HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991.1001.TCWSM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE WORK/STUDY SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL, (iCTOBEi< 1, 1991 A public work study session of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Mayor John Cuti l i o at 6:30 p.m. , Tuesday, October 1 , i 99 i , in the Council Chambers of the Town Flail Offices locaren at 16836 E. raiisader. Blvd. , niriiding C, Fountain hills , Arizona. Present for roil call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Lonnci i : Mayor .iohn Cut.i i io, vice Mayor Frank Clark and Councilmembers Peg Tibbetts , Mike Yi_nar si ch, Char i i e Fox, Wally Hudson and Bill O'Brien. Also present were Town Manager Paul Nordin, Town Attorneys Bill Farrell and Nick Dotrerman, Town Planner Gary .ieppson, Judge Stuart Shoob, and Town Clerk Cassie Hansen. AGENDA ITEM #2 - MAGISTRATE'S REPORT .fudge Shoob stared that the new report included the Town Code violations. He reported that the current month's two hundred fourteen cases filed were low, compared ro rho nsuai number of three hundred to three hundred twenty-five. .hinge Shoob said that they were re-contacting the approximately one hundred sixty-six people that- were under warrants and suspensions. Councilman Minarsich asked what percentage of the outstanding fines were Fountain Hills residents ' and Judge Shoob replied that approximately twenty to twenty-five percent were residents. AGENDA ITEM #3 - "lArOR'S REPORT #3.A. Appointment of representative to the Maricopa County Library District year 2016 visioning process. Mayor Cutilto said that he had been requested to appoint a representative from Fountain Hills to the sir on rho `Yiaricopa County l ibr•ary District for rile 2016 visioning process . HP stared that he wanted to bringit before the Council and called for discussion. Councilman Hudson said that the process: Thar nad been fol iowed seemed quite appropriate, in approaching the Board and requesting a recommendation. Vice Mayor r,i ark i ill roduced Dan Foster, stating that no was past and current president of the Fountain Hills Library Association. Mr. Dan roster stared that he would be very happy to serve as representative and Mayor Cuti. lio said that the Town would send a letter to the County advising them of the selection. Minutes of the Work/Study Session of the Town Council 10/3%91 Page 1 of 10 h. aricopa County iandti l l siting r - . Mayor Cttti i to said rhat me • 441jproject was moving along well i was exported rhat the County Supervisors would appoint the official siring consultant at the October 7 meeting. The consuiCant would then begin looking at various sites in Maricopa and Pinai County for a landfill . Mayor Cuti l o said that he had the process forms in his office which were used to choose a landfill site. He added that anyone who was • interested was welcome to look at the forms and offer suggestions. Mayor Cur i i i o stared that the basic criteria were, cost of the landfill , travel distance to me landfill , appearance , etc. lie also stared than the criteria would eiiminate Fountain iiitis ror consideration. Councilman Hudson asked if there were any ' imitations on what would he allowed in the landfill and Mayor Cutiiio said that it would be a general purpose landfill . i.(;. Resointion committee report . Mayor (;urilio said that he and Mr. Nordin had attended the -Resolution committee meeting and rear he had the thirry-eight kesoiittions with him. He stared that anyone interested in looking at them could meet witn him ar any rime. Mayor Ctitiiio said that he had made comments on two 'Resolutions, one on revenue sharing and the other on re i axing the annexation laws. MAG report/weighted voting policy. Mayor Cutii io said that there was much discussion at the meeting regarding this topic, most of which came from the one vote, west side towns. He said that it would he brought up at the next meeting as requested. Councilman O'Mrien said that he had read the editorials and did nor believe mar MAG was what was getting in Arizona beparttnent of Transpor- ration 's way. Councilwoman Tibbetts asked if Phoenix's departure would jeopardize the nature or MAG and me :Mayor replied rnat he felt it would not be able to continue on the same level . Mr. Nordin summarized for the Council staring that the weighted voting proposal had two components. He went on to explain that in order to get something passed by the MAG Regional Council , it would be necessary ro have a majority vote of ail the members present, nor weighted voting. if any city was dissatisfied with that vote, they could call for ;.t weighted vote to rake place. Mr. Nordin saio that to pass any proposal , one half or the members present would have to vote in favor. Mr. Nordin explained rnar it two large cities wanted to go together and use their weighted votes, they could nor ger somerning passed without getting the majority of ail me individual communities. ne adned tent- rue oni;osi re was true for a small