HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0315.TCRM.MinutesTOWN Ot? FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TO1HN COUNCIL NARC H 15, 1990 A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Mayor John Cutillo at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, March 15, 1990, in the Fountain Hills School District Administration Building located at 14605 N. Del Cambre Ave., Fountain Hills, Arizona. ROLL CALL - Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor John Cutillo, Vice Mayor Mike Minarsich and Councilmembers Harry Barber, Marti Lemieux, Joe Bill, Charlie Fox and Dick Haugen. Also present were Town Attorney Bill Farrell and Town Clerk Cassie Hansen. MOTION made by Councilman Haugen to accept the minutes from March 7th and March 12th. SECONDED by Councilman Bill and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #3 - ORDINANCE 90-6 APPOINTING THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL AS INITIAL PLANNING AGENCY AND PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION (attached) Mr. Farrell explained that the council needed to be the initial planning and zoning commission because of the timing involved before July 1, 1990. He said there is a legal requirement to have the zoning ordinance and map in place by this date and that if a separate body were appointed, it would be physically impossible to meet all the deadline dates. He also said that once the code and map were adopted, the council could appoint a citizen board. Councilman Bill made a MMON to accept Ordinance 90-6 which was SECONDED by Councilwoman Lemieux. The motion CARRIED unanimously. (attachment) Mayor Cutillo explained that all cities and towns have a list of fees they charge for copies and publications made by the town. Mr. Farrell said that public record law requires that copy of public records for non-commercial use be made available at the current reasonable commercial reproduction costs. He said that the .15 cents per page is a fairly standard charge. Councilman Bill made a MOTION to accept the list of fees as stated for the services and publications for the Town of Fountain Hills. SECONDED by Vice Mayor Minarsich. Bill Lacey asked why the job couldn't be put out to bid, to reproduce some of the town's records. Councilman Bill explained that the list of fees refers primarily to when someone comes into town hall and requests a copy of meeting minutes, etc. and that would be done on the town's copy machine. Vice Mayor Minarsich referred to planning and zoning books and said that something like that might go out to bid because of the size of the publication involved. He further stated that it has been this council's position and that they have stuck to this position throughout, that they go to Fountain Hills first and accept bids on that basis. Mr. Farrell stated that currently, many of the things on the list do not yet exist in Fountain Hills but when they are passed into existence, many would require publication and would go out to bid. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Town Council Minutes 3/15/90 Page 1 of 10 AGENDA ITEM #5 - PEYNENTATION & POSSIBLE AiTi'HMIZATION TO HIRE A TV CABLE CONTRACT CONSULTANT ( attachment ) Dennis Contino, chairman of the Cable Subcommittee reported that the committee has worked it's way up to developing an ordinance. He said it was very important to the town because it would dictate what the town does, how it does it and fees that would be charged. The committee came up with Woodward Consulting Services, Larry Woodward, out of Phoenix, who has expertise in this area. He said the committee decided it would be better to hire someone experienced in this area since the committee members do not have vast knowledge in this area and that they were looking for someone who could come up with the proper wording as well as putting some teeth into the ordinance. He asked that the council make a motion to hire Woodward Consulting Services to help the subcommittee with the ordinance and referred to the attachment for a task description and fee structure. He explained that it was a common practice for a community to charge application fees for licences which could range anywhere from $1,500 to $7,500. He also said that usually 4 to 6 cable companies make application to a town and that these fees could cover the cost of the consultant. As the consultant fee structure reads, it would cost $1,250 to do the ordinance. Vice Mayor Minarsich noted that the price read not to exceed $1,250 and asked if that meant the price could be less. Dennis said he doubted it and that most ordinances are set up anywhere from 35 to 45 sections and are very technical. He said it would take at least 6 to 7 days to complete. Councilman Bill asked about the application fees, if it was a fee that we would be receiving from the companies wanting to do business here. Dennis replied that any cable company wanting to do business in Fountain