HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0116.TCSM.MinutesMINUTES OF SPECIAL SESSION TOWN COUNCIL THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS '.71F -i cri=:_=. -- : A''.itY e - fir'- j''-_ _."'y 'Ue. J;_i 71 *- t=' y- _," r ,=.1 � _. _,_ "`;e s bcom-T; - :Tee 1-g r - - Y !'� __ � � , L _ _ C _ F � . :Tee } _ _ _ _ - `. l L. - C �': R Iht i � a. s F �- =s_ 1� _ _.._ .=G,. _!_f-. -1 _._ �thc '-1�_ .._ _ __•__ -. meber -+ h= T,=.._,'e_ 'e :eC+ fir,_ the -_:TTtee is _..�. -:= _ _ _ `s=1r t �- C_cl'=1_ : h s been made. �Y1=-r.._S__.. C—fl =r 4. �rr r .: r r.lse lif G till E•i. _ '!'�':� L : L� 't=c"il [.�:-.` :+ �. ++�-' _: r *"n ;`1 tither G-: t:_ dG7-1.�7_ _..�'_r i'�` +..�_.- _..G _ ._.+' _�.:_ _ C.:Lu 4E;''F E•.A-aC +C Fl._- c _ _. rei T. ...- ,_ -l�In A,,4- _ .Py--'!1'-- _ .LT.t•r'.'. ._=Vied =.r.p-7dv e --.sd ''e` e+t J _ f_ .''_ ; " 4- FC' n_1 _lr. 1.p =F F' tl:-'I!+_r.+ 1 _ '1raC t'_ _'_�"�+:e ley'_.1 ��-i W a S a I aLT F'' r - - _ 't- {- 1� _ +. + ,_ . "-+ ,� 1_ ._. ;. ''.'., p'f - _ - ] :__._. _:_ c r v .� T_. - •-! •� , i�'j ` + , ` e T ' r t .. .r o :-i ! c '!- ,-I 'F r' _ -_: _ lie_.., y�e_ved t --i�- L`._ _. _ ._ _ ._.. _ lc.'._ _ s_ tL.� i_`3 iT, �.'�_"-_,} Tco+:n hr _ rF.r•.,: -y- M:: _'�1ei .=(i: T_- _ _ ._ �"-. "'= �7 _E- �.+1eWec . _. _ ..___ ., 9It ._ be acted =r, ctul:r':l'j t _ _. e !1n'_:tes ='IT; ?art:la'.-.'y, I'D _., _t deed t'- ri•"-'Y e t-'e _'�'_: ri_1.. �_ .. __.+____ '_red _; 4-P. 1,_{m,Gnded r - „�: - .-.--: -. T: :c •_, -_:� :` - - e ',:.�a `: _.C'_''J'-'C e_ _,. !'ram � - --_�;; AiJJrL_ rleTThe e_._ _T, ..t•__ �',41 _ :ii _ .c =t!' e t rso+_rted their findings on cedes and ordinances used in other towns and cities to govern the procedures and formats of public meetings. After checking with Paradise Valley, ShoLo, Scottsdale and Lake Havasu, they recommended that the council adopt the order of business as set forth in the city codes of Lake Havasu. An amendment was made, changing public response time from 10 minutes to minutes. Agenda items would be discussed by the council and then opened t_!p for discussion by the public. M::en Sparks remarked that tie didn't feel there should be a strict time limit, that the length of time spent on public discussion should be itl_+Veined F_ _ F _,;- -.^+ _+` ' ^t 're=.t ' n:e Mina'sich said there was e nest to ne fair to every j_df'iouaL -- things simple. He feels "e councLl can use their 02s7~et.Cn 1r7 71-2 allowances depending on the s!tuatior. John Cutillo asked if this code W7: jecome part of the bylaws. "Oe Warsi& saic it shcujc me a �ssc�'-��or .,,, 7 pcssitle amendment to the bylaws. Dick haugen said st,unure was 7eVet 'or Z"s meetings. The council shc�ld try it a7d ii s:met�.i:; :o2s7`t warq L:ar3-z changed. Dick Hauger moved tc ancejt Vs p0itjc7 a, a resol:tlo- +c- 7-e 7!w7 code. Marti Lemieux seconcef nR nctiom' Agenda Item 41: COrIiE Fo: p,ese7tet and read Ve tentative town budget. he explained that te contacted the budget direcz:'s of ot47r cities and towns anf used We~:e7tsges :+ the 7e reyejvs� '' cDnL c;_ with the figures for expentitures. Joe Bill asked if the tudget Included a 70w7 Manager since it was not reflected ir the bodget. Charlie FOX said the rumbers were 7ov cast iv cc:crete ars t7at t�e 'Irds could 0 noved a'ourt ea -eejed' Parry Barber asked about a _nwn Magistrate and Varshall, C:arlie Fi.