HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.0619.TCSM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL BUDGET SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL JUNE 19,2000 A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Mayor Morgan at 6:30 P.M., Monday,June 19, 2000, in the Fountain Hills Town Hall Council Chambers, located at 16836 E.Palisades Blvd.,Building B,Fountain Hills,Arizona. AGENDA ITEM#1 - ROLL CALL—Following the pledge to the flag and the invocation by Councilman Wyman, roll call was taken. Present were Mayor Sharon Morgan, Vice Mayor Sharon Hutcheson and Councilmembers John Wyman, Susan Ralphe, John McNeill, Leesa Fraverd, and John Kavanagh. Also present were Town Manager Paul Nordin, Town Attorney Bill Farrell, Community Development Director Jeff Valder,Director of Administration/Town Clerk Cassie Hansen,and Interim Town Engineer Tom Ward. AGENDA ITEM #2 - REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION OF THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FOR THE 2000/2001 FISCAL YEAR. ALL ASPECTS OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES WILL BE DISCUSSED AND CONSIDERED. AS PART OF THE BUDGET CONSIDERATION, THE BENEFITS COMMITTEE WILL PRESENT AN IMPROVEMENT TO THE TOWN'S BENEFIT PACKAGE BY AMENDING THE VACATION ACCRUAL POLICY. General Fund Review Town Manager Paul Nordin noted that this was a significant year in the history of Fountain Hills with regard to the number of construction and improvement projects slated for the coming year. He estimated that approximately $15 million dollars worth of capital funds could be spent in the community. Mr. Nordin gave an overview of the general fund summary and the Council approval process. He stated the tentative budget adoption date was July 6th,2000. Personnel and Related Items Mr. Nordin reviewed that this section outlined the additional positions that staff was requesting. He said each request would be presented to the Council for their consideration and approval within each department's budget. He then reviewed the process by which the employees were awarded merit monies and how the sum of$140,850 was arrived at. He reminded the Council that employees do not receive a cost of living increase. He recommended that the Council continue with the merit money evaluations, which were awarded at their reviews. Vice Mayor Hutcheson MOVED to approve the merit monies in the amount of$140,850 as presented and Councilman McNeill SECONDED the motion. Councilman Wyman said that raises were not automatic but based upon performance. He noted that the sum of$140,850 was 4.25% of the salaries for the budget year. He stated that as in previous years no cost of living raises had been budgeted. Mr. Nordin agreed that was correct. Councilman Wyman questioned page 23-10 in the Street Department budget. $375,000 in wages under the 1999-2000 Revised Estimate if raised by 5%, was a little more generous than the proposed 4.25%. He calculated the wages should be $393,500. If subtracted from the$493,322 as shown as the budgeted requirement for the coming fiscal year and was left with $99,822 and yet the department was asking to add two additional people. He asked if those two new people were going to cost$50,000 each and yet the entire department of thirteen people was less than $29,000 apiece. He felt that indicated there were cost of living increases in the budget for the Town Council Budget Session 6/19/00 Page 1 of 12 employees. Mr. Nordin said there would be individual department explanations for the break down of personnel requests. He reiterated that there was no COLA money in the budget. He proposed that the Council proceed with the individual department budgets for the explanations. Councilwoman Fraverd asked if the merit money sum was approved tonight could the Council go back to the individual departments and look at the wages and then reduce the total merit money sum. Mr. Nordin said yes. He explained that the approval process was such that approval at this meeting and tomorrow's meeting would indicate tentative approval to staff. Prior to tomorrow's meeting the Council could go back and make those changes. On July 6th, the Council would be considering the tentative budget approval and Council would again have the opportunity at that meeting to make any changes to the budget. He explained that staff would make those changes as directed at this meeting and subsequent meetings to the printed budget and provide new budget sheets to the Council by the July 6th Council meeting. He said the final budget adoption would occur in August. Legally,the Council had the ability to make changes to reduce the budget but not to increase the budget. Councilwoman Fraverd asked if the $140,850 was a maximum amount or could the Council increase the amount. Mr. Nordin said that if the Council approves an amount, it became the maximum for that fiscal year. Councilman Kavanagh asked if the merit monies included the Mayor and Council figures. Mr. Nordin said no and confirmed that would be addressed later. Councilman McNeill asked if the wage figures per department included any of the merit monies. Mr. Nordin responded that every department had a portion of the$140,850 