HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018.11.13.TCSM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL NOVEMBER 13, 2018 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL — Mayor Linda M. Kavanagh Mayor Kavanagh called the Special Meeting of November 13, 2018, to order at 5:35 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Linda M. Kavanagh; Vice Mayor Art Tolis; Councilmembers Henry Leger, Dennis Brown, Sherry Leckrone, Nick DePorter and Alan Magazine. COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Grady E. Miller; Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson; and Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Burke. 2. REGULAR AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF authorizing the Town Manager to institute emergency procurement procedures in order to expedite the repairs and restoration of Golden Eagle Park and storm water system in response to the October 2, 2018, storm event; and authorize the reallocation of funds from the deferral of capital projects to pay for the repairs and restoration of Golden Eagle Park. Mr. Miller said that they were there to discuss the damage at Golden Eagle Park that resulted from the storm of October 2, 2018. He said that it was not so much the rain as the sediment and debris that flowed into the park. He said that the park is part of the Town's stormwater system. He said that after assessing the damage at the park staff started putting together a plan. They received a quote of $600,000 for a turnkey solution for clean-up and restoration, but they were not comfortable with that number. He said that they were able to get it down to around $400,000, plus another $100,000 for the wash maintenance that needs to be done. He said that tonight they were only giving the Council an overview, but requesting that the Council allow the Town Managre to proceed with services to get the park reserved. Mr. Miller said that there are a number of user groups, such as Little League, who are anxious to have the park restored, as their season starts shortly after January. To go through the normal procurement process would require six to eight weeks for solicitation, etc. and this would slow the process down and lose the season. At this time, Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin continued the overview. She noted that staff would be providing Council with a copy of the PowerPoint so they would be able to take it with them after the meeting. FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13, 2018 PAGE 2 Ms. Goodwin then began the PowerPoint presentation, which addressed: PARK DAMAGE • Evening of 10/02/2018 • Two of the ballfields, 3 & 4, are completely submerged, as well as a large portion of field 2. • Field #1 had some damage, but was significantly less than the others • Knee deep mud in some areas • Took down fences; moved bleachers, trash cans, etc. CLEAN UP EFFORTS ON BALLFIELDS AND SURROUNDING AREAS • Currently underway: - Dirt and debris removal FROM FIELDS 2, 3, AND 4 - Fences around fields 2 and 3 have been removed due to damage o These fields are currently locked and not available for use - Field 1 has lesser damage and has been reopened for public use - Dirt and debris removal from pathways is ongoing o Most pathways between ballfields and behind field 1 are open for public use • Ballfields should be viewed in three components: 1) Turf— irrigation, grass mix, and mowers 2) Soil/Dirt — In field mix, warning track mix, bases, plates and pitching rubbers 3) Perimeter—fencing, back stops, dug outs, bleachers, and electricity • Next steps for Turf: - Removal of all dirt and debris - Laser level all outfields to remove washout areas, ruts and divots and improve drainage - Check irrigation and repair as needed. Current damage in unknown. - Mowers and other machinery are in for repairs and/or replacement - Re-sod fields 2, 3, and 4 o In winter months, our Bermuda grass is dormant. If fields are to be playable in early spring, resodding is necessary o Alternately, allowing existing Bermuda to reestablish in the spring may make fields playable by summer (June/July) • Next steps for Soil and Infield: - Removal of all dirt and debris - Laser level all infields to remove washout areas, ruts, divots and improve drainage - Remove damaged base plugs, home plates and pitching rubbers - Replace infield and warning track mix with minimum 2 inches of material - Prepare all three fields to meet youth and adult league demands for both softball and baseball • Next steps for Perimeter: - Removal of all dirt and debris from sidewalks/spectator areas - Removal of remaining fence and backstops - Reinstallation of foul line ad home run fences around all three fields - Removal and replacement of damaged/lifted concrete o Currently budgeted in FY19 CIP due to liability issues FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13, 2018 PAGE 3 - Removal of trees between ballfields o Tree removal is necessary for concrete longevity o