HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY11 Adopted BudgetThe Height of Desert Living 1 The Height of Desert Living 2 The Height of Desert Living 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Budget Message 5 Community Profile 15 Town Council 23 FINANCIAL OVERVIEW Financial Policies 31 Budget Highlights 49 Revenue Summary 67 Expenditure Summary 83 Budget Process & Schedule 93 OPERATING BUDGETS Operating Budgets 101 Town Council 103 Municipal Court 111 Administration 123 Development Services 175 Community Services 221 Law Enforcement 271 Fire & Emergency Medical 285 The Height of Desert Living 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIAL FUNDS Special Revenue Funds 297 Debt Service Funds 303 Tax Levy 308 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT/VEHICLE REPLACEMENT Capital Improvement Program 309 Policy and Procedure 310 5 Year Schedule 314 Funding Matrix 318 Project Information Forms 319 Vehicle Replacement Plan 355 Policy and Procedure 356 Interfund Charges 360 SCHEDULES Comprehensive Fee Schedule 363 Authorized Positions 385 Pay Plan 389 Other Schedules 393 Glossary 397 Acronyms 406 The Height of Desert Living 5 BUDGET MESSAGE Honorable Mayor and Town Council: I am pleased to submit the Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for the Town of Fountain Hills for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2010, and ending June 30, 2011 (FY2010-11). This budget is balanced and designed to convey to the public a budget message that articulates priorities and issues for the upcoming fiscal year. The budget also highlights any issues facing the staff in developing the budget, as well as short-term financial and operational policies that were instrumental in guiding the development of the annual budget. Although each fund should be viewed indi- vidually, the Town’s proposed total budget, including all funds, is estimated at $29.4M in expenditures, with projected revenues of $27.0 million (reserves in the capital projects fund will be used to fund some projects). Although the proposed re- sources are higher than last fiscal year’s projection, it is important to note that the budget includes the use of one-time resources such as stimulus and grant funds. These funds cannot be relied upon for on-going operations of the Town. Budget Message General Fund 40.7% HURF/Streets Fund 4.3% Downtown Development Fund 0.9% Court Enhancement Fund 0.1% Special Revenue Fund 20.1% Development Fees 0.3% Debt Service 9.9% Capital Projects 16.7% REVENUES BY FUND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $27.0M The Height of Desert Living 6 The budget process involves participation of members of the Executive Budget Com- mittee consisting of Administrative staff, a member of the Strategic Planning Advi- sory Commission and the Mayor. The comm ittee was assigned the task of prioritiz- ing expenditure requests to meet the Council goals and provide a sustainable level of service with the resources available. This budget is the product of that process and accomplishes that goal. The primary focus of the proposed budget is usually the op- erating, or General Fund, the Town’s largest fund, which supports basic services. With the economic downturn came declining revenues. Developing the proposed budget, therefore, required making choices to achieve a budget that balances the available resources with the Council goals, while maintaining a level of service to support a high quality of life in Fountain Hills. Principal issues that the Town of Fountain Hills is facing are: Prolonged economic recession Lack of sustainable or diversified revenue base Collapse of residential and commercial building economy Depressed State economy resulting in increased pressure to tap state shared revenues Implementation of the Downtown Vision Plan Budget Message General Fund 39.1% HURF/Streets Fund 4.4% Downtown Development Fund 1.8% Court Enhancement Fund 0.1% Special Revenue Fund 18.6% Debt Service Fund 9.7% Capital Projects Fund 22.3% EXPENDITURES BY FUND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $29.4M The Height of Desert Living 7 Fortunately, the Town has taken steps to soften the financial impact. By addressing our problems early, and by observing prudent fiscal practices, the Town has mini- mized our financial exposure going forward. Nevertheless, the General Fund budget process has been challenging for the staff and budget committee to accommodate the decrease in available resources. In order to balance the budget, not only for the upcoming fiscal year but for the foreseeable future, the budget committee and staff worked together with a restructuring plan that consolidates departments to right-size the Town as we move forward. Steps that the Town is taking to deal with the fiscal issues are: Further reductions in staff (from 68 to 61– down from 87 in FY06) Reorganization of Town departments through the combination of Public Works/ Planning into “Development Services” and a new department “Community Ser- vice” that combines Parks, Recreation, Community and Senior Center Adjustment of fee schedule; analysis of full cost recovery of programs through program budgeting. Proposal of new revenue sources (increased hotel/bed taxes) Increased marketing resources for downtown development Support Phase I of Downtown Vision Plan (planting trees in downtown and Foun- tain Park) being provided by donations and volunteers Change in priorities: A priority from last fiscal year was the development of the former state trust land and the Town continues to ensure that the plan review process is smooth Special events have been reduced due to fiscal restraints but not eliminated en- tirely Updated the Strategic Plan with new focus areas based on citizen input Overall General Fund revenues are expected to decline 15% for next year which translates into a 25% decline over the past two fiscal years. To make matters worse, recent state legislative actions call for the complete elimination of LTAF fund- ing (lottery proceeds) which are designated for street maintenance and transporta- tion programs. This move itself will result in a loss of over $145,000 annually to the Town and the elimination of a transportation program for the elderly and disabled. The 5-year capital program totals $70.3 million, an 11% decrease from last year’s program; the decrease is a result of deferral of major projects to future years. While considerably less in scope, this nonetheless represents a significant investment in public facilities and infrastructure over the next five years. Budget Message The Height of Desert Living 8 Year in Review To frame the many decisions that have laid the foundation for projections contained in the FY2010-11 budget, it is necessary to reflect briefly on the past fiscal year. For Fountain Hills, 2009 began with no expectation of an economic recovery but rather a further decline in revenues. Even with a pessimistic forecast of projected revenues, the local economy continued to deteriorate and mid-year budget adjustments were made through staff reductions and reduced levels of service. The continued recession has resulted in significant declines in operating revenue; in FY07-08 General Fund revenue was $16.7M; projected General Fund revenue for the current year is $13.3M, which is 9% less than projected. Consequently, there were corresponding decreases in expenditures in order to avoid a budget deficit. When it became apparent early in the fiscal year that the economy was worsening, several budget cuts were made to accommodate the decreased revenues. Examples of budget adjustments in FY09 and FY10 were: Implementation of a hiring freeze on all non-essential positions Reductions in staff in the Planning & Zoning Department Postponement of Park capital outlays Postponement of Facilities capital outlays Reduction in professional fee contracts Reduction in training and conference expenses In developing the proposed budget, Town staff follows a zero-based approach, lead- ing to a focused review of services delivered by the Town, increased scrutiny of ex- penditures, and prioritization of programs to be funded using limited resources. This analysis is made more effective with the introduction in FY09 of new software to im- plement program budgeting. Additionally, the Town remains committed to funding one-time capital projects with one-time revenue sources, such as construction re- lated revenues and surplus General Fund revenues. Ongoing operating costs should be funded with stable and reliable revenue sources. We believe that despite the economic slowdown with its resultant revenue diminish- ment, we are focused on providing a sustainable level of service to our residents. During this slowdown, we plan to use this opportunity to better connect with our neighborhoods and citizens by concentrating on our core missions as defined by the Mayor and Town Council. Long Term Strategic Goals and Objectives In 2009, the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission set forth to facilitate a grass- roots update of the Town’s strategic plan. After meeting with residents, organiza- tions and stakeholders, the commission used the feedback received to develop the 2010 Strategic Plan which guided the Town Council through the preparation of the Budget Message The Height of Desert Living 9 FY2010-11 budget. The plan was instrumental to the budget committee in aligning the Council goals with the citizen desires. Short Term Goals and Initiatives Due to the protracted recession, staff has taken a very conservative outlook when projecting FY2010-11 revenues and have made deep cuts in expenditures while try- ing to accomplish the Council’s goals. Under the proposed budget, operating reve- nues for FY2010-11 are projected to decline 15% compared to the FY09-10, includ- ing a drop in State Shared Revenues of $1.0 million. The State income tax is shared among cities and towns based on population and based on corporate and personal income tax from two years prior. Therefore, it is expected that this source of reve- nue will continue to decline for the next two years based on the recession and global economy. Similarly, revenues from construction related permits are anticipated to continue their decline during FY2010-11 with the decline in residential housing per- mits. Residential permits have declined 90% since FY07. The budget for FY2010-11 was guided by the current economic environment, which continues to provide less residential and commercial development, increased busi- ness closures, and decreased state shared revenues, specifically State income tax. These factors resulted in several reductions to level of service to the community, such as: Elimination of funding for special initiatives by the Town Council Reduced scope for sales tax audits Elimination of printed newsletters (electronic only) Deferred maintenance on Town owned buildings Elimination of recycling bins on Town property Elimination of free Concerts in the Park Elimination of support for community events such as Oktoberfest Deferred major park maintenance projects (court resurfacing) Deferred park equipment replacement Reduced scope of tree trimming The projected savings from all of the proposed reductions is over $1M. The budget includes appropriations for the goals and priorities established by the Town Council during their annual retreat. The Town Council met in January of 2010 to develop goals and objectives for the budget year as part of the annual planning process. At the retreat the Council established 8 goals consistent with the prelimi- nary draft of the strategic plan. They also provided several objectives to achieve Budget Message The Height of Desert Living 10 those goals. The Town Manager and staff then met to prepare an implementation plan to be incorporated into the FY2010-11 budget. Upon adoption of the Town Council goals, specific work-plans are developed in each of the operating divisions to ensure that Fountain Hills’ residents can monitor the improvement in Town services and the achievement of the Council’s goals. Economic Factors Both the State and the Town are facing another fiscal year of fiscal distress; reve- nues are down, businesses are failing but demands for services continue. The drop in retail activity has leveled off and is not projected to increase for at least the next fiscal year. Other local activity such as restaurants, telecommunications and con- struction continue to decline with no sign of leveling off. The State sales tax reve- nues have declined 21% over the past two years ($450,000) and the projection is for a continued decline for the foreseeable future. The chart below is a summary of General Fund revenues from FY07 to FY11. In order to match available resources, operating expenditures are budgeted at 14% less than last years’ budget. The Town’s goals are long-term and address the entire organization, such as the long-term impacts of revenue shortfalls related to the de- cline of construction related activity revenue due to build-out. The Town is ap- proaching a population of 26,000 with an expected population at build-out of 34,324, including newly annexed State Trust Land property. The long and short-term fore- casts show that the Town’s operating costs will begin to outpace revenues, and alter- native revenue sources or program cuts will need to be considered. Given the cycli- cal nature of the economy, it is difficult to project revenues two or more years into $16.9M $16.7M $14.8M $13.3M $12.6M $10.0 $15.0 $20.0 FY06-07 FY07-08 FY08-09 FY09-10 FY10-11 General Fund Revenues Budget Message The Height of Desert Living 11 Goal How Addressed Page No Education, Learning, and Culture: Enrich our community by providing citizens with oppor- tunities to improve their own lives and the lives of others. Community Services 221 Environmental Stewardship: Enrich our com- munity by promoting and preserving our Town’s natural assets. Development Services 175 Civility: Enrich our community by promoting internal civility and promoting partnerships and other opportunities that bring citizens together and foster an atmosphere of neighborliness and cooperation. Administration 123 Civic Responsibility: Enrich our community by identifying and supporting opportunities for volunteerism that meaningfully impact our quality of life, promote community pride and enhance access to Town leadership. Administration 123 Economic Vitality: Enrich our community by partnering with local and/or regional organi- zations or citizens to promote an economi- cally sound and sustainable environment in which to live, work, learn and play. Development Services/ Administration 175 123 Maintain and Improve Community Infrastruc- ture: Enrich our community by synergizing with local or regional organizations to im- prove and preserve our valuable public im- provements. Development Services 175 Public Safety, Health, and Welfare: Enrich our community by developing or partnering on programs that encourage citizens to ac- tively participate in creating a safe and healthy Town. Public Safety 271 285 Recreational Opportunities and Amenities: Enrich our community by developing pro- grams or empowering local organizations or citizens to create and promote activities/ events and venues for all age groups. Community Services 221 Council Goals: Budget Message The Height of Desert Living 12 the future with any degree of certainty. However, the long-range forecasts serve as an early warning that the Town must continue to exercise restraint in its long-term fiscal planning. The Town is past its highest historic period of expansion; with an economy that is maturing and moving to a slower – and more sustainable level of growth. The chart below illustrates the steep declines in expenditures that are necessary in order to keep within the available resources. It is anticipated that unless there is a surge in the economy or major development takes place this level of expenditures is being projected for the next few years. Maintenance of the Reserve Fund : During FY09 the Town Council amended the Town’s financial policies related to Fund Balance in order to create a Rainy Day Fund (RDF). The current policy sets aside a reserve equal to 30% of the General Fund budget to ensure that the Town can pro- vide basic services in the event of major emergencies. This 30% is made up of three components – 20% of the previous five years revenues, 10% of the previous five years revenues plus 30 days expenditures of the upcoming fiscal year (now classified as Rainy Day Fund). The Rainy Day Fund is segregated from the General Fund and is programmed into the FY10-11 budget for the sole purpose of preparing for a catastrophic downturn in revenues. If utilized, the RDF is to be replenished through future appropriations in the General Fund at a rate of 1% of General Fund revenue until restored. The reserve fund is very important in retaining the Town’s Aa3 bond ratings. The Town has not utilized any reserves to balance the budget through the end of FY2008 -09; however, given the current downward trend of revenues, it may require the use $16.9 $16.7 $16.1 $14.7 $12.6 $10.0 $15.0 $20.0 FY06-07 FY07-08 FY08-09 FY09-10 FY10-11 General Fund Expenditures Budget Message The Height of Desert Living 13 of reserves to balance the current year budget. Reserves in excess of the fund bal- ance policy are transferred to the Capital Projects fund for future appropriation by the Council. Award Program For the past eight years the Town of Fountain Hills has been awarded the Govern- ment Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. This award is presented to government entities that meet certain criteria in the pres- entation of their budget. This Budget Message section is designed to provide the layperson with a broad view of the contents included in the FY2010-11 Fountain Hills budget, its processes, issues and anticipated outcomes. Document sections are cited in order to guide the reader to more in-depth information and explanation of the drivers of Fountain Hills operating budget and capital improvement program. A Debt of Gratitude I would like to offer my special thanks to the Fountain Hills Mayor, Town Council members, and the numerous commission members for their many hours of volunteer service without which the Town could not function in the fine manner that it has over the years. This volunteer core of more than 700 citizens offers Town staff a vast bank of knowledge about subjects that contribute not only to planning for the pre- sent, but also for the future of Fountain Hills. I would also like to thank the Town of Fountain Hills department directors and supervisors for their diligence and great ef- fort in preparing their departmental budgets. The directors and their staff attended several sessions with the Executive Budget Committee to justify their programs, de- velop cost estimates, and answer many questions. The team’s efforts have resulted in a balanced budget, which achieves the Council’s current goals and assists in future planning towards the vision of Fountain Hills. Respectfully submitted, Richard L. Davis Richard L. Davis, ICMA-CM Town Manager Budget Message The Height of Desert Living 14 Shea Blvd at Palisades Blvd The Height of Desert Living 15 Community Profile The Height of Desert Living 16 Eagle Mountain Golf Course The Height of Desert Living 17 COMMUNITY PROFILE The Town of Fountain Hills is a master planned community established in 1970 by McCulloch Properties (now MCO Properties, Inc.). Prior to 1970 the area was a cattle ranch and was part of one of the largest land and cattle holdings in Arizona. The land was purchased by Robert McCulloch in the late 1960s and the community designed by Charles Wood, Jr. (designer of Disneyland in southern California). One of the community’s most valuable assets is its natural beauty. Incredible views and natural desert terrain provide for a wide range of outdoor activities including hiking, biking, boating and golf. In fact, Fountain Hills contains some of the more challenging and pic- turesque golf courses in the State of Arizona. The centerpiece of Fountain Hills is our beautiful fountain; one of the world's tallest man-made fountains. It serves as a focal point for the community and attracts thousands of visitors each year. The fountain, driven by three 600 horsepower (450kW) turbine pumps, sprays water at a rate of 7,000 gallons per minute though an 18-inch nozzle. With all three pumps and under ideal conditions, the fountain reaches 560 feet (170m) in height, though in normal operation only two of the pumps are used, with a fountain height of around Community Profile 300 feet (91m). When built, it was the world's tallest fountain and held that record for over a decade. Fountain Hills is home to nearly 70 pieces of publicly displayed artwork throughout its downtown and at public buildings. Art is a significant part of the Town's heritage. The eight fountains along the Avenue of the Fountains were the beginning of the public art collec- tion. Bronze sculptures and fountains with Community Profile themes ranging from the whimsical to the serious dot the streets and adorn the public buildings, plazas and parks. The collection also contains a wide variety of other art types and media, including paintings, stone, photography and metals. Resi- dents and visitors are invited to wander the streets or take the “Art Walk” guided tour. The Height of Desert Living 18 Located on 12,996 acres of land, Foun- tain Hills is surrounded by the 3,500- foot McDowell Mountains and Scottsdale on the west, the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation on the east, the Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community on the south and the McDowell Mountain Re- gional Park on the north. The elevation is 1,520 feet at the fountain, 3,000 feet on Golden Eagle Boulevard, and is 500 feet above Phoenix Over the past seventeen years Fountain Hills has grown from 10,190 residents to a town of 25,995 in 2008. The Mari- copa Association of Governments (MAG) estimates that the population of Foun- tain Hills will continue to grow to a build -out population of between 30,000 and 35,000. Although the rate of growth has slowed due to the lack of available land on which to build, the Town contin- ues to attract residents who are building large custom homes to take advantage of the scenic vistas surrounding our Community Profile mountain community. The Town offers a wide range of living accommodations; from small condo- minium complexes to large custom homes. Fountain Hills also offers rec- reational, cultural and retirement pro- grams that address the needs and life- styles of active families as well as older adults. The community consists of a total of 12,996 acres of property, pri- marily residential and open space (9,664 acres or 74%). Of the remain- ing land, 3,273 acres are developable, 334 acres are zoned commercial or in- dustrial (approximately 3%) and 1,466 acres are right of way/streets (11%). In 2006 Fountain Hills was named by Phoenix Magazine as the best place to live and was cited as "a welcome oasis on the outskirts of a metropolis." The magazine measured the quality of life in 22 Valley communities, including a statistical analysis of each community's population, income, home price, crime The Height of Desert Living 19 rate, miles to Sky Harbor Airport, and square feet of retail. The criteria used by the magazine in this ranking are similar to the priorities established in the Town's Strategic Plan. The volun- teer spirit and high level of involve- ment