HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2003-14i RESOLUTION NO.2003-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,ADOPTING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FINANCIAL POLICIES. WHEREAS,the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town Council")has determined that itisin the best interests of the citizens of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town")to establishwritten financial policies that safeguard the Town's financial condition despite changes in Town personnel or political bodies;and WHEREAS,the existence of written financial policies isan important factor in securing and maintaining a favorable municipal bond rating;and WHEREAS,the Town Council desires to establish a financial policies to formalize the frameworkforthe Town's fiscal planning and management to enhance the Town's financial healthaswellasitsimageand credibility withits citizens,thepublicingeneral,bondrating agencies and investors. NOW,THEREFORE,BE TT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN FELLS,ARIZONA as follows: SECTION 1.That the "Town of Fountain Hills Financial Policies"is hereby adopted in theform attached hereto as Exhibit Aand incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2.That the Town Manager is hereby authorized and directed totakeall steps necessary toensurethatthe Town of Fountain Hills Financial Policies are implemented and applied tothe Town's financial management. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona,May 1,2003. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: Tim GTrickering,Town Manager 9196.001V Al-'und Balance.Policy.res.doc 4-24-03-1 ATTESTED TO: pfAKUinJ) Bevelyn J.Bender,Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Andrew J.McGuire,Town Attorney TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FINANCIAL POLICIES Introduction The principles of sound financial management establish the framework for overall fiscal planning and management.The principles set forth guidelines for both current activities and long range planning.Following these principles will enhance theTown's financial health as well as its image and credibility with its citizens,the public in general,bond rating agencies and investors.The policies will be reviewed annually to assure the highest standards of fiscal management.Policy changes will be needed as the Town continues to grow and becomes more diverse and complex in the services it provides,as well asthe organization under which it operates to provide these services toits citizens. The Town Manager and staff have the primary role of reviewing and providing guidance in the financial area to the Town Council. Overall Goals The overall financial goals underlying these principles are: 1.Fiscal Conservatism:toensurethattheTownisatalltimesinasolid financial condition,defined as: (a)cash solvency -the ability to pay bills ^-^b)budgetary solvency -the ability to balance the budget c)longrun solvency -theabilitytopay future costs d)service level solvency -the ability to provide needed and desired services e)adhering to the highest accounting and management practices as set by the GovernmentFinance Officers'Associationstandardsforfinancial reportingandbudgeting,bythe Governmental Standards Boardandother professional standards 2.To maintain an Aa3 or better bond rating in the financial community to assure the Town taxpayers that the Town government is well managed and financially sound. 3.To have the ability to withstand local and regional economic fluctuations,to adjust to changes in the service requirements of our community,and to respond to changes in Federal and State priorities and funding as they affect theTown's residents. 4.Todeliverqualityservicesinanaffordable,efficientandcost-effectivebasis providing full value for each tax dollar. \\earth\JGhetti\WPDATA\FinancialPoiicies.doc/4/24/2003 FUND BALANCE Fund balance is defined as the cumulative difference of all revenues and expenditures, also considered the difference between fund assets and fund liabilities,known as fund equity.Fund balance is an important indicator of the Town's financial position and adequate reserves must be maintained to allow the Town to continue providing services to the community during periods of economic downturns and/or unexpected emergencies or requirements. The level of Fund Balance is related to the degree of uncertainty that the Town faces.A prudent level of financial resources is necessary to protect against the need to reduce service levels or raise taxes and fees due to temporary revenue shortfalls or unpredicted one-time expenditures.With the Town dependency upon State Shared Income and State Sales Tax revenues for one third of the General Fund budget there is increased opportunity for fluctuation.Additionally,a significant portion of Town revenue is receivedfromsalestaxes-bothstatesharedandlocal-whicharesensitiveto fluctuations inthe economy.Therefore,the level of reserves needs tobe sufficient to ensure stability in on-going government operations during a slowdown in the economy or legislative changestotherevenuesharing formula. Other objectives that influence thesize of thefund balance are: a)preserving or improving the Aa3 bond rating b)maintaining apositivetrendtohistoricalfundbalances