HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0301.TCRM.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTED OF THE PE Q LAR SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOM COUNCIL MARCH 1, 1990 A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Mayor John Cutillo at 6:32 p.m., Thursday, March 1, 1990, in the Fountain Hills School District Administration Building located at 14605 N. Del Cambre Ave., Fountain Hills, Arizona. ROLL CALL - Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor John Cutillo, Vice Mayor Mike Minarsich and Councilmembers Harry Barber, Marti Lemieux, Charlie Fox and Dick Haugen. Councilman Joe Bill entered the council chambers at approximately 6:37. Also present were Town Manager Mike McNulty, Town Attorney Bill Farrell and Town Clerk Cassie Hansen. AGENDA, ITEM #2 - APPROVAL. OF MINUTES NOTION made by Councilman Fox to accept the minutes from the February 20th and February 22nd 1990 meetings. SDOONDED by Vice Mayor Minarsich and CARRIED unanimously. ALMA ITEM #3 - TOM MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. McNulty reported that the furniture and phone system were in place in Town Hall and that we would be open for business at 8:00 a.m. the next morning. KENDA ITEM #4 - SECURING AN ENGINEER/ARCHITECT TO -REPORT ON THE CONDITION OF THE OLD LIBRARY BUILDING Councilman Fox reported that Dave Montgomery had submitted a resume to the council to provide engineering services for the old library and that he was present at the meeting. Mayor Cutillo said he would like to instruct the Town Manager to secure the services of an engineer/architect on a bid basis to tell the council the problems with the roof and to investigate possible uses for the facility for a future Town Hall. Mr. McNulty said the structural problems in the building would definitely require an engineer and that anything that requires an expenditure of $10,000.00 or more requires a seal provided by the engineer or architect. Councilman Haugen asked if the Community Center roof would be checked out at the same time. Mayor Cutillo suggested that since the problems in the buildings were different, one structural and one simply a leaking problem, the latter would not require the services of an engineer but simply a contractor. He further suggested that whoever was selected to repair the structural problems on the old library building could be hired to take care of the roof on the Community Center as well. Vice Mayor Minarsich referred to a proposal that had been submitted to the council from a consulting firm, Southwest Consulting Services, pertaining to both buildings. He said there were other options available other than just instructing the Town Manager to go out and secure the services of an engineer. Councilman Fox requested that the Town Manager look locally first. Councilman Fox made a MOTION that the Town Manager investigate contacting several engineers based on bid basis of an hourly rate to investigate the structural damage and what is required to repair the two buildings at the Community Center site mainly the old library building for the Town Council Minutes 3/1/90 Page 1 of 7 structural damage known to be there and two, the roof leak on the Community Center to make sure there is no structural damage, that's it's just a roof leak, and to prepare a report stating what repairs are necessary so the council can go out and hire a contractor to institute those repairs. SECONDED by Vice Mayor Minarsich. Mr. McNulty asked if the motion included an architect to do a site plan for possible utilization of the old library. Councilman Fox stated that engineers did not do that type of thing and the design plan was not included int the agenda. He further stated that there were people in town that did that type of thing and would be willing to look at it for nothing. Mayor Cutillo asked about a possible spending limit on the engineer's services. Councilman Fox responded that it had to be done and that we were going out for bid and would go from there. Mr. McNulty asked for a clarification on "bid" and that if they really meant "bid" in the true sense of the word, he would have to put together a bid specification and that would require more time. Councilman Fox AMENDED THE POTION to say phone bid and SECONDED by Vice Mayor Minarsich. Mayor Cutillo said he did not feel it was necessary to have someone come back with one price and then have to come back with a second price on work that could be done jointly. Councilman Fox suggested that the Property Subcommittee could go out and get some people to go in and look at layouts. Mayor Cutillo said he felt the Town Manager could go out and do that without putting it on the committee. He further said he would like to coordinate both efforts so that one price would come back when it came time to address the issue again then one decision could be made instead of two. Councilman Haugen said he agreed with the Mayor that the Town Manager knows what the Town Hall's requirements will be and should be able to go out and find a person that could determine how the building could be remodeled for the town's use as well as taking care of a leaky