HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.0405.TCREM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR AND EXECUTIVE SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL April 5,2001 Mayor Morgan called the regular session of the Town Council to order at 5:30 p.m. Councilwoman Ralphe MOVED that the Council convene the executive session and Councilwoman Fraverd SECONDED the motion,which carried unanimously. ITEM#1 PURSUANT TO A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.4, VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR: DISCUSSION OR CONSULTATION WITH THE ATTORNEYS OF THE PUBLIC BODY IN ORDER TO CONSIDER ITS POSITION AND INSTRUCT ITS ATTORNEYS REGARDING THE PUBLIC BODY'S POSITION IN PENDING OR CONTEMPLATED LITIGATION OR IN SETTLEMENT DISCUSSIONS CONDUCTED IN ORDER TO AVOID OR RESOLVE LITIGATION(CONDEMNATION ACTION-TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS V.MCO PROPERTIES). ITEM#2 RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION Mayor Morgan recessed the executive session of the Town Council at 6:20 p.m. and reconvened the regular session of the Town Council at 6:30 p.m. Following the pledge to the flag and the invocation by Vice Mayor Wyman, the roll call was taken. ROLL CALL -Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor Sharon Morgan, Vice Mayor John Wyman, and Councilmembers Leesa Fraverd, Sharon Hutcheson, John McNeill, John Kavanagh,and Susan Ralphe. Also present were Town Manager Paul Nordin,Town Attorney Bill Farrell,Director of Public Works/Town Engineer Randy Harrel, Assistant Public Works Director Tom Ward, Director of Administration Cassie Hansen,and Director of Community Development Jeff Valder. Mayor Morgan read the consent agenda items 1 -9. ITEM#1 CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 15 AND 22, 2001. ITEM#2 CONSIDERATION OF THE SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE SUBMITTED BY FRANK FERRARA FOR THE FOUNTAIN HILLS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR THE JAZZ FESTIVAL TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, MAY 4, 5, AND 6, 2001 IN FOUNTAIN PARK. ITEM#3 CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR THE 2-UNIT CAMEO PLACE CONDOMINIUMS, LOCATED AT 14015 N. CAMEO DRIVE, AKA PLAT 104, BLOCK 5, LOT 14,CASE NUMBER S2001-04. ITEM#4 CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR THE 2-UNIT TWIN PEAKS CONDOMINIUMS, LOCATED AT 14468 N. SHERWOOD DRIVE, AKA PLAT 104, BLOCK 13,LOT 3,CASE NUMBER S2001-05. ITEM#5 CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR THE 2-UNIT TWIN ASHBROOK CONDOMINIUMS, LOCATED AT 16646 E. ASHBROOK DRIVE, AKA PLAT 104, BLOCK 1,LOT 21, CASE NUMBER S2001-06. ITEM#6 CONSIDERATION OF THE FINAL REPLAT FOR LOT 1 OF FIREROCK PARCEL P2- Ly 01,A LOT LINE REVISION AND TRACT DEDICATION PROJECT; CASE#S2001-03. Town Council Minutes Regular and Executive Session 4/5/01 Page 1 of 11 ITEM#7 CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2001-15 ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST THE TOWN HAS IN CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS LOCATED ALONG THE WESTERLY PROPERTY LINES, RETAINING THE Nov SOUTHERLY 10' PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ON LOT 16, FOR EXISTING AND POTENTIAL FUTURE UTILITY BOXES, OF PLAT 601A, BLOCK 3, LOTS 15 AND 16 (12634 AND 12642 N. MOUNTAINSIDE DRIVE) AS RECORDED IN BOOK 161 OF MAP PAGE 44 RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY,ARIZONA. (MOUNTAINSIDE HOLDINGS,LLC)EA01-03 ITEM#8 CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2001-16 AMENDING THE DOLLAR AMOUNT REQUESTED FOR HERITAGE GRANT FUNDS IN RESOLUTION 2001-01. ITEM#9 CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE GRANT APPLICATION TO THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF HIGHWAY SAFETY FOR A GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,392 TO PURCHASE TWO MOBILE VIDEO SYSTEMS FOR DUI ENFORCEMENT. THERE WILL BE NO COST TO THE TOWN IF AWARDED. Councilwoman Fraverd MOVED to approve the Consent Agenda as read. Councilwoman Hutcheson SECONDED the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the following results. Vice Mayor Wyman aye Councilman McNeill - aye Councilwoman Hutcheson- aye Councilwoman Fraverd- aye Councilman Kavanagh- aye Councilwoman Ralphe— aye Mayor Morgan- aye The motion CARRIED unanimously with a roll call vote. Mayor Morgan introduced Jim Willers,the new Community Center Director. ITEM#10 APPOINTMENT OF A COUNCILMEMBER TO SERVE ON THE MAYOR'S DOWNTOWN PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE. Mayor Morgan MOVED Councilwoman Susan Ralphe to serve on the Mayor's Downtown Partnership Committee and Councilman McNeill SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. ITEM#11 CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTING A REVISED ECONOMIC AGREEMENT WITH THE BARCLAY GROUP CONCERNING THE TARGET SHOPPING CENTER. Mr. Farrell asked for a two-week continuance until the 19th of April. He said that staff would provide more details and information regarding the revision at that time. He noted that the housekeeping amendments to the development agreement did not change the amount of money in the development agreement nor did it add an interest component. Vice Mayor Wyman MOVED to continue this item until the April 19`' 2001 Council meeting and Councilman Kavanagh SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. ITEM#12 CONSIDERATION OF A FILL WAIVER FOR PARCEL I IN THE SUNRIDGE CANYON