Several trees were damaged in the monsoon and require removal for safety - Electrical repairs - Backstop repairs and reinstallation on all three fields o Currently budgeted in FY19 Facility Replacement Fund - Shade structure installation over bleachers o Budgeted within the backstop repairs o Due to tree loss, there is limited shad or sun protection o Installation in sequence with concrete and backstop renovations allow for minimal down time FINANCIAL IMPACTS Ms. Goodwin reviewed the Financial Impacts for Golden Eagle Park Repairs (Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof). Mr. Miller clarified that the $405,000 is in addition to the other numbers already budgeted (241,150), and that the contingency would only be spent if needed. Ms. Goodwin explained that those numbers were based on individual suppliers that they spoke with to get an idea. Mr. Miller added that the Town just did the dog park a few years ago for sod, so they were able to compare that on a square footage comparison. It was noted that one of the unknowns is the status of the irrigation system. Ms. Goodwin noted that staff has been working with the contractor to flag some of the heads. Mr. Miller said that if they find that the costs of the irrigation needs are much larger, they will bring that back to Council for additional funding authorization. Ms. Goodwin said, assuming they are approved to move forward, they will be reaching out to the vendors tomorrow and ordering supplies. Depending on the weather, the goal is to have everything completed by the end of January. Staff was asked 1) if they have had a water issue like this before at the park? 2) what the risk was of this happening again, and 3) with the irrigation unknowns if they have considered doing artificial grass. Ms. Goodwin said, with regard to the artificial grass, it would be significantly more money, the maintenance is higher than one would think, it is very hot and would not be usable in the summer, and with the damage that occurred, they would be facing the same type of issue at a much higher cost. At this time, Public Works Director Justin Weldy continued the PowerPoint presentation. He said that on behalf of the Town Engineer and himself, the Golden Eagle Dam functioned properly, but with the excessive amount of rain and unmeasurable amount of debris, problems occurred. Mr. Weldy said that they are proposing to remove a large amount of debris on the face of the dam. He said that it is 3 to 6 feet thick of sediments and organic matter as little as 8-10 feet wide, up to 25 feet wide. He said that they would do that to reestablish the capacity for storage of water on the face of the dam. He said that FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13, 2018 PAGE 4 their intent is to address this as soon as possible in case they should have another storm in the near future. • DAM AND WASH: SEDIMENT REMOVAL — PHASE ONE Short-term stormwater improvements will be undertaken concurrently while Golden Eagle Park repairs and restoration efforts - Remove sediment from Golden Eagle Dam face and from washes that convey water to the dam - Modify trash tracks at the Golden Eagle Dam to improve stormwater flow through the dam - Remove debris and vegetation from washes that feed into Golden Eagle Park - Install a rip-rap reinforced berm in Bristol Wash within Golden Eagle Park He said that they are proposing to build sediment drop basins—large excavations that go below the flow line of the wash, allowing for water to flow. As it enters the basin, the debris will settle to the bottom and the water will overtop and clean water will stay within the channel. Mr. Weldy said that he was not aware of anyone that could give a guarantee that this will not happen again. The intent for now and in the future, is to minimize future issues related to the park. It is in a floodplain and is designed to do this. Mr. Miller said that they need to look at having an engineering study to look at the stormwater drainage for the whole town, but in particular those that feed into this park. He said that such a study would provide recommendations to be considered in the future. Mr. Weldy said that he and the Town Engineer had already asked for an RFP from the firm that has done such work in the past. He had estimated $100,000 for the work, but the firm's estimate was $175,000. He said that $150,000 was to remove the sediment and $25,000 was to remove and dispose of the vegetation to gain access to the washes and drainage structures at the face of the dam. Mr. Miller noted that the funding would come from the Environmental Fund. Discussion was held on the impact of holding off in doing the repairs right now. Ms. Goodwin said that it would be the difference of about $85,000 to $100,000 for the cost of sod; however, there are other aspects that would be impacted. She said that the middle school field would be an option but they use it as well, and it would take coordination with the School District. Additionally, she