate liquidityis maintained to meet ongoing obligations. 12.0 Mavimiim Maturities; To the extent possible,die Town or it's agents/trustees will attempt to match its investments widi anticipated cashflow requirements.The weiglitedaverage maturity of all investments will not exceed three (9) months. Unless matched toaspecificcash requirement,die Town shall not direcdy invest insecurities maturing more than two(2)years fromthedate of purchase.Reserve or odier funds widi longer-term investment horizons maybeinvestedinsecurities exceeding five years,if die maturities of such invesunents are made to coincide as nearly as practicable widi die expected use of funds. 13.0 Tntemal Control; The Town Manager shall establish an annual process of independent reviewas part of die externalaudit.Tliis review will provide internal control byassuring compliance widi policiesand procedures.The invesunent officeris responsible for establishing and maintaining an internal control structure designed to ensure dial theassets of die Town Revised 3/14/2003 arc protected fromloss,dicft or misuse,'flic internalcontrolstructureshallbedesignedto provide reasonable assurance dial these objectivesare met 14.0 Reporting: The Town Manager or designeeischarged widi die responsibility of includinga report on invesunent activity and returns in die Town of FountainHills Comprehensive Annual Financial Report The report shallsummarize investmenttransactions diat occurred during die reporting period,and shalldiscussthe current portfoliointerms of performance, market sector breakdown,number of trades, interestearnings,and odier features. 15.0 General Obligation Bond Fund Proceeds General obligation bond fund proceeds shall beinvested pursuant toapplicable laws, relevant bond indenture requirements and relevanttenets of thispolicy.Proceeds from tax-exempt general obligation bonds shallbe invested,recorded and reported inthe manner setforthby die U.S.Treasury and InternalRevenueServicetopreserve die tax- exempt status of die bonds.The Finance Department will maintain systemsto ensure diat diese requirements are met 16.0 Investment Pnliry AHnptinn- The Town of FountainHillsinvestmentpolicy shallbe adopted by resolution of die Town of Fountain Hills legislative audiority."Hie policy shallbereviewed annually by die Town Manager and any modifications made diercto must be approved by die Town Council. Page5 of 9 c 17.Certification Acopy of dus policywillbe provided upon request to die senior management of any financialinstitutionwhois approved to transact business widi die Town in order that it is appraised of"die policies of die Town.The certificationmustbesignedand executed bya senior member of die financial institution before any business is conducted. Revised 3/14/2003 Page6of9 GLOSSAKY AGENCY:Adebtsecurityissuedbya federal orfederally sponsored agency.Federalagenciesare backed bythefull faithandcreditof die U.S.Government.Federally sponsoredagencies (FSA's)arebackedbyeachparticular agencywithamarketperceptionthatthereisanimplicit government guarantee.An example of federalagencyis die Government NationalMortgageAssociation(GNMA). AnexampleofaFSAistheFederalNationalMortgage Association (FNMA). ASKED:The priceat wliich securitiesarcoffered. BANKERS'ACCEPTANCE (BA):a draft or bill or exchangeacceptedbyabankortrustcompany.The acceptinginstitutionguarantees payment of thebill,aswell as the issuer. BASIS POINT:A unit of measurement used in the valuation of fixed-incomesecuritiesequalto1/100 of 1 percent ofyield,e.g.,"1/4"of 1 percent isequalto 2.5 basis points. BID:The priceofferedbyabuyer of securities.(When youaresellingsecurities,youaskforabid.)See Oiler. BROKER:A broker bringsbuyersandsellerstogetherfor commission. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (CD):Atimedeposit witha specific maturityevidencedbya certificate.Large- denomination CD'saretypicallynegotiable. COLLATERAL:Securities,evidenceofdepositorother propertywhichaborrowerpledgestosecure repayment of aloan.Alsoreferstosecuritiespledgedbyabankto securedepositsofpublicmonies. COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT (CAFR):The officialannual report forthe Town of Fountain Hills.It includes live combined statementsforeachindividual fund andaccountgroup prepared inconformitywith GAAP.Italsoincludes supportingschedulesnecessarytodemonstratecompliance with finance-related legalandcontractualprovisions, extensive introductory material,anda detailed Statistical Section. COUPON:(a)The annual rate of interest diat a bond's issuer promises topay tfic bondholder on die bond's face- value,(b)Accrtiiicatcattachedtoa bond evidencing interest due on a payment date. DEALER:Adealer,as opposed toa broker,actsasa principalinalltransactions,buyingandsellingfor liis own Revised 3/13/2003 account. DEBENTURE:Abondsecuredonlyby die generalcredit of die issuer. DELIVERY VERSUS PAYMENT:There arc two mcdiods ol"deliveryof securities:deliveryversuspayment anddeliveryversus receipt.Deliveryversuspaymentis delivery of securities widi an exchange ofmoneyfor die securities.Deliveryversusreceiptisdeliveryofsecurities widi anexchangeofasignedreceiptfor die securities. DISCOUNT:The difference between thecostpriceofa securityanditsmaturitywhenquotedatlower dian face value.Asecuritysellingbelow original offering price shortlyaftersalealsois considered to be atadiscount. DISCOUNT SECURITIES:Non-interest bearingmoney market instruments diat arc issued a discount and redeemed atmaturityforfullfacevalue,e.g.U.S.Treasury Bills. DIVERSIFICATION:Dividing invesunentfundsamong a variety ofsecuritiesoffering independent returns. FEDERAL CREDIT AGENCIES:Agenciesof die Federal Government setuptosupplycredittovarious classesofinstitutionsand individuals,e.g.,S&L's small businessfirms,students,farmers,farmcooperatives,and exporters. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION (FDIC):Afederalagencythatinsures bank dc]x>sils,currendyupto$100,000 j)er deposit FEDERAL FUNDS RATE:The rate of interest at which Fedfundsaretraded.Thisrateiscurrendypeggedby die FederalReservethroughopen-marketoperations. FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS (FHLB):The institutions diat regulateandlendtosavingsandloan associations.The Federal Home loanBanksplayarole analogousto diat playedby die FederalReserveBanksvis a-vis member commercial banks. FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION (FNMA):FNMA,like GNMA was chartered under die FederalNationalMortgageAssociation Actin1938.FNMAisafederal corj>oration working under die auspices of die Department ofHousingand Urban Development (HUD).Itis die largestsingle provider of residential mortgagefundsin die UnitedStates. FannieMac,as die corjx>ration iscalled,isaprivate stockholder-owned corjx>ration.The coqx>ration's Page7 of 9 purchasesincludeavarietyofadjustablemortgagesand second loans,in addition tofixed-ratemortgages.FNMA's securitiesarealso liiglily liquidandarewidely accepted. FNMA assumesand guarantees that .ill security holders willreceivetimelypaymentofprincipaland intcrcsL FEDERAL OPEN MARKET COMMITTEE (FOMQ: Consists of seven members of the Federal Reserve Board and five of the twelve Federal Reserve Bank Presidents. The President of die New York Federal Reserve Bank isa permanent member,whilethe other Presidents serveona rotatingbasis.The Committee periodically meetstoset Federal Reserveguidelinesregarding purchases andsales of Government Securitiesin die open market asa means of influencing die volumeof bank creditandmoney. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM:The central bank of die UnitedStatescreatedbyCongressandconsistingofaseven member Board of Governors in Washington,D.C.,12 regionalbanksand about 5,700 commercial banksthatare members ofthesystem. GOVERNMENT NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION (GNMA OR GINNIE MAE): Securitiesinfluencing die volumeof bank credit guaranteed by GNMA andissuedbymortgage bankers,commercial banks,savingsandloanassociations,and odier institutions. Security holder is protected byfullfaithandcreditof die U.S.Government.GinnieMaesecuritiesarcbackedby the FHA,VAor FMHM mortgages.The term "passthroughs"isoftenusedto describe Ginnie Macs. INTERNAL CONTROLS:An internal control structure designedtoensurethattheassetsoftheentityareprotected from loss,theft,or misuse.The internal control structure is designedtoprovide reasonable assurance diat diese objectivesare met.The concept of reasonable assurance recognizesthat1)thecost of a control should not exceed thebenefitslikelytobederivedand2)thevaluation of costs andbenefitsrequiresestimates and judgments by management.Internal controls should address die followingpoints: 1.Control of collusion -Collusion isa situation wheretwoormore employees arcworkingin conjunctionto defraud their employer. 2.Separation of transaction audiority from accounting and record keeping -by separating die person who authorizes or j>crforms die transactionfrom die people whorecordor odierwise account for the transaction,a separation of dutiesis achieved. 3.Custodialsafekeeping-Securities purchased fromanybankor dealer including appropriate collateral(as defined bystatelaw)shall l)c placed widi an independent diird party of custodial Revised 3/13/2003 safekeeping. 4.Avoidanceofphysicaldeliverysecurities-Book- entry securities are much easier to transfer and accountforsinceactualdeliveryofadocument never takesplace.Delivered securities must be properly safeguarded againstlossor destruction. The i>otential forfraudandlossincreases widi physically delivered securities. 5.Cleardelegationofaudioritytosubordinatestaff members -subordinate staff members must have aclearunderstandingofdicirauthorityand responsibilitiestoavoid improper actions.Clear delegationofaudiorityalsopreserves die internal controlstructure diat iscontingentonthevarious staffpositionsand dieir respective res]x>nsibilities. 6.Written confirmation of transactions for investments and wire transfers -due to die {X)tcntial forerrorandimproprietiesarisingfrom telephone and electronic transactions,all transactionsshouldbesupportedbywritten communications and approved bythe appropriate person.Written communications maybeviafaxifon letterhead andifthe safekeeping institutionhasalistof audiorized signatures. 