DEVELOPMENT,CASE NUMBER CFW2001-01. Senior Planner Dana Burkhart gave an overview of why this application was before the Council. When the Sunridge Canyon Development started their initial plat subdivision improvements, they had a lot of excessive fill. The location mentioned in the staff report was their dumping site to store fill. That area was also designated as three single-family residential lots. The fill had been placed there as those lots were to have been graded at one time per their original subdivision improvement plan. Consequently, Sunridge Canyon chose not to develop those lots and the fill had remained. The request before the Council was to approve leaving the fill L. there but to enhance and dress it up. Mr. Burkhart noted that there were several close out items before Town Council Minutes Regular and Executive Session 4/5/01 Page 2 of 11 Sundridge Canyon, L.L.C. or Suncore to finalize, which had been listed on the staff report. Finalizing these requirements would allow Sunridge Canyon's bond monies to be refunded and call an end to the project. Mr. Burkhart stated that the attached memo from the Town Engineer Randy Harrel outlined eight additional items. Mr. Burkhart said that staff was recommending Council approval of the cut and fill waiver with the stipulations as listed in his staff report. Vice Mayor Wyman MOVED to approve the fill waiver as presented and Councilman Kavanagh SECONDED the motion. Mr. Harrel felt that the applicant and staff were working towards was a good closeout. Councilwoman Fraverd asked Mr. Harrel if Suncore Development had agreed to his seven close out items. Mr. Harrel responded they were aware of them and were working towards resolving each item. Councilwoman Fraverd asked if Mr. Harrel was negotiating or had Suncore agreed to these conditions. She also asked if the applicant had begun to implement these stipulations. Mr. Harrel explained that the applicant had begun implementing several. He noted that staff had come to an agreement on others and that the applicant was making payment on some. Mr. Harrel noted there wasn't any known disagreement at this point. Councilman McNeill stated that the amount of fill in the area was large. He said that the side that faced the street had been contoured with the landscaping wasn't too bad, but he felt it could use further work even if the grade was left as it was. Comments in staffs report indicated that the berm would serve to shield some of the homes in the subdivision below. He noted that there were a couple of homes at the end of the cul-de-sac that faced out towards the berm. He pointed out that the south end of the berm served that shielding function. He saw problems further north where the material looked like it was bull dozed at a steep angle, which leads to the bottom of the wash where there were large boulders. He was skeptical that because of the steep grade of the berm and it were to be left "as is", particularly in the north half of the berm area, whether or not the applicant would be able to effectively revegetate it. He was reluctant to leave it in place as it sits today. Councilman McNeill indicated that he would like to see this item continued so more of the items on the checklist could be resolved. He asked Mr. Harrel to comment on the angle of the slope as he felt that the back of the slope was not in conformance. Mr. Harrel confirmed that there were definite areas in the north that were steeper than the ordinance would require. He said that staff would be looking at some issues of grading and stabilization of the slope. He pointed out that those issues had been addressed in his comments. Councilman McNeill asked if staff would be looking for grading to achieve the minimum requirement of the Town's ordinance. Mr. Harrel said a plan would be needed to examine how extensive it would be. Councilman McNeill addressed another comment made by Mr. Harrel with regards to some of the neighbors support for leaving the berm left in place. Mr. Harrel said that was correct. Councilman McNeill noticed there wasn't any evidence to confirm this in staffs report, particularly from the two or three lots in the cul-de-sac which would be most effected. He wanted to know if the applicant had any documentation to support this claim of support. Mr. Harrel replied that was one of staffs requirements but he had not seen that documentation to date. He stated that the applicant, Quinn Johnson from Suncore, had advised him that they did have letters from six or seven neighbors regarding their support. He felt that depending upon an individual's point of view, residents could see this berm as a big benefit in shielding them from roadway traffic, noise, and lights. Councilman McNeill requested that staff follow-up with the residents and solicit their views on the berm's existence and aesthetics. Mr. Harrel said staff would do that. Councilwoman Ralphe stated that there was on vital reason why the Council should deny this waiver request. In talking with Senior Planner Burkhart regarding ownership of the wash, Senior Planner Burkhart had replied that Suncore or an association owned it but that it would eventually be turned over to the Town. She felt for the Council to allow that dirt to remain would not be in the spirit of the wash ordinance at this time. Another reason for denial was simply to avoid setting a precedent, as other developers would then want to leave similar piles all over Town when a project was finished. She did not think that was in