town. if a weighted vote was cal led for, rhev would nave ro get not only a majority in tie cities , nut a mnic,rity- or rile weighted votes. Mr. Nordin said that the weighted voting system allowed things ro he more easily defeated than passed. He said me small cities retained the ani l itv to defeat proposals that wonin not he in their best interest . To get sorter ni ng through, there won i d have ro be cooperation between small and large cities. Councilwoman Tibbetts asked i r fountain hi i is could help in the cooperation efforts ar a iower level that • might filter upward. Mr. Nordin srared tear he had scheduled a luncheon in Fountain Hills with Steve Cleveland from Goodyear, Ralph Velez from Tolleson and Kent- Cooper, the Chairman or the ;';AG management committee, from Gilbert. Minutes of the Work/Study Session of the Town Council 10/3/91 Page of 10 Councilman Fox asked it rnoenix nao said they would drop out of MAG if this was nor voted in. -Mayor Cutilio said that two persons had indicated that , bur that i t would have to be approved by r ne i t Council . AGENDA ITEM #4 — VICE MAYOR'S REPORT Vice Mayor Clark stated that he had written out his report and that copies of it - would he available after the meeting. HP said that he would read parts of the report and leave out a large section of it . Vice Mayor Clark said that he had attended a seminar in Flagstaff last August on creative approaches to govern— mental budgeting and finance. He said that his interest in attending was to compare public and private financial systems. Vice Mayor Clark said there were two areas where they had significant differences that affect the practices, the historic developments behind each sector and the concept of law as applied to each sector. He said he also attended the Governor's Rural Development Conference held in Flagstaff in September. Vice Mayor Clark stated that he attended a session entitled Creating Successful Commrnities, including components for successful. communities, developing a shared coasmtnity vision, developing an effective local team and winning strategies for selling economic development. He went on to say that the second day there were seven workshops offered and he crtose two, winning through effective participation and the other side of the story. "vice Mayor Clark stated that he haci several conversations with Terry Savor-son from the Fountain hills Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Jim Flynn from FMC Marketing, a consulting firm that helped set up the economic development program recently established by the Chamber. Vice Mayor offered the Following actions as a result of the conversations with a view to improve an already outstanding program. First , he suggested that the Council develop a visionary statement for the Town or 'ountain hills, i .e. , who we are, whom do we want to be, where do we want to be, now do we ger there; second, heroine a partner with the Chamber and others concerning economic development : third , enter into an annual. contract with the economic development committee, which would include goals, funding and reporting. Councilman Minarsi_cn stated that there was an economic development committee of which he, Mayor Cut i i io anti Mr. Nordin were members , as appointed nv rite Coiincii . Councilman Mi na rsich said the only problem was that chore was no funning for the Council . Councilman Min:irsich stared r:hat he al so felt. that nr•re ;host i d ne a clearer way of funding money from the Town into those types of programs. Vic.eMavor Clark stared that: ne ielt the committee's goals anti a visionary statement should be in place before the presentation of the five year Hiatt. Councilman riuncoti stated that ne hid nor reel comfortable, as one of seven persons , with the responsibility of a missionary statement for an entire p; putarion. vice Mayor Clarl, •,rated rit:rt there may be another Town Hall soon and than input , along with all other available data could tie used in developing a statement . Councilman `iinarsich stated that an example of a problem in Fountain n i t was the r"i rerock Estates business park south of Shea Roe i evard. He stated trtar there had not been any new const-rttr•.ttoil in rite six years that he had his on i ce riter•e. he continued saying that- rite Chamber had spent $50 ro $60 thousand liol Tars in the recent years to try to attract hnsinesses to the community. Councilman M-inarsich said that with this effort there had been a ten percent. Minutes of the Work/Study Session of the Town Council 10/3,91 i':tgr-• .