� ait t�s position of Town Marshall is required by law but that it couly eve. be c,e of the council members and conside~ed ar honorary position. He saft we will contract the Sherfff position a7i that t�e magistrate may not e"er be �f~ec! urtil May. Joe Bill felt the budget could be aqustet pe' st�­firg recommendations. Charlie said the budget sets the expenditure limits, John COV70 refterated that the bNget is just set �o limit spending. Marti Lemieux asked about the contingency fs:d, Vat it was and wKy it was 0e largest. Chariie explained that it was left over unallocated funds to be used fo` ary, emer>ncy, =0417! 17pla7_e5 for. �arn as''ed i! the food coult 5e osed in other categories. Charlie said it cruld to Oscd to pey We Ninarsich the main purpose to Y?'vt tV b�dget in a V.ry wag to be able to get some funds - orce the tcW7 �as somethlng to w"r'. 4it^.` it co.Y rove the cone-, 2rou7d tc Vera it's most rse!e±. MaTti asked how sV07 t4e f''Q. rovid !e realized and Charlie explained the calendar i,v21ven f- t~s f7,erir n,qet procpss. 307 C:ti:lc asked for a nction to accept and adopt the tPntative !-Wrir bcdget. Marti moved t4e motio7 be a:7epted a:t VA seconded. -he c!uncK votec! u7a7imously to &oqt Ve budget. Agenda Item 15 -he `csolutiDr calling 'on ant pYescrjtir: of financial disclosore for lccal elected of+icOls was cnaTino"sly passed as resolution 1990-3. Agenja Item 46' Cha,_ie Fo: said t'e- instaad of apTci-m-g one committee at a time, a list of comMittees t7at muVI Oe Tr -mad shcu:d be nade aK` ssS!gnej ail at cne 70e. RP KI: Vo.g7t a 717V!7ee tc TVca"e a7t c1ec4 s� � c~'Ice space was a bit p~emetu`s i-til. Oc=i-Z -snui-ements were Oecijed :;or' Nnr 71id it wnuId be s gc04 1— ''.'z' '7 ZO 7:77 Ti= 07W s7 liea 1' out there. A+ter more discussic-, it was ceclded that this ccmmttee co:lc work in corjunOiOr with the sta+li`I =N-tae. e~,i �>�'�'com vcl� 4V'e& *oo the floor to serve on this committee' Erma Charles thcught ~eal^c's 000W serve on VIs committee. WE snid it could Ze a copflict 00 irtarent' CharlAe 0ox movev tKat 0 coMmittee 5s +orTe& to look INC the tow"s o*fice needs and the options available. We oil! secoNed. We lilrsich, 7ha'lie Fox and Marvin Ulrickson will serve on the committee. Agenda I�aM »7: C|­lie Oct moved that 7e1nor 8entsor je appointer-' ' e'ection b7ard coo`tinato'. Mike yinarsi& seconded and t\e courcil voted uranimcus!`,' in +av,` '7+ tm 774i"-' Agenda 7tem 48: We Bill repc~t2d or the s^VomMit'ee meeting which was %_- ante4et by 9�ger yli-g!s, cf Scc+t7ja.r. OF said the V+707 117r tc�- a: exhaustive sea'TY would tek* !cc lcr7. Joe 7avve~ as scc- as ;:sstzle spit i_7e-�Iews 4a, beer tecacve 7 +or -hu.sday 7ight'h execVivE .01111n In:i tnzt t\cse i-Ierv12�1 definitive, the would still be open to Zoe position ctners. expj�17ed Now the =didates were c4osen. DiscusrAin ensuet e]arJilJ Ve 174~Ve^1 sV p 'cr the -own Attorney a-.z cla'i'lcitio- on W5eOer Vey ws~s irter»iswi~C fc' ;armament or irterfm people. After muc4 fis:ussicm, V�e "inersf:� s0z the co-versation was getting to cinnn tc am sxe7utive sessic-. C~a-lfe rz^ sai_` that mo ore car be officlally \L^ed :7til the budget in approved. He said Opt all they car dc 'hvrsbay nQV 1s L7tlrview people - if He co:-cil fin�s scmeone t^ey 'eel is r00 Q' t7e Pcsition, V! they can sxy is they Qrs -- c:ndidate they want to hire c- 2-1. Cn~:ie sox made a motion for the rouncil to meet 0 executive session to i7terviev candidates for interim Town ManeSer and interim Town Attcrrey to be selected on Feb. 17 1990, Marti Lenieux seco7oed. Dick Haugen said he did not wart to wait until 2-1 to hire someone. Charlie saio the cou7cil can-vt tire now, they ca~ oniy apprint. 