the best interest of the Town. Town Council Minutes Regular and Executive Session 4/5/01 Page 3 of 11 Mr. Harrel pointed out that this parcel was an open space parcel owned by Sunridge Canyon L.L.C. and would be transferred to Sunridge Homeowners Association. To his knowledge there hadn't been any movement for tetio Town acquisition of this parcel. Vice Mayor Wyman asked if these stipulations and all this information currently before the Council had been taken before the Planning and Zoning Commission for their consideration. Senior Planner Burkhart responded yes. Vice Mayor Wyman acknowledged that the Town Council had put the Planning and Zoning Commission in place and the Council professed to have respect for their opinions. He asked if the Council should be concerned that the applicant would renege on the stipulations. If not, he was of the opinion that since the Planning and Zoning Commission had reviewed this application and unanimously recommended approval with these stipulations that the Council should also approve the application. Director Valder clarified that what had been previously agreed to in the Parcel I Plat was that this material would be removed. Vice Mayor Wyman said he understood that. Director Valder said that past Councils had not issued a waiver for the fill as it had been expected that the fill would be removed. Vice Mayor Wyman said he understood that too. Vice Mayor Wyman questioned whether or not staff was somehow thinking that the applicant wouldn't go along with the stipulations. If that was the concern, he would join any member of the Council who thought that the application shouldn't be granted. He noted that was not operating in"good faith". He said he was of the opinion that Sunridge had been a responsible developer with whom the Town had a reasonably good relationship. He asked the question if there was anything wrong with trying to help them save money as long as it did not compromise what was there. Quinn Johnson,representative from Suncore He said there were letters of support that could be presented to Town staff. He said the neighbors nearest to the berm had also sent in letters of support: Reginald and Rosemary Felhouer, Glenda Blanchard, Dr. Jack and Mary Beth Brown, Katherine Peters, Ronald and Judy Bachras, Thomas and Grace Bomgarden, and Victor and Doris Yates. He mentioned that since the berm had been existence there had been quite a bit of successful vegetation occurring on it. They felt there would be more destruction done in trying to remove it than to just leave it in its present state. He pointed out that in the wash they would be using non-evasive equipment when removing the boulders and embedding them in the slope. Vice Mayor Wyman asked if the letters of support were from residents who lived in close proximity to the berm. Mr.Johnson responded yes. Councilman McNeill asked Mr. Johnson if the two residents whose backyards faced the fill area were included in the letters received supporting that the berm be left. Mr. Johnson said yes. Councilman McNeill asked if the applicant intended to deed the wash over to the Town. Mr.Johnson said that had not been discussed. Councilwoman Hutcheson asked for clarification that once the applicant was done with the wash side that it would look very nice. Mr.Johnson agreed it should match the street side. Councilwoman Fraverd noted that the staff report recommended a two-to-one slope and asked what it currently was. Senior Planner Burkhart acknowledged it was steep and responded that staff could, on direction from the Council, stipulate a three-to-one slope but that engineering and the ordinance would allow a two-to-one slope. Councilwoman Fraverd questioned how much removal would be necessary to get this to a two-to-one slope on the backside. She said she would like engineering to get a better handle on their seven items and make sure that the applicant was actively pursuing them. Some required more work than others and she was unsure of the status of each of the items and she wanted to see some items checked off. She asked that staff review a plan of how the applicant plans to meet the requirements. Councilwoman Fraverd asked staff and the applicant to resolve these issues. Councilwoman Fraverd MOVED to continue this item until the April 19 Council Meeting and Councilman McNeill SECONDED the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the following results. Councilman McNeill- aye Councilwoman Hutcheson- aye Mayor Morgan - nay Councilman Kavanagh- nay Town Council Minutes Regular and Executive Session 4/5/01 Page 4 of 11 Councilwoman Ralphe— aye Vice Mayor Wyman nay Clitow Councilwoman Fraverd- aye The motion CARRIED on a vote of 4 to 3. ITEM#13 PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON AN APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR GETZ PEST CONTROL, PROPOSED FOR 17511 YAMU KIVA CIRCLE, CASE NUMBER SU2001-02. Mayor Morgan recessed the regular session of the Town Council and opened the public hearing at 7:00 p.m. Senior Planner Jesse Drake said that this request would allow a pest control service to operate from a single- family residence. She said that the applicant conducted his pest control service using a single truck. According to the applicant, all the chemicals used in the pest control business were stored and locked on the truck. The truck would remain in the driveway or in the garage in the evening when at the residence. She noted the proposed use was permitted in residential zoning