roof. Vice Mayor Minarsich said there's nothing wrong with supplying the Town Manager with local resources. It was decided that there were two different issues at hand and the motion on the floor covered only repairs. Bruce Hansen said if the town was going to ask someone to volunteer their services for something like this they were asking alot and the issues should be handled separately. After reiterating his motion as it stood on the floor, Councilman Fox said as far as what the building could be used for, if looking for office layout and is it big enough to house the town hall starting at a particular date in time, we need the instuction of the Town Manager of how many staff people we will have at that time and give that information to an office layout person. If he says the space is ample or would require additions as well as remodeling, that's when it's handed over to an architect. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Councilman Fox suggested that the Property Subcommittee go ahead and work with the Town Manager and find a layout type person to check into the future potential of the old library building. Mayor Cutillo asked if it was agreeable, then, to instruct the Town Manager to look into the services for planning for the future use of the library and Councilman Fox said yes as long as the Property Subcommittee was involved. Since a motion could not be made on this subject, the council moved onto the next agenda item. Councilman Fox stressed the importance of obtaining periodic subcommittee reports on a regular basis and that this should be a regular agenda item. He said he has received phone calls from people who read things in the paper and he was not equipped to answer their questions. Mayor Cutillo said he agreed but that he thought the reports should be given at work/study sessions because there would be greater flexibility and more available time. Councilman Fox said it Town Council Minutes 3/l/90 Page 2 of 7 would not take much time at regular meetings, that the reports would only be a kw few sentences long and if more detail and discussion was needed, it could be discussed at length at the next work/study session. Mayor Cutillo said he felt it put more difficulty on the subcommittee chairmen and that all the information anyone might want is only a phone call away. Councilman Fox said with as many subcommittees as the council has, it is difficult to keep track and know when all the meetings are and very time consuming to call up each chair person individually when a short synopsis of their activities at regular meetings would update everyone at the same time. Councilman Fox made a MOTION that a standard agenda item be a subcommittee reports of any meetings of that committee since the last regular meeting. In order to ask questions on the motion, Vice Mayor Minarsich SECONDED the motion. He then asked if this included subcommittees that did not have councilmembers on them. Councilman Fox said he was talking about all subcommittees formed by the council. Vice Mayor Minarsich made reference to the citizen subcommittees and wanted to know if Councilman Fox was including them in his motion. Councilman Fox said he would he would be willing to exclude the Logo Subcommittee but not the Cable Subcommittee because it was a high interest committee. Mayor Cutillo said he did not like to have to require every subcommittee to come to every one of the council's meetings and that if a councilmember had a question on a specific topic, they could call the chairman of that committee. Councilman Bill said he felt it important for subcommittees to report when there was something substantiative to report. He said he felt it important for the subcommittees to keep the council up to date but that he was also concerned about the length factor. Responding to a question from Councilman Fox, Mayor Cutillo said he would like the reports to be at work sessions and on a call basis. Councilman Fox said there were meetings going on that he would like to know about and that were not being reported, two in particular that he knew about. Doris Dugger said she felt there should be subcommittee reports at every council meeting and Ken Sparks agreed, saying he thought it would be beneficial for the council and community alike. Peter Putterman said the council would run the risk of getting into long heated debates if the public was allowed to comment on the reports and ask questions as well. Councilman Fox said he would AMM THE MOTION to require reports at work/study sessions only as long as all subcommittees were required to report. Ray Hollingsworth asked to clarify if it was true that subcommittees were meeting and not being required to report their activities to the council, verbally or with minutes. Mayor Cutillo said that was basically true, that subcommittee minutes are not required, but that the meetings were open to the public. Ray Hollingsworth responded that every subcommittee should be required to report. Bruce Hansen questioned the legality of not requiring minutes for subcommittee reports and Mr. Farrell said they were not required by law. The Mayor asked if there was a second to the amended