of the citizens and business rep- resentatives were highlighted. Fountain Hills has also earned a top ac- colade from Business Week maga- zine. In its February, 2009 online edi- tion, Fountain Hills was named the “Best Affordable Suburb” in all of Ari- zona. The magazine evaluated suburbs on a variety of factors but weighted af- fordability most heavily. They also con- sidered lifestyle (short commutes, clean air, low crime, good weather, and green space), the quality of schools, and the strength of the local economy. None of the places evaluated had populations of more than 60,000 or Community Profile less than 5,000. Only one suburb per state was selected. Fountain Hills’ low population density is a major reason it is such a desirable place to live. Unlike other regions of the Valley one can dine, play, and com- mute, without congestion. Fountain Hills’ land is currently devel- oped at an average density of 1.6 dwelling units per acre for single family homes and 3 units per acre for multi- family housing. At the end of the year there were 1,133 vacant single family lots and 63 vacant multi-family lots. Based upon 2008 population, Fountain Hills’ has an average of 1,279.3 people per square mile, or 2.0 people per acre. The Height of Desert Living 20 Population Trends Year Fountain Hills Population 1980 2,772* 1985 5,200* 1990 10,030* 1995 13,745* 2000 20,235* 2005 24,492* 2006 24,794** 2007 25,207** 2008 25,995* 2010 27,777*** 2020 31,051**** Estimated Buildout ~2030 34,324** Community Profile * US Census/MAG **Town P & Z Dept ***Maricopa County ****MAG The Height of Desert Living 21 Community Profile Major Employers Employer Product/Service Employees F H Unified School District Education 278 Fountain View Village, SLC Nursing Care Facility 160 Target Stores, Inc Retail 125 Firerock Country Club, LLC Golf Course 100 Safeway, Inc Grocery 91 US Postal Service Government 82 Fry’s Food Store Grocery 76 Bashas’ Food Store Grocery 64 Taxpayer Type of Property Assessed Value Qwest Corp Telecommunications 3,365,809 Chapparal City Water Company Utility 3,066,000 Fountain Hills Village, LLC Nursing Home 1,822,567 Kimco Barclay Fountain Hills Shopping Center 1,724,863 MCO Properties Industrial 1,655,056 Cox Communications Communications 1,507,740 Target Corporation Shopping Center 1,441,438 EN, LLC Residential Develop- ment 1,347,042 Fountain Hills Investment, LLC Residential Develop- ment 1,000,000 Fountain Vista Properties, LLC Commercial 986,365 Adero Canyon, LLC Residential Develop- ment 834,777 Major Taxpayers Based on Assessed Valuation The Height of Desert Living 22 Community Profile Population Percent Male 11,832 48.3% Female 12,667 51.7% Under 5 1,131 4.6% 5 - 9 Year 1,244 5.1% 10 - 14 Years 1,236 5.1% 15 - 19 Years 1,561 6.4% 20 - 24 Years 874 3.6% 25 - 34 Years 2,096 8.6% 35 - 44 Years 2,809 11.5% 45 - 54 Years 4,220 17.2% 55 - 59 Years 2,589 10.6% 60 - 64 Years 2,031 8.3% 65 - 74 Years 2,583 10.5% 75 - 84 Years 1,607 6.6% 85+ Years 518 2.1% Population By Gender and Age Income No. of Households No. of Families Under $15,000 561 167 $15,000 - $24,999 666 287 $25,000 - $34,999 822 453 $35,000 - $49,999 1,510 927 $50,000 -$74,999 2,264 1,642 $75,000 -$99,999 1,680 1,484 $100,000 -$149,999 1,812 1,639 $150,000 -$249,000 967 917 $250,000 -$499,999 259 226 $500,000+ 78 60 Income Per Household The Height of Desert Living 23 Town Council The Height of Desert Living 24 The Height of Desert Living 25 Town Council Jay Schlum was re-elected Mayor of Fountain Hills in May, 2010 and is currently serving in his second full term. He moved to Fountain Hills 27 years ago when his family relocated from Michigan. There was no High School in town at that time so he attended Coro- nado High School in Scottsdale. After graduation he attended Northern Arizona University where he studied Business Management and Public Speaking. Jay has been very active in the Fountain Hills com- munity. He served as a Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commissioner, PTA vice president and is actively involved with the local Community Theater. Jay volunteers and performs in productions. He has also served on the advisory committee for the Boys and Girls Club of Fountain Hills. Presently, Jay is a coach with the Fountain Hills Lit- tle League. Jay and his wife, Denise, have two school age children, Carly and Timothy. The Height of Desert Living 26 Originally from Massachusetts, Henry Leger moved to Arizona in 1970 to attend the University of Arizona. Henry and his wife, Janet, were attracted to Fountain Hills be- cause of its natural beauty, small town character and be- cause it is a safe place to live and raise a family. Henry holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Arizona and has worked as a professional in the field of leadership and organizational development for the past 25 years. Throughout his career, he has held a number of leadership positions in education and govern- ment and has worked as an internal consultant for several Fortune 500 companies. As a long time resident, Henry immersed himself into Fountain Hills society by volunteering much of his time on community activities and initiatives. He has been very ac- tive in his neighborhood property owners’ association serving as a board member, treasurer and member of the association’s Committee of Architecture. Henry served as President and Vice President of the Church Council at Shepherd of the Hills Lu- theran Church in Fountain Hills and has been involved in his children’s education as a teacher’s aide and parent volunteer. Henry served as a member of the Technical Advisory Committee, Co -chair of the Youth Visioning Institute, and member of the survey team for the town’s citizen- driven strategic planning initiative Councilmember Dennis Brown and his wife, Judy, moved to Fountain Hills in 1996. In 1999, they opened their con- struction company, Echelon Company, building both com- mercial and residential products in Fountain Hills. Councilmember Brown was the President of the Fountain Hills Licensed Contractors Association for five years from 2002 through 2007 In 2002, a Planning and Zoning Commission seat became available. He was appointed to serve on the commission and served for more than seven years, four of which were as Chair of the commission. During his seven year tenure on the Planning and Zoning Commission, the commission rewrote the Town’s sign ordinance, passed the Saguaro protection ordinance, and wrote the Commercial Architec- tural Guidelines Councilmember Brown and his wife have supported Little League baseball and football, the Fountain Hills Community Theater, Movies in the Park, and numerous other local organizations. They have two sons and one daughter who have given them five – count them five – granddaughters. Town Council The Height of Desert Living 27 Dennis Contino is a long-time Fountain Hills resident. Dennis and his wife, Renee, chose Fountain Hills for its safe, beautiful environment in which to raise and school their four children. Dennis has a BA in Business Administration and has owned and managed businesses during his career. He ran the local food bank for 19 years. He has belonged and been very active in local organizations including Kiwanis and Rotary. Dennis was a founding member of the Public Safety Com- mission in Fountain Hills. Previously, he chaired Maricopa County CDAC for community development funding. Dennis’ passion and love for Fountain Hills comes through with any conversation and throughout his campaign. Den- nis encourages conversation and ideas from residents. He actively rides his scooter around town stopping to speak with residents and business owners Town Council Councilmember Ginny Dickey was elected to her first term on the Town Council during the Primary Election on March 14, 2006. Since she received the highest number of votes, the Town Council unanimously appointed her to fill a vacancy on the Council for the remaining term ending May 31, 2006. Since 1983, Councilmember Dickey has been very in- volved in the community and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2010. She served on the Fountain Hills Unified School District Board from 1994 to 2002, twice as Presi- dent. A Charter Member of the Fountain Hills Cultural Council Board for seven years, Councilmember Dickey also served nine years on the Community Theater Board, earning their Founders Award in 2009. She is a member of Metro- politan Business and Professional Women, the American Association of University Women, the League of Conser- vation Voters and the Sierra Club. She participated in all of the Fountain Hills Town Hall planning sessions, starting in 1984. Councilmember Dickey was Assistant Director of Legislative Affairs for the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality for 7 years. She previously was on the staff of the Arizona State Senate and has been a bookkeeper and substitute teacher. Born and raised in New York, she lived in Vermont and New Hampshire before following her parents and family members to Fountain Hills. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathe- matics from Tufts University. Councilmember Dickey's family includes husband Jim, sons, Mike, Brian and Frank Chin, daughter-in-law Jessie and grandchildren Amelia, Colin and Jack. The Height of Desert Living 28 Councilmember Tait Elkie has lived in Arizona for over 25 years, and moved to Fountain Hills in 2006. His volun- teer activities include serving as Judge Advocate and Color Guard member for the Veterans of Foreign Wars (Post #7507), member of the American Legion (Post #58), President of Sunset Kiwanis, Mentor for the Fountain Hills Teen Court, Treasurer for the Fountain Hills Republican Club, and as a Director for the Fountain Hills Community Foundation. Councilmember Elkie is also a supporter of the Golden Eagle Foundation, Fountain Hills High School (Falcon Fiesta), and the Fountain Hills Community Thea- ter. Councilmember Elkie earned his Bachelor of Science in Justice Studies at Arizona State University, and his Juris Doctor at California Western School of Law in 2002. Coun- cilmember Elkie has been a licensed and practicing attor- ney in Arizona since 2002. In 2008 Councilmember Elkie opened his own practice in Fountain Hills, and became an active member of the Fountain Hills Chamber of Com- merce. Prior to becoming an attorney, Councilmember Elkie served in the United States Ma- rine Corps for four years, attained the rank of Sergeant, and was honorably discharged in 1993. While in the Marines, Councilmember Elkie served during the first Gulf War in 1991, and also participated in Operation Restore Hope in Somalia in 1993. Councilmember Elkie and his wife Michele have been married since 2008, and are very happy to call Fountain Hills their home. Cassie Hansen moved to Arizona from Aurora, Illinois in 1977, and spent the summer living in a spec home built by her parents in Fountain Hills. In 1980, she met husband Bruce in Phoenix where they began their telecommunications business in 1983. Moving to Fountain Hills in 1989, they worked on the successful incorporation effort. Appointed by the interim council to serve as Town Clerk, Hansen became the first Town em- ployee. Serving as Town Clerk and Director of Administration for thirteen years, her areas of responsibility included human resources, facilities, finance, IT, and administrative sup- port. She was the liaison with many community groups including the design and construction of the library/ museum and community center, and the re-location of the Senior Center to Building C of the old Town Hall complex. Cassie has been an ongoing participant in the community since 1989 having actively supported and/or participated in the Civic Association, the Community Chorus, the Arts Council and Public Art Committee, the Fountain Hills Community Theater, the Chamber Players, Sunridge Founda- tion, Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce (1998 Business Person of the Year), Fountain Lake Republican Women’s Club, the Fountain Hills Republican Club, the Library Association, the His- torical Society (2004 First Hall of Fame), Boys & Girls Club, Cattleguard, PTO, and mentor/ director of various third grade musical programs. Town Council The Height of Desert Living 29 Elected Officials Terms of Office Mayor: Jay Schlum Term of Office: Mayor: June, 2008 - May, 2010 Second Term: June, 2010 - May, 2012 Councilmember: June, 2004 – May, 2008 Councilmembers: Dennis Brown Term of Office: Partial term: May, 2009 – May, 2012 Dennis Contino Term of Office First term: June, 2008 – May, 2012 Ginny Dickey Term of Office: Partial term: April, 2006 – May 2006 First term: June, 2006 – May, 2010 Second Term: June, 2010 - May, 2014 Tait Elkie Term of Office: First term: June, 2010 – May, 2014 Cassie Hansen Term of Office First term: June, 2008 – May, 2012 Henry Leger Term of Office: First term: June, 2006 – May, 2010 Second Term: June, 2010 - May, 2014 The Height of Desert Living 30 Desert Canyon Golf Course The Height of Desert Living 31 Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 32 Fund Structure The accounts of the Town are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. Operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues and expenditures. Town resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based on the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. The Town of Foun- tain Hills appropriates all funds in its budget process. The General Fund (Fund 100) is the primary operating fund of the Town. It exists to account for the financing of services traditionally associated with local government. These services include police and fire protection, development service (public works/ planning), community services (parks and recreation/community center), general ad- ministration, and any other activity for which a special fund has not been created. Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. The Town maintains the following five (5) Special Revenue Funds: Highway Users (HURF), Excise Tax, Special Revenue, Court Enhancement, Public Art and Development Fees, The Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF) (Fund 200) is funded by State Shared Revenues. The State of Arizona taxes motor fuels and collects a variety of fees and charges relating to the registration and operation of motor vehicles. These revenues are deposited in the Arizona Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF) and are then distrib- uted to the cities, towns and counties and to the State Highway Fund. This fund may only be used for street and highway purposes. The Excise Tax Fund (Fund 300) is a restricted fund which may only be used for Economic Development, and the repayment of Civic Center and Mountain Bonds. Revenue for this fund comes from .4% of Local Sales Tax collections that have been dedicated for this purpose. The combined Designated Unreserved and Reserved fund balance saved in this fund will be no less than the annual debt service payment and prior year available funds for Downtown Development. The Special Revenue/Grants Fund (Fund 400) is restricted by the terms of the individual Grants or Program funds received. An example of this would be ARRA/ Stimulus Funds. These funds are to be used only for the specific program or programs for which the funds have been awarded and in accordance with all the grant condi- tions. The Public Art Fund (Fund 410) is funded by Developer In-Lieu contributions. These funds may only be used for the purchase of art and for the installation of this art throughout the community. Maintenance of the art is provided through the trans- Financial Policies The Height of Desert Living 33 The Height of Desert Living 34 fer of funds to the Public Art Fund from the General Fund. The Court Enhancement Fund (Fund 420) is a restricted fund which may only be used to enhance the technological, operational and security capabilities of the Fountain Hills Municipal Court and to support the operation of the Court collection program. Revenues are derived from Court Fees and Bond Forfeitures. Debt Service Funds are established for the payment of principal and interest on bonded indebtedness. Revenues are derived from a secondary property tax levy, pledged excise taxes, municipal property lease payments and shared revenues. Reve- nues are received in amounts sufficient to pay the annual debt service payment; therefore, the Designated Unreserved and Reserved Fund Balance will be no less than the annual debt service payment due on July 1 of the new fiscal year and no more than 2% greater than the annual delinquency factor based on the past five years de- linquency rates. Debt Service funds include: Revenue Bond Debt Service (Fund500) General Obligation Debt Service (Fund 510) Eagle Mountain CFD Debt Service (Fund 520) Municipal Property Corporation Debt Service (Fund 530) Capital Improvement Funds are used for the acquisition and or construction of ma- jor capital items including facilities, heavy equipment, technology, open space, park improvements and major road improvements. The Capital Projects Fund (Fund 600) The Capital Projects Fund revenues are re- stricted revenues derived from excess General Fund revenues and 50% of the con- struction related local sales tax. The Capital Projects Fund is the primary source of Capital Improvements funding for the Town. The Development Fee Funds (Funds 710-770) are restricted funds which may only be used for the planning, design and construction of public facilities serving the needs of the new development from which it was collected. The Town is required to develop an Infrastructure Improvement Plan that identifies each public improvement that is proposed to be the subject of a development fee. This IIP is incorporated as part of the Town’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The Development Fees must be expended within six (6) years of collection or refunded to the taxpayer. Development Fee funds include: Law Enforcement (Fund 710) Fire/Emergency (Fund 720) Streets (Fund 730) Park/Recreation (Fund 740) Open Space (Fund 750) Library/Museum (Fund 760) General Government (Fund 770) Financial Policies The Height of Desert Living 35 Internal Service Funds (Fund 800-810) are proprietary funds used to account for the Town’s business-type activities. These funds are considered self-supporting in that the services rendered are financed through user charges or are on a cost reimburse- ment basis. Internal Service Funds include: General Internal Service Fund (Fund 800) Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Fund (Fund 810) Budgetary and Accounting Basis The budget is prepared on a modified accrual basis of accounting for all fund types. This means that expenditures are recorded when the related fund liability is incurred, and revenues are recognized only when they are measurable and available. In all cases, when goods and services are not received by year-end, the encumbrances lapse. It also means certain transactions are recognized in the budget on a basis other than Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), which is the basis used to prepare the Town’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). The major differ- ences between the budgetary and GAAP basis are: Certain revenues, expenditures and transfers are not included on a budget basis, but are accrued and reported on a GAAP basis. For example, increases or decreases in compensated absences are not reported for budget purposes, but are presented as revenues or expenditures on a GAAP basis. Depreciation is not budgeted as an expenditure in budgetary accounting. Capital outlays are an expenditure in budgetary accounting and an asset in GAAP. Certain debt service principal and interest payments are accounted for as expenses in the General Fund for budget basis purposes, but are reported as expenses in the Debt Service Fund on the GAAP basis. All actual amounts in the budget document are shown on the budgetary basis to facili- tate meaningful comparisons. Operating and Capital Budget Relationship Included within the annual budget is a Capital Improvement Project Plan presented on a budget basis. Capital project budget funding sources are matched with budgeted expenditures. Governmental accounting procedures require adequate budget to pay for an entire contract to be available and appropriated in the period in which a contract is entered. Therefore, expenditures are presented on a budget basis as opposed to cash flow basis. For example, a 180 day construction contract entered into in May of fiscal year one would have cash expenditures from May of fiscal year one through October of fiscal year two, however, the entire budget for this contract must be appropriated in fiscal Financial Policies The Height of Desert Living 36 year one, the year in which the contract was entered; any unspent funds at fiscal year -end are carried forward and budgeted again in year two. Town of Fountain Hills Financial Policies The principles of sound financial management establish the framework for overall fiscal planning and management. The principles set forth guidelines for both current activi- ties and long range planning. Following these principles will enhance the Town’s finan- cial health as well as its image and credibility with its citizens, the public in general, bond rating agencies and investors. The policies will be reviewed annually to assure the highest standards of fiscal management. Policy changes will be needed as the Town continues to grow and becomes more diverse and complex in the services it pro- vides, as well as the organization under which it operates to provide these services to its citizens. The Town Manager and staff have the primary role of reviewing and pro- viding guidance in the financial area to the Town Council. The overall financial goals underlying these principles are: Fiscal Conservatism: to ensure that the Town is at all times in a solid financial con- dition, defined as: Cash solvency – the ability to pay bills Budgetary solvency – the ability to balance the budget Long run solvency – the ability to pay future costs Service level solvency – the ability to provide needed and desired services Adhering to the highest accounting and management practices as set by the Gov- ernment Finance Officers’ Association standards for financial reporting and budget- ing, by the Governmental Standards Board and other professional standards. One time capital costs are paid for with one time revenues. To maintain an Aa3 or better bond rating in the financial community to assure the Town taxpayers that the Town government is well managed and financially sound. To have the ability to withstand local and regional economic fluctuations, to adjust to changes in the service requirements of our community, and to respond to changes in Federal and State priorities and funding as they affect the Town’s resi- dents. To deliver quality services in an affordable, efficient and cost-effective basis provid- ing full value for each tax dollar. Fund Balance Policy Fund balance is defined as the cumulative difference of all revenues and expenditures, Financial Policies The Height of Desert Living 37 also considered are the difference between fund assets and fund liabilities, known as fund equity. Fund balance is an important indicator of the Town’s financial position and adequate reserves must be maintained to allow the Town to continue providing services to the community during periods of economic downturns and/or unexpected emergencies or requirements. The level of