Hills would have to first put in an application along with a non-refundable fee, showing good faith and that they will not back out. Councilman Haugen asked if we intend to use the consultant to do other things besides the ordinance. Dennis said it was a possibility but would be done one step at a time and that if the committee decided they needed help in some of the other areas, they would come back to the council and request authorization to expend more funds. Larry Woodward clarifed the fee schedule by saying he would bill $50.00/hour at the likliness that there will be more work past the ordinance. Dennis said that ordinances are not generally adopted from town to town because each town varies as to their needs and wants of the town. Larry Woodward stated that he is currently working with Dunsworth of Maricopa County and that he has worked with United Artists in Scottsdale and limited work to Paradise Valley, Goodyear and Tempe. Councilman Bill referred to the 6 month outline of consultant services not to exceed $14,000 and asked if that was all or just part of the picture, if more funds would have to be expended down the line. Dennis said that at this time the subcommittee did not know and that they were just taking one step at a time which now, was the ordinance. Vice Mayor Minarsich asked if it wasn't true that we would be looking at revenues amounting to about $18,000/year. Dennis said it depended on how much you put on top of the 3% franchise fee and that right now the county wasn't collecting anything except for license fees. Vice Mayor Minarsich made a ?ON to accept the request of the Cable Subcommittee and authorize them to retain the services of Woodward Consulting referencing item #2 ordinance, 30 days, not to exceed $1,250. SECONDED by Councilman Barber. Councilman Haugen asked for Mr. Farrell's input on how other cities and towns handled the ordinances. Mr. Farrell said he has worked personally with Mr. Woodward and further that the ordinances for cable TV service has become extremely technical. He said it is necessary to stay abreast of all legal and technical updates and that it is common for communities of this size and larger to use the services of a consultant. Councilman Haugen wanted to know why it Town Council Minutes 3/15/90 Page 2 of 10 wasn't possible to look at other communities ordinances and adopt theirs with minor changes. Larry Woodward said different towns have different priorities and the ordinance sets the ground rules on what is going to be done. He said some communities emphasize the revenue enhancement while other communities focus on the community service potential. The ordinance needs to set the ground rules and guide the relationship between the cable provider and the town and problems must be anticipated ahead of time. Mr. Farrell said the ordinance would be advisory in nature and the council would have the opportunity to fine tune it. He further said this was a common route for cities and towns to take. Bill Tesmer said that he, too, is a consultant with technical expertise, could write ordinances, has written ordinances and would like to bid on the job. Mayor Cutillo asked Dennis Contino if this had not been cleared up because he thought he and Dennis had discussed Mr. Tesmer and Dennis was supposed to talk to Mr. Tesmer. Dennis Contino responded that it was his understanding that Mr. Tesmer would be used at a later date when his expertise could be used. Mr. Tesmer said he has not written ordinances and he is more interested in the RFP end. Bruce Hansen asked the group to keep in mind that labeling cable service as a profit center is not really accurate because every profit taken out is a tax on the citizens of Fountain Hills. He said the primary purpose is to supply every citizen with cable service and better service than they currently have and that the profit end of it should be kept on the back burner for now. Norman Lash asked if we weren't going overboard with this and shouldn't satellite dishes be investigated and made reference to the system used in Rio Verde. He also asked if we couldn't wait for future technology instead of the tremendous undertaking of installing cable TV in Fountain Hills with present technology which will one day soon be outdated. Mayor Cutillo said that Rio Verde was a privately owned company and they would be able to bid Fountain Hills along with every one else. He also said we cannot wait for future technology to supply our citizens with cable. Vice Mayor Minarsich said he could not fathom telling the citizens of Fountain Hills that they would have to wait for modern technology to have cable. He said there is a situation where the cable contract is up in June and we have to renew it and we have to enact an ordinance to do SO. Mr. Lash said he read where contracts with cable companies would be 15 years and that's a long time to be locked into something. Mayor Cutillo said the contract does not cost