-r of 10 response where they only expected a one percent response. Also, that there had been one new business brought in to the community and there were several more leads they were following up on. Councilwoman Tibbetts stared char the Civic Association historically had been instrumental in the Town Halls. She added that the earliest one could he scheduled was early next year. Mr. Nordin stared that he would help on behalf of the Town and meet with them to help any way possible. Councilman O'Brien stated that the timing of these steps would he critical as well and Councilman Minarsich said that was his concern. Mr. Nordin said that his view was that there were items in the five year plan that would he subject , not only to the Councils scrutiny, but the Town's. AGENDA ITEM #5 - TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. Nordin distributed a memo regarding the noise situation at Club Mirage and a copy of the press release on the it. Mr. Nordin stated that there would be discussion related to this later on the agenda that dealt with the zoning ordinances. Mr. Nordin said that the zoning document would be an appropriate means to facilitate a solution. The specific item was not on the agenda and Mayor Cutillo said that it should not be discussed. ii:S.A. I . Nominations for a Councilmember to serve on the Arizona League of Cities and Towns Executive Committee. Mr. Nordin said that the Mayor received a letter requesting a Councilmember he nominated and he felt this would he a good opportunity to develop more rapport with the league. Mayor Cutillo stated that he would volunteer to serve if there was no opposition. Tt was agreed that the appointment would be made at Thursday's Regular Session. # .R.1 . Scottsdale Kiwanis special event request for their annual hike tour. Ms. Hansen stared that her office had received all the proper paperwork and Marshal Dean had given his approval . She added that this event was their second ann►►al hike your through Fountain Hills and last year there were no problems. # i.R.2. Special use permit for McDonald's restaurant proposed outdoor dining facility. yr. .ieppson stated that staff had provided a report to the Council , recommending denial based on the traffic congestion problem that currently existed . He said that at some point in the future, staff might present an alternative relinquishing some of the Shea Boulevard right of way so that McDonald 's could extend their parking. Mr. .ieppson stated that the Town could use mach more discretion in their review and development than the County used to. i,ouinciiman O'Brien asked if any decision made on one parcel could set a precedence concerning future decisions. Mr. .ieppsnn stared that there certainly needed to he a rationale for each decision so, if someone had identical circumstances, there should be some consistency in the decisions. Mr. Jeppson said that discussions on closing the end of Trevino Drive had not developed because hcDonaid 's had not been willing to negotiate. Vice Mayor Clark asked Minutes of the Work/Study Session of the Town Council 10/3/91 Page 4 of 1O what the right of way was on Shea Boulevard and Mr. Jeppson stated that it was two hundred feet. #5.B.3. Appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill the three vacancies created by the completion of the three, one year terms. Mr. Nordin referred to a memo from Mr. Jeppson that identified the three, one year terms and requested that Ken Bretting, Bob Thomas and Terry Oester be considered for re- appointment. He added that they had all submitted letters of interest for the positions. Mr. Nordin said that Walt Franklin and John Freel had also submitted letters of interest. Mr. Nordin stated that staff would entertain whatever direction the Council would recommend. Councilwoman Tibbetts said that she would favor re-appointment because they had served the community well. Mayor Cutillo said he supported that but wondered about any deficit in any of their attendance at the meetings. Mr. Jeppson stated that he did not believe there had been any problem. Councilman Fox stated that he also agreed with Councilwoman Tibbetts. He stated that he felt that re-appointment would be appropriate, adding that they had gained a great deal of knowledge in one short year and should be allowed to use it. Vice Mayor Clark asked why the group of appointments was advertised and Mr. Nordin stated that he thought that it was Council's procedure for all appointments. Mr. Jeppson confirmed this, that there was no legal reason, but that it was to allow the Council the options. Councilman Hudson stated that he felt that the Council should have a list with the appointment expiration dates at least six weeks before the vacancy. Vice Mayor Clark asked if the staff was aware of the re-appointees' intentions at the time the ad was placed. Councilman O'Brien stated that he felt there was a unique circumstance with this commission because of the learning process involved with the subject. Mr. Nordin stated that the Council would have more notice in the future. #5.B.4. Traffic signing and striping for October 1991. Mr. Harrel called the Council 's attention to the report for the proposed signing and striping for October and he requested the Council 's authorization for performing the work. Mr. Harrel said that one item was strictly a maintenance item, the restriping at the school areas. He continued, stating that the second item was the four-way stop sign in the Cottonwoods subdivision to eliminate