HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.0615.TCSM.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL JUNE 15, 1993 A Special Session of the Fountain Hills Town Council open to the public was convened and called to order by Mayor Cutillo at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 15, 1993, in the Fountain Hills Town Hall Council Chambers located at 16836 E. Palisades Blvd., Building C, Fountain Hills, Arizona. ROLL CALL - Following the pledge to the flag and the invocation by Councilwoman Tibbetts roll call was taken. Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor John Cutillo, Vice Mayor Bill O'Brien, Councilmembers Peg Tibbetts, Wally Hudson, and Frank Clark. Councilmember Mike Minarsich came in at 6:35 p.m. Also present were Town Manager Paul Nordin, Town Attorney Bill Farrell, Town Clerk Cassie Hansen, Accountant Julie Ghetti, and Information System Technician Peter Putterman. Cassie Hansen read Councilman Foxs' letter of resignation from the Fountain Hills Town Council into the record, a true and correct copy of which is attached. AGENDA ITEM #2. - CONSIDERATION OF THE RESIGNATION OF COUNCILMAN CHARLIE FOX. Mayor Cutillo said Mr. Fox worked very hard for Fountain Hills and this latest move was another step in what he felt was the best thing he could do for Fountain Hills. Mayor Cutillo MOVED to accept the resignation of Charlie Fox. SECONDED by Councilwoman Tibbetts and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #3. - CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHING A POLICY TO FILL, BY COUNCIL APPOINTMENT, VACANCIES ON THE TOWN COUNCIL. Mayor Cutillo suggested each Councilmember give names of nominations to the Town Manager who would set up interviews. The Council would interview the individuals and a vote would be taken at the Regular Session. Councilman Clark MOVED to accept the procedure. SECONDED by Councilwoman Tibbetts. Bill Tessmer, E. Rand Drive, said the Council was to serve the people and should be elected by the people. He felt an alterative should be considered. Mary Pilarinos, El Pueblo Blvd., asked what the requirements were and if they were posted. Mr. Farrell said the individual had to be 18 years of age, a registered voter and a resident in the community for one (1) year. The state law required that in general law cities and towns, council vacancies be filled by Council appointment. There was no authority to hold a special election to fill the term. Mr. Nordin asked Mr. Farrell if the Council had to reappoint and Mr. Farrell said there was no time limit stated as to when the appointment had to be filled. Motion CARRIED unanimously. Minutes of the Town Council Special Session - 06/15/93 Page 1 of S this to determine if the EPA and air quality were being followed by the Indians. Mayor Cutillo asked Mr. Tessmer to call the Town Manager regarding this matter. AGENDA ITEM #12. - ADJOURNMENT. Councilman Minarsich MOVED to adjourn. SECONDED by Councilwoman Tibbetts and CARRIED unanimously. The Town Council adjourned at approximately 8:55 p.m. ATTEST: 6OL.d.v" Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS By: J M. Cutillo, Mayor f PREPARED BY: K 1 ' ,, �� \ :): ti, It 21�_ Marcia M. Jewett, Admin. ' sist. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Session Meeting held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 3rd day of June,1993. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this , day of June 1993. Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Minutes of the Regular Session of the Town Council 06/03/93 Page 5of5, AGENDA ITEM #4. - REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION OF THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FOR THE 93/94 FISCAL YEAR. ALL ASPECTS OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES WILL BE DISCUSSED AND CONSIDERED. Mr. Nordin said the general fund revenue was the main fund and explained the sources of revenue. The largest was the state shared revenue portion and for FY 93/94 approximately $1.5M would be taken from that source; there was a large carry -forward balance of approximately $871,000; franchise fees were payments from Dimension Cable totaling $490,000; miscellaneous income, court fines and fees were $125,000. Expenditures in the general fund were broken down as follows: $1M in salaries and benefits; $700,000 in contractual services; and $142,000 in maintenance, supplies and services. No new tax enactments would be recommended He outlined an overview of what would be presented and incorporated into the new budget. Mr. Nordin said staff was requesting a 4.5% composite increase which would amount to $45,000 for the merit program and would be based on the merit system in place. He said that part of the $45,000 would be approximately $7,100 carryover from merit money last year. Mr. Nordin said the Town did not