the town anything and that each citizen has the option of subscribing or not subscribing to the service. Dennis Regeski asked why the town didn't just have their own system using the cable that is in place. Mayor Cutillo said it would take a tremendous outlay of money to start our own cable company and the existing cable doesn't belong to us. Mr. Contino said the law covers the cable in place for a certain length of time and to use it before that time is up would take special authorization to do so. Stan West asked if the committee had found out what the intentions and attitudes were of Dimension Cable if we A, renewed their contract and B, if we didn't renew their contract. Mr. Contino stated that little contact had been made with Dimension because they didn't want to really become involved with them and be obligated to them again. He also said that much of Dimension's cable is obsolete. Vice Mayor Minarsich said the discussion was getting into areas not covered in the agenda item and the motion at hand. The motion CARRIED unanimously. � •••••, • •a• a. •• a��• • c• • • i •• a i ••�5 is io-o-D Councilman Fox reported that the Law Enforcement Subcommittee was currently Town Council Minutes 3/15/90 Page 3 of 10 investigating law enforcement options for the community and that one of these options was that in the second full fiscal year, the community would continue contracting with the county for police dispatch and jail but to replace patrol units, detectives and police chief services with our own. He said they have located 4 different state and federal agencies that we are eligible to apply to for funding to do this, one of these being the Governors Office of Highway Safety. He further explained that the first year, these funds would support 100% of the salaries, training equipment, training rooms, booking cameras, etc. The second year they will fund 75% and the third year they will fund 50% of these items. There is no cost to the community to put in for this funding and it is a non -binding proposal request - we are not required to take the funds. Councilman Fox made a HDTION to allow the Law Enforcement Committee to proceed to put forth a proposal for Federal funds for the community. SECONDED by Councilman Haugen. Mayor Cutillo said he wanted to make sure that everyone realized that this was for the 1991-92 fiscal year. Donna Bayo asked if the committee wasn't going to check into 4, 5 and 6 years down the line as long as they were checking into 2 and 3 years from now. Councilman Fox said they are checking with other agencies and finding out all the different sources from which funds are available and that each agency handles the funds differently. The agencies -are specialized in what they handle and each one expends funds to different areas of law enforcement and they are checking into all of these. The motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM i7 - BILLS TO BE PAID Vice Mayor Minarsich made a M TION to accept and pay the bills as submitted (attached) and was SBQONDED by Councilman Bill. The motion CARRIED unanimously. ACEMA ITEM #8 - PRESIIVTA7'ION BY 70M HIRED ENGINEER ON REPAIRS AND QWM TO REPAIR THE FQ MER LIBRARY BUILDING AND COMKNITY CENTER Dave Montgomery reported that the roof on the Community Center had been patched since the last rain and leakage and that it was hard to identify but that the maintenance people said the roof had actually split. He said the roof was the original roof, 10 to 15 years old, and he recommended that the roof be replaced. He said that depending on the type of roof put on, the cost could be anywhere from $4,700 to a cheaper 3 ply roof for $3,500 with a few choices in between. He said there will be continual problems until the roof is replaced. Mr. Montgomery then reported on the roof of the old library building saying that it had probably reached it's life expectancy but was still in pretty good shape. He said it could probably last another year if it had some minor repairs and maintenance. Some of the tiles are missing and broken and there's an area where the newer addition meets the original building where the roofing felt is actually exposed and needs to be covered. He said this minor maintenance would cost around $500. Councilman Haugen asked if there would be a price break if both roofs were replaced at the same time. Mr. Montgomery said there would probably be some break in the price and that the roof on the addition to the library would not need to be replaced at all. He said to replace the roof on the old library would then be about $3,000 plus $3,500 to $4,700 for the Community Center. Councilman Bill asked if the $500 repairs were done on the library roof, if that would be a delay tactic to replacing the roof. Mr. Montgomery said it could delay replacing the roof for up to 2 years. He said a 3 ply roof is good for about 8 to 10 years, the modified pitchim for up to 12 years and the single ply membrane for 12 to 