HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019.0903.TCRM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor Ginny Dickey Mayor Dickey called the meeting of September 3, 2019, to order at 5:30 p.m. and led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. INVOCATION — Naomi Lerman with Beth Hagivot Chavurah Ms. Lerman, representing the Fountain Hills Interfaith Alliance, gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL — Mayor Ginny Dickey Councilmembers Present: Mayor Ginny Dickey; Vice Mayor Sherry Leckrone; Councilmembers Mike Scharnow, Art Tolis, Dennis Brown, and David Spelich. Councilmembers Absent: Councilmember Alan Magazine. Staff Present: Town Manager Grady E. Miller; Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson; and Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Burke. 4. REPORTS BY MAYOR, COUNCILMEMBERS AND TOWN MANAGER Councilmember Scharnow reported that last week he attended the Valley Metro meeting. They talked about the fact that Prop 105 had been soundly defeated, and most were happy about that as it will allow for extensions to continue. They approved a package over the next five years for replacing express buses with coaches. It is a $36 million contract that will commute into the valley with 50 seats, air conditioning, lighting, etc. He said that he was hoping they would get one in Fountain Hills. He reported that a few months ago he had reported that they were also updating the Fountain Hills Transit Plan, with no expense to the Town. He said that the project has been delayed, but they are hoping to get a draft within the next month or two. Councilmember Scharnow reported that he, along with Mayor Dickey, Mr. Miller and Ms. Burke, attended the Annual Conference of the League of Arizona Cities and Town in Tucson. He attended five different workshops and enjoyed the speakers. He said that he found it very informative and educational. The best Fountain Hills Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2019 Page 2 workshop talked about preemption by the state legislatures around the country that are restricting local entities from taking action. Mayor Dickey added that she has attended a lot of these over the years, and it was one of the rare times that she had difficulty deciding which session to attend. There were a lot of good sessions and many were videotaped and are available on the League's website. She said that they also had the opportunity to sit down with Salt River Project and Republic and meet with other cities going through similar things as Fountain Hills. She said that the Town's lobbyist, Jack Lunsford, was there on other issues. She is hoping that next year they will be able to have more Councilmembers from Fountain Hills attend as it is always amazing what they learn. Mayor Dickey reported that they met with the CEO of the Greater Phoenix Economic Council to discuss the annual priorities for both the Town and GPEC itself. She also noted that a retirement party had been held for Heather Ware, the Town's volunteer coordinator. She thanked her for her service and wished her luck with her new grandson. Mayor Dickey reported on the resolutions passed at the conference. They included: property tax and salvage property evaluation; allowing governing bodies to use newspapers printed in their county; wastewater fairness act; supporting legislation for Equal Rights Amendment; adding a new section allowing for Executive Session to discuss security issues; short-term rentals (more to come out of that) and the Heritage Fund appropriations. A. PROCLAMATION - September 2019 as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Mayor Dickey read the proclamation proclaiming September 2019 as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. She thanked Kara for sharing her father's story. Kara was not present for the reading, but she and her family arrived during 5-A below, and once 5-A was completed Mayor Dickey presented the proclamation to them. 5. SCHEDULED PUBLIC APPEARANCES/PRESENTATIONS A. PRESENTATION by Captain Larry Kratzer, MCSO, with monthly update. Captain Kratzer said that there have been some questions raised lately about crime statistics so this month's report would focus on that. He Fountain Hills Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2019 Page 3 provided a PowerPoint presentation, Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mayor Dickey thanked Captain Kratzer for his report. She said that she has really seen an increase in the MCSO presence over the last month addressing speeding. She said that she appreciates the forthright way that MCSO has responded to requests for information and questions. 6. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted(not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Council, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Council will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual councilmembers may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Council agenda. Harris Deitch, Fountain Hills resident, addressed the Council regarding concerns with mass shootings and security measures needed. He also noted that he was running for U.S. House of Representatives. Pam Aguilu, Fountain Hills resident, said that September is National Recovery Month and they share the message that people can live and have fun while being sober. She thanked Rural Metro and the members of the Fire Department for saving her life. 7. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine, noncontroversial matters and will be enacted by one motion of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, he/she may request so prior to the motion to accept the Consent Agenda or with notification to the Town Manager or Mayor prior to the date of the meeting for which the item was scheduled. The items will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. A. CONSIDERATION OF approval of the minutes of the Special Meeting of August 13, 2019, and the Special Meeting (in lieu of regular meeting) of August 13, 2019. Fountain Hills Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2019 Page 4 B. CONSIDERATION OF approving a Special Event Liquor License Application for Fountain Events, Inc. (Christine Colley) for the Oktoberfest Event being held in Fountain Park, from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM, Friday, September 27 through Saturday, September 28, 2019. C. CONSIDERATION OF adopting changes to the Town Code through adoption of Resolution 2019-45 (repealing Resolution Nos. 2016-04, Building Safety Board of Appeals; 2014-28, Community Services Advisory Commission; 2019-22, McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission; 2016-01, Sister Cities Advisory Commission; and 2009-09, Strategic Planning Advisory Commission); and Ordinance 19-15 (amending the Town Code, Chapter 2, Mayor and Council, by removing Article 2-7, Planning and Zoning Commission, and Article 2-8, Board of Adjustment; and adding a new Chapter 2A, Boards and Commissions, thereto). D. CONSIDERATION OF adopting Resolution 2019-46 - A resolution of the Mayor and Town Council of Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, Arizona, approving the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona Town Council Rules of Procedure, Amended and Restated September 3, 2019. Councilmember Tolis requested that Item 7-E be removed from the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Scharnow MOVED to approve Consent Agenda Items 7-A through 7-D; SECONDED by Councilmember Brown; passed unanimously. E. CONSIDERATION OF approving a lease agreement with the Sunset Kiwanis for the building located at 16957 Kiwanis Drive for a period of 10 years. Mr. Miller reviewed the item, stating that this was a renewal of the lease with the Sunset Kiwanis for lease of the building. Their initial lease was a 25- year lease with no obligation to maintain the interior. This is a 10-year lease with them to pay for water and electricity and to maintain the interior of the building. The exterior and HVAC would still be covered by the Town. Councilmember Tolis asked how the Kawanis Club was the only one to have this type of a deal with the Town. He said that Councilmember Spelich has brought up many times the costs of events and the fact that the Chamber of Commerce does not pay. Councilmember Tolis said that he is not opposed to this, but it is also important to recognize all of the service organizations in Town. He did not see the park used very often and did not seem to be well maintained. He said that there is another civic organization looking to put in bocce courts the Fountain Park, and questioned if they could use this property. Fountain Hills Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2019 Page 5 Councilmember Spelich said that he appreciated this being brought up, but he did not think it was the same thing, comparing the profit made by the Chamber and what the Kiwanis Club does. He does not see the correlation between the two. Further discussion was held by some on Council believing that all of the service organizations should have some benefit and perhaps others could use the building as well. Councilmember Tolis said that he was not saying they should not allow this, but rather that there should be an overall conversation held on the issue. Mr. Miller said, from his perspective, that there has been a movement over the years to find cost avoidance with Town properties. He sees this as that movement as well to have the lessee covering more of the operational costs. In his mind, if they could not get rid of the building, this was the next best thing. Councilmember Scharnow said that he is with the Noon Kiwanis and they store their trailer and other equipment at this building. The new lease is putting a lot more of the burden on the Sunset Kiwanis. He said that since it is a Town-owned property the Community Services Department can use it for programming and classes. Councilmember Tolis asked if the park at the property was accessible to the public. Mr. Miller said that it was not a private park; there is nothing that prevents anyone from using the park. Councilmember Spelich asked when there would be a discussion about the fees in general. He did not see the correlation between this property and the Chamber, and he said that Councilmember Tolis should not be voting on Chamber issues since he was once on their Board. Councilmember Tolis MOVED to approve the lease; SECONDED by Councilmember Scharnow; passed unanimously. 