Fund Balance is related to the degree of uncertainty that the Town faces. A prudent level of financial resources is necessary to protect against the need to re- duce service levels or raise taxes and fees due to temporary revenue shortfalls or un- predicted one-time expenditures. With the Town dependency upon State Shared In- come and State Sales Tax revenues for one third of the General Fund budget, there is increased opportunity for fluctuation. Additionally, a significant portion of Town revenue is received from sales taxes – both state shared and local - which are sensitive to fluctuations in the economy. Therefore, the level of reserves needs to be sufficient to ensure stability in on-going government operations during a slowdown in the economy or legislative changes to the revenue sharing formula. Other objectives that influence the size of the fund balance are: - Preserving or improving the Aa3 bond rating - Maintaining a positive trend to historical fund balances - Maintaining a rating equal to or better than surrounding communities - Maintaining ratios consistent with desired outcomes of ten key ratios of financial con- dition . General Fund Balance The Town fund balance consists of three (3) components which are defined below. In order to satisfy the objective of maintaining a bond rating equal to or better than sur- rounding peer communities a fund balance of at least 30% of revenues is recom- mended. The three components added together will help achieve the 30% Guidelines: In order to achieve the objectives of this policy, and to maintain sufficient working capital and a comfortable margin of safety to address emergencies and unexpected declines in revenue without borrowing, the following guidelines shall be adhered to by the Town Manager, staff and Town Council. Designated Unreserved Fund – the Town will maintain a designated unreserved fund balance in the General Fund of a minimum ten percent (10%) of the average actual General Fund revenues for the preceding five fiscal years. These reserves will be des- ignated for “pay-as-you-go” capital replacement expenditures, equipment replace- ment, capital projects, prepay existing Town debt, or any other expenditure that is non-recurring in nature. The 10% is the minimum and is based on the Property and Equipment Replacement Schedule, which may be increased to accelerate accumulation Financial Policies The Height of Desert Living 38 funds for a large capital expenditure. To the extent these reserves are expended, ad- ditional funds necessary to restore this additional ten percent (10%) amount will be provided in at least approximately equal contributions during the five fiscal years fol- lowing the fiscal year in which the event occurred. The designated General Fund Bal- ance can only be authorized for expenditure upon recommendation of the Town Man- ager and vote of the Town Council. Rainy Day Fund - the Town will maintain a Rainy Day Fund separate and apart from the General Fund which shall be designated for use in the event of an unanticipated expenditure or loss of revenue. The Rainy Day Fund balance at the end of any fiscal year will be equal to no less than 30 days of annual operating expenditures for the up- coming year. This contingency will provide for the temporary financing of an unfore- seen nature for that year. Expenditures for these emergency or unforeseen appropria- tions can only be undertaken with Town Manager approval and only if funds are not available in the department requesting the contingency funding. The initial Rainy Day Fund deposit shall be made by transferring the total amount of the “undesignated unreserved fund balance” from the General Fund to the Rainy Day Fund. At the end of each fiscal year, the Town Council shall transfer 5% of any surplus reve- nues (before transfers to the Capital Projects Fund) to the Rainy Day Fund. Deposits shall be made as set forth herein until the Rainy Day Fund balance is equal to 10% of the average of the General Fund revenues for the immediately preceding five years. Rainy Day funds may only be expended for any one of the following purposes or under the following circumstances: 1. To replace the loss of more than 25% of the Town’s local share of State Shared Revenues received pursuant to ARIZ REV STAT 43-206. 2. For any event that threatens the health, safety, or welfare of the Town’s citizens. 3. For any event that threatens the fiscal stability of the Town. 4. To address any matter declared as an emergency by the Governor or the Mayor. All withdrawals from the Rainy Day Fund shall be subject to the following rules: 1. Any appropriation shall require the approval by at least 2/3 of the entire Town Council. 2. The maximum amount of Rainy Day withdrawals in any fiscal year shall not ex- ceed one-half of the total balance in the fund. Any amounts withdrawn from the Rainy Day Fund shall be replenished as follows: 1. All amounts shall be repaid in not more than five years, in equal annual install- ments of not less than 1% of the previous fiscal year General Fund balance. Financial Policies The Height of Desert Living 39 2. Repayment shall be appropriated as part of the annual budget adoption. Reserved Fund Balance – the Town will maintain a reserved fund balance in the Gen- eral Fund of 20% of the average actual General Fund revenues for the preceding five fiscal years, indicating stable fiscal policies. The maintenance of this fiscal balance is a particularly important factor considered by credit rating agencies in their evaluation of the credit worthiness of the Town. It is of primary importance that the Town’s credit rating be protected. During the annual budget process, the Town Manager will estimate the surplus or defi- cit for the current year and prepare a projection of the year-end undesignated general fund balance. Such projection will include an analysis of trends in fund balance levels on an historical and future projection basis. Funds in excess of the fund balance goal will be retained in the undesignated unre- served General Fund Balance, and may be considered to supplement "pay as you go” capital outlay expenditures, or may be used to prepay existing Town debt. These funds may not be used to establish or support costs that are recurring in nature. The undesignated unreserved, designated unreserved and reserved fund balance will be established each fiscal year during the budget process depending on planned ex- penditures but cannot exceed accumulated revenues. This policy will be reviewed by the Town Manager every three years following adoption or sooner at the direction of the Town Council. HURF Fund Balance The Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF) is a restricted fund and depends upon State Shared Revenues for over 90% of annual revenues. This fund may only be used for street and highway purposes. The combined undesignated unreserved, designated unreserved and reserved Fund Balance will be based on the minimum requirement as specified in the Property and Equipment Replacement Schedule. The schedule will be reviewed on an annual basis to determine the required amount to be set aside as des- ignated unreserved . Financial Planning Fiscal planning refers to the process of identifying resources and allocating those re- sources among competing purposes. The primary vehicle for this planning is the preparation, monitoring and analysis of the Town’s budget. It is increasingly impor- tant to monitor the performance of the programs competing to receive funding. The Town Manager shall submit to the Town Council a proposed annual budget, with their recommendations, and shall execute the budget as finally adopted, pursuant to Section 15.1-602 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended. The Town will budget revenues and expenditures on the basis of a fiscal year which begins July 1 and ends the following June 30. The Town Council will adopt the budget no later than June 30. Financial Policies The Height of Desert Living 40 The Town will prepare a budget in accordance with the guidelines established by the Government Finance Officers Association in its Distinguished Budget Award Program. The proposed budget will contain the following: Revenue estimates by major category, by major fund; Expenditure estimates by department levels and major expenditure category, by major fund; Estimated fund balance by major fund; Debt service by issue detailing principal and interest amounts by fund; Proposed personnel staffing levels; A detailed schedule of capital projects, including a capital improvement program; Any additional information, data, or analysis requested of management by the Town Council. The operating budget will be based on the principle that current operating expendi- tures, including debt service, will be funded with current revenues creating a balanced budget. The Town will not balance the current budget at the expense of meeting fu- ture years’ expenditures; for example accruing future years' revenues or rolling over short-term debt to avoid planned debt retirement. Ongoing operating costs should be supported by ongoing, stable revenue sources. This protects the Town from fluctuating service levels, and avoids crises when one- time revenues are reduced or removed. Revenues from growth or development should be targeted to costs related to development, or invested in improvements that will benefit future residents or make future service provision efficient. The Town Manager will provide an estimate of the Town's revenues annually for each fiscal year. The estimates of special (grant, excise tax, etc.) revenues and interfund transfers will also be provided by the Town Manager. The budget will fully appropriate the resources needed for authorized regular staffing. At no time shall the number of regular full-time employees on the payroll exceed the total number of full-time positions authorized by the Town Council. All personnel ac- tions shall be in conformance with applicable federal and state law and all Town ordi- nances and policies. The Town Manager shall provide annually a budget preparation schedule outlining the preparation timelines for the proposed budget. Budget packages for the preparation of the budget, including forms and instructions, shall be distributed to Town depart- ments in a timely manner for the department’s completion. Department Directors shall prepare and return their budget proposals to the Administration Department, as required in the budget preparation schedule. Performance measurement indicators will be integrated into the budget process as ap- Financial Policies The Height of Desert Living 41 propriate. Alternatives for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Town's programs and the productivity of its employees will be considered during the budget process. Dupli- cation of services and inefficiency in service delivery should be eliminated wherever they are identified. Department Directors are required to monitor revenues and control expenditures to prevent exceeding their total departmental expenditure budget. It is the responsibility of these department directors to immediately notify the Town Manager of any excep- tional circumstances that could result in a departmental expenditure budget to be ex- ceeded. A quarterly report on the status of the General Fund budget and trends will be pre- pared within 60 days of the end of each quarter by the Administration Department. In addition, the quarterly report shall include revenue and expenditure projections through the end of the fiscal year. If a deficit is projected during any fiscal year, the Town will take steps to reduce ex- penditures, increase revenues or, if a deficit is caused by an emergency, consider us- ing the undesignated unreserved General Fund Balance, to the extent necessary to en- sure a balanced budget at the close of the fiscal year. The Town Manager may insti- tute a cessation during the fiscal year on hiring's, promotions, transfers, and capital equipment purchases. Such action will not be taken arbitrarily and without knowledge and support of the Town Council. Expenditure Control Management must ensure compliance with the legally adopted budget. In addition, purchases and expenditures must comply with legal requirements. Expenditures will be controlled by an annual budget at the departmental level. The Town Council shall adopt appropriations through the budget process. Written proce- dures will be maintained for administrative approval and processing of certain budget transfers within funds. The Town will maintain a purchasing system that provides needed materials in a timely manner to avoid interruptions in the delivery of services. All purchases shall be made in accordance with the applicable state and federal laws. The Town will endeavor to obtain supplies, equipment and services as economically as possible. Expenditures will be controlled through appropriate internal controls and procedures in processing invoices for payment. The Town shall pay applicable contractor invoices in accordance with the requirements of Arizona Revised Statutes 34-221. The State of Arizona sets a limit on the expenditures of local jurisdictions. The Town will comply with these expenditure limitations and will submit an audited expenditure Financial Policies The Height of Desert Living 42 limitation report, audited financial statements, and audited reconciliation report as de- fined by the Uniform Expenditure Reporting System (A.R.S. Section 41-1279.07) to the State Auditor General each year. Assets will be capitalized at $10,000 and will be recorded in the Town of Fountain Hills Summary of General Fixed Assets Revenues and Collections All government employees are considered stewards of public funds. In order to pro- vide funding for service delivery, the Town must have reliable revenue sources. These diverse revenues must be collected equitably, timely, and efficiently. The Town's goal is a General Fund revenue base that is equally balanced between sales taxes, state shared revenues, property tax, service fees and other revenue sources. The Town will strive for a diversified and stable revenue base to shelter it from eco- nomic changes or short-term fluctuations and in any one revenue source by doing the following: Establishing new charges and fees as needed and as permitted by law at reasonable levels. Pursuing legislative change, when necessary, to permit changes or establishment of user charges and fees. Aggressively collecting all revenues, late penalties, outstanding taxes owed and re- lated interest as authorized by the Arizona Revised Statutes. The Town will monitor all taxes to insure they are equitably administered and collec- tions are timely and accurate. Fees and charges should be based on benefits and/or privileges granted by the Town, or based on costs of a particular service. The Town should pursue intergovernmental aid for those programs and activities that address a recognized need and are consistent with the Town's long-range objectives. Any decision to pursue intergovernmental aid should include the consideration of the following: - Present and future funding requirements. - Cost of administering the funds. - Costs associated with special conditions or regulations attached to the grant award. The Town will attempt to recover all allowable costs - both direct and indirect - associ- ated with the administration and implementation of programs funded through inter- governmental aid. In the case of the School District, the Town may determine to re- cover less than full cost of services provided. In the case of State and Federally man- dated programs, the Town will attempt to obtain full funding for the service from the governmental entity requiring the service be provided. Allowable costs will be deter- mined based upon a “Cost Allocation Study” prepared periodically. Financial Policies The Height of Desert Living 43 Local sales tax revenues are derived from several sources with a significant portion from construction related activity. To ensure that the revenues from growth or devel- opment are targeted to costs related to development, or invested in improvements that will benefit future residents or make future service provision efficient the Town will designate 50% of those one-time revenues to the Capital Projects Fund. At the end of each fiscal year these revenues will be transferred from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund for future appropriation. User Fees Cost Recovery User fees and charges are payments for voluntarily purchased, publicly provided ser- vices that benefit specific individuals. The Town may establish user fees and charges for certain services provided to users receiving a specific benefit. User fees and charges will be established to recover as much as possible the direct and indirect costs of the program or service, unless the percentage of full cost recov- ery has been mandated by specific action of the Town Council. It is recognized that occasionally competing policy objectives may result in reduced user fees and charges that recover a smaller portion of service costs. Periodically, the Town will recalculate the full costs of activities supported by user fees to identify the impact of inflation and other attendant costs. Debt Policy The purpose of this debt policy is to provide for the preservation and enhancement of the Town’s bond ratings, the maintenance of adequate debt service reserves, compli- ance with debt instrument covenants and provisions and required disclosures to inves- tors, underwriters and rating agencies. The overall debt management policy of the Town of Fountain Hills is to ensure that financial resources are adequate in any general economic situation to not preclude the Town’s ability to pay its debt when due. These policies are meant to supplement the legal framework of public debt laws pro- vided by the Arizona Constitution, State Statutes, Federal tax laws and the Town’s cur- rent bond resolutions and covenants. The Arizona Constitution limits a city or town’s bonded debt capacity (outstanding principal) to certain percentages of the Town’s sec- ondary assessed valuation by the type of project to be constructed. There is a limit of 20% of secondary assessed valuation for projects involving water, sewer, artificial lighting, parks, open space, and recreational facility improvements. There is a limit of 6% of secondary assessed valuation for any other general-purpose project. General The Town will use current revenues to pay for short-term capital projects, repair and maintenance items and will reserve long-term debt for capital improvements with use- ful lives of ten (10) years or more. The Town will not use long-term debt to fund cur- rent governmental operations and will manage its cash in a fashion that will prevent Financial Policies The Height of Desert Living 44 any borrowing to meet working capital needs. However, exclusive reliance upon pay- as-you-go funds for capital improvements requires existing residents to pay for im- provements that will benefit new residents who relocate to the area after the expendi- ture is made. Financing capital projects with debt provides for an “intergenerational equity”, as the actual users of the capital asset pay for its cost over time, rather than one group of users paying in advance for the costs of the asset. Where there is a benefit to all future residents, debt financing should be given consideration. To increase its reliance on current revenue to finance its capital improvements, and promote a “pay-as-you-go” philosophy, the Town will appropriate each year a percent- age of current revenues to maintain a minimum 10% of average actual General Fund revenues for the preceding five fiscal years in the Designated Unreserved Fund Capital Improvement Plan As part of the budget process each year the Town will prepare a capital spending plan that provides a detailed summary of specific capital projects for the five fiscal years subsequent to the fiscal year presented. The plan will include the name of the project, project schedule, capital cost by fiscal year and a recommended specific funding source. The five-year capital improvement plan will be developed within the con- straints of the Town’s ability to finance the plan. The Town Manager and Department Directors will develop formal ranking criteria that will be used in the evaluation of all capital projects. The program ranking criteria will give greatest weight to those projects which protect the health and safety of its citi- zens. Pay-as-you-go project financing shall be given the highest priority. Capital im- provements that must rely upon debt financing shall be accorded a lower priority and projects with a useful life of less than five years shall not be eligible for inclusion in bond issues. The Town of Fountain Hills’ capital improvement program ranking criteria will give greatest weight to those projects, which protect the health and safety of it’s citizens. Pay-as-you-go project financing shall be given the highest priority. Capital improve- ments that must rely upon debt financing shall be accorded a lower priority. All capital project requests will be accompanied by a description of the sources of funding to cover project costs. Where borrowing is recommended, the source of funds to cover debt service requirements must be identified. All capital project requests will be re- quired to identify any impact the project may have on future operating costs of the Town. Department Directors will submit a detailed description of the useful life of capital pro- jects submitted in conjunction with the preparation of the Town’s CIP. Projects with a useful life of less than ten years shall not be eligible for inclusion in bond issues. The Manager shall incorporate an estimate of the useful life of proposal capital improve- ments in developing an amortization schedule for each bond issue. If a short-lived as- set or project (less than ten years) is included in a bond issue, then the bond amorti- Financial Policies The Height of Desert Living 45 zation schedule shall be adjusted to reflect the asset’s rapid depreciation. At no time shall the amortization exceed the life of the asset Lease purchase financing shall be discouraged and only be undertaken when the pro- ject is considered essential to the efficient operation of the Town or to remove expen- ditures that would exceed the State imposed expenditure limitation. The Town Man- ager or designee shall determine that pay-as-you-go expenditures do not cause the state imposed expenditure limitation to be exceeded in any fiscal year. All capital project requests will be accompanied by a description of the sources of funding to cover project costs. Where borrowing is recommended, a dedicated source of funds to cover debt service requirements must be identified. All capital project re- quests will be required to identify any impact the project may have on future operating costs of the Town. The Town will seek grants to finance capital improvements and will favor those projects which are likely to receive grant money. All capital project appropriations and amendments to the capital improvement plan must be approved by the Town Council. The capital plan will include all equipment and facilities with a useful life of greater than ten years and a cost greater than $50,000. Debt financing shall not exceed the useful life of the infrastructure improvement or asset. Financing Alternatives Financing alternatives are listed below but are not limited to: - Grants - Developer Contributions - General