c)maintaining a rating equal toor better than surrounding communities d)maintaining ratios consistent with desired outcomes of ten key ratios of financial condition (Government Finance Review,Dec.1993)-Appendix A General Fund The Town fund balance consists ofthree(3)components,defined below.Inorderto satisfy the objective of maintaining a bond rating equal to or better than surrounding peer communities afund balance ofatleast30%of revenues is recommended.Thethree componentsaddedtogetherwillhelpachievethe30%goal. Definitions: Undesignated unreserved fund balance -available expendable financial resources thatare nottheobjectoftentativemanagementplans.Alsodefinedasresidualbalanceafter revenues,expenditures and reserved/designated fundbalanceandavailableforfuture year appropriation. Wearth\JGhetti\WPDATA\FinancialPolicies.doc/4/24/2003 \^p/ \^ffi^>J Designated unreserved fund balance -management's intended useof otherwise available expendable financial resources reflecting actual plans submitted bythe Town Manager and approved bytheTown Council.An example would be funds set aside for future capital purchases,land acquisition,construction projects,equipment replacement,etc. Reservedfundbalance-theportionoftheTownfundsthatarenotavailablefor appropriation. Guidelines: In order to achieve the objectives of this policy,and to maintain sufficient working capital and a comfortable margin of safety to address emergencies and unexpected declines in revenue without borrowing the following guidelines shall be adhered to by the Town Manager,staff and Town Council: Undesignated unreserved fund balance -designated for unanticipated expenditure or loss of revenue,theTownofFountainHills'undesignated unreservedfundbalanceinthe General Fund attheendofany fiscal year will be equal tono less than 30 days of annual operating expenditures for the upcoming fiscal year.This contingency will provide for the temporary financing ofan unforeseen nature forthat year.Expenditures for these emergency or unforeseen appropriations can only be undertaken with Town Manager approval and only if funds are not available in the department requesting the contingency funding.Expenditures exceeding $20,000 will require Council approval.This contingency willexpireattheendofeach fiscal yearandanyunused balance will be included with the funds available for appropriation inthe following fiscal year. Designated unreserved fund-theTown will maintain a designated unreserved fund balance inthe General Fund ofa minimum ten percent (10%)ofthe average actual General Fund revenues forthe preceding five fiscal years.These reserves will be designated for "pay-as-you-go"capital replacement expenditures,equipment replacement,capital projects,prepay existing Town debt,oranyother expenditure that is non-recurring in nature.The 10%is the minimum and is based onthe Property and EquipmentReplacementSchedulewhichmaybeincreasedtoaccelerateaccumulation funds fora large capital expenditure.To the extent these reserves are expended additional funds necessary torestorethis additional tenpercent (10%)amount willbe provided inat least approximately equal contributions during the five fiscal years following the fiscal yearin which theevent occurred.The designated General Fund Balancecanonlybeauthorizedforexpenditurebyupon recommendation oftheTown Manager andvote of the Town Council. Reserved Fund Balance -the Town will maintain a reserved fund balance in the General Fundof20%ofthe average actual General Fund revenues forthe preceding five fiscal Years,indicatingstablefiscalpolicies.The maintenance ofthisfiscalbalanceisa particularlyimportantfactorconsideredbycreditratingagenciesintheirevaluationof thecreditworthinessoftheTown.Itisofprimaryimportancethatthe Town's credit rating be protected. Wearth\JGhetti\WPDATA\FinancialPolicies.doc/4/24/2003 \n^jj/ During the annual budget process the Town Manager will estimate the surplus or deficit for the current year and prepare a projection of the year-end undesignated general fund balance.Such projection will include an analysis of trends in fund balance levels on an historical andfutureprojectionbasis. Funds in excess of the fund balance goal will be retained in the undesignated unreserved General Fund Balance,and may be considered to supplement "pay as you go"capital outlay expenditures,or may be used to prepay existing Town debt.These funds may not be used to establish or support costs that are recurring in nature. This policy will be reviewed by the Town Manager every three years following adoption or sooner at the direction of the Town Council. Special Revenue Funds The Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF)is a restricted fund and depends upon State Shared Revenues for over 90%of annual revenues.This fund may only be used for street and highway purposes.The combined undesignated unreserved,designated unreserved and reserved Fund Balance will be based on the minimum requirement as specified in the Propertyand Equipment Replacement Schedule.Theschedulewillbereviewedonan annual basis to determine the required amount tobe set aside as designated unreserved Fund Balance. TheExciseTax(.4%ofLocalSalesTax)Fundisarestrictedfund dedicated to Downtown Development and Land Preservation.The combined undesignated