contribute or participate in the social security system. The Town contributed six percent (6%) to the deferred compensation plan and the employees matched that on a percent -by -percent basis to three percent (3%). It was recommended that another two percent (2%) be added, which would bring the Town's maximum participation per employee to eight percent (8%) and would be matched by a minimum of four percent (4%) by each employee. If granted, it would require an additional $23,100 expenditure for the upcoming fiscal year. The vision plan coverage cost approximately $3,050 per year and an upgrade which would allow for frame replacement every year instead of once every two years, was recommended. Mr. Nordin recommended approval of all three (3) enhancements to the employee benefit package. There was much discussion on each of the enhancements. Councilman Clark MOVED to deny the vision enhancement and asked that Mr. Nordin look at the deferred compensation plan further, and included a MOTION to accept the recommendation on merit monies. SECONDED by Vice Mayor O'Brien. Councilman Minarsich would rather see the vision enhancement money used in other areas for the town staff. He suggested an additional one percent (1%) instead of two percent (2%) be made to the deferred compensation plan and the 4.5% merit increase be accepted. After the WITHDRAWAL of the motion and second, Councilman Clark MOVED to accept the Manager's recommendation on merit money. SECONDED by Councilwoman Tibbetts and CARRIED unanimously. Councilman Clark MOVED to grant a one percent (1%) increase from six percent (6%) to seven percent (7%) to the deferred compensation plan. SECONDED by Councilman Minarsich. MOTION passed with five (5) aye votes to one (1) nay vote by Councilman Hudson. Councilman Clark MOVED to deny the increase in the enhancement to the vision plan. SECONDED by Councilman Minarsich. The motion CARRIED with five (5) aye votes to one (1) nay vote by Councilman Hudson. Mr. Nordin explained the vacation rates of accrual. There was a great deal of discussion. The vacation leave request was withdrawn. Minutes of the Town Council Special Session - 06/15/93 Page 2 of 5 The Community Center was the next item discussed. Councilman Clark MOVED to approve the Community Center budget as presented. SECONDED by Councilman Minarsich and CARRIED unanimously. Councilman Hudson MOVED to approve the Town Council budget as presented. SECONDED by Councilman Clark and CARRIED unanimously. Councilman Minarsich MOVED to approve the Magistrate Court budget. SECONDED by Councilwoman Tibbetts and CARRIED unanimously. Mr. Nordin asked for specific direction on several items in the administration budget. Mayor Cutillo MOVED to approve the special programs budget. SECONDED by Councilman Minarsich. Vice Mayor O'Brien asked what the total fireworks budget was and Mr. Hansen said $15,000 to $16,000. Councilman Hudson said he would rather see the 4th of July fireworks money go to a county project that would help other people such as the homeless and said he was against the fireworks. Vice Mayor O'Brien AMENDED the motion to reduce the 4th of July budget from $4,000 to $2,000. For lack of a SECOND the amended motion died. Councilman Minarsich felt the first concern should be with the Town of Fountain Hills and the July 4th celebration was good for the community. The amended motion CARRIED with five (5) aye votes to one (1) nay vote by Councilman Hudson. Mr. Nordin said the next item was for legal services. The Town Attorney had not requested an increase. The Town Prosecutor had requested an increase. Mayor Cutillo asked if local attorneys had expressed an interest to be prosecutors for the Court and if they were aware that was available to them. Mr. Nordin said he had not received inquiries and didn't think they were aware it was available. Mayor Cutillo MOVED to approve the budget for legal services as presented. SECONDED by Councilman Hudson and CARRIED unanimously. Mr. Nordin asked for direction from the Council to seek other offers on the Town Prosecutor work and Mayor Cutillo said the local people should be given an opportunity. Mr. Nordin clarified that the amount was approved but he did not have authorization to sign the agreement and Mayor Cutillo said not at this point. Mr. Nordin said the Mayor's Council for Business Growth (MCBG) was requesting $15,000 as was received last year. Vice Mayor O'Brien MOVED to approve as presented SECONDED by Councilman Hudson and CARRIED unanimously. The Constituent Communication recommended $10,000 for the continuation of the Town newsletter which would provide four (4) editions for the year. Mayor Cutillo MOVED to accept the budget as recommended for the Constituent Communication in the amount of $10,000. SECONDED by Councilman Clark. Mary Pilarinos asked how it was determined that the newsletter