cut through traffic and to mitigate efficient intersection sight distances in that area. Mr. Harrel said that there had been a Town meeting on the Cottonwoods problem and there was a Town Engineer's report available from that meeting. He said that the third item was "no overnight parking" at the Courtside Villas area. He said that it had been reviewed and was favored by the Courtside Villas Homeowner's Association, the Street Superintendent, the Marshal , and the Fire Department. Mr. Harrel stated that the fourth item was the continuation of the installation of street name signs and miscellaneous signs under the 402 grant program. Councilman O'Brien commented on the street signs for the unpaved streets and it was determined that the sign installation on these corners should be delayed until after the paving is done. Councilman Minarsich asked about the schedule for replacing signs and Mr. Harrel stated that they had not come in yet. Councilman Fox recommended that the striping on the curves on Grande be checked and • explained that the street should he no passing in those areas. Mr. Harrel said Minutes of the Work/Study Session of the Town Council 10/3/91 Page 5 of 10 that he would check on that striping. Councilman Fox asked for a run-down on the Cottonwoods meeting. Mr. Harrel said that the meeting on September 24 had '44111) eleven residents present with two more sending letters. The residents favored installing a stop sign in the proposed location, however, were concerned that it might not be enough to solve the problem. • Mr. Harrel stated that the problem would be studied after the installation of the stop signs. Mr. Harrel was asked about public reaction to the advance street signs and he stated that it seemed to be running about two to one, in favor or them. Vice Mayor Clark asked about the excess in funds from the Grant and Mr. Harrel said that the additional signs were ordered. He added that he and Mr. Pat Harvey had submitted five additional areas that they wanted to use the extra funds in and four of the areas had been denied. Mayor Cutillo asked if anyone was doing anything about reflectors in the streets and Mr. Harrel said they had been requested as part of the grant but denied. Mr. Harrel stated that reflectors in selected areas would be in the five year plan. 46.B.5 Possible amendment to the retirement plan allowing participation of new hires in the plan. Mr. Nordin said that this had to do with a new requirement placed upon employers from the Social Security Administration. As a new entity, the Town did not have to and chose not to participate in the Social Security System. Mr. Nordin explained that the Social Security Administration had now ruled that organizations not choosing to participate must furnish some type of retirement for their employees at all times during their employment. Councilman Hudson asked about part time employees hired as hourly help. Mr. Farrell said it depended upon the type of hire, if they were under social security then they would be. He explained that the Social Security Administration, Department of Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service said that some public employers that were not social security participants were not providing any type of pension plan for certain types of employees. Mr. Farrell said that as of last July 1, such employers had to put employees into the social security system or make them eligible for the Town's plan. Mr. Farrell stated that after studying the situation, it would be of better value to the Fountain Hills residents to make all employees eligible for the retirement system on the date of hire. Councilwoman Tibbetts asked about a person that worked only one day per week for many years and Mr. Farrell responded that it would be a problem with the Internal Revenue Service whether the Town was creating a pocket where the benefit would not have to be paid. Mr. Farrell said that the Town's plan would enable the employee to choose to have the benefit or not have the benefit. Mr. Farrell said that the plan had to go into effect no later than December 31, 1991 , however, his recommendation was to pass a Resolution at the Regular session with an emergency clause. Councilman Minarsich asked if it should be retroactive back to July 1 and Mr. Farrell said it would not have to be. #5.B.6. Increased dental coverage for town employees. Mr. Nordin stated that he had issued a memo regarding this item to Council members and said that he would not proceed with this if he had negative input from the Council, adding that he had gotten some. Councilman Fox stated that when figuring the increase Minutes of the Work/Study Session of the Town Council 10/3/91 Page 6 of 10 411, in cost and the number of employees, the increase was minimal . Councilman Fox added that there were several employees that could greatly benefit from the increased coverage. Mayor Cutillo asked where the increased benefit package came from and Mr. Nordin said he had discussed it with staff. Councilman O'Brien stated