15 years. Town Council Minutes 3/15/90 Page 4 of 10 Mr. Montgomery then addressed the structural condition of the old library building. He said he had done an extensive analysis of the trusses - the web members have failed and some actually have gaps between them. He said he feels it is a dangerous situation and that it is a good thing that the area is not being used by the church. He recommended adding a sheating to the sides of the trusses and to add 2 X 4's along the existing 2 X 4's and he feels the roof will be structurally sound. He said 12 trusses have failed and he recommends repairing all 23 trusses because he is quite certain the others will fail. Mr. Montgomery quoted approximately $9,800 to repair all 23 trusses, or somewhere in the area of $9,000 to $11,000 to cover the full scope of work. Vice Mayor Minarsich asked if the jacking of the trusses would add enough pitch to eliminate the ponding of water on the roof to avoid future problems. Mr. Montgomery said it would not eliminate all ponding but would minimize it and that there could be up to 4" of water and still be O.K. He said that a local contractor has repaired 5 of the trusses because there are metal truss plates attached to one side of these trusses but more work is required on them. Stan West asked who owns the building. Mayor Cutillo replied that the Fountain Hills Civic Association does but it is going through the process of changing hands. Mr. West suggested that when the city owns the property, they should use the revenues to fix the roof. Councilman Haugen responded that it was a break even situation. Dennis Regeski asked about putting a gable roof on the building but Mr. Montgomery said it would not be cost effective and would run about $18,000. He said the trusses were under -designed and the metal plates are pulling out. He recommends plywood with nails to repair them. Bill Tesmer asked why the consulting work and the work to be done has not been secured on a bid basis. Mayor Cutillo said this was not a decision to go out to bid and that would come later. Erna Charles requested to speak on executive session and the Mayor said not at this time, she could speak in the call to the public. Mrs. Charles said that would be too late and Vice Mayor Minarsich said she could speak on it when they got to agenda item #10. is J • ND4* • k 3 ke-0. . M D761 WKt Z S ki 6 0. k•� 11 Before beginning his report, Stan Connick handed out a packet to the council and the public (attached) showing a possible floor plan that could be used in the old library building if it were used for town offices as well as some supporting data on the project, ie. site plan, parking, etc. Mr. Connick then walked through the floor plan explaining how the layout would work. He said the area for the magistrate court would accommodate about 40 people which were about how many were in attendance at the present council meeting. He said the objective was to see if the basic people thought to be needed at this time would fit into the space available and that there were numerous ways to lay out the basic area. Privacy was a consideration as well as an open area that could change with the needs of town hall. He then moved onto the site plan and parking and a diagram showing where the building could eventually be added on to. He said it may not be in the best interests of the community to expand but that it was an option to consider. He said based on the list of people given to him of employees needed, there are 14 people that would need working space in town hall at the onset. He said the total square footage ended up being alittle over 2,000 square feet and the gross area of the building is about 3,300 square feet and they have used about 66% of the gross area. He said about 80% rule of thumb is for a very highly efficient office and that it's not good to maximize because there is not room for additional files, storage and changes Town Council Minutes 3/15/90 Page 5 of 10 in personnel. He said there was just a little breathing room with this plan. Mr. Connick then went over the construction costs and said they were quickly put together. The demolition was 2 people at $30.00/hour taking 2 days to do the work amounting to $440. He said he doubled that amount as a cushion. New carpet was figured at $1.50/square foot and he said few walls would be needed. He said he figured a high price on the electrical because lights would have to be moved and added. Ducting would have to be reworked and cabinets included in the reception area and the work area. He said he added a contingency that may not be enough but that most of his figures he figured at the high end. The figures at this point come up to about $15,000 to $16,000 and then a 10% profit overhead factor was used for the contractor making the total cost about $17,500. Adding permits, design fees, electrical and mechanical engineers and architects the actual cost could escalate to as much as $25,000 