Obligation Bond – requires voter approval, supported by an ad valorem (property) tax - Revenue Bonds – repaid with revenue stream (HURF, revenue generated by project) - Municipal Property Corporation Bonds – repaid with a dedicated revenue source - CFD or Special District Bonds – supported by an ad valorem property tax - Capital Leases – repaid within operating budget - Commercial Paper (CP) or Bond Anticipation Notes (BAN) with terms less than two years Town Debt Service costs (GO, Revenue Bonds, MPC, Leases) shall not exceed 20% of the Town’s operating revenue in order to control fixed costs and ensure expenditure flexibility. Improvement District (ID), Community Facility District (CFD) and Special District debt service is not included in this calculation because it is paid by district property owners and is not an obligation of the general citizenry. Separate criteria have been established and included within the Town’s CFD policy. In accordance with requirements of the State of Arizona Constitution, total bonded debt will not exceed the 20% limitation and 6% limitation of the total secondary as- sessed valuation of taxable property in the Town. Financial Policies The Height of Desert Living 46 The Town shall comply with all U.S. Internal Revenue Service arbitrage rebate require- ments for bonded indebtedness. Where applicable, the Town will structure General Obligation bond issues to create level debt service payments over the life of the issue. The goal will be to strive for a debt repayment schedule to be no more than fifteen (15) years; at no time will the debt exceed twenty-five (25) years. Refunding bonds will be measured against a standard of the net present value debt service savings exceeding 3% of the principal amount of the bonds being refunded, or if savings exceed $750,000, or for the purposes of modifying restrictive covenants or to modify the existing debt structure to the benefit of the Town. Refinancing under- taken for other reasons should proceed only when the advantages have been clearly shown in a cost/benefit analysis of the transaction. The Town will seek to maintain and, if possible, improve the current bond rating in or- der to minimize borrowing costs and preserve access to credit. An analysis showing how a new issue combined with current debt impacts the Town’s debt capacity and conformance with Town debt policies will accompany every future bond issue proposal. The debt capacity analysis should reflect a positive trend and in- clude: - Percent of debt outstanding as a percent of the legal debt limit - Measures of the tax and revenue base - Evaluation of trends relating to expenditures and fund balance - Debt service as a percentage of assessed valuation - Measures of debt burden on the community - Tax-exempt market factors affecting interest costs - Debt ratios Municipal Property Corporation and contractual debt, which is non-voter approved, will be utilized only when a dedicated revenue source (e.g. excise taxes) can be identified to pay debt service expenses. The project to be financed will generate net positive revenues (i.e., the additional revenues generated by the project will be greater than the debt service requirements). The Town’s privilege tax to debt service goal will be a ratio of at least 3.5:1 to ensure the Town’s ability to pay for long term debt from this elastic revenue source. Issuance of Obligations The Town shall select the underwriter and the paying agent/registrar for each debt is- suance based on competitive bid. The underwriter must be a firm domiciled in Arizona with an office in the Phoenix area and a record of prior working relationships. The request for proposals process will be designed to select the service providers that Financial Policies The Height of Desert Living 47 offer the Town the best combination of expertise and price. The Town is not required to select the firm offering the lowest price, but a report must be prepared by the Town Manager providing justification to the Town Council for a recommendation when other than the lowest bidder is chosen. The review of all proposals submitted shall be the responsibility of the Town Manager. The Town of Fountain Hills will use competitive sales as the primary means of selling new General Obligation or Revenue bonds that are repaid through ad valorem (property) taxes. Negotiated sales will be permitted for all other debt issues when it is expected to result in a lower true interest cost than would a competitive sale of that same date and structure or there is evidence of volatile market conditions, complex security features, or another overriding factor. The Town Manager or designee and Town Attorney will coordinate their activities to ensure that all securities are issued in the most efficient and cost-effective manner and in compliance with the Town’s gov- erning statutes and regulations. The Manager and the Town Attorney shall consult and jointly select the bond counsel for a bond issue. The Town Attorney will review all documents related to the issuance of securities by the jurisdiction. The Town will seek a rating on all new issues which are being sold in the public market if economically feasible. The Town will report on an annual basis all financial information and/or notices of ma- terial events to the rating agencies and Nationally-Recognized Municipal Securities In- formation Repositories (NRMSIR’s). The annual report will include but not be limited to the Town’s annual Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). The Town will require any institution or individual investing monies as an agent for the Town to do so in a manner consistent and in compliance with the Town’s adopted In- vestment Policy. The Town will provide detailed draw schedules for any project to be funded with bor- rowed monies. The Town will invest the proceeds or direct a trustee to invest the pro- ceeds of all borrowings in a manner that will ensure the availability of funds as de- scribed in the draw schedules. The Town acknowledges the responsibilities of the underwriting community and pledges to make all reasonable efforts to assist underwriters in their efforts to comply with SEC Rule 15c2-12 and MSRB Rule G-36. Financial Policies The Height of Desert Living 48 The Horse The Height of Desert Living 49 Budget Highlights The Height of Desert Living 50 Budget Highlights State Shared Revenues 40% Local Sales Tax 48% Franchise Fee 2% Chgs for Service 3% Licenses/Permits 3% Fines 2% Miscellaneous 1% Sources of Funds - General Fund Where the money comes from... Total General Fund Revenues - $12.6M Town Council 1% Administration 16% Law Enforcement 22% Fire Department 24% Municipal Court 3% Community Services 18% Development Services 12% Uses of Funds-General Fund Where the money goes... Total General Fund Expenditures - $12.6M The Height of Desert Living 51 Budget Introduction In FY2009-10 the Town began to introduce program budgeting. Program budgeting is a method of budgeting expenditures to meet programmatic objectives rather than budgeting on a line-item basis. In program budgeting, specific performance objec- tives or outcomes are defined and the costs to produce those outcomes are enumer- ated in the budget. With each year’s budget, we have moved closer to producing a true Program Budget. In FY2010-11 the budget document includes Department level, Division level and, new this year, Program level budgets. We believe program budgeting will provide the citizens with a much better picture of the true cost of pro- viding Town services. The proposed budget is based on revenue projections that are conservative and based on the expectation that the local and national economy will continue at its ex- isting pace and that we will not see any significant improvement in revenues in the next fiscal year. As the “Sources of Funds-General Fund” chart below shows, 88% of the Town’s gen- eral fund resources are derived from local sales tax and state shared revenues. It should be noted that these sources of revenue are very sensitive to the upward and downward cycles of the economy as well as to annual legislative appropriations. Additionally, these revenues are distributed to cities and towns based on each mu- nicipality’s population compared to that of the entire state. Some municipalities have abundant available land for expansion and will continue to grow in population, while others, like Fountain Hills, have fixed borders and limited population growth. Over time, Fountain Hills will, therefore, represent a smaller and smaller percentage of the total and will be allocated a smaller percentage of state shared revenues. General Fund Budget Overview The General Fund supports core services and is the largest fund with the greatest potential for revenue fluctuations. Revenues from taxes, state shared revenues, li- cense and permit fees, and charges for services provide the major resources to fund programs and services delivered by the Town. In FY2008-09, the Town budgeted $16,142,395 in General Fund revenues. By FY2009-10 budgeted General Fund revenues had decreased by 9% to $14,696,229. In FY2010-11 we are anticipating an additional 13.8% decrease in revenues to $12,642,267. Following is a brief summary of what is included in the proposed General Fund Budget for FY2010-11: Salaries and Benefits - After the staff reductions made during FY09-10 there re- Budget Highlights The Height of Desert Living 52 mains a total of 61.13 full time equivalent employees (FTE)’s proposed for fiscal year 2010-11, compared to 115 FTE in FY2002-03, and 81.1 FTE in FY2009-10. Most Town employees’ salaries and benefits are funded through the General Fund (except Streets and Downtown Development staff who are funded with restricted revenues). Salaries normally include wages, overtime, sick leave, vacation and a set aside for merit increases. Wages for all Town employees have been frozen since FY2008-09 and that will continue for the upcoming fiscal year and no merit increases will be awarded. Employee benefits include health insurance, employer taxes, disability, worker compensation insurance, and employer match retirement contributions. Be- cause local governments are primarily a service industry, salaries and benefits com- prise a major portion of expenditures. For Fountain Hills, salaries & benefits repre- sent 28% of the total General Fund budget in FY2010-11. Contractual Services - The Town contracts with outside professionals for a number of services. Two major contracts included in this category are: 1) Fire protection and emergency medical services ($2,852,368), currently under contract with Rural Metro Corporation; and 2) 2) police protection ($2,589,879) currently provided through the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. These contracts alone represent 43% of the General Fund budget in FY2010-11. Budget Highlights 115 75 77 82 87 88 88 81 61 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 FY02-03 FY03-04 FY04-05 FY05-06 FY06-07 FY07-08 FY08-09 FY09-10 FY10-11 Number of Town Employees The Height of Desert Living 53 The total cost of public safety for the Town is $5,801,940, or 45.9% of the General Fund budget. Repairs and Maintenance - Repairs and maintenance includes annual landscape maintenance contracts, equipment and vehicle repairs, and facilities maintenance (janitorial, building maintenance, etc.). Maintenance of the Town’s 121 acres of parks, Town medians, dams, and washes are provided by independent contractors. These contracts are solicited through a bid process to obtain the most competitive price for the Town. The scope of these contracts has been significantly reduced over the last two fiscal years to compensate for the declining revenues available. In FY2010-11 Repair and Maintenance represents 1.4% of the total budget. Supplies and Services - Supplies and services include operational costs such as utili- ties, insurance, office supplies, etc. for Town Hall and other Town-owned buildings. The Town owns the Library, the Museum, the Community Center, two fire stations, a vehicle maintenance facility, the Kiwanis building, and the Community Theater build- ing. Other items in this category are gas and oil, postage, travel, and communica- tions. Capital Outlays - Capital outlays include the purchase of furniture and equipment, and the improvement of Town facilities with a cost of at least $10,000 but less than $50,000. Expenditures of $50,000 or more are included in the Capital Improvement Program. The Town has begun, with the FY2010-11 budget, the inclusion of equip- ment replacement within an expanded Vehicle Replacement Program. While no vehi- Budget Highlights Public Safety As a Percent of General Fund Expenses The Height of Desert Living 54 cles are being proposed for replacement, $125,150 in equipment is scheduled for re- placement in FY2010-11. Equipment replacement includes: Fountain Park Equipment $65,200 Computer Equipment $ 9,000 Community Center Equipment $31,950 Fire Department Equipment $ 7,000 Document Management System $10,000 Depository Safe $ 2,000 HURF/Streets Fund Overview The HURF/Streets fund is a fund restricted to Streets and Transportation related pur- poses. As with most funds the Town receives, HURF funds are expected to decrease by $164,352 in FY2010-11. In addition, in FY2010-11 LTAF funding from the State has been discontinued. This represents a loss to the Town of over $100,000 in the next fiscal year. In the past, these funds assisted in the support of local transportation programs, such as the Special Transportation Program for the Elderly and Handicapped (STS). With the elimination of these funds, the Town has had to find alternative means to continue to provides this service. In FY2010-11, the Town has received a grant which will allow us to continue this program for one additional year. The HURF/Streets fund provides funding for the following Town programs: Streets Dept Administration Adopt-A-Street Median Maintenance Pavement Management Street Signage Street Sweeping Traffic Management Traffic Signals Vehicle Maintenance Special Revenue Fund Overview All Special Revenues (Grants, etc) are received in the Special Revenue Fund. Oper- ating expenses are also recorded in the Special Revenue Fund unless the projects supported are in the Capital Projects Program or the funds are in support of on-going Town services. In these cases, funds are transferred from the Special Revenue Fund to either the Capital Projects Fund or the General Fund. Budget Highlights The Height of Desert Living 55 As mentioned earlier, the Town will continue to provide an elderly and handicapped transportation program that previously had been managed through contract with Maricopa County. The County has advised the Town that grant funding for the pro- gram will no longer be available after FY2010-11 and if the Town decides to continue to offer the program the management and costs would have to be borne solely by the Town. The Town has received a grant of $87,464 which will go toward support of this program in FY2010-11. The total cost of the program is $118,423 and is in- cluded in the Special Revenue Fund. The balance of the program cost is provided through a transfer of $30,959 from the General Fund. The Court has budgeted to receive a $40,000 grant to support the Orders of Protec- tion Program. This is shown as a transfer into the General Fund from the Special Revenue Fund. The Town is budgeting $1,081,614 in ARRA/Stimulus monies, $2,763,212 in Grants, $320,000 in Excise Tax funds and $282,625 in other funding to support various Capi- tal Projects in FY2010-11. Debt Service Funds Overview Total debt service revenues for FY10-11 are budgeted at $2.9 million including sec- ondary property taxes for voter approved bonds, transfers from the General Fund for the Community Center and excise taxes to pay for Municipal Property Corporation (MPC) debt (mountain bonds and Civic Center phase II). The following is a summary of the debt payments for FY10-11: General Obligation Bonds (property taxes) $1.03 million Municipal Property Corporation (excise taxes) $1.4 million Eagle Mountain Facilities District (property taxes) $0.4 million Development Fees Fund Overview With limited funds from development anticipated, there are no projects budgeted to be funded from Development Fees in the next fiscal year. Capital Projects Fund Overview As mentioned earlier, ARRA/Stimulus and Grant funds have given the Town the op- portunity to move forward on $3,844,826 in major capital projects that might other- wise have been delayed due to the economy. Budget Highlights The Height of Desert Living 56 Budget Highlights The Capital Improvement Projects programmed for FY2010-11 include: Downtown Improvements $ 570,000 Street/Sidewalk Projects $5,507,493 Traffic Signal Projects $ 148,800 General Government Projects $ 90,000 Fire & Emergency Med Projects $ 66,000 Contingency $ 63,823 TOTAL $6,446,116 The annual impact on the operating budget as a result of budgeted capital improve- ment projects is estimated at $3,000 in additional operating expenses in FY2010-11. At the same time, we anticipate a savings of $7,462 derived from energy audits and the photovoltaic installations. In fiscal year 2011-12, additional operating costs are expected to be approximately $12,000 with on-going savings of approximately $2,462 as a result of energy saving initiatives. No ongoing personnel related costs are anticipated from the completion of these pro- jects. Grants 47% Economic Development Funds 5% Stimulus Funds 17% Capital Project Fund Balance 31% Capital Projects Funding Sources TOTAL $6,446,116 The Height of Desert Living 57 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUES Local Sales Tax $7,745,747 $6,914,185 $6,508,903 $6,628,911 $6,020,520 Business License Fees $112,828 $116,795 $117,995 $122,715 $109,180 Animal License Fees $41,636 $38,624 $37,986 $39,505 $45,088 Building Permits $934,549 $926,320 $812,780 $330,120 $155,140 Property Tax -$3,687 $0 $0 $0 $0 Improvement Plan Review Fee $14,519 $14,625 $21,000 $21,000 $8,506 Landscape Permit Fees $7,860 $8,625 $20,000 $10,400 $0 Encroachment Permit Fees $43,810 $42,823 $25,000 $10,000 $17,000 Rezoning/Variance/Special Use $35,111 $32,551 $34,000 $15,600 $10,000 Subdivision Fees $49,006 $138,620 $50,000 $0 $15,000 Franchise Fees $324,318 $328,520 $332,800 $363,731 $300,000 Cellular Lease Payment $65,100 $65,475 $65,475 $55,575 $100,464 State Sales Tax $2,327,899 $2,275,200 $2,215,242 $1,894,032 $1,765,065 State Income Tax $2,780,715 $3,449,440 $3,610,480 $3,163,367 $2,384,218 Vehicle License Tax $1,014,853 $982,800 $1,067,300 $953,455 $850,000 Fire Insurance Premium Tax $124,754 $126,752 $130,520 $135,741 $119,452 Parks/Recreation User Fees & Rentals $153,219 $153,325 $155,683 $127,687 $158,059 Senior Activity Fees $98,947 $75,982 $79,551 $110,211 $87,882 Community Center Rentals $184,592 $203,654 $198,600 $168,150 $102,328 Bar Sales/Com Ctr $17,658 $23,400 $24,480 $0 $0 Miscellaneous $85,418 $145,620 $100,000 $72,887 $38,487 Court Fines & Fees $281,173 $253,250 $234,600 $239,292 $255,078 Interest/Investment Income $467,163 $357,393 $300,000 $125,000 $10,800 Transfers In $0 $0 $0 $108,850 $90,000 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE $16,907,187 $16,673,979 $16,142,395 $14,696,229 $12,642,267 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES Mayor and Town Council $117,161 $179,890 $93,088 $85,640 $72,427 Municipal Court $363,655 $384,285 $394,490 $397,528 $421,291 Administration $3,008,025 $3,168,052 $3,253,280 $2,964,808 $2,467,142 Development Services $3,813,060 $3,767,036 $3,239,697 $2,440,675 $1,557,237 Community Services $4,469,487 $2,692,057 $3,081,855 $2,726,649 $2,322,230 Law Enforcement $2,219,421 $2,790,900 $2,839,077 $2,844,877 $2,759,530 Fire Department $2,846,477 $2,982,446 $3,240,908 $3,065,477 $3,042,410 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $16,837,286 $15,964,664 $16,142,395 $14,525,654 $12,642,267 Budget Highlights The Height of Desert Living 58 HIGHWAY USERS FUND SUMMARY FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUE: LTAF $110,785 $114,716 $113,600 $113,400 $0 Highway User $1,750,100 $1,675,000 $1,763,000 $1,480,152 $1,315,800 Charges for Svcs/In Lieu Pmts $28,185 $25,000 $10,000 $2,000 $15,068 Interest $42,678 $45,000 $20,000 $4,993 $120 Misc. Income $0 $500 $1,000 $0 $7,602 TOTAL $1,931,748 $1,860,216 $1,907,600 $1,600,545 $1,338,590 EXPENDITURES: Salaries and Benefits $685,646 $585,392 $593,055 $440,023 $607,302 Services and Supplies $24,250 $26,465 $28,735 $0 $0 Repairs and Maintenance $1,648,724 $1,477,328 $350,870 $0 $0 Supplies and Services $206,195 $199,800 $225,290 $625,594 $600,535 Capital Outlay $80,000 $74,000 $2,000 $0 $0 TOTAL $2,644,815 $2,362,985 $1,199,950 $1,065,617 $1,207,836 TRANSFERS Debt Retirement $135,000 $126,300 $115,843 $136,413 $0 Transfer to CIP $0 $0 $825,000 $170,790 $0 Transfer to VRF $0 $0 $66,491 $60,996 $79,875 TOTAL $135,000 $126,300 $1,007,334 $368,199 $79,875 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,779,815 $2,489,285 $2,207,284 $1,433,816 $1,287,711 Budget Highlights The Height of Desert Living 59 Budget Highlights EXCISE TAX FUND FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUES: Local Sales Tax Transfer $486,877 $314,281 $295,859 $295,859 $270,629 TOTAL REVENUES $486,877 $314,281 $295,859 $295,859 $270,629 EXPENDITURES: SALARIES & BENEFITS: Wages $37,465 $21,051 $45,003 $38,252 $45,004 FICA $544 $307 $653 $555 $653 Unemployment Insurance $42 $0 $38 $32 $38 Employee's Health Insurance $3,819 $1,672 $3,306 $2,073 $3,306 Employee's Life Insurance $132 $65 $135 $113 $135 Employee's Dental Insurance $289 $115 $272 $203 $272 Employee's Eye Insurance $60 $18 $41 $32 $41 Worker's Compensation Insurance $148 $171 $104 $95 $104 Employee's Retirement Fund $4,123 $2,396 $4,950 $4,208 $4,950 Disability Insurance $178 $105 $212 $176 $212 TOTAL $46,800 $25,900 $54,713 $45,739 $54,714 CONTRACT SERVICES Dues/Publications $1,418 $2,345 $1,995 $2,025 $7,826 Training/Continuing Education $383 $0 $4,830 $0 $1,450 Meetings & Conferences $8,087 $7,400 $530 $4,800 $7,525 Meetings/Travel $2,631 $1,300 $8,260 $0 $0 Telecommunications $1,178 $725 $1,500 $476 $324 Professional Fees $32,990 $0 $5,000 $27,500 $40,000 Gas & Oil $0 $0 $0 $0 $50 Printing $1,060 $0 $2,120 $20,535 $14,565 Advertising/Signage $27,824 $1,500 $62,830 $31,000 $44,980 Community Events $0 $0 $6,000 $0 $0 Holiday Lighting $0 $29,000 $38,000 $0 $25,000 Office Supplies $1,826 $114 $200 $600 $600 Internal Service Charges $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,843 TOTAL $77,397 $42,384 $131,265 $86,936 $148,163 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay $400,860 $0 $10,000 $0 $11,300 TOTAL $400,860 $0 $10,000 $0 $11,300 Transfer to VRP $0 $0 $0 $0 $100 Transfer to CIP $0 $0 $3,000 $250,000 $320,000 Transfer to General Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 TOTAL $0 $0 $3,000 $250,000 $370,100 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $525,057 $68,284 $198,978 $382,675 $584,276 The Height of Desert Living 60 Budget Highlights SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUE: Community Grants $0 $185,000 $0 $150,000 $200,000 Special Transp Grants $0 $0 $0 $0 $87,464 Transfer from General Fund for Match $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,959 Miscellaneous Grants $0 $0 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Municipal Court Grant $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,000 LTAF Revenue $0 $40,030 $0 $40,000 $0 Stimulus/ARRA $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,081,614 CIP Construction Grants $0 $0 $575,847 $1,318,000 $2,763,212 Donations/Rebates $0 $96,397 $0 $68,850 $282,625 TOTAL REVENUE $0 $321,427 $2,075,847 $2,576,850 $5,485,874 EXPENDITURES: Community Grants $0 $185,000 $0 $150,000 $200,000 Special Transportation Program $0 $62,200 $0 $0 $118,423 Miscellaneous Grants $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $247,200 $0 $150,000 $1,318,423 Transfer to VRF $0 $0 $33,500 $0 $0 Transfer to CIP $0 $74,227 $2,023,222 $2,318,000 $4,127,451 Transfer to General Fund $0 $0 $19,125 $108,850 $40,000 TOTAL TRANSFERS $0 $74,227 $2,075,847 $2,426,850 $4,167,451 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS $0 $321,427 $2,075,847 $2,576,850 $5,485,874 COURT ENHANCEMENT FUND FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUE: Court Enhancement Fund $23,041 $18,500 $23,300 $15,500 $19,000 Interest $4,834 $4,000 $4,700 $1,500 $250 TOTAL REVENUE $27,875 $22,500 $28,000 $17,000 $19,250 EXPENDITURES: Salary and Benefits $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Repairs & Maintenance $4,288 $0 $35,000 $3,100 $850 Supplies & Services $0 $0 $10,000 $5,000 $2,500 Capital Expenditures $0 $8,250 $45,000 $41,900 $37,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $4,288 $8,250 $90,000 $50,000 $40,350 PUBLIC ART FUND FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUE: In Lieu Fees $0 $0 $20,000 $2,000 $20,416 Transfers in $0 $0 $0 $12,000 $10,350 TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE $0 $0 $20,000 $14,000 $30,766 EXPENDITURES: Repairs & Maintenance $0 $0 $0 $12,000 $10,350 Capital Expenditures $0 $0 $14,000 $6,500 $10,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $14,000 $18,500 $20,350 The Height of Desert Living 61 Budget Highlights DEVELOPMENT FEES LAW ENFORCEMENT FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUES: Law Enforcement Development Fees $77,782 $43,575 $43,575 $11,367 $7,880 Interest $0 $0 $0 $2,400 $100 TOTAL REVENUES $77,782 $43,575 $43,575 $13,767 $7,980 EXPENDITURES: Development Fee Study $0 $0 $6,020 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $6,020 $0 $0 DEVELOPMENT FEES STREETS FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUES: Development Fees $233,310 $214,000 $214,000 $70,416 $48,525 Developer Contribution $0 $0 $0 $0 $250 Interest $0 $0 $0 $3,900 $0 TOTAL REVENUE $233,310 $214,000 $214,000 $74,316 $48,775 EXPENDITURES Development Fee Study $0 $0 $17,780 $0 $0 Transfer to CIP $23,532 $130,000 $255,000 $142,400 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $23,532 $130,000 $272,780 $142,400 $0 DEVELOPMENT FEES PARKS & RECREATION FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUES: Development Fees $166,568 $76,010 $76,010 $9,672 $7,395 Transfer from General Fund $520,000 $0 $0 $0 $30 Interest $0 $0 $0 $4,992 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $686,568 $76,010 $76,010 $14,664 $7,425 EXPENDITURES: Transfer to CIP $444,249 $651,582 $565,000 $0 $0 Development Fee Study $0 $0 $18,900 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $444,249 $651,582 $583,900 $0 $0 DEVELOPMENT FEES OPEN SPACE FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUES: Development Fees $100,297 $44,550 $44,550 $5,670 $4,335 Interest $0 $0 $0 $3,720 $500 TOTAL REVENUES $100,297 $44,550 $44,550 $9,390 $4,835 EXPENDITURES: Development Fee Study $0 $0 $11,060 $0 $0 Transfer to CIP $8,050 $10,700 $68,000 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $8,050 $10,700 $79,060 $0 $0 The Height of Desert Living 62 Budget Highlights DEVELOPMENT FEES GENERAL GOVERNMENT FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUES: Development Fees $155,116 $91,700 $91,700 $23,940 $16,585 Interest $0 $0 $0 $4,500 $325 TOTAL REVENUE $155,116 $91,700 $91,700 $28,440 $16,910 EXPENDITURES: Development Fee Study $0 $0 $12,670 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $12,670 $0 $0 DEVELOPMENT FEES FIRE FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUES: Development Fees $17,945 $9,785 $9,785 $2,553 $1,770 Interest $0 $0 $0 $600 $25 TOTAL REVENUE $17,945 $9,785 $9,785 $3,153 $1,795 EXPENDITURES: Development Fee Study $0 $0 $1,330 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $1,330 $0 $0 DEVELOPMENT FEES LIBRARY/MUSEUM FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUES: Development Fees $19,219 $8,965 $8,965 $1,140 $870 Interest $0 $0 $0 $600 $5 TOTAL REVENUE $19,219 $8,965 $8,965 $1,740 $875 EXPENDITURES: Development Fee Study $0 $0 $2,240 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $2,240 $0 $0 The Height of Desert Living 63 Budget Highlights GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUE: Property Tax Revenue: Secondary Property Tax $1,232,781 $1,330,000 $1,400,000 $1,400,000 $1,040,484 Interest Earnings $25,786 $800 $1,500 $1,500 $300 TOTAL REVENUES $1,258,567 $1,330,800 $1,401,500 $1,401,500 $1,040,784 EXPENDITURES: General Obligation Bonds: Refunded Bonds-Principal $1,360,294 $1,389,596 $1,188,057 $1,188,057 $820,000 Refunded Bonds-Interest $0 $0 $148,057 $148,057 $208,713 Trustee, Admin and Report Fees $4,250 $4,250 $4,250 $4,250 $2,100 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,364,544 $1,393,846 $1,340,364 $1,340,364 $1,030,813 REVENUE BOND DEBT SERVICE FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUE: Transfer from HURF Fund $134,137 $126,300 $115,843 $136,413 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $134,137 $126,300 $115,843 $136,413 $0 EXPENDITURES: Bond Payment - Principal $130,743 $125,793 $110,422 $130,000 $0 Bond Payment - Interest $0 $0 $5,421 $6,413 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $130,743 $125,793 $115,843 $136,413 $0 MUNICIPAL PROP CORP FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUES: Excise Tax Transfers (.2%) $832,576 $628,562 $591,718 $594,480 $551,667 Excise Tax Transfers (.1%) $448,673 $314,281 $295,859 $297,240 $275,833 Transfer from General Fund $387,000 $387,000 $387,000 $387,000 $387,000 Interest $45,619 $40,000 $30,000 $4,458 $1,200 TOTAL REVENUES $1,713,868 $1,369,843 $1,304,577 $1,283,178 $1,215,700 EXPENDITURES: MPC Debt Service Mountain Bond Payment (.2%) $416,818 $415,005 $0 $0 $0 Civic Center Phase II Bonds (.1%) $266,438 $298,338 $0 $0 $0 MPC - Community Center $239,169 $255,419 $0 $0 $0 Refunded Bonds $265,924 $320,412 $0 $0 $0 Principal $0 $0 $885,000 $985,000 $1,035,000 Interest $0 $0 $452,486 $416,886 $376,630 Admin Fee $0 $0 $0 $7,000 $7,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,188,348 $1,289,173 $1,337,486 $1,408,886 $1,418,630 The Height of Desert Living 64 COTTONWOOD IMPROVEMENT DIST FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUE: Cottonwoods Improvement District $4,228 $3,850 $3,850 $3,850 $3,315 TOTAL REVENUES $4,228 $3,850 $3,850 $3,850 $3,315 EXPENDITURES: Cottonwoods Impr. Dist. $3,652 $3,850 $3,850 $3,850 $3,315 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,652 $3,850 $3,850 $3,850 $3,315 EAGLE MTN COM FACILITIES DISTRICT FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUE: Property Tax Revenue $194,274 $340,000 $375,000 $388,500 $420,000 Investment Earnings $9,183 $4,000 $4,000 $600 $84 TOTAL REVENUES $203,457 $344,000 $379,000 $389,100 $420,084 EXPENDITURES: Principal $160,000 $190,000 $210,000 $230,000 $260,000 Interest $171,659 $160,235 $158,760 $151,410 $143,360 Administrative/Trustee Fees $7,600 $7,600 $7,600 $7,690 $7,350 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $339,259 $357,835 $376,360 $389,100 $410,710 Budget Highlights Ocotillo The Height of Desert Living 65 Budget Highlights CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUES: Transfer from General Fund $2,045,860 $0 $200,000 $100,000 $0 Transfer from Development Fees $0 $0 $888,000 $142,400 $0 Transfer from Special Revenue $307,515 $300,000 $2,056,722 $2,318,000 $3,045,837 Transfer from HURF $0 $0 $825,000 $170,790 $0 Transfer from Excise Tax $0 $0 $0 $250,000 $320,000 Transfer from VRF $0 $0 $78,500 $0 $0 Bond Proceeds $0 $0 $0 $4,500,000 $0 Sales Tax Allocation $1,938,111 $1,700,000 $706,154 $510,000 $66,678 Transfer-Stimulus/ARRA Funding $0 $0 $0 $2,537,717 $1,081,614 Interest $0 $0 $0 $0 $300 TOTAL REVENUE $4,291,486 $2,000,000 $4,754,376 $10,528,907 $4,514,429 EXPENDITURES: Capital Projects Administration $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Projects $1,122,054 $2,996,355 $5,597,238 $12,291,724 $6,382,293 Contingency $0 $400,000 $433,710 $63,823 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,122,054 $2,996,355 $5,997,238 $12,725,434 $6,446,116 Shea Blvd Climbing Lane Project The Height of Desert Living 66 VEHICLE & EQUIP REPLACEMENT FUND FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUES: Transfer from CIP $0 $0 $0 $0 $125,150 Transfer from General Fund $0 $0 $168,909 $175,422 $142,931 Transfer from HURF $0 $0 $66,491 $60,996 $79,875 Transfer from Excise Tax Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $100 Transfer from Special Revenue Fund $0 $0 $33,500 $0 $0 Auction Proceeds $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $1,000 TOTAL REVENUE $0 $0 $268,900 $241,418 $349,056 EXPENDITURES: Vehicle Replacement $0 $0 $112,000 $0 $0 Equipment Replacement $0 $0 $0 $0 $125,150 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $112,000 $0 $125,150 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ $0 $0 $156,900 $241,418 $223,906 (UNDER) EXPENDITURES Fund Balance Beginning of Year $0 $0 $0 $156,900 $398,318 Ending Fund Balance $0 $0 $156,900 $398,318 $622,224 GENERAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUND FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUES: Internal Service Charges-Gen Fd $0 $0 $0 $0 $44,199 Internal Service Charges-HURF Fd $0 $0 $0 $0 $125 Internal Service Charges-Excise Tax Fd $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,843 TOTAL REVENUE $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,167 EXPENDITURES: Rentals/Leases $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,820 Operating Supplies $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,270 Office Supplies $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,438 Postage $0 $0 $0 $0 $26,639 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,167 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (UNDER) EXPENDITURES Fund Balance Beginning of Year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Ending Fund Balance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 The Height of Desert Living 67 Revenue Summary Revenue Summary The Height of Desert Living 68 Revenue Summary Revenue This section provides a broad overview of the revenues included in the FY2010-11 budget. Information is presented for general, special revenue, debt service and capital project funds. Total revenues for all funds are estimated at $27,029,983. The general fund portion represents approximately 40.7% of the total. Special revenue funds represent an- other 32.7% of the budget. Debt service represents 9.9% and capital projects rep- resent the remaining 16.7% of the total revenues. General Fund 40.7% HURF/Streets Fund 4.3% Downtown Development Fund 0.9% Court Enhancement Fund 0.1% Special Revenue Fund 20.1% Development Fees 0.3% Debt Service 9.9% Capital Projects 16.7% REVENUES BY FUND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $27.0M ALL FUNDS REVENUE SUMMARY FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Budget Budget Budget GENERAL FUND REVENUES $16,673,979 $16,142,395 $14,696,229 $12,642,267 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $2,658,027 $4,300,326 $4,492,254 $7,105,109 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS $3,138,093 $3,178,770 $3,214,041 $2,679,883 DEVELOPMENT FEES $488,585 $488,585 $145,470 $88,595 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS $1,657,434 $742,134 $10,528,907 $4,514,129 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $24,616,118 $24,852,210 $33,076,901 $27,029,983 The Height of Desert Living 69 Revenue Summary Summary of Revenues FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Actual Budget Budget GENERAL FUND Intergovernmental State Sales Tax $2,275,200 $2,215,242 $1,894,032 $1,765,065 Fire Insurance Premium Tax $126,752 $130,520 $135,741 $119,452 Shared Income Tax $3,449,440 $3,610,480 $3,163,367 $2,384,218 Vehicle License Tax $982,800 $1,067,300 $953,455 $850,000 Total Intergovernmental $6,834,192 $7,023,542 $6,146,595 $5,118,735 Taxes & Franchise Fees Property Tax $0 $0 $0 $0 Local Sales Tax $6,914,185 $6,508,903 $6,628,911 $6,020,520 Franchise Tax $328,520 $332,800 $363,731 $300,000 Total Taxes $7,242,705 $6,841,703 $6,992,642 $6,320,520 Charges for Services Parks & Rec User Fees $153,325 $155,683 $127,687 $158,059 Senior Services Fees $75,982 $79,551 $110,211 $87,882 Community Center Rental Fees $203,654 $198,600 $168,150 $102,328 Community Center Bar Sales $23,400 $24,480 $0 $0 Total Charges for Services $456,361 $458,314 $406,048 $348,269 Licenses and Permits Animal License Fees $38,624 $37,986 $39,505 $45,088 Business License Fees $116,795 $117,995 $122,715 $109,180 Building Permit Fees $926,320 $812,780 $330,120 $155,140 Landscape Permit Fees $8,625 $20,000 $10,400 $0 Planning & Zoning Fees $32,551 $34,000 $0 $15,000 Encroachment Fees $42,823 $25,000 $10,000 $17,000 Variances $138,620 $50,000 $15,600 $10,000 Improvement Plan Review Fee $14,625 $21,000 $21,000 $8,506 Total Licenses and Permits $1,318,983 $1,118,761 $549,340 $359,914 Fines and Forfeitures Court Fines $253,250 $234,600 $239,292 $255,078 Total Fines and Forefeitures $253,250 $234,600 $239,292 $255,078 Interest on Investments Interest on Investments $357,393 $300,000 $125,000 $10,800 Total Interest $357,393 $300,000 $125,000 $10,800 Miscellaneous Leases & Rents $65,475 $65,475 $55,575 $100,464 Miscellaneous $145,620 $100,000 $72,887 $38,487 Total Miscellaneous $211,095 $165,475 $128,462 $138,951 Total Transfers In $0 $0 $108,850 $90,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES $16,673,979 $16,142,395 $14,696,229 $12,642,267 The Height of Desert Living 70 Revenue Summary Summary of Revenues FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Budget Budget Budget SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Highway Users Funds Local Transportation (LTAF) $114,716 $113,600 $113,400 $0 Highway Users $1,675,000 $1,763,000 $1,480,152 $1,315,800 In Lieu Payments $45,000 $10,000 $2,000 $15,068 Interest $25,000 $40,000 $4,993 $120 Miscellaneous $500 $1,000 $0 $7,602 Total Highway Users Fund $1,860,216 $1,927,600 $1,600,545 $1,338,590 Excise Tax Special Revenue Local Sales Tax Transfer $314,281 $295,859 $295,859 $270,629 Total Excise Tax Special Revenue $314,281 $295,859 $295,859 $270,629 Court Special Revenue Court Enhancement Fund $18,500 $28,000 $17,000 $19,250 Total Court Special Revenue $18,500 $28,000 $17,000 $19,250 Public Art Fund In Lieu Contributions $0 $0 $2,000 $30,766 Total Public Arts Fund $0 $0 $2,000 $30,766 Grants FEMA $60,000 $0 $0 $0 Community Grants $0 $19,125 $0 $200,000 LTAF II $40,030 $0 $40,000 $0 Construction Grants $180,000 $565,722 $2,318,000 $4,127,451 Miscellaneous Grants $185,000 $1,464,020 $218,850 $1,118,423 Total Grants $465,030 $2,048,867 $2,576,850 $5,445,874 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $2,658,027 $4,300,326 $4,492,254 $7,105,109 The Height of Desert Living 71 Revenue Summary Summary of Revenues FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Budget Budget Budget DEBT SERVICE FUNDS General Obligation Bonds Secondary Property Tax $1,330,000 $1,400,000 $1,400,000 $1,040,484 Interest $800 $1,500 $1,500 $300 Total General Obligation Bonds $1,330,800 $1,401,500 $1,401,500 $1,040,784 Revenue Bonds Transfer from HURF Fund $126,300 $115,843 $136,413 $0 Total Revenue Bonds $126,300 $115,843 $136,413 $0 Special District Debt Service MPC Revenue $1,329,843 $1,275,277 $1,283,178 $1,215,700 Eagle Mountain CFD $344,000 $379,000 $389,100 $420,084 Cottonwoods Improvement District $3,300 $3,300 $0 $0 Cottonwoods Maintenance District $3,850 $3,850 $3,850 $3,315 Total Special District Debt Service $1,680,993 $1,661,427 $1,676,128 $1,639,099 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS $3,138,093 $3,178,770 $3,214,041 $2,679,883 DEVELOPMENT FEES Law Enforcement Development Fees $43,575 $43,575 $13,767 $7,980 Street Department Development Fees $214,000 $214,000 $74,316 $48,775 Parks & Recreation Development Fees $76,010 $76,010 $14,664 $7,425 Open Space Development Fees $44,550 $44,550 $9,390 $4,835 General Government Development Fees $91,700 $91,700 $28,440 $16,910 Fire Development Fees $9,785 $9,785 $3,153 $1,795 Library/Museum Development Fees $8,965 $8,965 $1,740 $875 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT FEES $488,585 $488,585 $145,470 $88,595 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Local Sls Tax Contribution $1,157,434 $706,154 $510,000 $66,678 Miscellaneous $0 $35,980 $0 $0 Stimulus Funds $0 $0 $2,537,717 $1,081,614 Debt Service Proceeds $0 $0 $4,500,000 $0 Transfers In $500,000 $0 $2,981,190 $3,365,837 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND $1,657,434 $742,134 $10,528,907 $4,514,129 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $24,616,118 $24,852,210 $33,076,901 $27,029,983 The Height of Desert Living 72 . Revenue Summary . The Height of Desert Living 73 . Revenue Summary . The Height of Desert Living 74 . Revenue Summary . The Height of Desert Living 75 . Revenue Summary . The Height of Desert Living 76 . Revenue Summary . The Height of Desert Living 77 . Revenue Summary . The Height of Desert Living 78 . Revenue Summary . The Height of Desert Living 79 Revenue Summary The Height of Desert Living 80 Revenue Summary The Height of Desert Living 81 Revenue Summary The Height of Desert Living 82 This Page Intentionally Left Blank The Height of Desert Living 83 Expenditure Summary . Expenditure Summary The Height of Desert Living 84 Expenditure Summary Expenditures This section provides a broad overview of the expenditures included in the FY2010- 2011 budget. Information is presented for general, special revenue, debt service and capital project funds. All Funds Expenditure Summary Total expenditures for all funds are $29,370,412, including transfers. The general fund portion of $12,642,267 represents 39.1% of the total. Highway User Revenue Fund (Streets Fund) represents 4.4% of the total Town budget. Other special reve- nue funds represent 24.5% of the budget, with debt service representing 9.7% and capital projects representing 22.3%. Total proposed expenditures for all funds for FY2010-11 are 16.4% lower than the FY2009-10 budget, as a result of a large decrease in Capital Improvement Projects scheduled for this year. In addition, general fund expenditures are 14.0% less than the FY 2009-10 budget. General Fund 39.1% HURF/Streets Fund 4.4% Downtown Development Fund 1.8% Court Enhancement Fund 0.1% Special Revenue Fund 18.6% Debt Service Fund 9.7% Capital Projects Fund 22.3% EXPENDITURES BY FUND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $29.4M ALL FUNDS EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Budget Proposed Proposed GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES $13,592,367 $13,576,114 $14,525,654 $12,642,267 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $2,967,170 $4,564,966 $4,461,841 $7,418,562 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS $3,073,869 $3,205,113 $3,278,613 $2,863,468 DEVELOPMENT FEES $792,282 $958,000 $142,400 $0 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS $3,396,355 $3,449,016 $12,725,434 $6,446,116 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $23,822,043 $25,753,209 $35,133,943 $29,370,412 The Height of Desert Living 85 . Expenditure Summary Summary of Expenditures FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Budget Budget Budget Fund/Department GENERAL FUND Mayor and Town Council $179,890 $93,088 $85,640 $72,427 Municipal Court $384,285 $394,490 $397,528 $421,291 Administration $3,168,052 $3,253,281 $2,964,808 $2,467,142 Development Services $2,402,799 $1,818,358 $2,440,675 $1,557,237 Community Services $1,683,995 $1,936,912 $2,726,649 $2,322,230 Law Enforcement $2,790,900 $2,839,077 $2,844,877 $2,759,530 Fire Department $2,982,446 $3,240,908 $3,065,477 $3,042,410 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $13,592,367 $13,576,114 $14,525,654 $12,642,267 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Highway Users Funds Streets Department $2,442,791 $2,207,284 $1,065,617 $1,207,836 Transfers Out $90,000 $0 $368,199 $79,875 Total Highway Users Fund $2,532,791 $2,207,284 $1,433,816 $1,287,711 Excise Tax Special Revenue Economic Development $156,717 $191,835 $132,675 $214,176 Transfers Out $0 $0 $250,000 $370,100 Total Excise Tax Special Revenue $156,717 $191,835 $382,675 $584,276 Court Special Revenue Court Enhancement Fund $8,250 $90,000 $50,000 $40,350 Total Court Special Revenue $8,250 $90,000 $50,000 $40,350 Grants ADOT Grant $0 $0 $0 $0 Community Grants $185,000 $0 $150,000 $200,000 Miscellaneous Grants $84,412 $1,500,000 $0 $1,118,423 Transfers Out $0 $575,847 $2,426,850 $4,167,451 Total Grants $269,412 $2,075,847 $2,576,850 $5,485,874 Public Arts Fund Acquisition, Installation & Maintenance $0 $0 $18,500 $20,350 Total Public Arts Fund $0 $0 $18,500 $20,350 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $2,967,170 $4,564,966 $4,461,841 $7,418,562 The Height of Desert Living 86 Expenditure Summary Summary of Expenditures FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Budget Proposed Budget Fund/Department DEBT SERVICE FUNDS General Obligation Bonds Refunded Bonds $1,389,596 $1,336,114 $1,336,114 $1,028,713 Admin Fees $4,250 $4,250 $4,250 $2,100 Total General Obligation Bonds $1,393,846 $1,340,364 $1,340,364 $1,030,813 Revenue Bonds Bonds Payment $115,843 $136,413 $136,413 $0 Total Revenue Bonds $115,843 $136,413 $136,413 $0 Special District Debt Service Bond Payment -MPC $1,289,173 $1,337,486 $1,408,886 $1,418,630 Bond Payment - Cottonwoods ID. $3,850 $3,850 $3,850 $3,315 Eagle Mountain CFD $387,000 $387,000 $389,100 $410,710 Total Special District Debt Service $1,680,023 $1,728,336 $1,801,836 $1,832,655 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS $3,073,869 $3,205,113 $3,278,613 $2,863,468 DEVELOPMENT FEES Law Enforcement Development Fees $0 $6,020 $0 $0 Street Department Development Fees $130,000 $272,780 $142,400 $0 Parks & Recreation Development Fees $651,582 $583,900 $0 $0 Open Space Development Fees $10,700 $79,060 $0 $0 General Government Development Fees $0 $12,670 $0 $0 Fire Development Fees $0 $1,330 $0 $0 Library Development Fees $0 $2,240 $0 $0 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT FEES $792,282 $958,000 $142,400 $0 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Capital Projects Administration $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Projects $2,996,355 $3,049,016 $12,291,724 $6,382,293 Capital Contingency $400,000 $400,000 $433,710 $63,823 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND $3,396,355 $3,449,016 $12,725,434 $6,446,116 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $23,822,043 $25,753,209 $35,133,943 $29,370,412 The Height of Desert Living 87 Expenditure Summary Operating Expenditures by Division Department Division Budget Administration Town Manager $666,561 Town Clerk $134,389 Human Resources/Risk Mgmt $602,370 ** Finance $302,184 Information Technology $198,517 Legal Services $314,060 Economic Development $73,359 Downtown Development $584,276 * Contingency Reserve $294,125 Total General Fund $2,467,142 Total Excise Tax Fund* $584,276 Total Special Revenue Fund** $118,423 TOTAL OPERATING $3,169,841 Development Services Engineering $394,540 Facilities $494,122 Planning $414,022 Building Safety $254,554 Streets $1,287,711 * Total General Fund $1,557,237 Total Streets (HURF) Fund* $1,287,711 TOTAL OPERATING $2,844,948 Community Services Recreation $518,042 Community Center Operations $589,860 Senior Services $232,280 Parks-Fountain Park $384,443 Parks-Golden Eagle Park $316,577 Parks-Desert Vista Park $109,625 Parks-Four Peaks Park $124,503 Parks-Open Space/Trails $46,899 Total General Fund $2,322,230 TOTAL OPERATING $2,322,230 Law Enforcement Law $2,759,530 Total General Fund $2,759,530 TOTAL OPERATING $2,759,530 Fire & Emergency Med Fire $3,042,410 Total General Fund $3,042,410 TOTAL OPERATING $3,042,410 Total General Fund Operations $12,642,267 Total Streets Fund Operations $1,287,711 Total Excise Tax Fund Operations $584,276 Total Special Revenue Fund Operations $118,423 Total Operations $14,632,677 The Height of Desert Living 88 . Expenditure Summary All Funds Budgeted Expenditure by Account Code Gen Fund Public Development Debt Capital TOTALTOTALS HURF CCEF Excise Tax Special Rev Art Fees Service Projects ALL FUNDSOvertime $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Wages $2,740,745 $439,749 $0 $45,004 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,225,498FICA $62,338 $6,376 $0 $653 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $69,367Unemployment Insurance $4,423 $592 $0 $38 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,053Employee's Health Insurance $327,155 $76,439 $0 $3,306 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $406,900Employee's Life Insurance $7,297 $1,288 $0 $135 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,720Employee's Dental Insurance $23,102 $4,840 $0 $272 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $28,215Employee's Vision Insurance $3,435 $601 $0 $41 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,077Worker's Compensation Insurance $29,434 $26,976 $0 $104 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,514Employee's Retirement Fund $270,053 $48,372 $0 $4,950 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $323,376Disability Insurance$11,428 $2,067 $0 $212 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $13,706Total Wages & Salaries $3,479,409 $607,302 $0 $54,714 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,141,425Building Repairs & Maintenance$77,773 $1,225 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $78,998Grounds Maintenance$178,378 $33,160 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $211,538Equip. Repairs & Maint.