HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992.0807.TCSM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL Ned AUGUST 17, 1992 A Special Session, open to the public, and possible Executive Session of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Vice Mayor Fox at 6:30 p.m., Monday, August 17, 1992, in the Fountain Hills Council Chambers located at 16836 E. Palisades Blvd., Building C,Fountain Hills,Arizona. ROLL CALL-Following the pledge to the flag and the invocation by Councilwoman Tibbetts,roll call was taken. Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Vice Mayor Charlie Fox and Councilmembers Peg Tibbetts,Mike Minarsich,Bill O'Brien,Wally Hudson,and Frank Clark. Mayor John Cutillo was absent. Also present were Town Manager Paul Nordin, Town Attorney Bill Farrell, Director of Community Development Gary Jeppson, and Town Clerk Cassie Hansen. Vice Mayor Fox stated that discussion had been requested on all items listed with an asterisk (*). There would be no separate discussion on unmarked items unless a Councilmember or member of the public so requested,in which event the item would be reconsidered as a discussion item and addressed in its normal sequence on the agenda. AGENDA ITEM#2-CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 1992-21,ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST THE TOWN HAS IN THOSE CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AFFECTING ALONG THE WEST LOT LINE OF LOT 55, BLOCK 2, OF PLAN 505D FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 158 OF MAPS, PAGE 411 RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. This item was part of the consent agenda. There was no discussion on it. ,4601) AGENDA ITEM#3-CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 1992-22,ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHTS TITLE, OR INTEREST THE TOWN HAS IN THOSE CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AFFECTING ALONG THE NORTH LOT LINE OF LOT 8, BLOCK 5, OF PLAT 603A AMENDED FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,AS RECORDED IN BOOK 196 OF MAPS,PAGE 28, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. This item was part of the consent agenda. There was no discussion on it. AGENDA ITEM#4 - TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT. #4.A.1. Project update(with possible direction from the Council for appropriate action). Approval of change order#5 for the street paving project,east and west with regards to drainage improvements on South Aspens Grassland and Tanglewood. This item was part of the consent agenda. There was no discussion of it. #4.A.2. Consideration of scheduling reviews and hearings for the proposed zoning ordinance and general plan. Mr.Nordin said he and Mr.Jeppson discussed revising the old zoning ordinance. He stated that they had considered adopting the recreational vehicle parking, hillside ordinance, and the sign section of the code sooner than the rest of the ordinance. Mr. Nordin said that Mr. Pittsenbarger,President of the local Licensed Contractors Association, said the builders were concerned with the hillside ordinance section of the ordinance. Mr.Nordin said the revised Minutes of the Town Council Special Session - 08/17/92 Page 1 of 4 TO OF AIN By: Jo . Cutillo, Mayor ATTEST: Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk PREPARED BY: C j''i 1��ZL2 Lan L. Bratcher, Secretary CER 1'iFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 6th day of August 1992. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this .3'\c,L day of September 1992. Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Cov Minutes of the Regular Session of the Town Council 08/06/92 Page 4 of 4 hillside ordinance could be plugged into the old zoning ordinance's format and in February it would only have to be re-formatted. Councilwoman Tibbetts asked if the Council could make changes to the Commission's recommendations. Mr.Nordin stated that the Council would address it at the first Work Session in September. He said it would then go to a Commission Public Hearing,Council Public Hearing thirty days later. Mr. Nordin said they would only move forward on the sections the Council chose to. Vice Mayor Fox requested an additional work study session for the zoning discussions. Mr.Nordin said discussions could take place at Work Study sessions and Regular sessions. He added that there could be additional discussion of October 6 before the Public Hearing. Mr. Nordin said the existing zoning ordinance would be discussed at the September 1,3,and 15 sessions. Mr.Jeppson said there was a fourteen day posting time required before the hearings. Mr. Nordin said that staff would only recommend changes be made to the hillside ordinance. Mr.Farrell stated that there would have to be text available for the public to read at least fifteen days before the public meeting. Vice Mayor Fox said they would have the Council Public Hearing on Thursday, October 20. Mr.Jeppson stated the adoption date would change to January 7 and the effective date would be February 6. Councilman Clark asked if changes would be able to be made in the Hillside Ordinance after approval. Mr.Nordin stated that that was why staff wanted to work with the existing code to make the hillside change. AGENDA ITEM #5 - CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE 92-06, LEVYING UPON THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, SUBJECT TO TAXATION A CERTAIN SUM UPON EACH ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) OF VALUATION SUFFICIENT TO RAISE THE AMOUNT ESTIMATED TO BE REQUIRED IN THE ANNUAL BUDGETI TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR BOND REDEMPTIONS,FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING INTEREST UPON BONDED INDEBTEDNESS; ALL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING THE 30TH DAY OF JUNE, 1993. Mr.Nordin said staff requested approval of Ordinance 92-06. He stated that there had been a slight increase in the mil levy on the valuation per$100. Mr. Nordin said the increase was to allow for uncollectables. He stated that homeowners had the right to protest their assessed valuation. Councilman Hudson made a MOTION to adopt Ordinance 92-06. SECONDED by Councilman Minarsich. Councilman Clark asked what the payment was last year. Mr.Nordin said it was approximately $365,000. Motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #6 - CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE 92-07, REZONING 49 LOTS WITHIN THE EXISTING FIREROCK CENTRE FROM THE CURRENT COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS TO THE RESIDENTIAL ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF R1-35 RUPD. Mr. Jeppson said MCO Properties and Bill Larson & Associates own the subject property. He explained that