8. REGULAR AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF appointments to the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission. Mayor Dickey MOVED to reappoint Gerry Friedel and John McHugh and appoint Chad Bernick to the Strategic Planning advisory Commission, with terms expiring in April 2022; SECONDED by Councilmember Scharnow; passed unanimously. Fountain Hills Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2019 Page 6 B. CONSIDERATION OF appointments to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mayor Dickey MOVED to appoint Clayton Corey and reappoint Susan Dempster to the Planning and Zoning Commission, with terms to expire April 2022; and appoint Dan Kovacevic to the Planning and Zoning Commission, with his term starting October 2019 (at the expiration of Commissioner Jones' term) and expiring April 2022; SECONDED by Vice Mayor Leckrone; passed unanimously. C. CONSIDERATION OF appointments to the Sister Cities Advisory Commission. Mayor Dickey MOVED to reappoint Enrique Melendez and appoint Nicholas Stumpf to the Sister Cities Advisory Commission, with terms expiring October 2022; SECONDED by Councilmember Scharnow; passed unanimously. D. CONSIDERATION OF approving the purchase of one (1) Toro Workman HDX Utility Cart; one (1) Toro Sand Pro 3040; and three (3)Toro Workman GTX Utility Carts. Public Works Director Justin Weldy reviewed this request, noting that it is in compliance with the Vehicle Replacement Policy adopted some time back. He thanked Director Goodwin and her staff for doing the additional research to find reasonbly-priced vehicles that were better suited for their needs. Councilmember Scharnow MOVED to approve the purchase; SECONDED by Councilmember Brown; passed unanimously. E. CONSIDERATION OF approving the purchase of a 2018 Caterpillar 415F2 Industrial Loader and a 2019 Broce CRT350 Power Broom for the Streets Division of the Public Works Department. Mr. Weldy said that over the last several years the Town had numerous pieces of equipment that was not replaced due to a shortfall of funding. He said that the Power Broom is not a street sweeper; it is a broom that allows them to move debris from a roadway, such as large quantities of screws or glass, or smaller items after a crash. It can also be used for cleaning sidewalks in Fountain Park. It is a multi-purpose piece of equipment that will aid staff with clean-up of storm debris. Councilmember Brown said that he can see the value in the broom. He has to trust Mr. Weldy's judgment and question if they really need to broom. He said that they have not had a monsoon event this year that has required this type of equipment. He asked if it would not make more sense to lease or Fountain Hills Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2019 Page 7 contract out this type of equipment when it is needed. He said that the Town does have a little more money in the coffers, but he would feel more comfortable waiting until they had more in the Vehicle Replacement Fund. Mr. Weldy said that is a legitimate concern. This year they have not required it, but in the past they have been challenged as the majority of rental facilities do not have this type of equipment in their yards to rent out. Also, the leasing really is not in the best interest of the Town because of the cost. He said that they have done their research and based on past history of having barriers that prevent them with getting equipment in a timely manner, they are recommending their purchase. Councilmember Brown voiced concern with the amount of time taken to train someone to operate the equipment and then have them leave and have to start the process over. Mr. Weldy said that the next item, skip loader, the Town used to have, but it was aged out. At that time it was decided to not replace it but they have not been successful in keeping contracts when needed. He said that this would also be used for the benefit of the parks department. Councilmember Brown said that the Town has a $130,000 backhoe with the same bucket. He would like to think that if they cannot take care of it with the backhoe, that they contract with one of the three or four local contractors that would appreciate the work. He said that if the Town had the money he would support it, but he still believed that there are other options available. Mr. Weldy said that it was duly noted. Mr. Miller said that it appears that it would be worth having staff explore some of the options and come back at a later date, if needed. F. CONSIDERATION OF approving the renewal of the contract with Pierce Coleman, PLLC, for the provision of Town Attorney services to the Town of Fountain Hills. Mr. Miller said that his recommendation was to approve the renewal of the contract with Pierce Coleman. He said that last year in September the Council appointed them to be the legal services law firm for the Town. Mr. Aarnson became the face of the firm and they had an original contract price of $180,000 at that time. He said that the renewal price is $234,000 and is still a fixed contract amount. Councilmember Brown asked if there was not a cap placed on the contract last year for increases. Mr. Miller said that there was a discussion about that, but it was not in the contract. A different amount had been negotiated in the beginning, but it was brought down based on input from the Council. Fountain Hills Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2019 Page 8 Mr. Arnson said that it is a common price for the municipalities that they service compared to the amount of work going on. The Town is trending toward a higher number, but they