merit money included in their wage line item. Councilman Wyman asked if no other person was added to the Town's staff,was the$140,850 merit money the only increase on top of the salary requirements that the Council would see. If so then every increase seen in wages would be for the cost of adding new people. Accounting Supervisor Julie Ghetti clarified that the 4.25%merit money was calculated on the total amount of salaries being requested overall. Councilwoman Ralphe asked if new employees in this fiscal year would receive a merit increase. Mr. Nordin explained that a new employee, after a six month probation period, was evaluated and it was determined if they would be continue to be employed. If the new employee successfully passed the probation period, he/she would be eligible for a merit increase at that time, which would then be followed by the annual review. Councilman Kavanagh favored the merit increase process. He asked if there were only annual merit increases, wouldn't that cause the base pay range to stagnate. He questioned if over the years, that would result in the Town's starting pay range remaining low. Mr. Nordin said he was correct. He pointed out that every second year it was the Town's practice to evaluate the pay resolution. He said that had happened last year. Therefore,that was taken care of. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Mr. Nordin said he had asked the employees to form this committee to give the Council and management input relative to terms and conditions of employment. He said the Employees Benefit Committee was made up of members from each department. At budget time he asked that the committee bring items to the Council for suggested change. He noted there were two such issues. Staff asked for the Council's input. If there was positive feedback from the Council, then staff would bring a final action back to the Council for their consideration at the July 6th meeting. Mr. Nordin explained that the one request addressed how vacation was used. • Permit the employees to utilize their accrued vacation in 2-hour increments upon receiving their supervisor's approval instead of using vacation in the current mandatory 4-hour increments. Town Council Budget Session 6/19/00 Page 2 of 12 Mr. Nordin introduced Jim Leubner, a representative of the Employee Benefits Committee. Mr. Leubner said they looked at ways to retain good employees. Mr.Leubner reviewed two changes. One request would change the minimum amount of vacation time that could be taken, with prior approval, from four hours to two hours. The other request would change how employees accrue vacation time with respect to tenure. He reviewed the proposed accrual being requested by the Benefits Committee: • Add a step in the vacation accrual. The proposed schedule: Years Hours Max. Accrued 0-<3 4 176 hours 3 -<7 5 176 hours 7-<10 6 200 hours ADDED STEP 10-<15 7 200 hours 15+ 8 225 hours He pointed out there were currently 89 benefited employees, of which 21 would reach the 7 years or more seniority in 2000,who would be positively affected by the proposed changes. Councilman Wyman asked for clarification that this was an accrual that the Council was being asked to approve. He questioned if employees actually took vacation in four-hour increments. Mr. Leubner acknowledged that the current minimum increment of vacation time that an employee could take was four hours. Mr. Leubner stated the maximum accrual represented the amount of vacation time that an employee could save. It was not what was earned per year. Councilman Wyman asked what happened to those who did not use all of their vacation. He asked if the employee would lose it. Mr. Leubner responded that the Town would at the end of the year buy back at 80%any time over the maximum accrual. Mr. Nordin said that for the employee who had worked for the Town for a year, he or she would be able to take 2.6 weeks after the first year. He reiterated that the accrual was for a pay period based on 80 hours. Mr. Nordin said that a dental appointment would be covered under sick leave. This would allow the employee use of vacation time as personal time off to take care of any personal business. He explained this was not an increase in benefits to the employee. It simply allowed the employee some flexibility in a benefit already being provided. Mr. Nordin acknowledged that employees did not have the benefit of personal days. Mr. Nordin clarified for Councilman Kavanagh that the employee's supervisor must approve any leave taken. Councilman Kavanagh felt this would benefit both the employee and the employer. Councilman McNeill asked if personal time off had ever been considered. Mr. Nordin said he had not been in favor of establishing another type of leave to be accounted for. Information Technology Mr.Nordin said this budget cuts across all of the departments. This budget has been singled out to allow the Council to look at the computer and the Town's information technology budget. He introduced Peter Putterman. Mr. Putterman explained these numbers came from the individual departments and reflected departmental needs. This single department budget allowed staff to prevent duplicity in equipment and to