HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0614.TCSM.MinutesTOWrt==' OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF SPECIAL SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL JUNE' 1 i . 1990 ! --pecial session of the Frurl alll dills fowl] _-aulcil. cP(,I" to th(` ('rltl.11C, w15 an called tC' Ordn_- by '1--vor John Cut -I'll at 3J ro` lmatcl' __d�t.r_on F.uiidiThur dal. JunE" lli'rig 1ocared at I- r C AN'. DeJ !':.Amhr ' :,1, .. Fou11tai:i Hi-11L . Ari zona. ROti, CAL_ L - F ;;` rc> t:al,Jrig t 11 . the f1,r� a::,s pit iis;ed .and .rr, inr<>c:.: ti:)n :tt�r[d bt- Rev. Scott ton Lan`on frthe PLorst _lssemblt ref God Church. P:­ 21t fc�r roll call mere the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: John (utilli:, V cti4a-c-r �'hariie Fox and Counc I Imembers Frank Clark, 1,alIv Bill C, Erie '7 :and `_.A-,t h:irlar�'Ic_n. AlsJ present were 'IoLin �1anar.er Paul iII 'C':,;cn Aa rorrlc�- Fi.1.1 F1171-_�?1. Interim Town "?anziger '''ite. —Nulty .3r:d Tot,-n Cierk C.,Fsie- Hansen. Coun:ilm,?n :-lark, pr �sented each of the councilmerribers and the clerk with �.l of the June 7, 1990 meeting; in which the council was s; rn in, rnar;r :and vire mat-cr chosen and terms decided upon. AGENDA ITEM _#2 - ACCEPTANCE OF THE JUNE _7 1990 MINUTES Councilman Hudson made a MOTION ghat the minutes be accepted, SECONDED_ by Counci lm.-in "ii.narsich an"I CARRIED un animou ;ly. AGINDA- ITEM #:? - ACTION ON A SPECI'AI. EVENT I, I( UOI2 LIt'ENSE FOR f lIR BUI?NO - --- - — —= -- --- -Z-- -- ---- 1 -- Jo�c:;zrli!>:+ esrlafined that this; Iicens.,, ;.as brcader than the extension of prcr:;_ *.h. t thel- had aprli&- for th- w;,ek bot-,re. This= license would enable rrif`ir �1i �tribt:t--ors to dcn. t'­ t,_t t^re Call:;,, by pa.-ing For the dunk tank, etc_. ":at or : ut + 1 to made MOTION to accopt. t he rogitec+t t<A- •i ;:pec-i al evont liquor 1 .. erls,e. SECONDED by Vice Yi or Fc.. ,lnd CSI:RIED unanimously. ACFNDA ITEM #4 - PRESF.,N7'.ATION BY SHEILA BARPERINI ON THE REGIONAL PUBLIC TRAIVSPORTAION A[t1'IIORITY "is. Varberirr.i said th,-!t c,ther citi �­ an,1 towrr_ In the v•i1-Ie-,- were roming tip with 8 transpOrtRtloll �1,31i a'nd tC1E� i.. A rc-:al effort- now to -C-r 1rYClI'e-meat at the 1 members pickets of background informati-'n of what'_, going irl othc,r cities and tor;ns and said they wanted to irlt'it.: Fountain !tills to get .i _;en-c, of ghat the citizens want and noel so the town cnn Participate in the transit pl sn. She suggested that the cot!nC L I establish .9 citizen rommi' if e<, to ronduCt "1 Survey to sure- ,y the Cl t.i Zenrl Ind tend out whit the unmet transii. needs are in the This could be t�llowt!d t-v :a public meetin;, ;;her t:;�`oplr could air theLr problems ..and ideas in *,t!e trar�:=:I�c.rt,ation .area. They- would J­ v lot, a _ or '3 page s*atement of the unmet traris;i.t needy and what, the citizens A Fountain 1-11 11s want .in terms of transit. She said the first meetitl;* was set. for June _ r.d but the cornmunit.v could join .ariytime. Councilman Hud_;on e:cpr(,s sed 11ie concern that most of the work had afire. d-y bee;; colnl leteci. Y:s. Barberini eKplained that some cities were further that! othf-r b,lt th:.t a( tu,=t! in('rtirlo -!;7tc }or the toarn, represent atzVes from each city and te;ti-n, h,a4vp been nusherl back and they- don't see the regional Minutes of th•- 'Town Coranc t l 6/14 J90 Page I of 7 plan reaching completion until October. She iaid they are asking for Nu fun& and are only here to help. 50yor Cutilio made a MOTION to choor_c councilmembers to appoint a transportation citizens committee. _SFCON_GED h,y Councilman Hudson and CARRIED unanimously. Mayor. Cutillo volunteered to be one of the 3. Councilmembers O'Brien and Hudson followed suit. AGENDA IT M-k5 - APPROVING CQMPUTE.R EQUIPMENT POR THEM C.IPTRATE COURT Magistrate Shoob said that since the RFP had gone out he had done some additional investigation as to the forms the: court would be needing which number b<. tv:een 50 to .100. He said there is currently a figure in the magistrate budget of $1.590 for printing of forms and that would quickly be used up if all these forms were printed at once. Some of the forma may hardly ever be used but need to be available if required. He roquested changing the Vrinter that was speced out A the RFP to a HP desk jet plus so the court could produce 900 of the forms that they would be using on an as needed basis. He farther said it would be a savings of $1,000 to $1,500 in the cost of their operation. The printer in the bidding spec