motion and Vice Mayor Minarsich SE XWDED the amended motion. The amended motion CARRIED with one nay vote by Councilman Haugen. t5 n D • a• • N, 1.s : �• •��• r• • • • • �� •. Councilman Bill referred to a handout (attached) given to the council which contained information and recommendations made by the Personnel Subcommittee. He explained that the committee had to set a salary range in order to advertise for a permanent town manager and used comparative salary ranges from other cities and towns of like size to decide on that range. Based on their research, Councilman Bill made a MOTION that the salary range for the Town Manager of Fountain Hills be $48,000 to $78,000 per year. SECONDED by Councilwoman Lemieux Town Council Minutes 3/1/90 Page 3 of 7 and CARRIED unanimously. Councilman Bill then said after much research and discussion the committee had decided that the services of a professional search firm would not be needed because number one, they were very expensive and number two, Fountain Hills is such a choice location that we would be inundated with resumes when the word got out. It was decided to run ads in the Arizona Republic, Sunday edition, and the ICMA Newsletter (International City Management Association). Each ad is estimated to cost $150.00. Councilman Bill made a MOTION that the council give authorization to the Personnel Subcommittee to run the ads as indicated with the additional authority to run the ad in the Republic a second time if needed. SECONDED by Councilman Fox who then asked about the AZ Assoc. of Town Managers to use as a source. Councilman Bill said he checked on it and found that the publication routinely used for advertisements of this sort was the one indicated in his motion. Peter Putterman asked why not using some of the other national publications like the Wall Street Journal. Councilman Bill responded that they were looking for a particular field of expertise and the vast majority of people experienced in this field get the ICMA Newsletter. Wally Hudson asked what the time schedule was for placement. Councilman Bill said if approved, the ads would run in the Republic on March 4, 1990 and in the ICMA Newsletter on March 12, 1990. The- deadline for applications is April 1, 1990. Wally Hudson asked if it was the intent that the present council appoint the new town manager and Councilman Bill said yes. The motion was CARRIED unanimously. Councilman Bill then referred to attachment B (attached) which described the staff which would be needed in the next few months, job descriptions and salaries. After reading the positions and descriptions, Councilman Bill made a MOTION that the council authorization the positions as read (as they appear on Attachment B). SDOONDED by Councilman Fox. Vice Mayor Minarsich said he felt the positions of Planning & Zoning Secretary and the Community Development Director should be in place before June. It was then agreed that the schedule was flexible and they could be hired sooner. Councilman Fox asked about a building inspector because the position was not on the list and was the committee planning on subcontracting that position. Councilman Bill said they had not yet addressed that position and Mr. McNulty reiterated that it needed to be addressed soon. Councilman Bill AMENDED THE MOTION so that the time frame for hiring the aforementioned employees could be June or before. SELXONDED by Councilman Fox and amended motion CARRIED unanimously. The original motion then CARRIED unanimously. Council Bill then referred to attachment C, (attached) an organizational chart proposed for the town. He then made a MO►PION that this chart be the initial organization structure for the town staff. SECONDED by Councilman Fox. CARRIED unanimously. Council Bill then read off the list of Boards and Commissions proposed by his committee and the descriptions of each (attached). He said they research the boards and commissions formed by many other communities in the state and picked the seven they felt most important for Fountain Hills. Councilman Bill made a MO►PION that the council approve the formation of boards and commissions as read (as per the attached sheet). S'DOONDED by Vice Mayor Minarsich. Councilman Fox said he would like to amend the transportation and advisory board to be formed as soon as possible instead of before 10/l/90 based on the talks going on right now and based on the fact the town would be having roads to deal with very soon. Town Council Minutes 3/l/90 Page 4 of 7 Mr. Farrell urged that the council take the task of being the Planning & Zoning Commission for right now until the zoning map is adopted. He also suggested the council take on bylaws, residency and number of terms to govern each board and commission to avoid each group forming their own. Councilman Haugen then invited the public to attend their meeting next week to hear the presentation by the county as to what the town would have to be prepared to take on. Mr. Farrell said there would have to be a publication of the map, a resolution adopting the county codes and a hearing for the adoption of the map. Mayor Cutillo asked Councilman Barber if his code committee was