are in it for the longer term. He did not expect sizeable increases in the future. He said that Tolleson actually had a decrease last year in their contract. Councilmember Tolis said that he thought the firm had done a great job. He has been through two firms since being appointed. As Mr. Miller indicated, they saved a substantial amount of money and they are being well represented. He asked if it was possible to see the detailed billing, realizing that it is a fixed price. Mr. Arnson said that would be possible. Vice Mayor Leckrone said that she had the same sentiment; she really appreciated their services. She said that Mr. Arnson has been very receptive to questions and suggestions, and she appreciated the depth of his advice. Mayor Dickey said that the $400,000 to $500,000 range noted in the staff report was not a good reflection of what the Town had paid while they had Gust Rosenfeld and the costs went up $12,000 a month with the interim. She said that the average contract cost had been $290,000, but that did not detract from the services of the current firm. She said that she was happy to have the predictability and professional counsel, and looked forward to working together in the future. Councilmember Brown MOVED to approve; SECONDED by Council- member Tolis; passed unanimously. 9. COUNCIL DISCUSSION/DIRECTION to the TOWN MANAGER Item(s) listed below are related only to the propriety of(i) placing such item(s) on a future agenda for action, or(ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Council. None. 10. ADJOURNMENT Vice Mayor Leckrone MOVED to adjourn the Regular Meeting; SECONDED by Councilmember Scharnow; passed unanimously. The Regular Meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council held September 3, 2019, adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Fountain Hills Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2019 Page 9 WORK SESSION Pursuant to the Council's Rules of Procedure, no public comment is taken at work sessions. Work sessions are held for the purpose of presentations and discussions on such issues that require more in-depth consideration of the Council. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Dickey called the Work Session of September 3, 2019, to order at 6:50 p.m. 2. DISCUSSION WITH POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF regarding the establishment of pavement condition standards to be used in developing a 10-year Pavement Management Program. Mr. Miller said that this Work Session was to provide some history on the Town's Pavement Management Program and get some policy direction on what the Council considers as acceptable pavement conditions. Mayor Dickey said that this portion of the agenda was for a Work Session and they would not be taking comments from the public. Mr. Weldy gave a brief history of the prior pavement management programs and introduced Zac Thomason, Director of Client Services with IMS (Infrastructure Management Services). Mr. Thomason then gave a PowerPoint presentation, Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof, which addressed: Councilmember Scharnow said that in the staff report, they discussed developing a ten-year Pavement Management Program, and asked if that would entail another contract. Mr. Miller said that IMS started assisting the Town in 2017 when the Town came up with the plan to drop the zones. IMS came up with the triage approach— to save those they could, and those they could not, would be backlogged. The Town has been under contract with them and they will be helping develop the plan and every time the Town upgrades the streets, they input that data into their system. 2019 STATE OF THE ROADWAY NETWORK IN FOUNTAIN HILLS SCALE OF INVESTMENT WHY DO PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT? CONCEPT OF PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT... TOOLS TO RATE THE STREETS — OBJECTIVE SURVEYS UNDERSTANDING THE PCI Very Poor (0 — 25) or F Poor to Marginal (25 — 50) or D Fair (50 — 60) or C Good (60 — 70) or B Fountain Hills Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2019 Page 10 Very Good (70 — 85) or A Excellent (85 — 100) or A+ FOUNTAIN HILLS PCI RESULTS... FOUNTAIN HILLS RESULTS... 3 Metrics of Health FOUNTAIN HILLS RESULTS...Functional Class Comparison TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS METHODOLOGY... POST REHAB PCI & ANNUAL FUNDING... POST REHAB BACKLOG & ANNUAL FUNDING... TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ANALYSIS FINDINGS... ESTABLISHING LEVEL OF SERVICE GOALS NEXT STEPS IN PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT... QUESTIONS?... Vice Mayor Leckrone said that she was hearing that they are average right now, but with the current budgeted funds the numbers will slide downward. She asked if they had run the numbers to see what would be required to bring them up. Mr. Thomason said that they can run different models if that is the desire of the Council. Mr. Miller said that staff will be meeting with the consultants. They do know that $2 million is not enough to maintain streets, especially when they have expensive fog seals on Saguaro and parts of Shea. In order to maintain the assets they will need to look at other funding mechanisms. Discussion was held on the Town's average of 63. Councilmember Scharnow said that with the percentage of streets that are in marginal