HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0719.TCRM.MinutesTOWN OF FWNTAIN HILLS MfffrrFS OF THE REGUTAR MEETENC OF Tff, POUNTAIN Hl,',!.S TOWN CO'UNC[I JUL! 1P. 19QO A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Towr CouN-W war _Nvenpd and . allod n_ Drder to- layar Khn A010 or , :4 pan. , Thur.. A , .40v !1. 104% in 10 PlunEAn Hills School DivIrM Idminiurration Fuilding locatod at 15n05 N. Doi >mbre W.. Fountain Hills. Arivoaa. RG1k,CALL - Folloving L0 pin3gy Ln the t1ag and the inveration by Kv. 50son if vhn Brit haprisL "hur-h, r-11 call was Laken. Prpspnr inn rail ujK u-r- tTe f v 11 W po me&s A the Fountain Hil Is &rwn Coune A : Allyl. joh'.: ArAl", Tice Wyor Vally Hud&nn and Councilmembery Frank Clark, Pag Tihbptts' NAP YinarsiA, Chailie 0N and Bill C 'Fripm. Alsn present were Town "Anager laul Nordin, Town Atrornpy Fill "irr-11 ind F-wn Aork Oaasie Hansen. ,AGENDA- I T1Y _1�2 - YQTMANA09M -REPORT Yr. Abrdin reporrpd that th" Stry-t Department hid Started a clean up pro jest of all QQ main str-pts in W mmmuniry and would be continuing that project over the next few weeks. He commented that Vice Mayer Hudson would be accompanying him to a meeting next Wednesday of the AZ Risk Retention Pool and that he would bF staying an after that meeting for the ACKA Summer Porkshop. Nr. Nordin also ynpon-d that nonnip Riley had barn hired for the rpueptionist position. that 25 iewing for 'SuMn had Wen submitted for the accountant 1 position and inter( '4W that post would We place the Neek A the 10th. He 3j& the planning director Tcsitior wis narrowed down to 2 cindidate- and the final splervinn would bc, announced npyt swpk. Finn I ly. he stated that resumes for Town Narsha I I continue to -omp in and -ill he acrpyed until July '1st. Yr. Nordin then recommendod th.n th- council formally adopt. by mcKon, t& pnq onpd meeting schedule which had been dinc"gsed At the last work "studl seszion AN! rhit the n,w schedule commoncp on Aly Ant. Ho added that by work,3tudy Apssion could b, cancelled if it win derprminad to be unecessary. Virn Mayor Wiron c-!umunted that A"ce he waA AwCwn in cn .3"nf. 7­!). th"'­a bad i tee, pos v i bi y two, that wo"! 4 na rrant ha i a ng a work E t 03 session pri or to the r-qqlar megring. H- fAv rh-t in Arranp-m-rt ic"Id be made wheryby the minager, the movor an! possAh th- viry mqyar could maky a determingtion aF ro whether n- not i wnrk qtudF n-svion would he roquir"d Hid rho rrrivor could - ;l the me-ning accordingly since h- haq the authority to do so. Tayor Cutillo tell it h- best, Lo fycilifn- "h . vfmatien .f the administration, n schpdulf-, ­'t r wurk study SeFsj­ n4th rn arnah rf he' not Nj, Vi-, Y"y' ','ud5,,1 i,oa:nqn­_l thuz; it rho aunci ! UA a stud, ession ind !"