districts with an approved special use permit. Senior Planner Drake said that Getz Pest Control had been operating at a different location with a prior special use permit. She explained that every special use permit was applicable only to the specific use and to a specific property for which it was located. His relocation to this new residence required that he obtain a new special use permit. She explained that in the operation of the business, Mr. Getz traveled to the residence or to the business where he had his customer. Therefore, little or no traffic was generated within the neighborhood. She said that staff had not received any opposition to this application. She noted that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval with one stipulation and staff also recommended approval. Councilman Kavanagh asked if the Town had any record of complaints against the applicant. Senior Planner Jesse Drake responded she had not received any complaints and was unaware if the Town had received any complaints. Director Valder confirmed that staff did not know of any complaints. cy Vice Mayor Wyman asked for confirmation that the only place that chemicals were stored was in the truck out in the drive. Senior Planner Jesse Drake replied that was what the applicant had written on his application. She stated that Mr. Getz was present if the Council wanted him to confirm it. Vice Mayor Wyman said that wasn't necessary. Mayor Morgan reconvened the regular session at 7:03 p.m. ITEM#14 CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR GETZ PEST CONTROL, PROPOSED FOR 17511 YAMU KIVA CIRCLE,CASE NUMBER SU2001-02. Councilman McNeill MOVED to approve the special use permit as presented and Councilwoman Ralphe SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED on a vote of 6— 1. Vice Mayor Wyman cast the nay vote. ITEM#15 PRESENTATION BY A GROUP OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BUSINESS PEOPLE (PRIMARILY HOTEL OWNERS AND REPRESENTATIVES FROM THE SCOTTSDALE CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU) CONCERNING THE POSSIBILITY OF THE TOWN DONATING A PORTION OF ITS BED TAX RECEIPTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING ADVERTISING THROUGH THE SCOTTSDALE CONVENTION&VISITORS BUREAU. Mr. Nordin stated that because this agenda wasn't very long, he felt it would be a good opportunity to cut down on the number of meetings that the Council held and offer an informal study session format on both of these items. This would enable staff to get an idea from the Council as to their general feelings on these issues. Then staff could, in the future as appropriate, act on any statements made by the Council. He stated that he was not looking for any particular motion or action by the Council only any input that the Council chose to give. Town Council Minutes Regular and Executive Session 4/5/01 Page 5 of 11 Mr. Nordin reviewed that a group of local hotelers had approached the Mayor and himself concerning the possibility of using some the Town's bed tax money. He explained that if the Council favored this action, he Loy would view this as a budgetary item. He discussed that the Council, during the annual budget process, would then have an opportunity to appropriate funds. Mr. Nordin pointed out that what was being asked for here was an annual contribution. If the Council were to be favorably disposed to this item, he would then proceed to negotiate an appropriate agreement with the Scottsdale Convention and Visitor Bureau representative. He said that at budget time, he would then bring that agreement forward to the Council during regular budget discussions for formal adoption. Mr. Nordin introduced Rachel Sacco, Executive Director of the Scottsdale Convention &Visitor Bureau. Ms. Sacco reviewed how they could promote Fountain Hills and Fountain Hills' businesses in their marketing program. She noted that they had forged a partnership with the City of Scottsdale and the Town of Paradise Valley and hoped to include Fountain Hills. All three communities placed a high value on tourism. She showed examples of publications as to how the Town's bed tax investment would be used to partner with the Scottsdale Convention &Visitors Bureau. She explained their advertising program. She said that one of the reasons that a partnership with Fountain Hills was so compelling was because as Scottsdale grew one of the things lost was their ability to deliver the Sonoran Desert. She pointed out that the Bureau had also created a web presence. She said their 28 member office staff had developed a trust with the businesses and cities served. A partnership with Fountain Hills would be a wonderful thing for all concerned. It would allow the Convention & Visitor Bureau to offer Fountain Hills' hospitality members and/or the Town's Community Center opportunities to focus on the type of businesses that they would like to see come here. It would allow them to become part of a market place that was very dynamic and guided by a staff that was very committed and accountable. She did not think that this advertising effort could be duplicated by anyone one business on their own. She distributed a packet of their promotional materials for the Council's review. She stated that they did an audited study every year to determine how many people came to Scottsdale/Paradise Valley based on their advertisements. Mayor Morgan asked if a specific amount of bed tax money would be designated or would a percentage be given to the Scottsdale