or decrease alittle also. He said that painting was not included in the cost. Mr. Connick said he went to Gilbert and Surprise. Gilbert supplies extensive services but their town hall has doubled in size over the last 4 years. Surprise has more departments than we are planning at the onset. He discussed both municipal governments, their staffing, size and office space requirements but they were enough different to make direct comparisons difficult. Mr. Connick expressed concern in being given this exercise to see if this space was workable and.if one does use it will one outgrow the space very quickly. He said he couldn't really answer that but that it was obvious that the town would outgrow the space especially when more disciplines are consolidated. He did say he could see where this plan would work for a year and maybe even longer. Councilmembers then asked different questions regarding square footage, with and without walls figured in and the sizes of the secretarial cubicles. Mayor Cutillo asked if the conference room could be used in conjunction with the magistrate court since the court would be in session only two days a week and Mr. Connick replied that it could. Mr. Connick explained that 4 people would occupy the planning work area. Councilman Fox asked about the bathroom facilities. Mr. Connick replied that the 2 bathrooms were minimal for this number of people and they were not equipped for handicapped and that would cost about $500 to convert them. Mr. Connick said there was really no room for growth and the conference room would have to be used for a jury room at the other end of the building from the court. He said to add on to the building could be figured at $65.00/square foot or about $80,000 for adding 1200 square feet on to the building. Mayor Cutillo pointed out that adding on to the building was a moot point and the primary concern was to decide if it would fit our needs now. The council continued to talk about space needs and how the plan could be juggled. Mayor Cutillo said that one thing that needed to be considered was the cost factor and that even though we all know we are going to grow, it will cost about $17,000 to remodel the office which would last us at least 1 year and maybe even longer. He said we would save $4,000 even if we had to move. Councilman Fox said he had prepared a report with some comparison figures (attached) and would go over those with the council, showing that it was possible to take the same amount of square footage at the present office location, use the library for a rental and make our present rental space a cost of only $6,500 net rent for the year. Mayor Cutillo directed the meeting back to the agenda item of the architect's presentation. Councilman Haugen asked how the range could be so large between the remodeling estimates of $17,000 and $25,000 and Mr. Connick explained that the figures were put together very quickly. He said they looked at other projects that they had Town Council Minutes 3/15/90 Page 6 of 10 worked on of similar scope and used those figures to establish a range. He said that he felt the $17,000 figure was a reasonable figure. Marge Scmoll asked to clarify that architectural and engineering fees were not included in the price. Stan West said he thought it should be obvious to the most casual observer that the plan layed out for town hall is grossly inadequate in so many respects that it is ludicrous. He said the plan is not workable and questioned why it was being discussed. After further clarification by Mr. Connick, Mr. West asked if the architect thought this was a good working plan for our town hall. Mr. Connick replied that he felt it was minimal. Bruce Hansen agreed with Mr. West that the plan was not workable. Dennis Regeski asked if MCO would fix up the offices the town currently occupied and suggested that there would also be remodeling costs at the current location. Bill Tesmer brought up the safety of the elected officials, that they would be accessible and vulnerable to anyone coming into the library building to go to court. He also questioned the accessibility of the bathrooms to the public and that he feels employees need space to breathe and do business without being confined in a cubbyhole. Ray Hollingsworth brought up how many people would be in the building when court was in session along with the town hall employees and how limited the bathroom facilities would be. Donna Bayo expressed doubt on obtaining permission from the architectural committee to push out a wall here and a wall there on the old library building. Danny Tancredi asked if we were sure if we can even get the building or if there were legal problems involved. Norman Lash said he was sure there would be an expense in the MCO building to put it back in it's original condition once the town vacated the premises. Councilman Fox said MCO had offered to divide a large room at no cost to the town. Art Costallas said he