- t q that -rudy session ware prortv much A ony mind. rho imblir imuLl migq out oN the disr"ison' that brouph; uh- -n"nnil ro rho ir 1"rision when ir camp time ro veto at the regular meeting. Qpn-ilmin Tinarsich agrepd with the 11on Wyor regarding the need factor of werk!Audv sessions but felt then Should be scheduled with the latitude to cancel them far enough in advance. Mr. Nordin stated that a determination could be marle on the n'ond.av morning or even the Fridar prior to the schedulej woQ,stndv session as to w0rher the meeting was norpbsary or not. found i I woman Tibbetts made a MOMN to adopt t h e, Towp r-ounrA Minutos 7119 00 Kg- t of 3 luesdav Thursdav srhadulp an propcy& pith rhe op1jon _t -liminatins n— fvqj, syss ion if not felt to be necessary after the mayor and manAnpr If; nnsnK-1. SCP bWinilivan Ninnz.and CARRIED m-vyjER,v, 11. Nordin then discussed the KiwAnis 'Art Auction b-1 1�: hr'lr! "­r YOM& Nontelpone and suggestsi that thrown cDuld purchaso 4,m- q, jj,4 1n,m_ for the Town 151 1 M& helpipg out with the bpnefit at tly, Counciiman O'Eriviv requested that some policy be established sc that ooAnTA could know ahead at 5mp yurhAp; , budgprav; vimuunr in, "llpd in "A condin, t: such needs as they come up. Mayar Cut illo 3gre,-.d sc.,me scr,, et Fjor cr A 7'1 L,P Gt dc- . il&g with potential hunurp requesrs for donations My,, :1, , 1. Cour-Awan Ninarsach clarified this unique situation in that it %a> ArEunily o bird; A ON one none. jqrvhAE&v something that needed at Wyn Hal I aA well as cnntributins to 6 icorthy cauni. Att-cr reirer,-,ting tha,_ tLe -own r, c2n his can. haL the latitude of truth-rizing UP $300 expenditure for jo.'nation's for the walls in UwL Hall , Co"nAlman Tinarsirh mad, a MQjjQj ;(- Participar- in rK arr anct i-n benef A= Vichav! , not to exlej Mc.00. S KATMT D bj C"un21mao Fox. Vyr fati I lo AM chic hn thought this way " goo,.! Uin(.; but that: 0 hP would Me the lhwn Yinagor to met up come sort at prn-edynt w� guide line for future requasts. The motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA .ITEM.` #3 OLUTIOY A MAYOR 'F 00TIl COITVCT CounAiman FOB: made a MOTION to arcopt Regolution 1900-1" formulating a Mwyor':� Vouth Council for the Town of MuntAn Hills, SECO ED by CnunAlmnii Yinnrsich and CARRIED unanimously, TUNI �M, VOTE TO GO [Nr.,:) EX C1,iI VP, 01 LTMJANT TO A 38 - J) MUMM5 --TOWN, A71ORNEY PUR JECALADVICE RELATING TO ORDINANCES AND THETP, ENFO I'MEWT AND 21 _ DISC( _T5S1ONAND_ CONSULTATION WITit _T 11F TOWN ATTORNEY P0R i.EGAt ADVICE RF.GARDING Cauy-Amau Clark made t& MOTTO- a, r-al. TECONVED by Councilman FinarAch an,J CARRIEV unaNin"unly. ACE-INIV UFMA - CALL TO THE PUBLIC; No on- ans to-Aira ip ad grass t-A, c"nnwij SGENPATTEMf? - GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESS19N Thoupril went inEA PKeMAV- v:viov at ApproAit"t,ly Wo T= ACENVA ITEM #7 - RTTURN T0_RFGULAP_SPSVj0N The Younril returned to regular session at Approximately 9:02 p.m. AGFNDA ITEPAUT - ADJOURWENT Ccu,n( i 1man O'Brien made a MOTION !,;,;,!journ, SECU 0912 io- Councilman Anarsich and Tnwn Council Ninntes 7 1900, Page 2 of _� CARRIED un,-,mIrnouSI.v. F A. CERTIFICATION Ev: John cutillo. Town ClerL 1 h,-r-by th.--it t-h- ffillltlr`S a?-0 J CrUe .�Md correct cop - c)f the � 'nut w rp. I -es of the re-u].-c- meeti-n- ol tilt. Torn Council Of Fountain Hills held On the J')t: -,IN- of Ju-1tv, 1990. T f u r r h r E t i.,-i t the e m e c? t i j I e -:1 , I h day j and that ;3 present . T) — J k T' 1, D t h i c; -Ad ,.Rss e E. Tlansr-n, T.-,ivii Town Cc-iiic i I T) u L. ,, I I ') 90 of 3