that he would like to see a cafeteria type benefit plan with the individual employees able to choose the benefit package that they wanted. Mr. Nordin said that he agreed, however, he did not think our staff numbered enough to qualify. Vice Mayor Clark stated he wanted to remind the Council that they had approved an increase in benefits for the fiscal year and did not feel that the Council should review changes throughout the year. Councilman Fox said that the Council had originally voted to give a benefit package of up to twenty-five percent and the percentage was currently at seventeen. Councilman Fox said that he would support this increase in benefit. Mr. Nordin stated that the staff could not individually decide if they wanted the increase, it had to be unanimous or none at all . Councilman O'Brien asked to see what other cities participated in dental coverage. Mr. Nordin said that he would gather the information for the next meeting. AGENDA ITEM 46h - PRESENTATION ON THE REVISED ZONING ORDINANCE. Mr. Jeppson said that the Planning and Zoning Commission had been customizing the zoning ordinances. He said that the revised version had gone from thirty-four chapters to fifteen chapters. Mr. Jeppson said that for the most part the zoning districts were the same, however, seven had been eliminated and one new district had been created. Mr. Jeppson stated that the first ordinances would divide the town into appropriate zoning districts. He explained that all of this was to eliminate the old style of zoning that created "cramped" development. Mr. Jeppson said that the purpose of proper zoning was to promote the health and welfare of the citizens. Some of the purposes were to help property values hold, to facilitate parking and traffic flow and safety precaution. Mr. Jeppson said that the zoning procedures would basically stay the same and could be amended. He said that currently, to change a Special Use Permit, the Council heard the request. Under the new ordinance, the Planning and Zoning Commission would handle the Special Use Permits and the Council would be an appeal panel. Mr. .Jeppson stated that the new code would include a utility district zone at the Sanitary District plant and explained the plan . He stated that the Commission recommended that there be no senior citizen overlay zone. Tn the planned shopping center zone, rezoning would not be necessary, but would go into the commercial areas as needed, with site plan reviews. The commercial office zone would also be eliminated because C-1 and C-2 currently accommodated those uses. He said that Tnd-3 was not appropriate for this community and that Tnd-1 and Ind- 2 zoning would accommodate any type of appropriate industry this community needed. Councilwoman Tibbetts asked what would replace the R-5, hotel zoning and Mr. Jeppson stated that currently, a hotel could go into any zone with a Special Use Permit. Mr. Jeppson said that what was being proposed was that hotels would go into commercial zones. The zoning map would have to be amended at the same time that the Council approved the new zoning ordinances. Mr. Jeppson said that the commission would have to meet with the property owners on the rezoning of Minutes of the Work/Study Session of the Town Council 10/3/9.1 Page 7 of 10 their property. Mr. Farrell explained that if an undeveloped parcel 's zoning district was taken out of existence, that property would be unzoned until a new designation was given. Tf a property was developed, it would be classified as a legal non-conforming use until it was rezoned . Mr. Farrell explained that a zoning district could not be assigned to a piece of property until the zoning code had been amended to include it. Councilwoman Tibbetts stated that only the R-5 zoned property would he left in limbo during the transition. She reminded the Council that if the R-5 areas were rezoned to commercial uses, any commercial usage could be applied for, i .e. , where there had always been a hotel planned, there could he a gas station and the Town would never have a hotel . Councilman O'Brien asked what the proper procedure was when a zoning was changed on developed property. Mr. Jeppson stated that they would go through the public hearing procedure to rezone the property and it may he rezoned to a zone that was in the current or proposed ordinance. Mr. Jeppson said that in the current zoning ordinances, all special uses were permitted in any zoning district. He explained that the proposed ordinance addressed uses unique to the zone and the allowed special uses would he listed. Mr. Paul Slater from the Planning and Zoning Commission stated that he felt the Commission would designate several parcels of land in Fountain Hills as hotel only zoning. He added that it had to he kept in miqd that it would be taking away the rights of usage of the property owners. Mr. Farrell and Mr. Nordin set up a scenario where they were land developers. Mr. Farrell stated that the map designations could not be changed without the due process requirements. He