7.Development of awiretransferagreement widi die lead bank anddiird-partycustodian-die designated official should ensure diat an agreement willbe entered intoandwill address die following points:controls,securityprovisions, and responsibilities ofeachpartymakingand receivingwiretransfers. LIQUIDrTY:Aliquidassetisone diat canbeconverted easilyandrapidlyintocashwidioutasubstantialloss of value.In die money market,asecurityissaidtobeliquidif die spread betweenbidandaskedpricesisnarrowand reasonablesizecanbedoneatthosequotes. LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT POOL (LGIP):The aggregate ofallfundsfrompolitical subdivisionsthatarcplacedin die custodyoftheState Treasurer for investment and reinvestment. MARKET VALUE:The priceat wliich asecurityis tradingandcould presumably be purchased orsold. MASTER REPURCHASE AGREEMENT:A written contractcoveringallfuturetransactionsbetween die parties to rcpurchase-reverse repurchase agreementsthat establishes each party'srightsin die transactions.A master agreement willoftenspecify,among odier tilings,die right of die buyer-lender toliquidate die underlyingsecuritiesin die eventofdefaultby die scllcr-lx>rrowcr. MATURITY:The date upon wliich die principal or stated Page 8 of 9 valueofaninvestment becomes dueandpayable. MONEY MARKET:The market in wliich short-term debtinstruments(bills,commercial paper,bankers' acceptances,etc.)arcissuedandtraded. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SECURITIES DEALERS (NASD):A self-regulatory organization(SRO) of brokers and dealers in die over-the-counter securities business.Itsregulatory mandate includesaudiorityover firms that distribute mutual fund shares as well as odier securities. OFFER:The priceaskedbyaseller of securities.(When youarebuyingsecurities,youaskforanoffer.)SeeAsked and Bid. OPEN MARKET OPERATIONS:Purchases and sales of government andcertain other securitiesin die open market bytheNew York Federal Reserve Bank as directed bythe FOMC in order to influence the volume of money and credit inthe economy.Purchases inject reserves into thebanksystemandstimulategrowth of money and credit; saleshavetheopposite cffecL Open market operationsare the Federal Reserve's most important and most flexible monetary policytool. PORTFOLIO:Collection of securitiesheldbyaninvestor. PRIMARY DEALER:A group of government securities dealerswhosubmitdailyreports of market activityand positionsandmonthlyfinancial statements totheFederal ReserveBankofNewYork and aresubjecttoitsinformal oversight.PrimarydealersincludeSecuritiesandExchange Commission (SEC)-registeredsecurities broker-dealer, banks,andafewunregulatedfirms. PRUDENT PERSON RULE:An investment standard. Insomestatesthelawrequiresthatafiduciary,suchasa trustee,mayinvest money onlyinalist of securities selected bythecustody state-the so-calledlegallist.In odier states thetrusteemayinvestinasecurityifitisonewhichwould beboughtbya prudent person of discretionand intelligencewhoisseekinga reasonable incomeand preservationofcapital. QUALIFIED PUBLIC DEPOSITORIES:Afinancial institutionwhich does not claim exemption from die paymentofanysalesor compensation useoradvalorem taxes under die laws of diis state,which has segregated for die benefit of die commission eligiblecollateralhavinga value of notless dian its maximum liabilityandwliichhas been approved by die Public Deposit Protection Commission toholdpublic deposits. RATE OF RETURN:The yield obtainable on asecurity Revised 3/13/2003 basedonit purchase price oritscurrent market price.This maybe die amortizedyieldto maturity onabond die current income return. REPURCHASE AGREEMENT (RP OR REPO):A holder of securities sells diesc securities toan investor widi anagreementtorepurchase diem atafixedpriceona fixed date.The security "buyer"in effect lends die "seller"money for die periodof die agreement,and tiie termsof die agreement arcstructuredto compensate liim for diis. DealersuseRP extensively tofinancedicir positions. Exception:When die FedissaidtobedoingRP,itis lendingmoney,diat is,increasingbankreserves. SAFEKEEPING:Aservicetocustomersrenderedby banksforafeewhereby securities and valuables ofalltypes anddescriptionsareheldinthebank'svaultsforprotection. SECONDARY MARKET:A market made for the purchaseandsaleofoutstandingissues following die initial distribution. TOTAL RETURN:The sum of all investment income pluschangesinthecapitalvalueof die portfolio.For mutualfunds,returnonaninvestmentiscomposedof sharepriceappreciationplusanyrealizeddividendsor capitalgains.Thisiscalculatedbytakingthe following components duringacertaintimeperiod.(Price Appreciation)+(Dividendspaid)+(CapitalGains)-Total Return. TREASURY NOTES:IntermediateU.S..government debtsecuritieswithmaturitiesofoneto10yearsandissued in denominations rangingfrom$1,000to$1millionor more. TREASURY BONDS:Long-termU.S.government debt securitieswithmaturities of tenyears or longer andissued in minimum denominations of$1,000.Currendy,the longest outstanding maturityforsuchsecuritiesis30years. YIELD:The current rate of return on an investment securitygenerallyexpressedasapercentage of thesecurity's current price. Page9of9