was a Panasonic I p 1;;�-P_1G�-i ?4 pin der m.at:r. is rioter :at a cost of $40.71. Going to the _desl: jet plus with a font cart -ridge would cost $862.00, an additional roost of $393.44. .liter determining that it would not be illegal to change the RFP at this point, Vice Mayor Fox said he did not feel malting the change at this point would be fair and as long as the town Kill be need-ing- another one of these printers in the future, he suggested going with the original bid and going out to bid on the ,jet plus printer. Vice ^9ayor Fox made a MO_T_ION to accept the proposal before the council, the lor, hid, from Microsupport for 03,251.62 and also giving the town manager authority to go out and seek RFP's for a laser type printer. SECONDED by Councilman Minarsich. Mr. McNulty pointed out that there is quite a difference between the desk jet and a laser. Vice Mayor Foy: _ADDED IV 111E MOTION that tie meant the printer as requested. Councilman Mi.narsich again SECONDED. Yr. !:c.Nulty assured Councilman Clark that an additional printer would he needed and told Councilman Hudson that 5 RFP's had r__nne out locally, 3 being returned. Councilman Hudson commented that he is in favor of supporting local business but the council also has the responsibility to get the best possible bid and that larger items should require bids from outside the rcwn. Councilman Minarsich did Pxpla.in that out of town bids had been obtained for the initial computer purchases and the local bids were the .lowest. The motion CARRIED unanimously. ACFNDA ITEM #6 - COOPERATIVE AGREEMEN BETWEEN THECOUNTY.AND THP. TOWN POR THE 'OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 1'P.OGRAM 11" VrNulry explained that. as per t:is momo (att;ach0h the Community Development Rock Grant Program is a .federalprogram whereas the count' is the keeper of the funds of this program for .all thy' cit ins under 50.000 population. ('ommuti.l ties over 50,000 have their own monies from HMI. Tt1- count_' goes OIl a ? vear funding cycle and only those communities who exercised this; agreement with them are eligible to make application for specific grants. The money is granted for specific projects and are judged against a criteria that HUD puts forth as to what they will do. They provide motley for low income housing, the elderly, etc. and the projects submAt ,d must address these items. If the town doesn't join t y- July nth. it Kill be foreclose! for the next years. He said no expenses are Minutes of the Town Council 6%14;90 Page 2 of 7 incurred unless :a grant: is obtained. ^savor W5110 added that Supprvisor Brun r encouraged the town to enter the program and that if it had been entere. into earlier, Fountain Hills might have received some money this year. Mr. Mc`uiyi said the funding cycles correspond to the fiscal year .arid th:- -text one will begin in 1991 and the projects have to be in and are considered .shorti r after the first of the calendar year. Vice Mayor Fox made a MOTION to approve a cooperative agreement between Naricopa County and the Town of Fountain Hill-, for the Community Development Block Grant. Program. SECONDED by Councilman Clat-L vend CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #7 - ACTION ON ROOF REPAIR FOR THE COMMUNITY CENTER PROPERTIES `r. McNulty reported, as per his memo (.:;tt.ached), that an RFP had been issued for the roof repair on both of the buildings and restricted them to Fountain Hills. He said 2 proposals came back in but that only I met the specs of the RFP. The other one bid a product not covered in the RFP although it could be a viable product. Since the 2 could not be compared and the project engineer and he felt the viable bid was a tad high. he was recommending that the council reject the 2 offers and reissue the RFP. Vice Mayor Fox made a MOTION to ,accept the town manager's recommendation. SECONDED by Councilman Yinarsich. Mayor Cutillo .wised if the same specs would be used. Dave Montgomery said they could modify them to include another option that had come up on another roofing system and they would got bids that were apples for apples so costs could be compared. Mr. McNulty said they would be going to a broader universe since there were only 2 firms in town that do this type of thing. Mr. Wntgornery told Councilman O'Brien that the bid that was a tad high was approximately 25`1 too high. The motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA TTEM #8 - AIRING A CLERK TYPIST Yr. YeNulty referred to his memo (attached) which outlined the needs for a clerl: typist at this