conditions, it seems that the average should be lower. Mr. Thomason said that the average is not a clear picture for Fountain Hills. Paradise Valley has a network average of 71%, but their tail of backlog is very shallow. Mr. Thomason said that it also depends on what part of the country they are in. He said that their clients in South Dakota, Illinois, New Hampshire, etc. have a steeper rate of deterioration. They have more freeze/thaw cycles which creates more potholes. Their road conditions can dramatically change in one winter. They do not have that in the southwest, but they do have oxidation, which is literally the roads suffering from a sunburn. Mayor Dickey asked if IMS will look at the potential backlog roads(the 40-50 range) as some being salvageable and he said yes. Mr. Thomason said that over the ten year span, some of the roads will be on the cusp for which they will use the triage approach. If they can address the critical roads, those on the cusp and closer to the 40 mark, using the triage approach, they will save exponentially down the road. Those closer to the 49 mark, they may not be able to address due to limited funding. Fountain Hills Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2019 Page 11 Mayor Dickey asked if they would get to a point where they could meet an annual maintenance amount to keep the backlog at bay and he replied absolutely, using a model with different percentages for backlog control. Councilmember Brown said that he has been asking for a ten-year plan for a long time so he truly appreciates the information provided tonight. He did not know that he would be able to give much direction until they see what the numbers are going to be. Mr. Miller said that they will bring back the numbers in December. Mr. Thomason said that when they run the models, they will run control points showing what funding is required annually to do maintenance. Councilmember Tolis said that there are a lot of HOAs in Fountain Hills and many of them have the maintenance expenses associated with them. In thinking of the future and asking for bonds, if those communities are already maintaining their roads, he thought it would be hard to convince them to vote in favor. He said that the same thing happened with the property tax. Councilmember Tolis said that the downtown district should be topnotch; it should have the best roads in the community because it is what businesses see. He said that as they move away from downtown, and then address the arterials, maybe they will be able to increase the sales tax revenues and generate the economic vitality. Mr. Miller said that the downtown streets are scheduled to be done this year. Mr. Weldy said that staff's recommendation is to maintain a B level for all arterials, which they believe is reasonable and attainable. A good percentage of arterials have most recently been repaved or reconstructed; there is a minimal amount of backlog. They are also recommending that collectors be maintained at a C level. He said that a large percentage of backlog is going to be on minor collectors and local roads. He said that over the last several years they have focused on saving what they could and not paying attention to the backlog. They still have collectors and locals in poor to very poor condition. All of that requires funding. He said that their recommendation on arterials is B and collectors and residential at C. Mr. Miller said that does not mean they allow the A's to drop to B's; it will be averaged out to B or better. Councilmember Brown thanked them for the presentation. He said that he likes the program and it makes all the sense in the world, but until he sees numbers as to what it is going to cost, it is hard for him to make a decision. Fountain Hills Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2019 Page 12 Councilmember Scharnow asked if the majority of the work is to save the 30% of streets that are marginal. Mr. Weldy said that they have a large backlog and that is subject to change if they were to have a very wet year because they have a lot of cracking and distress. The majority of that will require a full depth mill and overlay. They are doing some core samples right now to determine how thick the base is and how thick the mill is. The majority of them would be brought up to a B or better. Councilmember Scharnow said that he understood the philosophy of having the arterials and collectors higher rating, but sometimes the local streets take a beating. Mr. Miller said that they will be modeling the different options and bring the numbers back in December. 3. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dickey MOVED to adjourn; SECONDED by Councilmember Brown; passed unanimously. The Work Session of September 3, 2019, adjourned at 7:46 p.m. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Ginn Dicke , Mayor ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: I' abeth urke, o n erk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Special Meeting held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 3rd day of September, 2019. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 17th day of September, 2019. (:? - izabet Burke, Town 4 w t. i rF' 1 1 1 O 4 n ) a m (1) E Q) W _ (73 C >- V i cc, L-.2..Ci W CI) � m N W4_, cy, ) cu ,Atir . . > . Q) . • , , i "a. cL) ' •_.... 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