suggested amending the R-5 zoning text as it existed and leaving it in existence. Mr. Jeppson explained the non- conforming use section as a use that legally existed at the time of the change in the ordinance. He said that the Commission had dedicated a chapter to general provisions to outline what persons could or could not do. Mr. Jeppson also said that home occupations would be better described in the new code. Mr. Nordin suggested that the presentation he interrupted and the remaining agenda items he finished so that Mr. Harrel could make his presentation. AGENDA TTEM #7 - RESOLUTION 1.991-42, ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST TT HAS TN THAT CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT AFFECTING ALONG THE EAST AND SOUTH SIDES OF LOT 2. BLOCK 3 OF PLAT 603B FOUNTAIN HTLLS, ARTZONA, AS RECORDED TN ROOK 161 OF MAPS, PAGE 41 , RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. Mr. Jeppson stated that there was no opposition to this request on Aspen Drive. He added that the procedure had been done entirely by the mail and they had not met the applicant. AGENDA ITEM #8 - RESOLUTION 1991-43, ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR TNTEREST TT HAS IN THAT CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT AFFECTING ALONG THE REAR OF LOT 17, BLOCK 1 , OF PLAT 506A FOUNTAIN HILTS. ARTZONA, AS RECORDED TN ROOK 159 OF MAPS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MARTCOPA COUNTY, ARTZONA. Minutes of the Work/Study Session of the Town Council 10/3/91 Page 8 of 10 Mr. Jeppson stated that there was no opposition to this request. Mr. Jeppson stated that the applicant wanted to put a hot tub in his back yard. AGENDA ITEM #9 - ORDINANCE 91-17, AMENDING THE FOUNTAIN HILLS CODE BY ADDING THERTO A NEW CHAPTER 9 ENTITLED STREETS AND SIDEWALKS, AND PROVIDING FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMITS FOR PUBLIC STREETS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND WATER COURSES. Mr. .Jeppson said that the presentation was an Ordinance prepared by the Town s legal counsel and authorized an engineering fee schedule. Councilman Hudson pointed out that there was already a chapter 9 in the code and that this chapter should he numbered 16. Mayor Cutillo questioned the thirty dollar encroachment fee for the road right-of-ways, indicating that he was not in favor of this. Councilwoman Tibbetts stated that she felt that this fee was unreasonable. Mr. Nordin suggested that this item he discussed Thursday evening and he put on the agenda in two weeks. Mr. Farrell explained that the streets were public and requiring the fee and permit were a way of regulating who worked on or near the streets. Councilman Minarsich questioned why there had to he a charge to regulate this and Mr. Farrell stated that it cost money to regulate it. Mr. Farrell said that staff would take whatever action the Council recommended, reminding them that as the street improvements were completed, the integrity of the finished product should he protected. Mr. Nordin said that staff would revisit the plan and make the changes they felt the Council wanted. Mr. Farrell stated that the Town had to firmly establish authority in the public right-of- ways, fee or no fee. Vice Mayor Clark suggested that a list he developed naming various types of things that would he acceptable and require a permit but no fee or a nominal fee. Mr. Jeppson continued his presentation of agenda item #6. He stated that the sign regulations were a major change, had been taken out of the individual zoning districts and were now in one chapter. Mr. Jeppson explained the changes in the sign ordinance adding that the controversial one would probably he elimination of all off premise signs. He said that neon would not he addressed at that time. Mr. Nordin stated that he did not feel that the off premise signs were offensive and the businesses would appreciate working a compromise. The Commission felt that development entry monument signs were allowable and attractive. Mr. Jeppson explained lighting changes and permitted uses in neighborhood developments such as the Felker project south of Shea Boulevard. HP also went through all of the different zoning categories and explained the allowed uses for each of them. Minutes of the Work/Study Session of the Town Council 10/3/91 Page 9 of 10 AGENDA TTEM #10 - ADJOURNMENT The Town Council adjourned the Work/Study session at approximately 11 :30 p.m. TOWN OF FO . ' ATN HILLS By: k .Tohn Vrit i llo, Mayor ATTEST: ,OJ Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk PREPARED BY4t( C;e2 Lari L. B tcher, Secretary CERTTFICATTON T hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Work/Study Session held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 1st day of October 1 991 . T further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 1 1 day of October 1991 . 844,6-2t-A—, /ILAA-4)v,..) Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Minutes of the Work/Study Session of the Town Council 10/3/91 Page 10 of 10