provide services allowing staff to consolidate and save money where possible. He said that then he added technology items, which benefited all. Such items included were the network backbone and the communication system. He explained that because of the expenditure limitations this year, he had substantially reduced the budget but those items would be revisited next year. Councilman Wyman asked that the third item verbiage on page 12-7 be changed to reflect the correct fiscal year 2000-2001. Mr. Putterman acknowledged that this was a last minute change in the budget, which had Town Council Budget Session 6/19/00 Page 3 of 12 not been corrected. Councilman Kavanagh referred to page 6-2 with regard to the replacement of 28 computers. He asked that staff look into providing the used computers to the community center and to the - schools. Mr. Putterman stated he would like to check with the Town Manager and the Town's Purchasing Agent and bring back to the Council alternative ways of disposal. Mr. Putterman acknowledged that under state law the Town's proscribed methods of disposal of property were pretty finite. Mr. Nordin agreed a transfer could be made to the Community Center. He said he needed to check with the Town Attorney and hoped there was a way. Mr. Putterman said he would like to explore avenues that would provide relief to the school district. Councilman McNeill asked why a voting system was needed. Mr. Nordin said this was a request made by previous Councilmembers. Mr. Putterman explained the last time this item was explored was four years ago. Mr. Putterman said since that time, systems have improved. This proposed system would encompass visual voting displays with connections to a computerized system so that the Council could view the motion and projected presentation materials. It would provide for a very organized and visually easy-to-follow meeting for both the public and the Council. He assured the Council that there would be demonstrations before the Council was asked for their approval for the purchase of such equipment. Mayor Morgan asked if this system would also include timers for the speakers to inform them when their speaking time was up. Mr. Putterman said it did. Vice Mayor Hutcheson asked if the system would be transferable to the proposed new Council Chambers. Mr. Putterman said it was. Vice Mayor Hutcheson felt there was confusion for the public and the Council at times during the meetings. She thought it might be time to look closer at this system. Councilman McNeill said that with the explanation given he could probably support this. Mayor Morgan felt it would allow her to pay closer attention to the speaker rather than watching the clock. Councilman Wyman did not feel it was needed. Councilwoman Raiphe said she was willing to see the demonstration but felt it was an expensive alternative to a roll call vote or manual timer. Councilman Kavanagh suggested a procedural change requiring a roll call on all votes. He said a timer on the podium would work. Vice Mayor Hutcheson reminded the Council that presentation material would be in front of the Council and would be a benefit. Councilman McNeill MOVED to approve the Information Technology budget in the amount of$316,400 as presented. Vice Mayor Hutcheson SECONDED the motion. Councilman Kavanagh moved to AMEND the motion to remove the electronic voting system in the amount of$20,000 pending a demonstration and Councilman Wyman SECONDED the motion. Mr.Nordin suggested that if the Council wanted to see a demonstration that indicated that the Council might want to buy it. So he proposed that the Council include it in the budget. If after the demonstration the Council decided not to buy it, the Council would simply tell staff not to buy it and it would not be purchased. Councilman Kavanagh expressed concern that wouldn't count towards the expenditure limitation. Mr.Nordin stated that would not be the case if the money were not spent. The amendment FAILED on a vote of 4—3. The original motion CARRIED on a vote of 5 -2. Mr. Nordin asked the Council if they wanted to see a demonstration. They agreed. Mr. Putterman said he would copy information to the Council as it was obtained and would be happy to discuss the equipment with each Councilmember. If at that point the council decided not to pursue it, the Council would not be Town Council Budget Session 6/19/00 Page 4 of 12 subjected to a demonstration. Mr. Putterman said he would pursue the equipment and let the Council know what was available. Councilwoman Fraverd asked for confirmation on the last vote. A roll call vote was taken with the following results. Councilman McNeill - aye Councilwoman Hutcheson - aye Mayor Morgan - aye Councilman Kavanagh- nay Councilwoman Ralphe— aye Councilman Wyman— nay Councilwoman Fraverd - aye The motion CARRIED with a roll call vote of 5 - 2. Councilman Kavanagh and Councilman Wyman cast the nay votes. Community Center Councilman Wyman MOVED to approve the Community Center budget as presented. Councilwoman Fraverd SECONDED the motion,which CARRIED unanimously. Community Center/Civic Center Construction Mr. Nordin said this was budget was strictly for the operation and maintenance after the construction was completed. Councilman Kavanagh MOVED to approve the budget for Community Center/Civic Center Construction in the amount of$63,000 as presented. Vice Mayor Hutcheson SECONDED the motion. Councilman Wyman asked for clarification of the accounting method utilized in municipal finance. Ms. Ghetti responded that the Town used what was called a modified accrual. She explained that the Town would accrue some interest, which was generated from the bond proceeds. Councilman Wyman inquired if those figures would appear as an expense item in the Town's monthly summaries. Ms. Ghetti replied yes, from the MPC. Mr. Nordin proposed that adjustment requested by Councilman Wyman would be made to the budget for Council's review July 6th. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Library/Museum Construction Mr. Nordin stated this was where the money for the bond proceeds for the capital expenditures for the Library/Museum construction had been placed. He said staff anticipated a $200,000 expenditure yet this year. Councilwoman Fraverd MOVED to approve the Library/Museum Construction budget in the amount of $3,500,000 as presented. Councilman McNeill SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. Mayor and Council Mr. Nordin pointed out that an extensive salary survey had been completed. He explained that the consultant had examined the Council's pay. On that basis staff was recommending an increase of$200 for the Mayor and $100 for the Council. He noted that election expenses were also included in the budget as well as Council expenses. Councilwoman Fraverd MOVED to approve the Mayor and Council budget in the amount of$84,710 as presented. Vice Mayor Hutcheson SECONDED the motion. Councilwoman Ralphe acknowledged that a study had been done and she had reviewed the results. She Lor recognized some had only been in office for about a month. She said in comparison with other cities and Town Council Budget Session 6/19/00 Page 5 of 12 towns,the proposed increases were valid. She asked if the wages could be enacted but postponed two years and four years respectively. Mayor Morgan responded that the wage for the Mayor of$400 did not cover the actual expenses incurred. Councilman Kavanagh asked when the Council had their last pay raise. Mr. Nordin replied that there had never been a pay raise and that the enactment of the existing pay structure had occurred in approximately 1995. Councilman Kavanagh pointed out that back then that was possibly a reasonable wage. He agreed he spent more time in attending meeting as a Councilmember than he had first anticipated. He said he was not comfortable with voting himself a pay raise of 33 1/3% while giving the Town employees a raise of 4.25%. He proposed phasing in the Council pay raise over a four-year period. He said future Councils would then have to address the pay issue annually. Councilwoman Fraverd said she viewed the pay as a stipend. It was a small amount when compared to the amount of time Councilmembers were asked to devote in making Fountain Hills a better town. She felt the Councilmembers were worth the additional money now. Councilman McNeill said the pay should be a reasonable stipend to encourage citizens to give of their time to the community. Vice Mayor Hutcheson agreed it was a stipend and was not an hourly wage. When compared to other cities Fountain Hills paid their employees a competitive wage. She did not think it was wrong to raise the stipend to Mayor and Council especially since it had not been addressed in five or six years. Councilman Kavanagh moved to AMEND the motion adding the stipulation that the wage increase would be phased in over a two-year period($100 now and$100 the following year for the Mayor and$50 now and $50 the following year for each of the Councilmembers). Councilwoman Ralphe SECONDED the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the following results. Councilwoman Ralphe— aye Councilman Wyman— nay r Councilman McNeill - nay Councilwoman Hutcheson - nay Councilwoman Fraverd- nay Councilman Kavanagh- aye Mayor Morgan- nay The amendment FAILED on a vote of 5 —2. Councilwoman Ralphe and Councilman Kavanagh cast the aye votes. The vote on the original motion CARRIED on a vote of 5 - 2. Councilman Kavanagh and Councilwoman Ralphe cast the nay votes. The Mayor called for a 10-minute break at 8:00 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8:10 p.m. Magistrate Court Mr. Nordin reviewed the Court's budget and that there were additional staffing requests in this budget. Councilman Wyman referred to page 5-2, which reflected an addition of only a' a position(Court Services Specialist I). Mr. Nordin explained that the grant position was technically not a position increase as the Council had approved the grant position in a prior budget year. The position had been paid for through grant funds rather than general fund dollars, which were now expiring. Councilman Wyman pointed out that when the grant expired then somehow the Town must budget for the full wage amount for that grant position. Councilman Wyman reiterated that the Court budget technically did not reflect that an additional person was being added,which they were because the Town had not paid them before and must now budget funds to pay them. L Town Council Budget Session 6/19/00 Page 6 of 12 Councilman McNeill MOVED to approve the Court budget in the amount of $306,120 as presented. Councilman Wyman SECONDED the motion. Councilwoman Fraverd questioned the space needs on page 11-3. Judge Shoob explained that a unisex restroom was being constructed for the court staff to utilize for security purposes. Councilman McNeill stated the collection specialist was a successful and important position. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Building Safety Department Councilwoman Ralphe MOVED to approve the Building Safety Department budget in the amount of $717,240 as presented. Councilman Kavanagh SECONDED the motion,which CARRIED unanimously. Administration Department Mr.Nordin acknowledged that an existing employee in this department had been inadvertently excluded and an additional $37,900 needed to be added to the personnel items for the wages and benefits for this employee. He briefly reviewed the additional line items in this budget. Mayor Morgan recused herself from the discussion of the Administration budget due to a conflict of interest regarding the Chamber of Commerce section and Vice Mayor Hutcheson presided over the discussions. Councilman Wyman MOVED to approve the Administration Department budget in the amount of $2,677,400+$37,900 as presented. Councilwoman Ralphe SECONDED the motion. Councilman Kavanagh posed that the Town needed a Youth Center. He said he knew there was Council support for this project in the community. He stated there were two preceding citizen groups that would be working to make it a reality. He said he thought it was possible to have a youth center in town in two years. He said the question was how much money needed to be set aside. He stated he had talked with both the YMCA and the Boys and Girls Club who indicated the Town would need to put up 20,000-sq. ft. facility, which would cost roughly between $2 and 2.3 million dollars. He noted that both organizations felt they could raise funds through substantial donations. The general consensus was that the Town would have to contribute$1 million dollars,plus provide the land. He said the Town already had the land but he wanted to start putting money aside now,as money had been set aside for other things such as preservation. Councilman Kavanagh moved to AMEND the motion allocating $333,000 from the undesignated reserves establishing a capital reserve fund for a youth center. He pointed out the money would not be spent this year so it would not cause a problem with the expenditure limitations. There was no second to the amendment. Councilwoman Fraverd said she had been surprised at the introduction of this item. She expressed interest in looking at this issue. She asked Councilman Kavanagh to bring more information forward and suggested looking at it next year. Mr. Nordin proposed that because of the way that Councilman Kavanagh was suggesting this be considered, he proposed that the information come forward when available. He said that the Council could consider designating an amount of the undesignated reserve at anytime, for whatever purpose the Council chose. Councilman McNeill said he would also like to consider setting aside funds for a youth center at the time the Council was provided with the information. Councilman Kavanagh asked what information should be gathered. He stated that by introducing this item his purpose had been to begin the process of collecting the money. He felt that since it was in the Town Council Budget Session 6/19/00 Page 7 of 12 undesignated funds and wouldn't effect the spending cap,now would be a good time to bring it up. Beyond the statement of needs from the two organizations, he needed to know what other data the Council wanted. He reviewed the bottom line need was$1 million dollars. Vice Mayor Hutcheson said she was also surprised at Councilman Kavanagh's request. She asked that staff look into costs of establishing a youth center and agendize this item for a future meeting. Mr. Nordin stated that staff would work with Councilman Kavanagh to develop information to be brought before the Council in the future. Councilman Wyman said his concern was that the Town had systematically prepared this budget. He acknowledged the time already spent by staff in determining the Town's needs. As much as he might want this youth center and agree with it, he did not feel it was appropriate at this time to bring it before the Council. This budget had taken weeks and months to put together and he was uncomfortable with the proposal of the youth center at this time. He suggested putting in an appropriate argument at another time for those undesignated funds. Councilman McNeill said he thought that a youth center was a line item in the Parks and Recreation Vision 2005 plan. He said he was interested in any information Councilman Kavanagh wanted to present but would also like to hear from the Parks and Recreation Department in terms of a youth center. Mr. Nordin said that could be made part of the discussion. Councilman Kavanagh asked if it was economic data that the Council was requiring because if the Council