felt the plan was a very minimal plan, that offices create volumes of paper and records which all need room to be stored, that people would be in and out of the offices creating alot of traffic in the open working areas. He asked if we were making the wisest choice with the tax dollars by trying to stretch it out on an office space that did not have very many positive factors to it. Erna Charles reiterated that the deed restrictions prohibit any government body from being housed in the building and Mayor Cutillo said the council would be discussing that in executive session and discussion needed to be kept to the architect's proposal. Frank Clark agreed that the plan was minimal and asked if there were any laws in Arizona governing minimal work areas for employees. Mr. Connick said not to his knowledge but that this plan meets all planning standards. Councilman Haugen asked what the architectural and engineering fees would be on the project and Mr. Connick did not know at this time. Dennis Regeski asked about adding up and Mr. Connick said it was not cost effective. Mayor Cutillo said the effort here was simply one of saving the town money. He said that sometimes, in order to do that, you have to put up with alittle inconvenience and he is willing to do that if it meant the town could save money to put towards a future civic center. Councilman Fox said there was another option and that he had figures to show that few savings would be involved. Irene Leckman asked if MCO had been approached to see how much they would do to set up additional offices in the present town hall. Bill Lacey said the area to be used for the court is too small for 40 people and that the whole building would only handle the basic personnel and the town would have to go out and rent additional space some place else. Mr. Connick was thanked for his presentation. AMMA ITEM #10 - VOTE TO OD INTO EXE=VE SESSION Councilman Fox asked to know why the council was going into executive session and expressed concern that the open meeting law would be violated. Mr. Farrell Town Council Minutes 3/15/90 Page 7 of 10 said it was perfectly acceptable under the state open meeting law to meet in executive session with your attorney to receive legal advice. Erna Charles expressed her concern over having the executive session also. She said it would be fine if they would just go in and get the legal advice but that she resents 14) the fact that the council can then discuss in there what they should be discussing in front of the public. She said the public in this instance is more concerned with this issue than with anything else the council has addressed thus far and that it would be poor policy to discuss in secret what should be discussed in front of the public. Councilman Haugen made a MOTION to go into executive session, SECONDED by Councilman Bill and CARRIED unanimously. The council went into executive session at approximately 8:28 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #11 - RE LEN TO REGLK R SESSION The council reconvened regular session at approximately 8:58 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #12 - ATI R RIZATION OF -STRUCTURAL AMID ROOF REPAIRS TO THE OLD LIBRARY AND CX*tf- iITY CENTER Vice Mayor Minarsich made a MOTION to authorize the structural repairs and roof leak repairs .to the former library building and the Community Center. SECONDED by Councilman Barber. Mayor Cutillo asked to AMEND the motion that the council seek bids to do the work. Vice Mayor Minarsich SECONDED the amended motion. Councilman Fox said when bids go out the contractors need to receive a statement of work. He said a decision needed to be made on what kind of roof would be put on the Community Center as well as which repairs they wanted to have done on the old library. Councilman Bill asked if these should be addressed as two separate items and it was decided that as long as it was one agenda item, it could not be separated. Councilman Haugen asked if this was jumping the gun since the deed had not been accepted yet. Mayor Cutillo said no work would be done until the Town Manager returned and sought out bids for the job anyway. Mr. Farrell said he had resubmitted a draft of the deed agreement and would expect any day next week to conclude the transaction. Vice Mayor Minarsich expressed a desire that repairs start as soon as possible since the church was limited as to how much of the building they were able to use. Mayor Cutillo said the bid should include all types of roofs and then the council could decide which route to go. Councilman Bill made a MOTION to withdraw the motion and amendment and restate it, SECONDED by Councilman Fox and CARRIED unanimously. Councilman Fox made a MOTION that the bids be put out for the repair on the roof of the community center based on the engineer's report provided to us on March 15th giving three options for three bids, also bids on the old library to repair as stated