time. Due tc the physical layout of the offices and the wJJit.ional services which will be required ,ifter• the first, he feels it's a necessity to fill this position at this time. Councilmen Hudson made a MOTION to accept the recommendation of the manager for the hiring- of a clerk typist. SECONDED by Vice Mayor Fox who there asked how thy• p_siti an wiJI be fiILed. Yr. YcNulty replied that he would use the i.ile of resumes received while filling previous positions and added that the salary could be the same as the receptionist salary which started at 1012,000. Vic- Ynyor Fox felt it necessary to put at least one ad in the paper and the council recommended that this be done. The motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM �f9 -ACTION ON IMPROVING THE TRAFFIC PROBLEM AT SAGUARO AND PALMER -Y ---- -- ---- ----- ---- — hW Vice Mayor Fox explained the problem and showed the council the different plans the county had proposed for the corner of Saguaro :and Palmer fray. One suggestion is to close the median so that only right hand turns could be made off of Palmer. Another suggestion is to install a traffic light. A decision must be made before July 1st because the county will do whatever the town decides it wishes to be done at that corner. Vice Mayor Fox said they had a meeting with approximately Minutes of the Town Council 6/.14/90 Page 3 of 7 ?3 residents of that area in attendance and the potl result was about 'c '? in favor of a traffic light: at that corner. The line of sight problem is verb- b.:;1 ,hen makirg :a left hand turn and tai i:ig the shrubs out ad,1 ; ;;nli a of "vision time'. Vice I~layor Foy; said ttte county engineer did not feel this was :+viable solution because it only improved the line of sight for larger vehicles. Councilman O'Brien said he felt the simplest solution was to make Palmer kav one w:ay going t.ef t . Vice ?Mayor fox staid the corner does not meet the criteria .for s light on lt,_+ brisis. of traffic densi -v but is strictlt• a safety• issue. Councilman "'inarsich asked what the :maintenance costs were for a traffic light. a.vor Cutillo said he felt it was important to keep the traffic light situation down to as lore a count as rossiblE- and he felt the no left turn alternative w;as the best. Vice Mayor Fos said he felt that safety must come first, then the convenience inconvenience of the residents in that area. then the convenience ,incoi:venierice of t-h(, whole comurunity. Councilman Clark said he felt there .tias a ;seater need for a li�­-ht at Indian Welles. Mayor Cutillo made a MOTION to instruct the countyr to proceed with diagram D, eliminating .the left h.:and turn, adding an acceleration Jane. Vire Mayor Fos explained that this was the least favorable way to eliminate the left hand turn because it called for 2 l L ;:ide lanes _:.high are too narrow. The Mavor AMENDED the motion to make it ,:lan L. Councilman Minarsich SECONDED the motion. Vice :�iat,,r Fox s,,:id he must - vote no bocaue safety must come before convenience. Bob Thomas said Palmer is the only ingress egress for residents on Nicklaus and he suggested the council reconsider the removal of the shrubbery as the initial solution. Norman Lash suggested 3 was .stop sign&- but it: r,-as felt that would be more of an inconvenience tc evervolle and too hard on the streets with all the stopping and starting. Dennis Contino gave a report on his findings on the maintenance costs of traffic I ' hr.s ;,:high. in Par._adise V.- ilea• costs $'W,t?CO per year on a contract basis for .1 signals. He also said that numerous communities he talked to about the ;I!uat.ic, at Palmer advised -,oin;- r,ith the right hand turn only alternative. ounciiman Minar.sich added that at. the meeting :,-here mangy- of the residents from the Palmer tiay .-area were in attendance, they- all agreed that removing the shrubber," wcul.J help the situation. t,,'-iyor Cutillo AMENDED the motion again to include the rerncval of the shrubb-r�v. Councilman Minarsich again _SECONDED the amended motion. The VOTE on t'he-ajm,�,nded motion was 3 - 3. The VOTE on the original motion r,°.as - ounc i1r1.in "';'Brien made a MOTION to request from the ,,ounty input regarding the pros and cons of maki.nc Palmer a one w.-ay street, _ tiny; only- off of acuarv. Mice "':a,} -or Fox said the town could do that on their own an,? did not need the county for that but: a decision must be made before the 3"P.11 or w-' trill 10re the OPF: 1rtunity to have the fount-V pay for whatever is to be done. The MOTION FAILED for ack of a second. Councilman Clark rrr;ade a MOTION to proceed with t:he earlier plan to remove the shrubs, an=l if they are to be ref,!;Iced bc• replaced with Low, lvir+r- ground cover find to instal_I a 3 s.ay stop stisr.err. The MOTION FAILED for lack of a- second. 