needed to wait for floor plans and designs that would put the youth center off for years. He had hoped to begin the process of putting the money aside now just as money was being set aside for preservation. He would like to arrange a meeting between the Boys and Girls Club,the YMCA,Paul,and himself to get some hard figures so that in a month or two, the Council could make the transfer knowing exactly how much money was needed. He asked if the Council would like to review the economic data in two months. Councilman Wyman said it was inappropriate to consider that request at this time. He posed that there might be other areas that the Council might want to consider having the undesignated funds spent. Mr. Nordin said he viewed this as Councilman Kavanagh's initiative and reiterated however the Councilman wanted to bring it forward to the Council, he would be happy to assist following his direction. Vice Mayor Hutcheson suggested that Councilman Kavanagh meet with staff and properly agendize this for a future meeting. Councilwoman Fraverd questioned the need of a vehicle by the Administration Department. She asked why they couldn't share a vehicle from another department. Director Hansen responded that staff felt it had now become a necessity. She explained that over the last ten years, staff has used their personal vehicles or borrowed vehicles from other departments. She stated that all departments' workloads had increased to the point that their vehicles were busy on a daily basis, making it more difficult to find a vehicle to borrow. She pointed out that since now there would be added facilities, such as the Community Center, there would be industrial cleaning equipment that would need to be transported from one location to another. She said the only way to move the equipment would be with a truck that had a hydraulic lift in the back. She noted that the Administration vehicle needs were a little different from other departments and the Town did not have a truck of this type. Peter Putterman said he frequently had to send someone out to pick up or move equipment around at various sites,the schools,the street yard,and the parks. He pointed out the liability issue of using personal vehicles. He said that the purchase of this vehicle would allow the Town to save money by not duplicating the purchases of current building maintenance equipment. Duplicate equipment would be required if the existing equipment could not be moved from location to location as needed. He said the hydraulic lift would give one person the ability to move the equipment to different facilities. Town Council Budget Session 6/19/00 Page 8 of 12 Councilwoman Fraverd asked if alternative fuel vehicles had been looked at. Mr. Putterman replied yes,but unfortunately the alternative fuel vehicles would not work in this instance. He said the electric vehicles did not have the range needed. He explained that the bed of a CNG vehicle would be too restrictive as the fuel tank sat in the bed, which limited the truck bed space. Those with under mounted tanks again did not give staff the range needed,as their fuel tanks were smaller. Mr.Nordin stated that staff makes every effort to utilize alternative fuel vehicles when purchasing due to the federal mandate. He explained that presently staff was investigating the use of compressed natural gas with Southwest Gas in order to provide a fueling station in the community for the Street Yard. Councilwoman Fraverd asked about converting vehicles if fuel conversion became available. Mr. Nordin explained that staff had found after factory installed conversion kits to be substandard. Councilwoman Ralphe asked for a summary of costs for the anticipated move offices to Building A. Director Hansen reviewed the improvement costs involved in preparing Building A were approximately $10,000. She noted that some of the maintenance and improvements had been accomplished with funds from this current year. Those listed in the budget included an ADA handicapped ramp to the front of Building A. She outlined the equipment that would be purchased for Building A. Copier - $50,000, Door Control Access System (security) - $29,000 (including enhancements and door readers for Bldg. C). She pointed out that much of the office furniture would be purchased from office supplies and the Council's budget for the Council Conference Room and Office furniture. Councilwoman Fraverd questioned adding an Administrative Intern position. She asked how the receptionists' duties would be split between the two buildings. She felt that as long as an intern was being added, and there was a definite need for a receptionist in Building C, it should be a person from the Administration Department. Director Hansen replied that the Administrative Intern position was a position that was in place right now. This was a request to formalize it. She explained the position was a carry over from the Summer Intern program from last year and was very successful. She said that in the past additional funds had been budgeted for temporary services to cover when neither of the two part-time receptionists was able to work. It was more desirable to put those temporary service funds towards for the