Convention & Visitor Bureau to have Fountain Hills included in their advertising. Mr. Nordin responded that there would be a specific amount of bed tax money designated but it would be based on a percentage of the total receipts collected. He said staff had calculated that the Town took in approximately $90,000 in bed tax and so the commitment on the Town's part would be approximately $30,000. He reiterated that if the Council were interested in pursuing this, the negotiations that he would enter into with Ms. Sacco would be for a specific dollar amount derived from a percentage of the receipts. Mayor Morgan asked how visitors could be tracked to see if this type of advertising benefited Fountain Hills. Ms. Sacco stated that the Town's best barometer would come from the local businesses and hotels. She noted that the local hotels would be tracking to see if there was an increase in their business. Ms. Sacco indicated that they could generate and provide similar reports to the Town. She pointed out that such reports were currently given to Scottsdale and Paradise Valley. Mayor Morgan said it sounded like it would be the local hotelers who would be making the reports to the Council. Councilwoman Ralphe asked where in the packet material could she find information specifically on Paradise Valley. She felt if she could find that material it would be similar to what the Fountain Hills' material might look like. Ms. Sacco said that the Paradise Valley advertising material was tagged with Scottsdale because their hotels/resort addresses were in Scottsdale and they used that as the "marketing brand". The Convention & Visitor Bureau had capitalized on a successful brand that already existed called"Scottsdale". She suggested that Fountain Hills could be talked about just as Paradise Valley was in the context where they were meaningful. She said that Paradise Valley agreed that the "Scottsdale" context was more local than national and for the Bureau to spend additional monies to isolate Paradise Valley wasn't in the hotels' best interests. She noted that the hotels agreed. She proposed that this could be a conversation could be held as the working relationship grew to determine just how important was for Fountain Hills to stand-alone and where, for "advertising purposes", was it most important for Fountain Hills to stand-alone. She wanted to know how the local hotels felt about where the branding or investment was best spent. Town Council Minutes Regular and Executive Session 4/5/01 Page 6 of 11 Councilwoman Fraverd asked if the first thing that would be done would be to come up with a plan as to how Fountain Hills would fit into their advertising. As the local businesses did not have a Scottsdale address, she did not think it would help them to have a Scottsdale address. Ms. Sacco noted that for the $30,000 fee being proposed although relative wasn't enough to buy one particular ad in some of the national publications. She felt that the Council and the Bureau would have to be careful as to where the Town would get the biggest mileage for their properties. Ms. Sacco explained that the properties listed in their publications would have their Fountain Hills addresses listed. She was not suggesting that they change their address. Ms. Sacco gave an example that a local property could be placed in a New York Times ad under a Scottsdale banner, even though it would note the Fountain Hills address and talk about the beautiful Sonoran Desert experience in Fountain Hills. She felt that the ad would have more value under the umbrella context of "Scottsdale" because people knew where Scottsdale was. From the marketing stand point that was where they would like to have the partnership. Then individual hotels could sell their attributes very specifically within that context. Mayor Morgan stated that she strongly believed that when you have an expert you go with their recommendations. She hoped that the Town would go along with the expert here instead of following amateurs' suggestions. Ms. Sacco said that if the Council were to look at things in degrees, what may be more important for the Town might be to develop the reputation and businesses in a local market. She felt that was where the name "Fountain Hills" had the name and reputation. She proposed that they might be able to help promote the new Community Center once opened. She suggested that there was a lot of statewide as well as regional business that they could help bring to Fountain Hills. When talking about nationwide and worldwide advertising it made more sense to go under a well-known market banner such as "Scottsdale, if the Town wanted to go after visitors. Councilman McNeill expressed that he had been interested to find out if there might be an overlap in marketing when promoting the downtown if the Town were to participate in this program at the same time as trying to develop the downtown. He did not want to spend the same dollar twice to reach the same goal. He felt what he was hearing was that the Bureau was after a national and international audience where the Scottsdale name was familiar to that audience. He felt that the Town's efforts to build the downtown to attract customers were more of a localized effort. He stated that after listening to Ms. Sacco he felt that his concerns had been reconciled. Ms. Sacco stated that everything was in degrees. To look at how the Town was beginning with a very dynamic and impressive promotion of the downtown along with the new Community