the applicants wanted to change a specific area of land and rezone it to an R1-35 RUPD. Mr. Jeppson said the applicants had left a portion of the land as a C-1 zone. He stated that section of land was a concern to the Commission. Mr.Jeppson said there would be Industrial zoning adjacent to the proposed residential zoning. Mr. Jeppson said one of the adjacent property owners had an objection. He said Mr. Justin Henry did not want the amount of Industrial zoning in the Town reduced. Councilman Minarsich said he did not agree with the development of Industrial property with residential on either side of it. He stated that there was not appropriate access to the Industrial Park area. Vice Mayor Fox agreed and stated that everyone had to go through a residential area to get to the Industrial area. Councilman Minarsich stated he was concerned with the economic development of the community. Councilwoman Tibbetts stated that one of the problems with the terrain in that area was that industrial development was not feasible. Councilman Clark said that a major concern with the General Plan was that the Town had considerable excess commercial and industrial property. He stated that with the proposed change,there would still be excess industrial property. Councilman O'Brien addressed a concern with circular driveways in that area. He said he agreed with Councilman Minarsich. Vice Mayor Fox said he thought the excavation necessary to develop the land for industrial would be cost prohibitive. He stated that the lots were currently for small commercial-type buildings. Vice Mayor Fox said he thought that section would be the last to be developed in that area. Councilman Minutes of the Town Council Special Session - 08/17/92 Page 2 of 4 O'Brien said he wanted to table the issue until the General Plan was approved. Vice Mayor Fox said if the proposed property was left Industrial the existing residentially zoned property would not develop as rapidly. He added that he thought the residential property values would improve with less industrial zoned property. Councilman Minarsich said there was a commercial buffer zone on the existing master plan of the area. He stated he wanted to wait until the General Plan review was completed. AGENDA ITEM #7 - CONSIDERATION OF RENEWING THE CONTRACT WITH THE MARICOPA COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT FOR POLICE PROTECTION SERVICES FOR THE 1992-93 FISCAL YEAR IN THE AMOUNT OF$430,724. Mr.Nordin said the current contract was$414,000. He stated there was a 3.8%increase in the contract. Mr.Nordin said that that amount was reasonable and he recommended approval. He said that all other provisions of the contract remained the same with a few exceptions. Mr. Nordin said the change was in paragraph 1.11 in the new contract. He stated it concerned the provision of police service for the Great Fair and the November Art Fair. Mr. Nordin reviewed the discussions that he had had with the Sheriff's Office. He stated they had agreed on $5,000 for the events. Mr. Nordin said he had not included any money in the budget for that service because at the time he produced the budget he did not believe they would come to an agreement. He said there were two issues before the Council regarding the contract. Mr. Nordin said the first item was the added clause and the other was method of payment. Mr.Nordin stated that it was legal for the Town to support a Chamber event such as the two mentioned. Councilman Hudson said he preferred to see the$5,000 put into the Chamber of Commerce budget. He stated the Town had not supported those Chamber events before. Councilman Hudson said the Chamber events previously supported were for economic development. He said he thought the Chamber should pay for the protection if they needed it. Councilman Minarsich said the two events fell into a category of their own. He said the two events drew over 100,000 people to Fountain Hills. Councilman Clark said he thought the long range objective should be to pay for the security at the events. He said when that happened,he would also like to see the Chamber reduce the fees to the local service organizations. Councilwoman Tibbetts said that most Chambers were broadly subsidized by municipal funding. She stated she thought it was appropriate to support them. Councilman Minarsich said the Town was responsible for the safety of the people that came to Fountain Hills for the special events. Councilman O'Brien stated the organization that sponsored the event would be held liable. Vice Mayor Fox said the Sheriff's Department would provide traffic control and parking control. He said the security on the Avenue of the Fountains and at the park would be provided by the Marshal's department. Mr. Hansen thanked Mr. Nordin and the Council for negotiating with the Sheriff's Office for the events. He said if the Chamber had to, it would reimburse the Town. He stated that the Chamber was self-funding in Fountain Hills and if they reduced service club fees,they would have to consider reducing all local fees. Mr. Hansen said the money from space rentals from the events was their only source of funding. He stated that the Chamber could not afford to reduce fees,however,would consider a tradeoff with the Mayor's Youth Council. Mr. Nordin said he asked Marshal Gendler if the Marshal's Department had enough Deputies for the November event and said it did not. Marshal Gendler said the Department only had eight officers and it would not be able to handle the event by itself that year. He did say that the situation would enable him to work with the Sheriff's office,which was one of the Council's desires of the Marshal's Department. AGENDA ITEM#8 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING FINAL PLAT#509. This item was part of the consent agenda. There was no discussion on it. Minutes of the Town Council Special Session - 08/17/92 Page 3 of 4 449 AGENDA ITEM 49 - CALL TO THE PUBLIC. Vice Mayor Fox made the call to the public and there was no comment. AGENDA ITEM#10 - ADJOURNMENT. Councilman Minarsich made a MOTION to adjourn. SECONDED by Vice Mayor Fox and CARRIED unanimously. The Town Council adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m. TO F tt By: t:• Vice Mayor Fox for John Cutillo, Mayor ATTEST: ��1/ LI4,4&41,.) Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk PREPARED BY:GPI E �`3Q0c C; , L. L. Bratcher, Secretary CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Special Session held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 17th day of August 1992. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this Lk day of September 1992. la• akA/N-L14-J Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Minutes of the Town Council Special Session - 08/17/92 ,,. Page 4 of 4 J