Administrative Intern position to provide more continuity in the service provided. She said the primary reception duties would move to Building A where the Mayor and Council as well as the administrative functions would be located. They would still have all the telephone responsibilities of answering all in coming calls and meeting/greeting the public. Director Hansen explained that approximately 50% of the walk-in traffic for Building C was for the Building Safety Department. Removing the wall in the entry would increase the visibility by those at the counter. She stated that it was anticipated that installing a courtesy phone on the newly opened and extended counter would expedite the public's ability to reach the department's administrative assistant who could then bring that person to the staff member they needed. She said those were some of the options being considered. Mr. Nordin recommended that staff, over the next year, analyze the best way to utilize the Town's current Building Safety, Engineering, and Community Development staff in an effort to avoid funding a new receptionist position. He said it was the Council's prerogative to add the position now if they so chose, but he asked for the opportunity to investigate the options. Vice Mayor Hutcheson commented it was important to have a receptionist in Building C. She suggested that one of the staff who was moving to Building A could possibly serve as a part-time reception there, particularly if the calls continued to be screened as they are now. Mr. Nordin said that if so directed by the Council to include an additional receptionist in the budget, he would do so for their consideration at the July 6th meeting. Alternatively, the Council could direct staff to look at other arrangements with existing staff. Councilwoman Fraverd said she was not suggesting an additional staff position, only that the current receptionists should not be moved. She preferred to keep the configuration as is. She did not see the volume of traffic to the Administration offices. Town Council Budget Session 6/19/00 Page 9 of 12 Director Hansen responded that when the move to Building A was complete, that building would be most visible and closest to Palisades. People not familiar with Town would logically come to that building because it was the first one they would see. She said the existing staff would not be able to spread out between two buildings. She noted that the Town currently employed two part-time receptionists. This part- time status allowed the receptionists the flexibility in their hours that they wanted and allowed the Town to keep those two individuals for this length of time. She said to try to cover the two building with the existing staff would probably require excess hours and would expand the hours past what they wished to work. It would change the make up of how the Administration Department handles the reception of the public at Town Hall. Vice Mayor Hutcheson envisioned that the receptionist would physically stay in Building C and not cover two buildings. Some one else in the Administration Department would have a desk or office in the front and serve as the greeter. She suggested using the Administrative Intern for that purpose. Director Hansen stated that one of the benefits of moving to Building A was the increased size of the lobby. It would handle walk-in traffic better. She reminded the Council that elections were held every year and with the Administration department handling early voters. The lobby becomes very congested at those times when combined with Building Safety traffic and the walk-in early voters. She stated that Building A was better equipped to handle an influx of people. Mr. Nordin reiterated that if there was no request for additional staff he could continue this discussion of employment at a later time. He said it would not be immediately relevant in terms of approving the budget. Mr. Putterman discussed the technical aspects of a courtesy phone at the proposed extension of the Building Safety counter, which would ring the receptionist. He said the receptionist would then have the ability to make announcements to an office regardless of what building they were in. He explained that with current technology, remote control access was a possibility to make this option user friendly. He said the security buzzer connected to the Marshals Department, would be relocated to the Building Safety Counter. He said if there were a threat to staff,they could merely press the buzzer and summon a marshal. Vice Mayor Hutcheson clarified that Councilwoman Fraverd was not asking for a position cut, only a reallocation of staff. Mr. Nordin agreed this discussion could be held at a later date and staff could report later to the Council and talk about staff deployment. The original motion CARRIED unanimously. Mayor Morgan returned. Building Safety Department Mr. Nordin noted that there were increases in the budget due to a new building inspector. Ms. Ghetti explained that the difference between last year's budget amount and this year's budget amount was approximately $54,000. She said that difference was the addition of one building inspector and difference in merit, which was the difference