Center, that Fountain Hills' own backyard was probably one of the best places to. She felt that the local hotelers would tell the Council that the business that they were looking for was the high value visitor who was coming here from other places and who could afford to stay here"in season"and would come back time and time again. Vice Mayor Wyman recalled years ago that he and his wife had spent a lot of time in Scottsdale when they first came to the valley. They had heard of Scottsdale and appreciated everything they knew about it. He pointed out that although they wound up in Fountain Hills it had not take anything away from Scottsdale. He noted that when people asked him where Fountain Hills was, it was with a great deal of pleasure that he had noted Fountain Hills was just east of Scottsdale. They all knew where Scottsdale was. He said he was proud to live in Fountain Hills but he did not lack pride in the fact that Fountain Hills' neighbor was Scottsdale. He felt that Fountain Hills would become a destination, as Scottsdale could not handle every visitor. He stated that the current resorts were good but would get better and visitors would spill over into the downtown because of the things that would be available to them. He said that the proposed fee was a modest fee and would allow Fountain Hills to participate in this wide marketing plan. Councilman Kavanagh noticed that the some of Fountain Hills' amenities and events had been integrated into their current publications. He asked if the Town were to participate, could the Council expect more of the Town's events and amenities to be integrated into the publications. Ms. Sacco said that she hoped that they could help to promote the Town's events and a businesses coming in as they related to the hospitality industry. Town Council Minutes Regular and Executive Session 4/5/01 Page 7 of 11 Councilman Kavanagh asked how long Paradise Valley had been participating in this program. Ms. Sacco responded she had been personally involved in forging that partnership in 1987. She noted that they had an Ly excellent relationship. She urged the Council to contact their counter parts in Paradise Valley and discuss the relationship. She felt that the consensus would be that it was valued just as it was in the City of Scottsdale. Councilwoman Hutcheson agreed with Vice Mayor Wyman's comments. She asked what type of time commitment must be agreed to or was that flexible. Ms. Sacco replied she wanted to begin July 1, the beginning of their fiscal year. Mr. Nordin explained that the Council could participate this coming fiscal year but could not legally commit another Council to participation in any future fiscal year. He did not think negotiations would take very long. He noted that Ms. Sacco and he had talked and it was his opinion that something could quickly be put together for this Council to consider if that was the Council's desire. At that time, the appropriation questions could be addressed such as the term of the contract,etc. He did not think the local business people in the audience would object to explaining what they expected the results would be of this type of advertising. The following local businesses spoke in support of participating in this advertising program: Cona Ray, Southwest Inn; Roxanne Bureski, Chairperson for Fountain Hills Tourism Council and owner of Arizona Trails Reservation Service; Sam Trevedi, Comfort Inn; Scott Ostrander, Copperwynd. They spoke of previously working with the Convention and Visitor Bureau and how even on their smaller scale it had increased their group business. They felt that with the help of the Bureau,Fountain Hills could become a destination and it was a good way to create an image for and promote Fountain Hills. They were of the opinion that this was a modest fee for the amount of advertising coverage given. They noted that if they had to pay for this type of advertising, the bed tax would have to be increased by 10%. The businesses talked of having computers with the ability to track where and how the patrons found them. They were willing to provide the information monthly to the Council and asked for the Council's support. Councilman Kavanagh asked Ms. Bureski if they had any trouble tracking contacts that the Bureau had referred to her. Ms. Bureski said no,they track every reservation made and they knew where it came from. Councilman McNeill endorsed the Town's participation and asked that the Town Manager include this in the next fiscal year's budget. He requested that the Town's new Community Center Director, Jim Willers become involved in the process and provide his input and thoughts on this subject. ITEM#16 COUNCIL DISCUSSION CONCERNING ITEMS/ISSUES TO BE INCLUDED IN THE MANAGER'S PREPARATION OF THE TOWN'S 2001-2002 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET. Mayor Morgan said that this discussion was for the purpose of Council direction for the new fiscal budget. Mr. Nordin reviewed what he thought could be accomplished with this discussion. He was aware that the newer Councilmembers last year had expressed their desire to become more involved in the budget process but in a more timely fashion. He said this was one way that might help in that regard. If there were items that Councilmembers would like staff to particularly look into for possible presentation in the new fiscal budget, he would like to hear about it at this time so that staff could address their interests. Mr. Nordin mentioned that the