unreserved,designatedunreservedandreservedFundBalancewillbenolessthanthe annual debt service payment for Land Preservation and prior year available funds for DowntownDevelopment. Debt Service Funds The Debt Service Fund is established for the payment of principal and interest on bonded indebtedness.Revenues are derived from a property tax levy,pledged excise taxes, municipalpropertyleasepaymentsandsharedrevenues.Revenuesarereceivedin amounts sufficient to pay the annual debt service payment,therefore,the Undesignated unreserved,designated unreserved andreservedFundBalancewillbenolessthanthe annual debt service payment dueonJuly1ofthe new fiscal year. \\earth\JGhetti\WPDATA\FinancialPolicies.doc/4/24/2003 c Capital Project Funds The Capital Project Funds includes accumulated Development Fees that are assessed on new construction forthepurposeoffundinggrowth.Thesefundsarerestrictedto growth-related capital expenditures.The Undesignated Unreserved,Designated Unreserved and Reserved Fund Balance will be established each fiscal year during the budget process depending onplanned expenditures butcannotexceed accumulated revenues.The Development Feesmustbe expended within six years of collection or refundedtothetaxpayer. Wearth\JGhetti\WPDATA\FinancialPolicies.doc/4/24/2003 \tyfajfrf FINANCIAL PLANNING Fiscal planning refers to the process of identifying resources and allocating those resources among competing purposes.The primary vehicle for this planning isthe preparation,monitoring and analyses of the Town's budget.Itis increasingly important to monitor the performance ofthe programs competing to receive funding. 1.The Town Manager shall submit to the Town Council a proposed annual budget, with their recommendations,and shall execute the budget as finally adopted, pursuant to Section 15.1-602 of the Arizona Revised Statues,as amended.The Town will budget revenues and expenditures onthe basis ofa fiscal year which begins July 1 and ends on the following June 30.The Town Council will adopt the budget no later than June 30. 2.The Town will prepare a budget in accordance with the guidelines established by the Government Finance Officers Association inits Distinguished Budget Award Program.The proposed budget will contain the following: a)Revenue estimates bymajor category,bymajor fund; b)Expenditure estimates by department levels and major expenditure category,by major fund; c)Estimated fundbalancebymajorfund; d)Debt service by issue detailing principal and interest amounts by fund. e)Proposedpersonnelstaffinglevels; f)A detailed schedule of capital projects,including a capital improvement program; g)Any additional information,data,or analysis requested of management by the Town Council. 3.The operating budget will be based on the principle that current operating expenditures,including debt service,willbe funded with current revenues creating a balanced budget.The Town will not balance the current budget at the expense of meeting future years'expenditures;for example accruing future years' revenuesorrollingovershort-termdebttoavoidplanneddebtretirement. 4.Ongoing operatingcostsshouldbe supported by ongoing,stable revenue sources. ThisprotectstheTownfromfluctuatingservicelevels,andavoidscriseswhen one-time revenues are reduced or removed.Revenues from growth or development shouldbe targeted tocostsrelatedto development,or invested in improvements that will benefit future residents or make future service provision efficient. 5.The Town Manager will provide an estimate ofthe Town's revenues annually for eachfiscalyear.Theestimatesofspecial(grant,excisetax,etc.)revenuesand interfundtransferswillalsobeprovidedbytheTownManager. WearthUGhetti\WPDATA\FinancialPolicics.doc/4/24/2003 c 10. The budget will fully appropriate the resources needed for authorized regular staffing.Atno time shall the number of regular full-time employees on the payroll exceed the total number of full-time positions authorized bythe Town Council.All personnel actions shall bein conformance with applicable federal andstatelawandallTownordinancesandpolicies. TheTown Manager shall provide annually a budget preparation schedule outlining the preparation timelines forthe proposed budget.Budget packages for thepreparationofthebudget,includingformsandinstructions,shallbe distributed to Town departments ina timely manner forthe Department's completion.Department Directors shall prepare and return their budget proposals tothe Administration Department,as required inthe budget preparation schedule. Performance measurement indicators will be integrated into the budget process as appropriate. AlternativesforimprovingtheefficiencyandeffectivenessoftheTown's programs andthe productivity ofits employees will be considered during the budget process.Duplication of services and inefficiency in service delivery shouldbeeliminatedwherevertheyareidentified. Department Directors are required to monitor revenues and control expenditures topreventexceedingtheirtotal departmental expenditure budget.Itisthe responsibility of these department directors to immediately notify the Town Manager ofany exceptional circumstances that could result ina departmental expenditure budget tobe exceeded. 11.A quarterly report onthestatusofthe General Fund budget and trends will be preparedwithin60daysoftheendofeachquarterbytheAdministration Department.Inaddition,thequarterlyreportshallincluderevenueand expenditureprojectionsthroughtheendofthefiscalyear. 