between the starting salary and current salary. Mr. Nordin explained the department had a team of three building inspectors and one plan checker. During the last budget year one of the inspectors had a severe hip injury on the job making it difficult for him to continue his regular routine of field building inspections. He pointed out that he had the authority as Town Manager to reevaluate and redistribute an employee's job responsibilities. He said due to this disability,the inspector became a second plan checker and he continued to make those field inspections that he could do safely. He said the team was due for an increase any way. Because of all the services and inspections, the Town was going to have to look at an increase in the team. The injury gave the Town the appropriate redirection and determined that the increase should be placed with the addition of a building inspector. He noted the large line item of Town Council Budget Session 6/19/00 Page 10 of 12 professional fees for plan check services and an increase in office supplies for furniture. He pointed out Low there was a request for a new vehicle for the new inspector. Councilwoman Ralphe MOVED to approve the Building Safety Department budget in the amount of $717,240 as presented. Councilman Kavanagh SECONDED the motion. Councilwoman Fraverd said that with the additional plan checker, the cost of contract plan services should decrease. Mr. Nordin said that the outside plan checks were done on demand and if the demand did not call for that budgeted amount to be spent,it will not be spent. Councilwoman Fraverd did not want to encourage staff to use outside services if they could be done in-house. Mr. Nordin responded that staff has shown a very good track record of utilizing budget savings wherever and whenever possible. Mayor Morgan stated it was her preference to have the funds available if needed. Councilman Wyman stated he was satisfied with the controls he has seen. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Community Development Department Mr. Nordin pointed out the largest line item under professional fees was for the contract for the impact fee study. Ms.Ghetti noted that under employee health insurance there was an adjustment needed of$1,350.00. Councilman McNeill MOVED to approve the Community Development Department budget in the amount of$371,150 as presented. Vice Mayor Hutcheson SECONDED the motion. Councilman Wyman questioned if there was not an increase in personnel for this department,why was there an increase from the revised estimate from this year to the next year of 10.8%. Director Valder explained the difference in the wages budgeted for the new year by stating the confusion comes when trying to compute when in the year the merit increase would actually be given to the employee. If the employee received their raise late in the year,the Town would not have spent the full portion of that employee's merit money. He said once that employee gets the raise,the Town accountant uses that new salary for the basis of computing total salaries for the budget year. So, if all of the employees received their raises on July 1u,the wages would match the funds in the projected budget. He summarized that the later in the year that an employee received a raise would confuse the math computation. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Marshals Department Public Safety Director Gender explained that while grant monies were originally used to fund needed positions, those grants were now running out. He stated these positions would now need to be funded by the Town. The Council discussed that additional services could be acquired but at an additional cost from the Sheriffs department. Councilwoman Ralphe acknowledged that after research into growing municipalities' law enforcement costs, she had concluded that the Town's law enforcement costs were low. Mayor Morgan pointed out that the Town spends less for protection than for recreation. Mr. Nordin noted that Councilwoman Ralphe had requested that all the parks be combined into one chart for the purpose of discussion of their budget. Councilwoman Ralphe MOVED to approve the Marshals Department budget in the amount of $2,446,020 as presented. Councilman Wyman SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously AGENDA ITEM#3- CALL TO THE PUBLIC. There were no comments from the public. Town Council Budget Session 6/19/00 Page 11 of 12 AGENDA ITEM#4-ADJOURNMENT. Councilwoman Fraverd MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Councilwoman Ralphe SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. Mayor Morgan adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS By /G aron Morgan,Mayor ATTEST: (11,1-.1A.A__\•,46 / +t-AA-1 Cassie B.Hansen Director of Administration/Town Clerk PREPARED BY: / 1 /--_ / - Bev Bender,Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Special Budget Session held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 19th day of June, 2000. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. l DATED this 6th day of July, 1999. (111-:14-4.-.L.- / & ,-/ Cassie B.Hansen Director of Administration/Town Clerk L. Town Council Budget Session 6/19/00 Page 12 of 12