covering the bylaws that would control the boards and commissions and Councilman Barber replied that they were not. Councilman Bill AMENDED the motion to have council members comprise the Planning & Zoning Commission initially. SXX NDM by Vice Mayor Minarsich and CARRIED unanimously. Councilman Bill AMENDED THE MOTION to have the Transportation Advisory Board formed as soon as possible. SECONDED by Councilman Fox and CARRIED unanimously. The council voted on the original motion and it CARRIED unanimously. Mayor Cutillo read the suggested election boards (attached) for the Primary Election to be held March 27, 1990. Councilman Haugen made a MOTION to accept the boards as read. SEOONDED by Councilman Bill and CARRIED unanimously. �;. Mr. McNulty asked for authorization to purchase two used typewriters from the Chamber of Commerce for $140.00. Vice Mayor Minarsich made a MOTION to approve the town manager's recommendation to purchase two typewriter's from the Chamber of Commerce. SECONDED by Councilman Haugen. Peter Putterman offered to loan a computer to the town until they purchase their own with no liablity for theft or damage. Vice Mayor Minarsich AMENDED THE MOTION to accept Mr. Putterman's offer in addition to the two typewriters. S XX]ND ED by Councilman Fox and withdrawn by Vice Mayor Minarsich. The original motion CARRIED unanimously. Mr. McNulty presented the council with a sheet itemizing the equipment he was proposing for three work stations with an estimated cost of $10,000. (Attached). Following much discussion as to what was really needed at this time, it was decided that the town manager would obtain bids for the equipment as proposed. Councilman Haugen made a MOTION to accept the recommendation made by the town manager (as per attached sheet). SECONDED by Vice Mayor Minarsich. Mr. McNulty asked for the authority to negotiate with vendors. Mayor Cutillo asked that local vendors be aware of the process going on. A lengthy discussion ensued covering networking, sharing printers, hard drive vs floppy disks, 286 vs 386 machines, printers, sneaker networks, file sharing, price ranges, etc. Vice Mayor reiterated that the motion covered having the town manager go out and get bids and shop around and not to spend over $10,000 and that the motion gives him the authority to go out and buy the equipment. The town manager reminded the council that he would be gone from the 8th through the 19th. It was decided that there was no rush as long as there would be 2 typewriters and the loaner computer from Mr. Putterman. Councilman Haugen stood by his original motion. Vice Mayor Minarsich AMENDED Councilman Haugen's MOTION to state that we will Town Council Minutes 3/l/90 Page 5 of 7 accept Mr. Putterman's offer for a loaner with no liabiltiy to the town until such time as Mr. McNulty can bring back some proposals of computer equipment purchases. SB00NDED by Councilman Barber. CARRIED unanimously. The council then voted on the original motion and it CARRIED unanimously. A(ENM ITEM #10 - CONTRACT FOR THE CIVIC ASSOCIATION TO ACT AS LEASING X;MT FOR THE COMMUNITY CENTER Vice Mayor Minarsich said the Property Subcommittee was recommending that the town attorney draw up a contract making the Civic Association the leasing agent for the town. They further recommended that Evelyn Bretting be kept on as the agent on premise. Mr. Farrell said she could be kept on as a contract basis. He said this would be predicated by the acceptance of the deeds and was a policy decision. He also said the town would pay the Civic Association for the services of their employee, what the Civic Association did with those funds would be up to them. Vice Mayor Minarsich made a POTION to instruct the town attorney to draw up a contract giving the Civic Association the ability to act as a leasing agent for the Community Center. SECONDED by Councilman Fox. Mr. Farrell asked to amend the motion to make it a condition to proceed after the acceptance of the deeds. IVnGN AMENDED by Vice Mayor Minarsich and SECONDED by Councilman Fox. CARRIED unanimously. Amended motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #11 - APPROVAL OF BILLS TO BE PAID There were no bills to be approved at this time. Mr. Farrell declared an emergency and requested that the council vote to go into executive session to hear a report on the ongoing road litigation. Councilman Fox made a 14WICH to go into executive session. SECONDED by Councilman Haugen. CARRIED unanimously. The council went into executive session at 8:40 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #12 - CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one responded. The council adjourned at 9:23 p.m. TOWN VAIN HILL By: John Cutillo, Mayor ATTEST: Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the Town Council Minutes 3/1/90 Page 6 of 7 IE IN minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Fountain Hills held on the 1st day of March, 1990. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and held and that a quorum was present. DATED this 94tday of March, 1990. etz,�-,b - d"�� Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Town Council Minutes 3/l/90 Page 7 of 7