HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2007-14 coo RESOLUTION NO. 2007-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 2002 GENERAL PLAN TO CORRECT AN ERROR ON THE LAND USE MAP THEREIN. WHEREAS, the Town of Fountain Hills 2002 General Plan (the "General Plan") was adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town Council") on June 20, 2002, and ratified by the qualified electors of the Town on September 10, 2002; and WHEREAS, Exhibit 4 of the General Plan, "Land Use Map", sets forth the land use designations for all real property within the corporate limits of the Town; and WHEREAS, ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 9-461.06(N) requires municipalities to receive written consent from the landowner to designate private lands as Park; and WHEREAS, a parcel of land was designated on the "Land Use Map" as Park without the consent of the property owner as required by ARIz. REV. STAT. § 9-461.06(N); and WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to amend the"Land Use Map"with respect to the privately-owned parcel of land that was erroneously designated as Park without prior, written consent from the landowner to amend the land use description for such parcel to a land use classification consistent with the category that existed prior to the 2002 General Plan adoption, as depicted in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, public hearings were advertised in the March 7, 2007, edition of the Fountain Hills Times pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 9-461.06; and WHEREAS, public hearings were held by the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission on March 22, 2007, and by the Town Council on April 19, 2007. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. That the General Plan "Land Use Map" is hereby amended with respect to the privately-owned parcel of land that was erroneously designated as Park without prior, written consent from the landowner to amend the land use description for such parcel to a land use classification consistent with the category that existed prior to the 2002 General Plan adoption, as depicted on Exhibit A. SECTION 2. If any provision of this Resolution is for any reason held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, such provision or portion hereof shall be deemed separate, distinct and independent of all other provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Resolution. L 725508.1 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, April 19, 2007. FOR THE TOWN OF FO AIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: i/v W. J. Nicho , Mayor Bevelyn J. B der/ own Clerk REVIEWED B : APPROVED AS TO FORM: v _ V Timothy G. Pickering, Town er An ew J. McGuire, Town Attorney flaw 725508.1 2 EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2007-14 [Land Use Map] See following pages. L kir 725508.1 , ;.-.'''''1 OPP,4111V4P431:17,A• *10''' *6- * ri.' '- - ...,..,..,,,„..s..•-.,., ' .4*. ."11,411X,411e4111Flip ••• 't,g. 4111;74.---" ,-:,•• 44.-W:4-tt.,14e. iNtt 1 41 ,, ;••••411- '...7.40 ros,.4(.. --1.14.....r...,SI ''' 4',--ktt, ******** 4 r01-41 1174T4.4. 1114 kP Atli fl'94..111. 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LEGEND .. _ . .............. :: SINGLE FAMILY/VERY LOW .,71 :; (SF/VL) .o, +.. SINGLE FAMILY/LOW '_,_ % ;'F SINGLE FAMILY/MEDIUM (SF/M) MULTI-FAMILY/MEDIUM°'�1''..°`"���,��. 'no .. n. . . . ;n (MF/M);:►in.... rif ‘�:+t MULTI-FAMILY/HIGH N15 ' , 14` r -, `( 11 r , MIXED USE (MU) OFFICE (0) f � -;, GENERAL COMMERCIAL �.. Q /RETAIL (C/R) L LODGING (L) -c.�..,�04** * ' INDUSTRIAL (I) JZailit ''j• '.................. UTILITY (U) iltiretei GOVERNMENT(G) `t VI SCHOOL(S) �'''*' PARK (P) +a.•. `� GOLF COURSE (GC) ,,,,„_.:„..„ ,4i „..., OPEN SPACE (OS) )i LAND USE EXHIBIT 4 I SHEA BLVD.ABANDONMENT Sl_FMA BLVD.ABANDONMENT AREA 2 AREA 1 SSA BLVD. SF/L 32 ac. OI SF/L 10ac. I \ 02 1 7 az. \ SF/L 67ac. P2 1. SF/L 8 ac. SF/L 18 ac. J1 IP1 SF11 18 a< SF/L SF/L J2 I 17 ac. N 39 ac. cli 11 SF/L c. M2 SF SF/L 9 I 19 ac. i f------ HI /L j{ OFa�c. 22 ac. SF/L M1 22 ac. SF/L 8 ac. ` 1 I ram . 200 400 800 1200 3 AA t "}���- INTERNATIONAL it • N.,.. (c - -'''' '''''''s.,,,....N.N, D SF/L 57 ac. F SF/L 11 ac. G EXHIBIT KEY SF/L 23 ac. a a ® PROJECT BOUNDARY l J SINGLE-FAMILY/LOW(SF/L) 471 ac. MULTI-FAMILY/MEDIUM(MF/M) 54 ac. , IN TOTAL OPEN SPACE 283 ac. - GOLF 125 ac. OPEN SPACE 158 ac. PROJECT TOTAL 808 ac. EXHIBIT 4 LAND USE PLAN FIREROCK COUNTRY CLUB