74e council voted on tKe mctio7 - Joe of:: 01taized, Jchn Cutf::o voted may and t'­e renaininC cnuIciT Merbers voted in +avn_. ' Age7da Item 19 Discussic- ensupd about setting a to items proceture put or the agende. Charlie Fox reported on the nethod used by Carefree. Joe Bill Made a motion to appoint a subcommittee to investigate methods of putting items on the agenda. Marti �enieux seconfed. The mWio7 was unanimously passeZ. ~ A]enda Item #10 Discnssion ens�ed on how urgert this matter really was. CutiI10 said tax qYestions KaV arisen and reOK to be Oalt with. Marti !eVOVx trv�jbt u; Ve lfabi3ity 1uestior. Dick sa:gen wanted to wait snd did ncl onde~sta7cJ the urgency. Kiks Yi7a-sich made a motion to have the attorney 7004 at Vs deeds anc' supporting ~arti L-mieox seconded. Ery Trisko ;aperwor�. reiterated the tremendous liability i7volved with the property. The moticr to he'/e �he ,t+or7ey lock at the paper7 passed QerWa 707 K1 Johr Coti:lo brought up the need for a telephone number to have it published in the mew phone took. li\o Tcharnow said there was about orr ma70 bFfoTe thp de, `:nc. 7-M there Is 71re time t"a! thou§��/ 1057 70tillo tatIed 4,e agenda Us -- Verde 7tem 412 "i\e Ni-arsiO made a motion to make Mary 9ai,igh the Cep.ty Town 7erk. Marti LemieWx sSc0:11V t':-t!07 "5� IV ;=ed :�a'imously. '-Oje�z exNairpj that the,e 1.2 V-ey Ta,ge 15e 17sU,e7,j r|z^e i t�it Q-Y_.^ ` .V tc.' M'.'~1 l}s. 11� ity' .-scrarce. mart! like Minarsich ' saN that re`a Tcys 7�ar:fo - cc' 2 . a- &Z^*t Y .:.ecmn 1,2� c:uV ��e 00�3 1.01 irto let a quote getting a V:de~ +1 : 1, �s `z'!i I.if Ve coverage co::! be issued in advance' "Ve vimarslc� moved that obtai7i-j qucte� te f:qe r110 away. Joe Bill secorded. ?. s.Igest |�a! -�Mr districts 0 the town be cortacted to see i^ the town of Fountair Pills could be atdef to a-y of their policies. John 041:0 saiv the subcommittee should include this suggestion in their irvestigaticr. The council voted unanimously to form a committee tc check into ins '/'ance. Aarti Lemieux volu7teered to serve on the committee. When the ouestior �! co7fljot o+ irtFres+ xrcse Ve said she :cold be involved in so:i7itiry a :orpany tut 70t OF f-olved in the °oting to select t\e 7ompany. Jc`r said Xa'ti c:::C K c7 t�­ comTittee but "a-7et two more vclwr"ee's. He vo�u��eered himself and Charll� Onx -!so volunteered. The meeti�g wes adjourred at 8�3� �.m' AMENDMENT TO: MINUTES OF SPECIAL SESSION TOWN COUNCIL THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS JANUARY 16, 1990 January 18, 1990 Minutes of the January 16, 1990 are hereby amended to show that Councilman Dick Haugen voted no to the motion made on page three under agenda item #8. Dated this 18th day of January, 1990. Town Clerk R TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the true and correct copy special meeting of the Hills held on the (3t� I further certify that called and held and that foregoing minutes are a of the minutes of the Town Council of Fountain day of SA1tiLAa/ q 9 0 the meetingr was duly a quorum was present. Dated this day of q GO C- Town Clerk M