'cuncilrn:,n Minarsich stressed tit_ t an arcs+ear most be back to the comity by the neat_ d.av in order to have it d for and the council must decide tonight. V.1cF: Na,vor Fox rei.tr-rated that s.a' sty must come first. Councilman Minars_ich sail t.liat now that they are in possession of a letter from the county stating there is a problem at this corner, that the towns liability .is probably greater. Mr. Farrell said this could be used in a lawsuit against the town if an accident did occur. Councilman Hudson made a MOTION to proceed with the removal of the shrubbery and the trees and make the site more favorable. SECONDED by Councilman Minarsich and CARRIED Minutes of the Town Council 6/14/90 Page 4 of 7 unanimously. Mavor Cutillo said he stil i w-anted to see someI so ^t a�• st 'r decision. made. rice M1'avcr Fo:: m:,d� .-� MOTION tc: :,:; Ltio Runty ; �) con`inuo t ; finish the traffic light irrespectiv- of cost due t: tl:c fact of the problem situation overrides cost .and the cost on something 1.ke that *;zr .i:; install:at ion and everythir)g else is not born h,`,- the to;i_ SECONDED b,v Clarl: for the sake or discussion. lie said he is opposed to the pr.1A1feratlot1 .--t traffic lights but he rtdi<:ua F-elles is the most_ .I�•t�r;;pri.at Place for a light. `iaycr Cutillo stated that: he feels strongly against a tr.,fi light at Palmer 1�,ay and that they t,-ere only ,3 king the rtsid,­nt:; of th:3t: r'a r_,; put themselves out 8`10 of .a milt:,. The motion FAILED by a cote of � nn s to 1 ale., Vice Ya-.•or Foy; being the onll- a_-e vote. ''avor Cutillo restated his cri;^it:ai MO'TIO_N to eliminate the left hand turn tsing diagram E. SECONDED by Councilman Minarsich. The motion CARRIED 5 aye vote--: to 1 nay vote, Vice FlaYor- Foy: --epresenting the only nay vot:je. Vico Mayor Fo?: reque t:e;' t.hat the town contact Gre-- Holverson at the County Hibht;ay Department tomorrow to let them 1,_uoi, the decision. AGENDA ITEM #10 — BILLS TO BE PAID Councilman Hudson made a MOTION that t:ho bills of June 13th in the amount of $2,906.01 be approved for. payment. SECONDED by Councilman O'Brien. Vice avor Fox requested that staff begin preparing ar, expenditure plan because thE; couple times there have been expenditures that he is not happy about being made ar thus time. He said sometimes :approval is .asked for and sometimes it isn't and he C.aI'. t c_­ out and spend mon�t' just bei atlSe I;c: think WE. need something. Mavor .;ut.illo .asked if there wa . :-cm tt,ing in fart ui..ir an:f `. ice Mayor Fvt :;aid he would 111:e to make sure thrt the llld._C1,�iry se-lon 1s stain, scrfnt-iiiat Close to budget. The ruedO, CARRIED unanirnou.rly. AGENDA ITEM # 11 — GALL TO TILE PUBLIC N.-_ one from the publi.� 3ddra.ssed the coun�,i I . AGENDA ITEM #12 — ADJOURNMENT ._TO WORKISTUDF.SESSION CG-)uncilman mi& , MOTIO.,"7 tc- ad i urri, SECONDED by ',-ice "a. -or Fo-. .and CARRIED In.luimous.ly. The coun(i1 .ad-jr.'urneci at rr I o ,i.mately &: ' [_Ill. to take a 5 minute bro,:A: before commencing the work.,study session. Minutes of the Town Counc-il 6/14/90 Page 5 of 7 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE WORK/STUDY SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL JUNP 14, 1990 The Mayor called the twork!study session to order at approximately 6:15 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #2 — PRESENTATION BY BOB CASILI.AS OF PEACOCK, HISLOP, STALEY & GIVF,N. INC. ON COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICTS Yr. Casillas introduced the other presenters for the evening which included Jim Stricklin, another principle of the firm and Michael Cafiso, an attorney- with O'Connor Cavanaugh. Mr. Casillas supplied the council and .staff with a booklet covering all the topics they would be covering in their presentation. fh�! gentlemen discussed types of bonds, A. general obligation bonds and revenue binds. They also went over revenue sources such as Cayes, special assessments, user charges, etc. This was followed by an over view of the role of rating agencies. the role of investment bankers and the role of bond counsels. Mayor Cutillo requested that the presenters get into greater depth on the facilites districts themselves because that is what the council was really interested in at this time. ` They then