repair damaged roof tiles and corners, etc. as the report so states; furthermore that the roof trusses be repaired on the old library building per the engineers submitted report dated March 15th and that none of the repairs are to commence until the property has been deeded over and accepted by the Town of Fountain Hills. SECONDED by Vice Mayor Minarsich. Mr. Montgomery said he would have to finish the second phase of his work in order to make the drawings for the contractors to bid on and that he had only been instructed by Mr. McNulty to do the first phase which was the investigation work. The motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #13 - AUPfMIZE REMODELING OF THE FORMER LIBRARY Councilman Haugen asked to hear from the property committee now that the Town Council Minutes 3/15/90 Page 8 of 10 architect had given his report. Councilman Fox referred to the report that the committee had put together (attached) and reviewed the concerns expressed by the committee, such as all department heads not being in enclosed offices, no room for staff growth, no jury room or attorney conference room area, no planning and zoning blueprint storage, and a conference room space conflict. He used the figure of 2,700 sq' for office space and said that at $7.55/sq' which is the rent at the MCO building we would be at $20,385 for annual rent and if that same 2,700 sq' was rented out at the old library building at a minimum of $5.00/sq', the rent income would be $13,500 on that building. Using the rental income to defer the cost of rent at the MCO building, the town would be paying only $6,885. Mayor Cutillo asked if it wasn't true that if we stayed at the MCO building we would begin to use 4,000 sq' and Councilman Fox said he was comparing apples for apples and Vice Mayor Minarsich added that if the cost of using 4,000 sq' at MCO was going to be figured, they would have to add the $80,000 figure of the addition to the old library on to the cost of operating at the old library. Councilman Fox continued going over the figures included in their committee report comparing costs of remodeling and rent at both locations. He speculated on the probable expansion that would take place over the next 2 years and the impact that would have on both locations. Vice Mayor Minarsich said as chairman of the Property Subcommittee it was their recommendation not to authorize remodeling of the former library for use as town offices. Vice Mayor Minarsich said the town has the luxury of month to month rent at the current location as well as room for growth and expansion as needed. Councilman Bill requested that a motion be called for to determine whether and what the motion was before there was further discussion. Mayor Cutillo called for a motion. There was no motion and the item was dropped. It was decided that agenda item #14 need not be addressed. ALMA ITEM #15 - CALL To THE PU13LIC Dennis Regeski asked if the rent at MCO was negotiable. Mayor Cutillo responded that they were in no position at that time to say what MCO would or wouldn't do and the council couldn't really get into a question and answer session. Stan West made an impassioned plea to the council to do what they could to get improvements made on the Beeline Highway to avoid more tragic deaths in the community. Ray Hollingsworth referred to the agenda item which was skipped, giving the church proper notice to vacate, and asked how long they might expect to wait before the issue came up again. He said they would like to have an idea on what they could expect so they can plan for their future also. He gave a report on the problems at the library and said it was a bad location for the town, difficult to find. He said the council was an interim council, coming for election, and what would the Christian community feel if the town contributed to the community losing a church. He further said that their lease called for the entire building and being pushed into the back room has caused the church to lose 20 to 25 people. He also felt their lease should extend past October since they have not had full use of the building. Bill Tesmer said present value of money must be examined versus the future value of money and we must look at long term solutions. He said the library space for offices is inadequate and not a proper use of money at this time. co- i� � o- • • • i i5 MOTION made by Vice Mayor Minarsich to adjourn the meeting, SEOONDED by Councilman Bill and CARRIED unanimously. The council adjourned at approximately Town Council Minutes 3/15/90 Page 9 of 10 9:32 p.m. TOWN OF F AIN HILLS By: C- Jo M. Cutillo, Mayor ATTEST: Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Fountain Hills held on the 15th day of March, 1990. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and held and that a quorum was present. DATED this cQA day of March, 1990. Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk' Town Council Minutes 3/15/90 Page 10 of 10