had been well received. Ms Hansen said it was based on response received at Town Hall. Ms Pilarinos objected and felt this was not a good use for this money. Mayor Cutillo said the Town had been criticized for lack of communication with the community and the newsletter was sent directly to the homes and open communication was necessary. The motion CARRIED unanimously. The next item was Special Programs - Miscellaneous. There was an $1,500 expenditure to participate in the County Emergency Management Program and Mr. Nordin asked if Council wanted to participate in the Central Arizona Shelter Services (CASS) Program. Councilman Hudson presented background information on CASS and explained it provided help and shelter for the homeless. He MOVED approval with an increase in special programs by $4,800 (40 cents per person). SECONDED by Mayor Cutillo. Vice Mayor O'Brien said he felt a more clear cut policy should be implemented on distributing funds. A great deal of discussion followed Mr. Nordin said the amount CASS requested for the coming fiscal year was $6,442 and was based on a percentage of the town's population. Vice Mayor O'Brien made an AMENDMENT to the motion to increase the line item budget to $10,000 for assistance funds for any legally permissible assistance programs. SECONDED by Councilman Hudson. Moses Onciu said there were elderly people in Fountain Hills that could use the money. He supported any organization that helped but felt the money that was put in Fountain Hills should stay in Fountain Hills to help the people here. Minutes of the Town Council Special Session - 06/15/93 Page 3 of 5 A vote was taken on the amended motion and FAILED with three (3) nay votes to three (3) aye votes. Mayor Cutillo called for a roll call vote on the original motion. A roll call vote was taken and the results were as follows: Mayor Cutillo aye Vice Mayor O'Brien nay Councilman Minarsich nay Councilwoman Tibbetts nay Councilman Clark aye Councilman Hudson aye The original motion FAILED with three (3) nay votes to three (3) aye votes. Mayor Cutillo MOVED to approve the budget as presented for Special Programs with a $1,500 contribution to the Emergency Management Program. Councilman Minarsich asked for clarification of this program. It was clarified it was previously approved for the disaster fund. SECONDED by Councilman Clark and CARRIED unanimously. Mr. Nordin asked for direction from the Council in regard to the increase from $3,000 to $5,200 that GPEC proposed. Background information and further discussion on GPEC followed. Vice Mayor O'Brien asked if this could be repositioned as a line item. Mr. Nordin said it could be broken out and another Special Programs-GPEC line item be added. Mayor Cutillo said there had been an incident where a company which would have fit well in Fountain Hills came through GPEC but ended up in Scottsdale with Fountain Hills never having a shot at it. Vice Mayor O'Brien expressed a concern not only who would end up getting it but how it was processed. Vice Mayor O'Brien made a MOTION to approve the assessment of $5,200. SECONDED by Councilman Minarsich. Motion CARRIED with five (5) aye votes to one (1) nay vote cast by Councilman Clark. Mr. Nordin presented the balance of the administration budget for consideration. There were additional expenditures which included renovation costs amounting to $8,400 to accommodate the Town Marshal's Department; ADA compliance; roof repair for the library building; rent, liability and utility expense; and line items already discussed on page 55. Councilman Minarsich MOVED to approve the balance of the administration budget as presented. SECONDED by Councilman Hudson. Councilman Hudson asked that the term "liability" be changed Moses Onciu asked if the contracts on the xerox and laser printers were bid out or if they were given to the company the machines were purchased from and were the contracts for maintenance a separate item from the purchase amount. Mr. Nordin said competitive quotes and/or sealed bids were included in the purchase amount. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Minutes of the Town Council Special Session - 06/15/93 Page 4 of 5 AGENDA ITEM #5. - ADJOURNMENT. Vice Mayor O'Brien MOVED to adjourn. SECONDED by Councilman Clark and CARRIED unanimously. The Town Council adjourned at approximately 9:31 p.m. TOWN O O HILIS By: John M. 91illo, Mayor ATTEST: C� \ PREPARED BY:,, Lassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Marcia M. Jewett, Admin. ,4sst. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Special Session held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 15th day of June, 1993. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this day of July, 1993. Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Minutes of the Town Council Special Session - 06/15/93 Page 5 of 5