moved onto the legislative history of the community facilities district act and what some of the functions are of the districts as well as some of the other states and communities where they have been established. The legislation took place here to attract developers by providing capital for their projects. It also provides a mechanism for communities to promote development through the use of special assessment bonds, improvement district bonds and community- facilites district bonds. The town's liability and responsibility as far as debt goes was discussed. CFD's do not have to be Considered an obligation of the town, keeping more funding capacity for the town. This can be set up if the developer will accept repayment responsibility. They - suggested that the town require any developer to up front tell how they are going t:c finance the project. They discussed the difference between improvement districts and community- facilities districts where the latter does not have the town standing behind the debt. CFD's have a life of their own — their debt is their debt. The presenters then went through the step by step formation of CFD's, developer,.` landowner request and the subsequent application, general plan and petition process using tI:e flow chart included in their booklet. They also went over the easy and more difficult methods of formation. The town can act as a board of directors of the CFD. Another board could be formed but Mr. McNulty painted out that this would be another layer of government: that could conflict with the government of the town. They then discussed project development, the feasibility report which includes informatioN as to rost and maintenance. They said the town should have a policy Vp clacp .as to how districts can be formed so ,when a developer comes in and says they want to farm a district, they can be handed the policy of requirements to follow. T& presenters further said that there is currently no legislation available to dissolve a CFD once .it is formed so they should be formed sloHly and carefully. Even if inactive, the district requires a budget every year. Due to the time constraints, the gentlemen left an additional booklet and wrapped up their presentation. AGENDA ITEM #3 — REVIEW OF TOWN CODES Minutes of the Town Council 6/14/90 Page 6 of 7 Due to the late hour the rount:11 on this item and aeent on to the bud,' -->,et discussion. AGENDA ITEM #4 - REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET G'ice. _`avor Fo-: handed out .copies of the pror,c,sed preli1r.inary bud t .2s well as a pictorial breakout of the brof:en down budget (attached). He briefiv r: ,:t ,over the revenues and hots Le generall -c:t Jjis figures. He then s,e!jt: over the departmental budgets. He said the council had until the 3rd l`ondav in Juls t adopt the tent�Itive budget bl- law and tt.rtil the -rd week i❑ August to fc�rmall_, adopt the budget. He recommendt>d that by the last meeting of the month. they should be abl � to adopt a budget :-so there could be :about ? weeks to rc vieil, i t an t .1 — any questions the councilmember•s mat• Lai.,. :3-Dr Cutillc suggeL-,1.cl th• _ounr.i;f ta1;:e the budget, r:_vi��, it .-tad discuss it, ,it-- the nt2xt meetingIt pointed out th ,t th( Vic- be here next Th= c u,'.ci l d C'lded have e::tr.a .s-orR, stud,- the of—t. t..do 1-ceeks to &(, over b,Jth thE, C'Dd"`= 3rld the budget. fir" Farm-li suggested tc th" council that th,- codes art suscepnb]F, to change .gild t:h:xt this r.:nuncil could easily .:Jdopt- t}tG' code t,h(7,:. revlei and change it at .a later date, allowing the council more time on the Ludr;et ivnich cannot be chatig,e:l. The council tell thou. should spend e::tra time and do both, starting next Tuesday-. AGENDA TTP,M #5 - SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS No n e . Paul ^:ordin reported the:tt fie i:as moving tr., F.Dunt:a.in Hills ne%� ThursdaY. Friday- Ind AGENDA ITEM •1f b - ADJOURNMENT The council adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Tt71,ir•1 OF FOU 1i 1 I 'I1, S J o h t I V. Y 11J. Na,vor ATTEST: _ Cassie Hansen, Town CERTI F I CAT T ON T hereb-v ct r•tifc that the for goinf, miruit,c" arc a true and correct cons' of the rri.ita:cis cf the special meeting and t,�nrl:, :-t:ud-, session of the Tony Council of 17,-�t.ntai:: [fills held on th> l-ith day of June, 1590. I further certifv th-it- th- meeting• was dull- called and held and that a quorum was present. DATED` this c� � cf y of June, 1 01!0. C.assie Hansen, Town Clerk Ml nut:es of thr Town Council 6/ 14/90 Page 7 of 7