budget schedule of dates that would be followed in preparation and adoption of the new fiscal year budget would be included in Friday's TIP. He quickly listed those dates: Monday,June 4—deliver the draft budget to the Council Tuesday,June 26—Special Study Session Wednesday,June 27—Special Study Session Thursday,June 28—Special Study Session (if necessary) Thursday,July 5,tentative budget adoption a Town Council Minutes Regular and Executive Session 4/5/01 Page 8 of 11 Councilwoman Hutcheson requested funding consideration in this coming budget for: The Senior Center expansion Addition of a downtown consultant staff person Increase the Community Benefit Program funding to see valley wide organizations considered(CASS,etc) Research the possibility of some sort of an equitable lease of the old Community Center facility to the Community Theater Mayor Morgan asked for clarification that the Community Theater paid $1 a year for the use of their present facility. Mr. Nordin confirmed that was correct. Mayor Morgan asked staff to provide, for the purpose of comparison, what revenues could have the Town have received for rent of their present facility and what the Town could collect if the old Community Center were to be leased out to someone other than the Community Theater. Mr.Nordin said that those figures could be provided to the Council before budget time and staff would provide a memo as soon as possible. Vice Mayor Wyman noted that this Town was very active with the current projects. He asked that staffing costs be considered in the departments of planning and engineering to avoid any delays in the processing building plans and permits. He pointed out that operating costs would be high in those departments for a period of time in order to support Director Valder's and Director Harrel's present staff. He did not want to frustrated people while trying to develop the downtown. Vice Mayor Wyman stated that with regard to the Theater and the request made by the Mayor, he did not think it would be difficult to prove that the Town could have done better than $1 a year. He pointed out that the advantages of having a theater group with outstanding Arizona credentials as one of the amenities that the Council wanted the citizens to enjoy. He did not think that some things could have a cost attached to them. He expressed that this might be one of those things, which positively impacted the quality of life in Fountain Hills and that must be weighed in. Mayor Morgan clarified that the figures would prove how much the Town supported the Theater. She wanted those numbers so she had something to talk about and promote when people talked about the Council not doing enough. She agreed that the Theater was an asset. Councilwoman Ralphe also supported funding the Senior Center expansion, consideration for leasing the balance of the Community Center to the Theater, and finish creating the downtown development with the addition of a paid staffer. She questioned how the increase in the Town's population would affect the revenue that the Town received from the state. She asked if there were any preliminary numbers available. Mr. Nordin replied that bottom line the Town would receive, a grand total of all state shared revenues, had increased approximately $1 million dollars for the next fiscal year. He reported that amount was slightly more than what staff had projected that it might be in the 5-year forecast that was maintained. Councilman McNeill wanted to know more about the plans for the Senior Center expansion but thought what he had heard was reasonable. He wanted to look at the Community Theater needs, increasing the Community Benefit Funding, and identification of the downtown staffing needs. He also mentioned the law enforcement study. Although it might not be ready for implementation into this budget year, he suggested that staff stay closely in tune with the process to see if there were some things that might need further study or alternatives that might need to be looked into, which could impact the budget in some way. Councilman McNeill mentioned that that the Parks and Recreation Department had presented a list of recommended priorities, which were desirable in the community. He acknowledged that everything on the list might not be able to be included as soon as some citizens would like, but he wanted to stay on track with the priorities as outlined by the Parks and Recreation Commission which were doable within the Town's budget. Councilman McNeill pointed out there was a need to continually look at the needs of the Town Hall buildings and what the future was there with consideration given to alternatives. He felt that there was a need to stay on top of what was happening with the local, state, and national economy. He mentioned the recent downturn in the national economy and that the state legislature was going through its budgeting process and looking at a downfall in revenues. He did not know if the Town was seeing a decrease in sales tax revenues. He said he 4160, would like staff to stay on top of all things that would affect the Town's general economy. As the Town was Town Council Minutes Regular and Executive Session 4/5/01 Page 9 of 11 not immune to such a scenario, he asked staff to consider the priority of the items the Town must have if a revenue crunch were felt and what could be deferred into another budget year if needed. Mr. Nordin responded to the Parks and Recreation recommended improvements. He explained the proposed