12.Ifa deficit is projected during any fiscal year,the Town will take steps to reduce expenditures,increase revenues or,ifa deficit is caused byan emergency, consider usingthe undesignated unreserved General Fund Balance,tothe extent necessarytoensureabalancedbudgetatthecloseofthefiscalyear.TheTown Managermayinstituteacessationduringthe fiscal yearon hirings,promotions, transfers,andcapitalequipmentpurchases.Suchactionwillnotbetaken arbitrarilyandwithoutknowledgeandsupportoftheTownCouncil. Wearth\JGhetti\WPDATA\FinancialPolicies.doc/4/24/2003 c EXPENDITURE CONTROL Management must ensure compliance with the legally adopted budget.In addition, purchases and expenditures must comply with legal requirements. 1.Expenditures will be controlled by an annual budget at the departmental level. The Town Council shall adopt appropriations through the budget process. Written procedures will be maintained for administrative approval and processing ofcertain budget transfers withinfunds. 2.The Town will maintain a purchasing system that provides needed materials ina timely manner to avoid interruptions in the delivery of services.All purchases shall be made in accordance with the Town's purchasing policies,guidelines and procedures and applicable state and federal laws.The Town will endeavor to obtain supplies,equipment and services as economically as possible. 3.Expenditures will be controlled through appropriate internal controls and proceduresin processing invoicesforpayment. 4.TheTownshallpayapplicable contractor invoicesinaccordancewiththe requirements of Arizona Revised Statues 34-221. 5.The State of Arizona sets a limit on the expenditures of local jurisdictions.The Townwillcomplywiththeseexpenditurelimitationsand will submitanaudited expenditure limitation report,audited financial statements,andaudited reconciliation report as defined bythe Uniform Expenditure Reporting System (A.R.S.Section 41-1279.07)totheState Auditor General each year. 6.Assetswillbe capitalized at $10,000 andwillberecordedintheTownof Fountain Hills Summary of General Fixed Assets. \\earthUGhetti\WPDATA\Financiai Policies.doc/4/24/2003 L REVENUES AND COLLECTIONS All government employees are considered stewards of public funds.In order to provide fundingforservicedelivery,theTownmusthavereliablerevenuesources.Thesediverse revenuesmustbecollectedequitably,timely,andefficiently. 1.The Town's goal isa General Fund revenue basethatis equally balanced between salestaxes,statesharedrevenues,propertytax,servicefeesandotherrevenue sources. 2.The Town will strive fora diversified and stable revenue base to shelter itfrom economic changes or short-term fluctuations andinanyone revenue source by doingthefollowing: a)Establishing new charges and fees as needed andas permitted by law at reasonable levels. b)Pursuing legislative change,when necessary,to permit changes or establishment of user charges andfees. c)Aggressively collecting all revenues,late penalties,outstanding taxes owedandrelatedinterestasauthorizedbytheArizonaRevisedStatues. 3.The Town will monitor all taxes to insure theyare equitably administered and collectionsaretimelyand accurate.Feesandchargesshouldbebasedon benefits and/orprivilegesgrantedbytheTown,orbasedoncostsofaparticular service. 4.TheTownshouldpursue intergovernmental aidforthose programs and activities that address a recognized need and are consistent with the Town's long-range objectives.Anydecisiontopursueintergovernmentalaidshouldincludethe consideration ofthefollowing: a)Presentandfuturefundingrequirements. b)Costof administering thefunds. c)Costsassociatedwithspecialconditionsorregulationsattachedtothe grant award. 5.TheTownwillattempttorecoverallallowable costs-both directand indirect- associatedwiththeadministrationandimplementationofprogramsfunded through intergovernmental aid.Inthecaseofthe School District,the Town may determinetorecoverlessthanfullcostofservicesprovided.InthecaseofState and federally mandatedprograms,theTownwillattempttoobtain full funding for theservicefromthegovernmentalentityrequiringtheservicebe provided. Allowable costswillbe determined basedupona"Cost Allocation Study" prepared periodically. Wearth\JGhetti\WPDATA\FinancialPolicies.doc/4/24/2003 Xj^ffivj/ USER FEE COST RECOVERY User fees and charges are payments for voluntarily purchased,publicly provided services that benefit specific individuals.The Town relies on user fees and charges to supplement otherrevenuesourcesinordertoprovidepublicservices. 1.The Town may establish user fees and charges for certain services provided to users receiving a specific benefit. 2.User fees and charges will be established to recover as much as possible the direct and indirect costsofthe program or service,,unless the percentage offullcost recovery hasbeen mandated by specific action of the Town Council.Itis recognized that occasionally competing policy objectives mayresultin reduced userfeesandchargesthatrecoverasmallerportionofservicecosts. 3.Periodically,the Town will recalculate the full costs of activities supported by userfeesto identify the impact of inflation and other attendant costs. \\earth\JGhetti\WPDATA\FinancialPolicies.doc/4/24/2003