did not believe the field was lit. She said that the 4 Peaks Park is not in playable condition right now, which is why they put in a grant to redo it. It would need some serious rehab. Mr. Miller added that the contractors that do all of the work on the backstops and fencing do the work for school districts in the summer and if they held off there may be a problem with scheduling their work. Discussion was held on possibly expediting Phase II. Mr. Weldy said that his intent is to get an engineer's estimate and sealed plans, and begin the work in late summer. He said that the root cause is not on the Town's property; it is changes FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13, 2018 PAGE 5 up stream on all three washes. He said that the results of that and the strong rainfall brought more water and created a lot of erosion in washes and on private properties. He said that Phase I would not address this issue, but it would reestablish the width/depth and storage. Mr. Miller said that one of the chief contributors is the golf course at Sunridge, which has sheet action. They do not have any retention or detention, and he believed that this would be addressed in the study. It perhaps would encourage some partnerships with Sunridge in the future. Mr. Weldy said that they did not use all of the Environmental Fee funds when they put the report together. He said that they have wash maintenance that takes place annually. The intent was to minimize the wash maintenance for this year, then reduce the scope. He said that they could spend additional monies and incorporate some of the debris drop basins in Phase I if that was a direction they would like to go. • FUNDING SOURCES FOR REPAIRS OF GE PARK, DAM AND WASHES Discussion was held on the deferred capital projects, and Council agreed that they did not want to see the sidewalk infill program be deferred. Discussion was held on using some HURF funds for the sidewalk program and free up the General Fund monies planned for the sidewalk infill program. Concern was voiced with rushing forward too quickly and staff was asked if the user groups had been contacted about alternative fields. Ms. Goodwin said that she conveyed to the Little League group that she would be before Council this evening to determine if they are moving forward quickly or not. She said that there is an economic impact for the Town if they wait. Over the last few years they have increased usage of Golden Eagle Park with baseball and senior softball. It has increased almost fourfold from what they were bringing in. They have had to cancel three tournaments already scheduled for November and December. Each week that the park is not available is valued at $2,000 to $3,000 in lost revenue. She said that they have worked hard to build up the reputation and they are afraid that if they do not move forward quickly they will not come back. After further discussion, Council agreed that they should move forward with improvements now, using HURF funds for the sidewalk infill project. It was noted that when they were trying to pass the Primary Property Tax, they did talk about unforeseen circumstances, and this is a prime example. No one saw this type of damage coming. Staff was complimented for doing a terrific job in coming up with reasonable recommendations. Concern was voiced by one Councilmember that he hoped they did not end up bankrupting the community by making hasty decisions to move forward. It was also noted that construction costs are doing nothing but going up, so the sooner the improvements are made, the less associated costs in the future. FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13, 2018 PAGE 6 Councilmember DePorter MOVED to authorize the Town Manager to institute emergency procurement procedures in order to expedite the repairs and restoration of Golden Eagle Park and storm water system in response to the October 2, 2018, storm event; and authorize the reallocation of funds from the deferral of capital projects to pay for the repairs and restoration of Golden Eagle Park, with the stipulation previously discussed (that the sidewalk infill project will move forward with the use of HURF funds to open up general fund monies to go toward the repairs and restoration); SECONDED by Councilmember Leger; passed unanimously (7-0). 3. ADJOURNMENT. Councilmember Magazine MOVED to adjourn; SECONDED by Vice Mayor Tolis; passed unanimously. The Special Meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council held November 13, 2018, adjourned at 6:42 p.m. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS r 0 I� d Gin Dickey, Mayor ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: 4. it ' izab40? cur e, own e CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Session held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 13th day of November, 2018. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 4th day of December, 2018. . 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