process he planned to follow unless directed otherwise by the Council: The commission and staff had identified the priority list. The top item on that list was Four Peaks Neighborhood Park. He noted that park development continued to be one of the five top priorities. It was his intension to fund as much of that top priority as possible. He did not know at this time if he would have sufficient revenue to go further down the list in this upcoming budget year. However, he would look into it. He stated that he had not heard from the Council nor was he in a position to recommend tonight that the Council consider any bonded indebtedness for additional priorities. He said, unless directed differently by the Council, it would be his recommendation to see how far the Town could go with cash and expenditure limitation situation. Vice Mayor Wyman asked if the budget cycle of the state was two years so that the state could quasi guarantee a certain income level of state shared revenues for that period of time and could the Town could somewhat count on that. Mr. Nordin said that the actual operation of this current legislature had been a friendly one to cities and towns. He mentioned that had not been the case in prior years. He explained that the state's two-year budget cycle could impact the Town's revenue with regard to state shared revenues received. Previously this budget cycle had meant virtually nothing to prior state legislators. They had felt free to cut the state shared revenues at any time and in fact had. He reminded the Council that the State did not know any type of budgetary timing limitation and could decrease funding to Fountain Hills in any year. Vice Mayor Wyman asked when the State's two-year cycle began. Mr. Nordin replied that this present year was when they were preparing their future two-year budget. Vice Mayor Wyman asked if one of the purposes of the State's reserves was to attempt to honor their commitments to cities and towns. Mr. Nordin said that was his position when he lobbied state representatives. Vice Mayor Wyman asked if Mr. Nordin would be preparing a three-year projection for the Town for budget purposes. Mr. Nordin responded he planned to develop a five-year projection. Councilman Kavanagh said that while the Council and staff tried to plan where the money should be allocated based upon the positive projections it was important to take into account the possibility that the PG&E money would be available and some of the wish money might have to be diverted to paying the expenses of that bond money. In terms of the amenities items that he would like to consider were: the Senior Center expansion, matching the sum from last year's budget that had been put aside for a police department, picking up the Town's bond payments to lessen or eliminate the Town property tax, letting the Community Theater use the old Community Center, and in addition to improving Four Peaks Park he wanted to see money spent putting Fountain Park back in shape. Mr. Nordin said it was his desire to make the necessary improvements to Fountain Park and the park staff knew it was his desire to get Fountain Park back in shape. He noted that there would be money in this year's budget for the enhancements for Fountain Park. He felt it was important to maintain that park at a standard that was worthy of it being the Town's namesake. Councilwoman Ralphe mentioned that the Council expected that the eminent domain suit would be settled and a price would be determined for the preserve in the mountains. She realized that a tax had been established to cover whatever the costs turned out to be. She reminded everyone that those payments would need to be included in the budget. Mr. Nordin said it would be included in the budget. Councilwoman Fraverd agreed with budget considerations for Senior Center expansion, Town facilities, PR person, Theater, and Four Peaks Park. She noted that funds and plans would need to be considered for maintaining the mountain preserve. Mr. Nordin covered the budgetary constraints that he would be operating under. He explained that the expenditure limitation was still an issue and that he wanted to see if he could maintain the number of full-time employee count to less than 100. He noted that if the Town went over that number there were health insurance implications that he did not want to face this budget year. Town Council Minutes Regular and Executive Session 4/5/01 Page 10 of 11 Councilwoman Fraverd asked how many full-time employees the Town had. Director Hansen responded 91. Vice Mayor Wyman asked if that took into account temporary personnel. Mr. Nordin responded no. L ITEM#17 CALL TO THE PUBLIC. No one came forward. The Councilmembers and staff recognized Mayor Morgan's 60th birthday with a cake. ITEM#18 ADJOURNMENT. Vice Mayor Hutcheson MOVED to adjourn and Councilman Kavanagh SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. Mayor Morgan adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m. TOWN OF OUNTAIN HILLS By Sharon Morgan,Mayor ATTEST: assie B. Hansen, Director of Administration/Town Clerk PREPARED BY: 6A7 �,(,�� Bev Bender,Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular and Executive Meeting held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 5th day of April 2001. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 19th day of April 2001. Cassie B. Hansen, Director of Administration/Town Clerk L Town Council Minutes Regular and Executive Session 4/5/01 Page 11 of 11