HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997.0218.TCWSM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE WORK/STUDY SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL FEBRUARY 18, 1997 A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Mayor Miles at 6:30 P.M.,Tuesday,February 18, 1997,in the Fountain Hills Town Hall Council Chambers,located at 16836 E. Palisades Blvd., Building B, Fountain Hills, Arizona. ROLL CALL- Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor Jerry Miles, Vice Mayor Bill O'Brien (late) and Councilmembers Don Lawrence, Marianne Wiggishoff, and Sid Apps. Councilmen Al Poma and Penfield Mower were absent. Also present were Town Manager Paul Nordin,Town Clerk Cassie Hansen, Director of Community Development Gary Jeppson, Town Engineer Randy Harrel, Parks & Recreation Director Robin Goodman, Marshal Steve Gendler, and Magistrate Stuart Shoob. AGENDA ITEM #2 - DISCUSSION RELATING TO ALL ASPECTS OF THE 1997-98 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BUDGET INCLUDING THE PREPARATION, SUBMITTAL AND ULTIMATE APPROVAL OF THIS BUDGET. Town Manager Paul Nordin opened the discussion by pointing out budget concepts such as a program budget,a two- year budget, the subsidy allocation for the Parks & Recreation programs as well as alternatively fueled vehicles. All department heads were present to answer any questions of the Council. Mr. Nordin stated a program budget defined areas or types of services, i.e. programs that could be individually described and budgeted. He pointed out an example of a program budget which set up expense categories that each department might require such as computers. Individual amounts would then be determined for each category and a grand total for each department would be finalized. He suggested the Council designate the categories for budgeting purposes to allow staff to proceed with determining costs for the next fiscal year. Mayor Miles stated he didn't think the current budget was a predicting or allocating tool. He pointed out that by reviewing the current monthly statement,the figures did not reflect an accurate accounting of available funds because many of the line items contained budgeted amounts that had not been spent but was earmarked to be spent by the end of the fiscal year. Mr. Nordin agreed with Mayor Miles that a contingency fund could contain funds for anticipated expenditures be individually approved as needed. Councilwoman Wiggishoff said she was interested in producing a user-friendly budget suitable for the public to understand. She stated the line item budget should contain policies and decisions made during the time of budget preparation. Vice Mayor O'Brien said he was concerned with using the budget for long-range planning. Mr.Nordin stated the four priorities of parks,police,community center and streets as well as the areas involved with growth issues. He proposed developing a two-year budget where the Council could legally approve a budget for the next two years. He said the advantages of a two-year program would be less taxing on staff, would establish a greater degree of predictability and would encourage longer term planning as well as assisting the implementation of the five-year CIP. He said the disadvantage would be that a two-year budget would not be as accurate as yearly budgeting and that many adjustments might occur. He stated each year a two-year budget could be prepared, the first year would be more accurate and the second year would be a rolling projection. He offered to direct staff to prepare projections of year-to-date expenditures and revenues to get a bottom line figure as to the current status. Councilwoman Wiggishoff suggested policy statements should provide direction to staff in terms of the Council's expectations as to how money was spent or what emphasis certain areas should have. She suggested policy Low Minutes of the Work/Study Session of the Town Council 02/18/97 Page 1 of 3 statements support ultimate goals which include yearly planning efforts for subjects such as computer technology, street maintenance and plan reviews. Vice Mayor O'Brien stated the Council had relied on staff from all departments to give input into budget planning even though they had not agreed on everything presented to them. He cited previous weaknesses in the budget with underspent road maintenance budgets, lack of future planning for land for parks, the future expenses of land preservation as well as computer systems. Councilman Apps said he felt the input from staff was excellent and that spending of the Town's funds should be justified to assist him as an elected official. He said he favored a mission statement from department heads with a projection of current and future expectations and projects. He expressed his interest in the alternatively fueled vehicles. Mr. Nordin stated he felt it was better to examine costs of alternatively-fueled vehicles associated with federal compliance requirements rather than work around mandates. He said five vehicles would be implemented and that five older vehicles would be retired. Propane gas would be the first fuel to be used. Councilman Apps suggested Fountain Hills set an example for this program but closely watch costs. Councilman Lawrence stated he felt the policy concept was more of a goal and that the Council should set a policy statement as the direction for staff to take regarding items such as alternative fuels, etc. He said he was concerned about creating a budget focused on reality of what revenues will bear. Mr. Nordin said the Council had previously reviewed programs for the Parks& Recreation Department because the public had criticized the excessive amounts which were spent on them. He suggested the Council allocate a certain subsidy for programs and allow the Parks & Recreation staff and Commission define what programs would be included in the next budget without going over the established benchmark. He suggested each department could present a mission statement with an emphasis on the four stated priorities. AGENDA ITEM#3 - CALL TO THE PUBLIC. (PUBLIC COMMENT IS ENCOURAGED BUT PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE COUNCIL HAS NO ABILITY TO RESPOND OR DISCUSS MATTERS BROUGHT UP DURING THE CALL TO THE PUBLIC AS SUCH DISCUSSION IS PROHIBITED BY THE ARIZONA OPEN MEETING LAW.) No one spoke from the public. AGENDA ITEM #4 - ADJOURNMENT. Councilman Lawrence MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Councilwoman Wiggishoff SECONDED the motion which CARRIED unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m. Minutes of the Work/Study Session of the Town Council 02/18/97 Page 2 of 3 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 1 By: 17- < Je Miles, Mayor I i A 1-1'hST: ,4-,14.-4-L ) Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk PREPARED BY: Linda D. Lemmen, Administrative Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Work/Study Session Meeting held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 18th day of February, 1997. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 6th day of March, 1997. CALAALA:41,....)3 444.A.A....„.j Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Minutes of the Work/Study Session of the Town Council 02/18/97 Page 3 of 3