$48,605 $33,500 $850 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $82,955Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance$54,573 $29,155 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $83,728Other Repair & Maintenance$15,671 $21,874 $0 $0 $0 $10,350 $0 $0 $0 $47,895Road Repair$0 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,000Total Repair & Maintenance$375,000 $138,914 $850 $0 $0 $10,350 $0 $0 $0 $525,114Contractual Services$5,548,296 $105,500 $0 $0 $200,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,853,796Intergovernmental Agreements$156,864 $0 $0 $0 $118,423 $0 $0 $0 $0 $275,287Audit Fees$60,000 $9,180 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $69,180Professional Fees$82,770 $600 $0 $40,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $123,370Engineering Fees$20,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,000Community Service Contracts$359,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $359,500Holiday Lighting$0 $0 $0 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,000Legal Fees$314,694 $21,400 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $336,094Total Contractual Services$6,542,124 $141,680 $0 $65,000 $318,423 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,067,226 The Height of Desert Living 89 . Expenditure Summary Gen Fund Public Development Debt Capital TOTALTOTALS HURF CCEF Excise Tax Special Rev Art Fees Service Projects ALL FUNDSLicenses, Permits & Filing Fees$79,045 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $81,045Dues & Publications$54,964 $3,830 $0 $7,826 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $66,620Training/Continuing Education$13,725 $0 $0 $1,450 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,175Meetings & Conferences$44,317 $2,400 $0 $7,525 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $54,242Equipment Rental$17,995 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $17,995Printing$22,110 $0 $0 $14,565 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $36,675Advertising/Signage$13,070 $20,400 $0 $44,980 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $78,450Constituent Communications$19,950 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $19,950Bank/Merchant Acct Charges$18,810 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $18,810Office Supplies$33,344 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $33,344Safety Supplies$3,040 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,040Operating Supplies$48,029 $8,766 $2,500 $600 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $59,895Food & Bar Supplies$1,720 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,720Program Materials$93,475 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $93,475Uniforms$7,837 $2,403 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,240Liability Insurance$290,000 $93,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $383,000Electricity Expense$382,876 $48,660 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $431,536Refuse/Recycling$12,345 $15,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $28,145Telecommunications$62,092 $10,953 $0 $324 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $73,369Water/Sewer$63,087 $61,501 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $124,588Gas & Oil Expense$42,420 $40,952 $0 $50 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $83,422Postage$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Tools, Shop Supplies$14,105 $5,650 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $19,755Software$2,800 $3,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,300Hardware & Peripherals$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Shared Revenue Contingency$294,125 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $63,823 $357,948Total Supplies & Services$1,635,281 $319,815 $2,500 $77,320 $0 $0 $0 $0 $63,823 $2,098,739Capital Expend. - Improvements$0 $0 $37,000 $11,300 $0 $10,000 $0 $0 $6,382,293 $6,440,593Total Capital $0 $0 $37,000 $11,300 $0 $10,000 $0 $0 $6,382,293 $6,440,593Debt Service$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,863,468 $0 $2,863,468Internal Service Charges$39,212 $126 $5,843$45,181Transfers$571,241 $79,875 $0 $370,100 $5,167,451 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,188,667Total Debt/Transfers $610,453 $80,001 $0 $375,943 $5,167,451 $0 $0 $2,863,468 $0 $9,097,315GRAND TOTAL $12,642,267 $1,287,711 $40,350 $584,276 $5,485,874 $20,350 $0 $2,863,468 $6,446,116 $29,370,412 The Height of Desert Living 90 The FY10-11 budget includes transfers between funds for such items as the annual debt payment on the Community Center, depreciation charges for replacing Town equipment, capital projects, etc. A schedule of interfund transfers budgeted for FY10-11 and an expla- nation of each is shown below: . Expenditure Summary Estimated Estimated Beginning Estimated Transfers Ending Fund Fund Balance Revenues Appropriations In/(Out) Fund Balance 99 Rainy Day Fund $1,310,254 $0 $0 $0 $1,310,254 100 General Fund $5,331,278 $12,552,267 $12,071,026 ($481,241)$5,331,278 200 Highway Users Rev Fund $249,600 $1,338,590 $1,207,836 ($79,875)$300,479 300 Excise Tax Fund $1,259,492 $270,629 $214,176 ($370,100)$945,845 400 Special Revenue (Grants) $0 $5,414,915 $0 ($4,136,492)$1,278,423 410 Public Art Fund $1,867 $20,416 $20,350 $10,350 $12,283 420 Court Enhancement $192,000 $19,250 $40,350 $0 $170,900 500 Proposed Bond Debt Service $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 510 G O Debt Service $61,136 $1,040,784 $1,030,813 $0 $71,108 520 Eagle Mtn CFD Debt $0 $420,084 $410,710 $0 $9,374 530 MPC Debt Service $712,082 $828,700 $1,418,630 $387,000 $509,152 540 Cottonwoods Imp Dist $0 $3,315 $3,850 $0 ($535) 600 Capital Improvement Fund $10,173,868 $66,978 $6,582,865 $4,322,301 $7,980,282 710 Development Fees-Law $202,620 $7,980 $0 $0 $210,600 720 Development Fees-Fire $40,127 $1,795 $0 $0 $41,922 730 Development Fees-Streets $161,343 $48,775 $0 $0 $210,118 740 Development Fees-Parks ($548,594)$7,425 $0 $0 ($541,169) 750 Development Fees-Open Space $1,677,023 $4,835 $0 $0 $1,681,858 760 Development Fees-Library $39,684 $875 $0 $0 $40,559 770 Development Fees-Gen Gov't $532,939 $16,910 $0 $0 $549,849 810 Vehicle Replacement (VRP) $398,318 $1,000 $125,150 $348,057 $622,225 Total $21,795,037 $22,065,523 $23,125,756 $0 $20,734,803 Fund Fund Amount Explanation 100 General Fund Special Revenue ($30,959)Transfer from General Fund for Grant Match Debt Service ($387,000)Annual Debt Payment for Community Center Public Art ($10,350)Transfer to Public Art for Maintenance Vehicle Repl ($142,932)Interfund charge for Vehicle Replacement Special Revenue $40,000 Transfer to General Fund for Court Excise Tax Fund $50,000 Transfer to General Fund for Com Serv Contracts 200 HURF Vehicle Repl ($79,875)Interfund charge for Vehicle Replacement 300 Excise Tax Fund CIP ($320,000)Transfer to CIP-Downtown Improvements General Fund ($50,000)Transfer to General Fund for Com Serv Contracts Vehicle Repl ($100)Interfund charge for Vehicle Replacement 400 Special Revenue CIP ($4,127,451)Transfer to CIP-Various projects General Fund ($40,000)Transfer to General Fund for Court Program General Fund $30,959 Transfer from General Fund for Grant Match 410 Public Art General Fund $10,350 Transfer from General Fund for Maintenance 600 Capital Improvement Fund Special Revenue $4,127,451 Transfer to CIP-Various projects Excise Tax Fund $320,000 Transfer to CIP-Downtown Improvements Vehicle Repl ($125,150)Transfer to Equipment Replacement Debt Service $0 Transfer from Debt Service 5** Debt Service General Fund $387,000 Annual Debt Payment for Community Center CIP $0 Proposed new debt service proceeds 810 Vehicle Replacement Fund General Fund $142,932 Interfund charge for Vehicle Replacement Excise Tax Fund $100 Interfund charge for Vehicle Replacement CIP $125,150 Transfer to Equipment Replacement HURF $79,875 Interfund charge for Vehicle Replacement Fiscal Year 2010-11 Explanation of Transfers Summary of Revenues, Expenditures and Transfers The Height of Desert Living 91 Expenditure Limitation Each year the Economic Estimates Commission of the State of Arizona develops ex- penditure limits for local governments in Arizona based on a formula using 1979-80 expenses adjusted for inflation and population growth. Cities and town are required to stay within the limits or incur a penalty (reduction in State Shared revenues). The final FY10-11 expenditure limitation for the Town of Fountain Hills is $28,591,378; the limit applies to FY10 expenditures of the Town (all funds) but al- lows for certain exemptions and deductions. For example, debt service payments, HURF, bond proceeds, stimulus and grant expenditures are not included when deter- mining compliance with the expenditure limitation. However, development fee and capital project expenditures are subject to the limitation. The table below is an esti- mate of the Town’s expenditure limitation, deductions and exclusions and final spending authority. Expenditure Summary $29,370,412 Exclusions from Revenues: $0 $0 $2,863,468 $11,220 $6,527,488 $0 $0 $1,763,000 $0 $275,287 $0 $0 $2,694,279 Total Exclusions $14,134,742 Expenditures subject to limitation $15,235,671 Expenditure Limitation $28,591,378 Under/(Over) Limitation $13,355,707 Refunds, Reimbursements Voter Approved Exclusions Prior Years Carryforward Received from State(LTAF, GETUM Grants) Contributions from private organization Highway User Revenues excess 1979-80 Savings Reserved for Capital Purchase (voter approved) Contracts with Other Political Subdivisions Bond Proceeds carried forward Bond Proceeds Debt Service Payments Dividends,Interest,Gains Grants EXPENDITURE LIMITATION ANALYSIS (Estimate) Total Expenditures The Height of Desert Living 92 Expenditure Summary The Fountain at Night The Height of Desert Living 93 Budget Process And Schedule Budget Process The Height of Desert Living 94 Mission of the Budget Process Communication and involvement with citizens and other stakeholders is stressed. The broad nature of the budget mission allows issues to be addressed that have lim- ited the success of budgeting in the past. Apathy is a serious illness of government; it is in the best interests of government to have involved stakeholders. The term stakeholder refers to anyone affected by or who has a stake in govern- ment. This term stakeholder includes, but is not limited to: citizens, customers, elected officials, management, employees and their representatives, businesses, vendors, other governments, and the media. It is vital that the budget processes include diverse stakeholders. Each year the Town of Fountain Hills budget is developed from the Town Council’s priorities by the Finance Department with the individual departments and the Town Manager. Meetings with each department, the Town Manager and the Finance De- partment are held during the month of March. After these meetings are completed, a proposed balanced budget is prepared for submittal to the full Town Council and public in May. Recommended Budget Practices The Town of Fountain Hills budget process is designed to meet citizens’ needs for in- formation and input; decision makers’ needs for information and advice from citizens on their desired blend of services; and the time line set by the State of Arizona through Arizona Budget Law. The Town of Fountain Hills budget process incorporates the recommended practices promulgated by the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting (NACSLB). Concurrently, Town staff apply diligent effort into improving the proc- esses, decisions and outcomes with each new budget year. The NACSLB’s practices encourage governments to consider the long term consequences of actions to ensure that impacts of budget decisions are understood over a multi-year planning horizon and to assess whether program and service levels can be sustained. Budget Definition All cities and towns in Arizona are required to adopt an annual budget. State law dictates that fiscal years begin on July 1 and end on June 30. Certain parts of the budget document such as summaries of revenues and expenditures showing two years of spending history are required by State law. A good budget process is characterized by several essential features: Incorporates a long-term perspective Establishes linkages to broad goals Focuses budget decisions on results and outcomes Budget Process The Height of Desert Living 95 Involves and promotes effective communication with stakeholders Provides incentives to government management and employees These key characteristics of good budgeting make clear that the budget process is not simply an exercise in balancing revenues and expenditures one year at a time, but is strategic in nature, encompassing a multi-year financial and operating plan that allocates resources on the basis of identified goals. A good budget process moves beyond the traditional concept of line-item expenditure control, providing in- centives and flexibility to managers that can lead to improved program efficiency and effectiveness. Principles and Elements of the Budget Process The budget process consists of four broad principles that stem from the definition and mission previously described. These principles encompass many functions that spread across a governmental organization. They reflect the fact that development of a balanced budget is a political and managerial process that also has financial and technical dimensions. Each of the principles of the budget process incorporates com- ponents or elements that represent achievable results. These elements help trans- late the guiding principles into action components. Individual budgetary practices are derived from these elements. The principles and elements provide a structure to categorize budgetary practices. Establish broad goals to guide government decision-making – a government should have broad goals that provide overall direction for the government and serve as a basis for decision-making. Assess community needs, priorities, challenges and opportunities. Identify opportunities and challenges for governmental services, capital as- sets, and management Develop and disseminate broad goals Develop approaches to achieve goals – a government should have specific policies, plans, programs, and management strategies to define how it will achieve its long-term goals. Adopt financial policies Develop programmatic, operating, and capital policies and plans Develop programs and services that are consistent with policies and plans Develop management strategies Develop a budget consistent with approaches to achieve goals – a financial Budget Process The Height of Desert Living 96 plan and budget that moves toward achievement of goals, within the con- straints of available resources, should be prepared and adopted. Develop a process for preparing and adopting a budget Develop and evaluate financial options Make choices necessary to adopt a budget Evaluate performance and make adjustments – program and financial per- formance should be continually evaluated, and adjustments made, to en- courage progress toward achieving goals. Monitor, measure, and evaluate performance Make adjustments as needed When does the “budget season” start? The budget process typically begins in January when the Finance Department begins to review current levels of service, Council goals and objectives as identified at the annual Council retreat, proposed capital improvements, and financial forecasts. In reality, the budget process for the Town is actually an ongoing process. Through- out the fiscal year, citizens and staff submit suggestions for new services, regula- tions, funding sources, and improved service delivery, as well as concerns to the Town Council and commissions for discussion, study, and/or implementation. Advi- sory boards and commissions develop plans for new or enhanced programs to be in- cluded in the following year’s budget proposal. Implementing, Monitoring, and Amending the Budget A budget is an annual planning tool - it identifies the Town’s work plan and matches the financial, material, and human resources available with the requirements to com- plete the work plan. It includes information about the organization and identifies the Council policy that directed the budget preparation. Although a budget is often dis- cussed as a financial document, the financial portion means very little without the policy and administrative information that explains what the organization intends to do with the financial resources. In July, the Town staff begins the process of implementing the newly adopted budget and is accountable for budgetary control throughout the fiscal year. Revenue and expenditure patterns are examined, compared to budget plans, and corrective ac- tion, if necessary, is taken during the fiscal year. Town management is provided with a monthly budget and activity report; the Town Council is provided a summary budget report at the end of each quarter disclosing actual revenue, expenditure, and fund balance performance as compared to the budget. The Town of Fountain Hills budget is adopted at a department level and the Capital Budget Process The Height of Desert Living 97 Improvement Plan is adopted at a project level. Control of each legally adopted an- nual budget is at the department level; the Town Manager may at any time transfer any unencumbered appropriation balance or portion thereof between general classifi- cations of expenditure (line items) within a department. The items are reduced by a like amount. At the request of the Town Manager, the Council may transfer any un- encumbered appropriation balance or portion thereof between one department to an- other. Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes, “No expenditure shall be made for a purpose not included in such budget..”. Thus a Contingency line item is included within the General Fund to accommodate most unplanned expenditures. The other option in amending the budget, according to state law, is for the Council to declare an emer- gency and then transfer the monies from one line item or department to another. In essence, any approved Council transfers do amend the budget although the budget is never reprinted. All transfers are reflected on the following year’s legal schedules as required by the Auditor General’s Office. What funds are included in this budget? The accounts of the Town are organized on the basis of funds or account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based on the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. The Town of Fountain Hills appropriates all funds in its budget process: General Fund – revenues and expenditures to carry out basic governmental activities such as police and fire, recreation, planning, legal services, administrative services, etc. (non-restricted). Special Revenue Funds – revenues derived from specific taxes or other earmarked revenue sources, usually required by statute or ordinance to finance particular activi- ties. Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF) and grants are examples of special reve- nue funds (restricted by statute). Excise Tax Revenue Funds – designated for bond payments for mountains, Civic Cen- ter phase II project, and downtown development (restricted by legislative action). Debt Service Funds – established to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest. Municipal Prop- erty Corporation (MPC) and Community Facilities District (CFD) funds are included within the debt service funds. Capital Projects Funds – to account for the purchase or construction of major capital facilities, heavy equipment, park improvements and major road improvements. The Capital Project Fund revenues are derived from excess General Fund revenues and 85% of the construction related local sales tax. Budget Process The Height of Desert Living 98 When can a citizen have input into the budget process? Town staff welcomes comments and suggestions throughout the year. The first op- portunity for the Town Council to contribute to the budget is during the annual goal setting retreat held in January. The proposed budget is presented to the public and Town Council in May at which time a public hearing is held to receive input. This is the opportunity to increase the budget for the next fiscal year before the maximum spending amount is established. Once the maximum spending amount is adopted as the tentative budget, line items can only be exchanged or decreased prior to the budget’s final adoption. Budget Schedule Budget Process Thursday, October 8, 2009 Council Strategic Planning Session Develop broad policies or ideas to drive budget process Finance submits early revenue projections to Council and Budget Committee Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Capital Improvement Program Budget Kick-off Meeting 20 year CIP/IIP distributed to Directors for review and 5 year update Overview of capital budget process Thursday, November 5, 2009 Tyler MUNIS budget refresher training Tuesday, November 10, 2009 Operating Budget Kick-off Meeting Tuesday, November 17, 2009 Directors submit requests for new/revised programs with justification Directors submit requests for new staff/reclassifications with justification Thursday, December 3, 2009 Preliminary approval from Budget Committee on program and staffing requests Thursday, December 24, 2009 Directors submit updated 5-year CIP/IIP project sheets and costs to Finance Finance begins to prepare CIP for workstudy Tuesday, January 5, 2010 Public Planning Open House on Budget (Feedback cards provided) Tuesday, January 12, 2010 Council CIP Workstudy Thursday, January 14, 2010 Council Goal Setting Workshop January 15 - 31, 2010 Department Directors communicate budget priorities to Commissions Thursday, February 4, 2010 Finance submits updated 5-year CIP/IIP to Budget Committee The Height of Desert Living 99 Budget Schedule Budget Process Thursday, February 11, 2010 Written Dept verbiage (Word Template) due to Finance Performance Budget Forms (Program level) due to Finance Deadline for input of operating budget into Tyler MUNIS February 15 - February 25, 2010 Finance prepares preliminary budget document Thursday, February 25, 2010 Finance submits preliminary Operating Budget to Budget Committee March 1 - March 25, 2010 Department Budget Meetings with Budget Committee March 29 - April 26, 2010 Finance prepares Proposed Budget Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Open House to receive public comment on budget Monday, April 26, 2010 Council receives Proposed budget April 26 - May 11, 2010 Finance meets with Councilmembers to review Proposed Budget Tuesday, May 11, 2010 Council Budget Work Study Open House to receive public comment following Work Study Thursday, May 20, 2010 Council Budget Discussion Thursday, June 3, 2010 Council Mtg-Adopt Tentative Budget (maximum expenditures) Wednesday, June 9, 16 Publish Tentative Budget in newspaper Thursday, June 17, 2010 Council Mtg- Adopt Final budget July 1 or August 5, 2010 Council Mtg-Adopt Tax Levy The Height of Desert Living 100 Sunridge Canyon Golf Course The Height of Desert Living 101 OPERATING BUDGETS MAYOR & TOWN COUNCIL MUNICIPAL COURT ADMINISTRATION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMUNITY SERVICES LAW ENFORCEMENT FIRE & EMERGENCY MEDICAL Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 102 Firerock Golf Course The Height of Desert Living 103 Mayor & Town Council The Height of Desert Living 104 Mayor and Town Council Mission Statement The Mayor and Town Council are charged with serving the best interests of the community by providing for its safety and well being; respecting its small town character and quality of life; providing superior public services; sustaining the public trust through open and responsive gov- ernment; and maintaining the stewardship and preservation of its financial and natural re- sources. Department Description The Town Council is comprised of the Mayor and six (6) Councilmembers, all of whom are elected to serve the citizens of the Town of Fountain Hills. The term of office for the Mayor is two (2) years and Councilmembers serve (4) year overlap- ping terms. The corporate powers of the Town are vested in the Council and are exercised only as directed or authorized by law via ordinance, resolution, order or motion. The Council appropriates funds and provides policy direction to Town staff. The Council appoints a Town Manager, Municipal Court Judge, Town Attorney, and Prosecut- ing Attorney. The Town Manager is responsible for the day to day administration of the Town. Council Goals and Initiatives for FY2010-2011 Goal 1 Education, Learning, and Culture: Enrich our community by providing citizens with opportuni- ties to improve their own lives and the lives of others. 1. Investigate feasibility of partnering with FHUSD and/or other learning institutions to develop a program of educational opportunities. 2. Partner with the Veterans of Foreign Wars to hold a “Freedom Series” at the Commu- nity Center highlighting the extraordinary people within our own community, with this year’s series focusing on patriots who have demonstrated sacrifice to the nation. 3. Partner with Ft. McDowell to present a “Yavapai Culture Day.” 4. Create opportunities to showcase local performing arts talent. 5. Encourage citizen development of more special events by simplifying/streamlining the Special Event Permit application and process. 6. Encourage public art and continue art walks. Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 105 Operating Budgets Goal 2 Environmental Stewardship: Enrich our community by promoting and preserving our Town’s natural assets. 1. Partner with the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission to develop educational experiences and provide a workshop to teach residents about our natural environment. 2. Rezone all Town washes as open space to provide an additional measure of protection to the washes. 3. Develop a plan to establish a storm water utility. 4. Continue to support water conservation programs, e.g., use of effluent. Goal 3 Civility: Enrich our community by promoting internal civility and promoting partnerships and other opportunities that bring citizens together and foster an atmosphere of neighborliness and cooperation. 1. Develop for Council ratification a policy regarding appropriate behavior with regard to public and internal interactions. 2. Present a civility and teamwork workshop to help Council and staff come together and improve interaction. 3. Develop and execute a program to proactively distribute factual information internally and externally by utilizing Town communication resources. 4. Partner with non-profits, HOAs and faith-based organizations to promote “Meet Your Neighbor Week.” 5. Maintain strong lines of communication with outside jurisdictions in order to identify opportunities for partnerships. Goal 4 Civic Responsibility: Enrich our community by identifying and supporting opportunities for volunteerism that meaningfully impact our quality of life, promote community pride and en- hance access to Town leadership. 1. Partner with the Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic Association to encourage participa- tion in the “Volunteer Fair.” 2. Continue to build upon the success of “Make a Difference Day.” 3. Work with the Mayor and Council to create a Community Enrichment Commission. 4. Remain engaged as a good regional and state partner to distribute information in order to inform voters 5. Remain engaged and supportive of regional and state partnerships. The Height of Desert Living 106 Operating Budgets Goal 5 Economic Vitality: Enrich our community by partnering with local and/or regional organiza- tions or citizens to promote an economically sound and sustainable environment in which to live, work, learn and play. 1. Market the Town for business location and expansion. 2. Enact land use regulations that encourage development in the downtown consistent the Downtown Vision Plan. 3. Develop and issue a Request for Proposals to investigate the feasibility of public-private partnerships in the Lakeside District. 4. Investigate opportunities to bring a college or other educational outlet, a movie theater/ entertainment venue, and a hospital to Fountain Hills. 5. Assemble a citizen Blue Ribbon Committee to develop a financial roadmap for the Town’s future. 6. Prepare an Area Specific Plan for the Shea Boulevard corridor near Saguaro Boulevard, evaluating rezoning possibilities that would increase the inventory of commercially zoned land. 7. Partner with local and/or regional groups to participate in the Arizona Centennial. Goal 6 Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure: Enrich our community by synergizing with local or regional organizations to improve and preserve our valuable public improvements. 1. Develop a fiscal plan to get us back on track with the pavement management plan. 2. Market Adopt-a-Street as an option to residents as well as businesses. 3. Explore citizen satisfaction with Town services and infrastructure. 4. Evaluate our Town’s energy, technological, and connectivity potential. Goal 7 Public Safety, Health, and Welfare: Enrich our community by developing or partnering on pro- grams that encourage citizens to actively participate in creating a safe and healthy Town. 1. In cooperation with local businesses, reintroduce a program rewarding helmet use by youths. 2. Continue “Public Safety Day” and build in more elements related to provident living. 3. Work with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office to introduce a Safe House program in Fountain Hills. 4. Hold a “Community Health and Wellness Fair” in the spring at the Community Center. 5. Actively participate with the Fountain Hills Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coali- tion to reduce substance abuse in Fountain Hills. The Height of Desert Living 107 Sister City Reception Operating Budgets Goal 8 Recreational Opportunities and Amenities: Enrich our community by developing programs or empowering local organizations or citizens to create and promote activities/events and venues for all age groups. 1. Develop an urban trail system master plan including connectivity between parks and other activity centers. 2. Begin to develop and present programs for 5-12 grade students at the Community Cen- ter in cooperation with the Boys and Girls Club. 3. Develop and begin implementing a plan for making trails more visible and better used by residents. The Height of Desert Living 108 Operating Budgets MAYOR & TOWN COUNCIL FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-11 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS Wages and Salaries $36,000 $36,000 $36,000 $52,681 $52,354 Employer FICA Expense $2,770 $2,770 $2,770 $2,996 $2,991 Unemployment Insurance Expense $310 $330 $330 $338 $338 Employee's Health Insurance $0 $0 $0 $1,558 $1,791 Employee's Life Insurance $0 $0 $0 $49 $49 Employee's Dental Insurance $0 $0 $0 $113 $113 Employee Vision Insurance $0 $0 $0 $17 $17 Worker Compensation Insurance $967 $490 $543 $534 $643 Employee's Retirement Expense $0 $0 $0 $1,835 $1,799 Disability Insurance $0 $0 $0 $248 $246 TOTAL $40,047 $39,590 $39,643 $60,368 $60,341 Dues, Subscriptions & Publications $0 $0 $0 $350 $360 Training/Continuing Education $6,100 $7,000 $11,500 $5,500 $0 Meetings & Conferences $36,389 $13,400 $11,140 $14,484 $8,480 Communications Expense $100 $0 $0 $0 $476 Professional Services $3,500 $62,000 $9,500 $0 $0 Printing $500 $700 $1,105 $400 $795 Advertising/Signage $12,700 $10,200 $8,800 $0 $0 Election Expense $16,000 $45,000 $0 $0 $0 Community Events & Programs $0 $0 $7,000 $5,200 $1,500 Office Supplies $1,825 $2,000 $4,400 $1,200 $350 Internal Service Fund Charges $0 $0 $0 $0 $125 TOTAL $77,114 $140,300 $53,445 $27,134 $12,086 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $117,161 $179,890 $93,088 $87,502 $72,427 The Height of Desert Living 109 Operating Budgets Budget Highlights - Mayor & Council (General Fund) $60,341 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Mayor’s salary is $600 per month and Councilmember’s salaries are $400 per month-$39,737 (including taxes) Portion of Executive Assistant’s salary & benefits was charged to the Council Program Budget for the first time in FY 2009-10. $12,086 Services & Supplies Participation continued in League of Arizona Cities & Towns confer- ence-$3,480 Strategic Planning and Goal Setting Workshops-$2,500 Sister Cities Dues and contributions-$1,860 Council training-$1,500 Council Meetings & Legislative Events-$500 East Valley Mayor’s Mtgs-$500 Other supplies and services-$1,621 Internal Service Charges-$125 $0 Capital Outlay No Capital Outlays budgeted in FY 2010-11 $72,427 Total The Height of Desert Living 110 The Height of Desert Living 111 Municipal Court The Height of Desert Living 112 Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 113 Operating Budgets Municipal Court Mission Statement The Fountain Hills Municipal Court is committed to professionally serving the citizens of Fountain Hills by administering justice in a fair, efficient and respectful manner, so as to en- hance public trust and community confidence in our court system. Department Description The Fountain Hills Municipal Court is the judicial branch of the Fountain Hills government. Pursuant to State law and the Town Code, decisions regarding the overall function of the Court are the sole responsibility of the Presiding Judge, who also has exclusive supervisory authority over all court personnel. The Court has jurisdiction over civil traffic, criminal traffic and crimi- nal misdemeanor offenses and violations of our Town Code and ordinances. The Court also has authority over specified juvenile offenses. In addition the Municipal Court Judge has authority to issue arrest/search warrants, civil orders of protection and injunctions against harassment. As part of the Arizona State Court System, the Fountain Hills Municipal Court is subject to the authority and administrative supervision of the Arizona Supreme Court. The Fountain Hills Municipal Court has legal obligations and reporting responsibilities to the State as well as to the Town of Fountain Hills. The Court must comply with constantly changing federal, state and local laws and administrative rules, including those relating to crimes and criminal procedure, victims’ rights, record keeping, ADA, Minimum Accounting Standards and judicial ethics. Program areas included in Municipal Court are: Administration Juvenile Compliance Protective Orders The Height of Desert Living 114 Operating Budgets FY 2009-2010 Department Accomplishments The Court utilized its newly purchased document scanner (purchased entirely with court enhancement funds), reducing storage of archived files by digitally scanning closed files from year 2000 forward. Fountain Hills Community Teen Court entered its 7th year and now includes participa- tion by middle school, as well as high school students. Reviewed collection and enforcement practices of other courts for enhancement of our own practices and procedures, and began new skip tracing tools to improve collection of fines and fees. FY 2010-2011 Department Objectives Continue the review, updating and implementing of existing and new policies, proce- dures and measures to enhance Court security and enforcement responsibilities. Pursue implementation of an in-home detention/electronic monitoring program to re- duce jail costs. Continue enhancement of the Court’s website for public access to Court information and services. The Height of Desert Living 115 Operating Budgets MUNICIPAL COURT FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-11 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS Overtime $965 $0 $0 $0 $0 Wages and Salaries $262,935 $283,000 $295,700 $314,400 $308,400 Employer FICA Expense $3,860 $4,000 $4,320 $4,348 $4,468 Unemployment Insurance Expense $300 $350 $320 $330 $340 Employee's Health Insurance $36,620 $36,500 $30,400 $35,320 $39,050 Employee's Life Insurance $1,120 $850 $960 $960 $940 Employee's Dental Insurance $3,330 $2,500 $2,490 $2,890 $2,890 Employee Vision Insurance $210 $320 $260 $290 $280 Worker Compensation Insurance $1,010 $600 $650 $630 $580 Employee's Retirement Expense $29,020 $32,000 $32,530 $34,590 $33,910 Disability Insurance $1,330 $1,300 $1,560 $1,490 $1,470 TOTAL $340,700 $361,420 $369,190 $395,248 $392,328 Dues, Subscriptions & Publications $3,550 $2,500 $3,750 $3,750 $3,750 Training/Continuing Education $800 $300 $1,000 $500 $300 Meetings & Conferences $2,200 $775 $2,000 $1,500 $500 Equipment Repairs $1,000 $600 $600 $800 $800 Communications Expense $105 $490 $550 $0 $2,379 Auditing Expense $0 $4,000 $0 $0 $5,000 Legal Fees $2,000 $2,300 $3,000 $2,000 $2,134 Printing $2,000 $1,600 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Advertising/Signage $300 $100 $300 $200 $0 Intergovernmental Agreements $4,500 $4,500 $6,100 $6,100 $4,600 Bank Charges $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 Office Supplies $4,000 $3,200 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 Internal Service Charges $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,500 TOTAL $22,955 $22,865 $25,300 $22,850 $28,963 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay - Furniture/Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $363,655 $384,285 $394,490 $418,098 $421,291 The Height of Desert Living 116 Department Division Budget Municipal Court Court Operations $421,291 Total General Fund $421,291 TOTAL OPERATING $421,291 The Height of Desert Living 117 Budget Highlights - Municipal Court (General Fund) $392,328 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefit & taxes for Presiding Judge and Court staff- $392,328 $28,963 Services & Supplies IGA’s with AZ Supreme Court-$4,600 Court share of Annual Audit-$5,000 Pro Tem judge and interpreter costs-$2,000 Printing services-$2,000 AZ Magistrate & Judicial conferences-$800 Merchant Account/Bank service charges-$2,500 State Bar, AZ Courts Assoc dues and legal publications-$3,750 Office supplies & equipment repair-$5,935 Telecom-$2,378 $0 Capital Outlay No Capital Outlays budgeted in FY 2010-11 $421,291 Total Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 118 Operating Budgets Program Budgets DEPARTMENT/DIVISION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION BUDGET Municipal Court Court Operations Administration Court Management $267,446 Juvenile Juvenile case management $19,442 Teen Court Compliance Jail Time $89,918 Community Service Program Referrals FARE-Collections Protective Orders Protective Order management and enforcement $44,485 Total $421,291 The Height of Desert Living 119 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Municipal Court Division Court Operations Program Administration Service Delivery Plan: Provide all court/judicial services mandated by constitution and statute as fairly, efficiently and effectively as possible. Activities/Outcomes: Accept/file and process all criminal misdemeanor, criminal and civil traffic and Town Code complaints. Accept/file and process motions, notices of appearance, correspondence, etc., is- suing rulings as needed. Answer phone calls regarding Court activities and requests for information. Enter and update all case information into the Court case management system. Collect and accurately receipt and enter all fine, fee, bond and restitution payments. Issue criminal summonses, arrest warrants, search warrants and subpoenas. Schedule cases on the Court calendar; hold hearings and deliver rulings/decisions. Process appeals according to time requirements. Respond to requests for public information and copies of court records. Prepare required daily, monthly, quarterly and annual reports. Prepare annual budget. Perform accounting duties regarding bank accounts, purchase cards, purchase requisitions and invoices. Monitor quality of data entry, make corrections as needed and update tables in case manage- ment system. Keep informed of legislative or rule changes impacting the Court, update procedures to com- ply with changes. Complete mandated hours of training each year. Run MVD and DPS reports daily; transmit information to agencies; research/correct errors. Maintain jury list and issue summonses for jurors as needed. Notify and report activity on juvenile cases to Maricopa County Superior Court. Notify the Arizona Dept of Liquor Licenses & Control of convictions of certain liquor violations. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Percentage of reports completed on time 85% 95% Percentage of warrants issued timely 85% 90% Percentage of errors on daily cash collection or reporting <1% 0% Productivity: Number of charges (criminal, criminal & civil traffic) filed 1,012 1,025 Number of protective orders filed/issued 152 155 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 2.75 Total Program Budget $267,446 The Height of Desert Living 120 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Municipal Court Division: Court Operations Program: Juvenile Service Delivery Plan: Provide a juvenile diversion program for first time, minor violation offenders and provide an opportunity for area teens to participate in the juvenile justice process. Activities/Outcomes: Determine which juvenile cases are eligible for Teen Court. Schedule the case for the Teen Court Calendar. Work with the Town Prosecutor to obtain the case information needed for the Teen Court Jury Enter information into Court case management system. Conduct Teen Court hearings. Monitor compliance with Teen Court consequences, making phone calls or sending notices when needed. Refer non-compliant juveniles back to Municipal Court process. Provide education and training for Teen Court participants. Provide information for individuals interested in participating in Teen Court. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Percentage of cases with consequences completed timely 95% 95% Percentage of cases returned to formal process 5% 3% Percentage of juvenile defendants returning to the Municipal Court with new charges 6% 4% Productivity: Number of cases referred to Teen court 40 45 Number of cases heard 35 40 Number of youth participants 50 60 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.30 Total Program Budget $19,442 The Height of Desert Living 121 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Municipal Court Division: Court Operations Program: Sentence and Diversion Compliance Service Delivery Plan: Effectively and efficiently monitor and enforce timely compliance with Court ordered sentenc- ing and diversion programs while holding Defendants accountable for their obligations. Activities/Outcomes: Gather sufficient financial information from Defendants to determine their ability to pay. Establish appropriate payment plans when necessary. Accurately enter all sentencing components into the Court case processing system. Monitor timely progress and completion of sentenced programs – working with various pro- gram providers to get accurate information on each individual’s progress. Monitor compliance with Probation Orders. Accurately enter all compliance/non compliance notices into the Court case processing sys- tem and issue warrants for non-compliance. Issue Orders to Show Cause for non-compliance (contempt) when needed. Run daily defensive driving reports. Enter information into case processing system. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Percentage of financial obligations paid within 6 months 80% 85% Percentage of delinquent cases referred to collections 5% 5% Percentage of Defendants who complete their sentence or diversion program by the compliance date 70% 75% Percentage of Defendants who successfully complete probation 90% 90% Percentage of Defendants who require an OSC or warrant 20% 20% Productivity: Number of payment plans issued per year 212 225 Number of Defendants completing community service in lieu of financial obligations 110 130 Number of Defendant given jail time in lieu of fines/fees 12 15 Number of Defendants sentenced to a program 248 250 Number of commitment orders issued 60 60 Number of Orders to Show Cause issued for failure to comply 86 85 Number of Probation Violation Petitions filed 16 15 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 1.30 Total Program Budget $89,918 The Height of Desert Living 122 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Municipal Court Division: Court Operations Program: Civil Protective Orders Service Delivery Plan: Provide timely access to individuals requesting civil protective orders. Activities/Outcomes: Provide protective order petitions to individuals requesting protective orders. Explain the process and answer questions. Refer individuals to various victim advocates and legal resources when appropriate. Create a case in the Court case management system, entering petition information. Generate the protective order forms. Meet with the individuals to determine if a protective order can be issued (Judge) Copy signed and sealed protective order paperwork and distribute to the petitioner and law enforcement. Enter protective order information into Court case management system. When Declaration of Service is received, enter service information into Court case manage- ment system. Send certified copies of protective order and proof of service to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office; mail copy of proof of service to Plaintiff. Set hearings for protective orders when requested by a Defendant or Plaintiff. Arrange for security from MCSO for hearing date and time. Hold hearings to determine whether the order should remain in effect or be dismissed (Judge) Make audio copies of hearings if requested by a party. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of errors showing on Protective Order exception report 1 0 Productivity: Number of protective orders petitions filed 154 155 Number of protective orders issued 122 125 Number of protective orders denied 32 35 Number of protective order hearings requested 70 75 Number of protective order hearings held 38 40 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.65 Total Program Budget $44,485 The Height of Desert Living 123 Administration The Height of Desert Living 124 Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 125 Operating Budgets Administration Mission Statement The Administration Department is dedicated to serving the citizens of Fountain Hills by provid- ing Administrative direction and support to the Town Departments. Administration provides accurate and current information on Council legislation and administrative actions; provides for the delivery of comprehensive financial services to internal and external customers; provides legal advice and support to Town staff; reaches out to political leaders and geographical neighbors to continue to grow relationships in the best interests of the Town and enhances the Town’s economic base through business attraction, retention and business vitality activities. Department Description The Administration Department is made up of seven (7) Divisions; Town Manager, Town Clerk, Human Resources/Risk Management, Finance, Information Technology, Legal Services and Economic Development. The Town Manager provides direct supervision over the Town Clerk, Human Resources/Risk Management, Legal Services and Economic Development. The Deputy Town Manager is responsible for Finance and Information Technology. Program areas included in Administration are: Town Manager Administration Accounting Strategic Planning Audit Community Contracts Budget Contingency Customer Service/Cashiering Town Clerk Administration Licensing Elections Purchasing Legislation Information Technology Administration Records Management Website/Channel 11 Maintenance HR/Risk Management Administration Hardware/Network Maintenance Payroll Technical Support Recruitment Video Services Risk Management Town Attorney Volunteers Public Defender Training Prosecutor Special Transportation Services Economic Development Finance Administration Downtown Development Treasury/Banking The Height of Desert Living 126 Operating Budgets FY 2009-2010 Department Accomplishments Successful conversion to new accounting, finance, budget, purchasing, licensing and permitting software. Continued expansion of the program performance budgeting concept. Crafted a Comprehensive Fee schedule for Council adoption. Created and produced “Savory Spots” restaurant guide for visitors and residents. Worked with Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce on public/private partnership to cre- ate a “Downtown Vision Plan”. Enhanced the Town website by bringing administration in-house versus having a hosted service. In coordination with the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission, completed a major update of the Town’s strategic plan. Conducted joint legislative meetings with Fountain Hills School District and the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation. Organized and hosted the first annual “Make a Difference Day” event. Successful implementation of the Vehicle Replacement funding program. FY 2010-2011 Department Objectives Develop for Town Council ratification a policy regarding appropriate behavior with re- gard to public and internal interactions. Partner with non-profits, HOA’s and faith-based organizations to promote “Meet Your Neighbor Week” Market the Town for business location and expansion. Develop and issue a Request for Proposals to investigate the feasibility of public-private partnerships in the new Lakeside District Partner with local and/or regional groups to participate in the Arizona Centennial Partner with Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation to present a “Yavapai Culture Day” Continue to build upon the success of Make a Difference Day Develop a long term fiscal plan to get the Town on track with the Pavement Manage- ment Plan. Explore citizen satisfaction with Town services and infrastructure. Investigate the possibilities of a private/public partnership in the Lakeside District. Assemble a citizen committee to assist in developing a financial roadmap for the Town’s future. Assist in the Town’s plan to develop a Stormwater Utility. Conduct a comprehensive fee study and make recommendation to Council on a Town wide user fee subsidy policy. Investigate opportunities to bring an educational outlet, a movie theater/entertainment venue and a hospital to Town. Research, purchase and install a replacement e-mail server. The Height of Desert Living 127 Operating Budgets ADMINISTRATION FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS: Overtime $1,051 $1,000 $2,000 $0 $0 Wages and Salaries $748,349 $851,352 $822,959 $816,059 $680,136 Employer FICA Expense $16,000 $18,640 $18,220 $17,032 $13,765 Unemployment Insurance Expense $900 $960 $1,028 $918 $766 Employee's Health Insurance $54,400 $67,328 $62,685 $64,746 $70,465 Employee's Life Insurance $2,900 $2,121 $2,358 $2,168 $1,853 Employee's Dental Insurance $5,300 $4,619 $6,044 $5,617 $5,260 Employee Vision Insurance $800 $813 $1,131 $708 $570 Worker Compensation Insurance $3,800 $2,882 $2,389 $2,061 $1,573 Employee's Retirement Expense $77,000 $85,698 $83,593 $87,099 $73,002 Disability Insurance $3,500 $3,805 $4,033 $3,395 $2,901 TOTAL $914,000 $1,039,218 $1,006,440 $999,803 $850,291 Licenses/Filing Fees $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $75,700 $75,700 Dues & Publications $46,497 $55,840 $52,550 $32,838 $41,657 Training/Continuing Education $15,200 $11,600 $12,420 $4,350 $13,425 Meetings & Conferences $18,160 $9,149 $14,099 $33,706 $20,437 Vehicle Maintenance $1,250 $310 $0 $708 $500 Equipment Repair & Maintenance $51,100 $56,000 $55,639 $38,100 $6,070 Telecommunications $68,983 $71,318 $63,499 $59,896 $12,718 Water/Sewer Expense $0$0$0$0$0 Gas & Oil Expense $3,130 $2,100 $3,000 $1,500 $1,450 Audit Fees $30,800 $40,000 $28,107 $69,000 $55,000 Professional Fees $58,560 $160,250 $82,455 $49,220 $31,016 Legal Fees $347,000 $350,000 $339,500 $360,804 $312,560 Insurance Expense $340,050 $350,000 $318,400 $325,000 $290,000 Rents & Leases $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Printing $22,625 $4,300 $9,681 $36,408 $14,230 Advertising, Promotion & Events $13,950 $11,500 $18,950 $15,795 $12,110 Emergency Management $1,655 $2,050 $2,050 $0 $0 Intergovernmental Agreements $0 $0 $0 $90,000 $0 Constituent Communications $82,300 $105,506 $68,500 $33,400 $0 Bank/Merchant Acct Fees $6,992 $16,000 $10,850 $8,350 $11,040 Community Service Contracts $339,000 $433,500 $480,600 $505,814 $358,000 Office Supplies $29,378 $41,750 $23,900 $14,437 $4,550 Postage $27,340 $18,000 $14,040 $16,755 $0 Operating Supplies $0 $0 $0 $4,823 $1,225 Program Materials $0 $0 $0 $17,252 $10,991 Small Tools & Equipment $0 $0 $0 $1,700 $0 Software $0 $0 $0 $4,200 $2,800 Hardware & Peripherals $0 $0 $0 $2,265 $0 Shared Revenue Contingency Reserve $300,000 $0 $145,000 $150,000 $294,125 Internal Service Charges $0 $0 $0 $0 $12,080 TOTAL $1,828,970 $1,764,173 $1,768,240 $1,952,021 $1,581,683 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay - Equipment $3,000 $4,661 $0 $0 $0 Capital Outlay - Computers $22,100 $35,000 $32,400 $0 $0 Capital Outlay - Software $135,000 $200,000 $101,201 $0 $0 Capital Outlay - Communications $12,000 $125,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $172,100 $364,661 $133,601 $0 $0 Transfer to Special Revenue $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,959 Transfer to CIP $0 $0 $200,000 $100,000 $0 Transfer to VRF $0 $0 $0 $2,984 $4,209 TOTAL $0 $0 $200,000 $102,984 $35,168 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay-Vehicles $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Outlay-Furniture/Equip $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Improvements-Town Hall $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,915,070 $3,168,052 $3,108,281 $3,054,808 $2,467,142 The Height of Desert Living 128 “The Enduring Family” Operating Budgets Department Division Budget Administration Town Manager $666,561 Town Clerk $134,389 Human Resources/Risk Mgmt $602,370 ** Finance $302,184 Information Technology $198,517 Legal Services $314,060 Economic Development $73,359 Downtown Development $584,276 * Contingency Reserve $294,125 Total General Fund $2,467,142 Total Excise Tax Fund* $584,276 Total Special Revenue Fund** $118,423 TOTAL OPERATING $3,169,841 The Height of Desert Living 129 Operating Budgets Budget Highlights - Town Manager (General Fund) $274,145 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for Town Manager and a portion of Deputy Town Manager and Executive Assistant-$274,145 $389,431 Services & Supplies ICMA, ACMA, MAG, IAAP Memberships-$17,421 Legislative Meetings, AzGAM, 3CMA-$4,799 Community Service Contracts-$357,140 Office Supplies & Equipment Repair-$1,070 Vehicle Fuel & Maintenance-$1,500 ICMA & East Valley Managers’ Meetings-$4,575 Telecom-$1,701 Office Supplies-$750 Internal Service Charges-$475 $2,985 Transfers to Vehicle Replacement Fund $666,561 Total The Height of Desert Living 130 Budget Highlights - Town Clerk (General Fund) $98,850 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for Town Clerk staff-$98,850 $35,539 Services & Supplies Contractual Services, printing & advertising costs to conduct November election-$17,762 Advertising text amendments to Code-$4,000 Council meeting audio transcription-$5,508 AMCA, IIMC and Notary dues-$425 ACMA, IIMC, Adobe, conferences & training-$2,870 Office supplies-$400 Telecom-$475 Internal Service Charges-$4,099 $134,389 Total The Height of Desert Living 131 Budget Highlights - Human Resources/Risk Mgmt (General Fund) $120,708 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for Human Resources Administrator and Volunteer Coordinator-$120,708 $363,239 Services & Supplies Operating Supplies for Volunteer Program-$9,990 Liability Insurance-$290,000 Payroll Processing & Tax Reporting-$11,431 Program materials for Human Resources activities-$3,000 HR Law and Insurance update dues-$1,647 Town wide training-$13,425 Telecom-$1,427 Internal Service Charges-$1,360 $30,959 Transfer to Special Revenue Town share of Special Trans Program-$30,959 $483,947 Total Budget Highlights - Human Resources/Risk Mgmt Special Transportation (Special Revenue Fund) The Height of Desert Living 132 Budget Highlights - Finance (General Fund) $216,921 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for Treasury, Finance, Accounting, Pur- chasing, Licensing, and Customer Service staff and a portion of Dep- uty Town Manager/Finance Director-$216,921 $85,262 Services & Supplies ACMA, ALTA, Treasurers, GFOA, GFOAAZ memberships-$2,590 GFOAAZ conference-$1,245 Annual Independent Audit-$25,000 Sales Tax Auditor-$30,000 Telecom-$4,312 Printing of CAFR and Budget-$2,400 Publishing budget in newspaper-$500 Office supplies-$2,825 Directories & Publications-$2,287 Bank Fees-$11,040 Internal Service Charges-$3,064 $302,184 Total Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 133 Budget Highlights - Information Technology (General Fund) $103,191 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for IT Coordinator and IT Technician- $103,191 $95,326 Services & Supplies Software-$2,800 Equipment Maintenance-$5,000 Software subscription/hosting services-$8,499 Software Licenses-$74,800 Telecom-$3,527 Office and Operating supplies-$700 $198,517 Total Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 134 Administration Budget Highlights-Legal Services (General Fund) $314,060 Services & Supplies Town Attorney-$168,000 Outside Council-$24,600 Public Defender-$9,960 Town Prosecutor-$110,000 Law book subscription-$1,500 $314,060 Total Administration Budget Highlights-Operational Support (General Fund) $294,125 Services & Supplies Contingency Reserve-$294,125 $294,125 Total The Height of Desert Living 135 Budget Highlights - Economic Development (General Fund) $36,475 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for portion of Economic Development Ad- ministrator-$36,475 $36,884 Services & Supplies 1/2 GPEC membership-$5,422 AAED, IEDC, ICMA Memberships and publications-$3,564 AAED, IEDC, AAED, conferences & meetings-$6,755 Design Services for marketing pieces-$5,000 Marketing pieces and Fact Book folders-$4,065 Telecom-$1,275 Advertising-$6,270 Office and miscellaneous supplies-$3,482 $73,359 Total Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 136 Budget Highlights - Downtown Development (Excise Tax Fund) $54,714 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for portion of Economic Development Ad- ministrator-$54,714 $159,562 Services & Supplies Directories & reports-$2,404 ACT training, Town Center Group Meetings-$1,450 Consultant services for Skillset, and Sectors studies-$30,000 Holiday lighting-$25,000 Marketing pieces and Fact Book folders-$14,565 Advertising and signage-$44,980 1/2 GPEC dues-$5,422 AAED Conferences-$7,525 Parking study-$10,000 Highway signage-$11,300 Internal Service Charges-$5,842 Office supplies-$1,074 $320,000 Transfer to Capital Projects for Downtown Vision Plan $50,000 Transfer to General Fund for Community Service Contracts $584,276 Total Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 137 Budget Highlights - Combined Economic/Downtown Development $91,189 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for portion of Economic Development Ad- ministrator-$91,189 $196,446 Services & Supplies Claritas Report ($1,500) Retail Tenant Directory ($1,395) Retail Lease Trac ($975) Worldwide Tradeshow Directory ($500) AZ Manuafacturers Directory ($116) & other reports ($538)-$5,024 AAED ($250). IEDC ($345), ICSC ($100) National Maint St ($250) GPEC ($10,843) membership-$11,788 ACT training ($950) & other ED Training ($500)-$1,450 AAED ($3,000) IEDC ($2,500), AAED Conferences-$5,500 Town Ctr Grp Mtgs ($3,300), ED Mtgs ($4,000) AAED Planning Re- treat & mtgs ($1,480)-$8,780 Planning Contract ($40,000) Parking study ($10,000) Design for Marketing pieces ($10,000) Downtown Study ($25,000)-$85,000 Holiday lighting-$25,000 Printing Marketing pieces/Fact Book folders ($18,000) and other printing ($630)-$18,630 ICSC Adv ($12,000) Nat’l Rest Assoc ($10,410) Adv Med Smart Brief ($10,200) Recon-SCT ($1,990) Downtown Ads ($5,000) Trade- shows & ULI ($11,300) Recon On-Line Advertising ($350) -$51,250 Highway signage-$11,300 Internal Service Charges-$9,425 Office supplies-$1,200 Telecom-$1,599 Gas & Oil-$500 $320,000 Transfer to Capital Projects for Downtown Projects $50,000 Transfer to General Fund for Community Service Contracts $657,635 Total The Height of Desert Living 138 Operating Budgets Program Budgets DEPARTMENT/DIVISION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION BUDGET Administration Town Manager Administration Town Management $285,388 eFountain Program Admin Press Releases Media Communications Strategic Planning Strategic plan update $18,533 Community Contracts Management of Community Service Contracts $362,640 Contingency Contingency Reserve $294,125 Town Clerk Administration Town Clerk Administration $34,414 Elections Elections Management $41,042 Legislation Agenda/Meeting/Minutes Coordination $39,163 Records Management Records Management $19,770 HR/Risk Management Administration HR Administration $93,031 Payroll Payroll Processing $15,118 Recruitment Recruitment & Vacancy control $2,559 Risk Management Workers Comp Admin $328,131 Liability Insurance Volunteers Volunteer Program Administration $31,685 Training Town Wide Training Expenditures $13,425 The Height of Desert Living 139 Operating Budgets Program Budgets DEPARTMENT/DIVISION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION BUDGET Administration Finance Administration Finance Administration $35,911 Treasury/Banking Banking Services $27,103 Investment Mgmt Accounting Accounts Receivable $36,896 Accounts Payable Financial Statements Audit Annual External Audit $71,160 Sales Tax Audits Budget Operating Budget Preparation $45,946 Capital Improvement Budget Cust Service/Cashiering Central Switchboard $27,393 Cashiering Mail Service Licensing Business Licensing $23,617 Alcohol Permits Alarm Licenses Peddler/Solicitor Licenses Purchasing Requisition Processing $34,157 Purchase Orders Contracts Administration P-Cards Administration Information Technology Administration IT Administration $14,396 Website/Channel 11 Web Site Maintenance $15,120 Hosting Channel 11 Hardware/Network Admin Computer Hardware Maintenance $105,567 Computer Software Licensing & Maintenance Network Administration Technical Support Technical support for Town staff $55,578 Videoproduction Services Council & Other Meeting Videorecording/Production $7,856 The Height of Desert Living 140 Operating Budgets Program Budgets DEPARTMENT/DIVISION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION BUDGET Administration Legal Services Town Attorney Town Attorney Services $194,100 Public Defender Public Defender Services $9,960 Prosecutor Town Prosecutor Services $110,000 Economic Development Administration Business Attraction & Recruitment $73,359 Business Retention Total $2,467,142 The Height of Desert Living 141 Operating Budgets Program Budgets DEPARTMENT/DIVISION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION BUDGET Administration Excise Tax Fund Economic Development Downtown Development Town Center organization activities $584,276 Business Attraction & Recruitment Business Retention Total TOTAL $584,276 Special Revenue Fund Human Resources/Risk Mgmt Special Transportation Give A Lift $118,423 RideSource/Valley Metro Total $118,423 The Height of Desert Living 142 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Town Manager Program: Administration Service Delivery Plan: Provide leadership to ensure a high quality of life for the citizens of Fountain Hills by utilizing Town resources to the greatest extent possible and offering superior service. Activities/Outcomes: Make dedicated efforts to achieve Council goals for FY 2010-11. Accomplish directives assigned by the Town Council. Ensure appropriate use of FY 2010-11 budget authorization. Provide leadership and direction to staff. Maintain accreditation as an ICMA credentialed manager. Build relationships with citizens and organizations in Fountain Hills. Build intergovernmental relationships. Oversee contracted community services Facilitate Council and Staff workshops Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Council Goals Percent Accomplished 98% 100% Productivity: Number of Council Goals managed 13 8 Number of AveNEWS produced annually n/a 12 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 1.95 Total Program Budget $285,388 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Town Manager Program: Administration Service Delivery Plan: Provide leadership to ensure a high quality of life for the citizens of Fountain Hills by utilizing Town resources to the greatest extent possible and offering superior service. Activities/Outcomes: Make dedicated efforts to achieve Council goals for FY 2010-11. Accomplish directives assigned by the Town Council. Ensure appropriate use of FY 2010-11 budget authorization. Provide leadership and direction to staff. Maintain accreditation as an ICMA credentialed manager. Build relationships with citizens and organizations in Fountain Hills. Build intergovernmental relationships. Oversee contracted community services Facilitate Council and Staff workshops Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Council Goals Percent Accomplished 98% 100% Productivity: Number of Council Goals managed 13 8 Number of AveNEWS produced annually n/a 12 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 1.95 Total Program Budget $285,388 The Height of Desert Living 143 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division Town Manager Program: Strategic Planning Service Delivery Plan: Working in conjunction with the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (SPAC), continue to successfully implement the Strategic Plan Activities: Annually review the strategic plan and propose adjustments as necessary. Facilitate the establishment of annual Council Goals. Develop an annual action plan and monitor implementation. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: % of Civility Key Performance Questions answered affirmatively - 100% % of Civic Responsibility Key Performance Questions answered affirmatively - 100% % of Environmental Stewardship Key Performance Questions answered affirmatively - 100% % of Education, Learning and Culture Key Performance Questions answered affirmatively - 100% % of Economic Development Key Performance Questions answered affirmatively - 100% % of Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure Key Performance Questions answered affirmatively - 100% % of Recreational Opportunities and Amenities Key Performance Questions answered affirmatively - 100% % of Public Safety, Health and Welfare Key Performance Questions answered affirmatively - 100% Productivity: Number of annual achievements report completed reflecting implementation of strategic plan - 1 Number of SPAC meetings 18 12 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.15 Total Program Budget $18,533 The Height of Desert Living 144 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Town Manager Program: Community Contracts Service Delivery Plan: Provide citizens, in partnership with community organizations, youth services, promotion of youth arts, social services, and tourism related activities. Activities/Outcome: Provide classes aimed toward teens through a Teen Center minimum six days per week Provide youth opportunities for community service, production of youth theater, theater camps Provide food and non-food assistance to low-income Fountain Hills residents Effectively operate a tourism program which focuses on state and local markets for day or weekend trips to Fountain Hills Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Media value for every $1 invested in PR services $19.89 $19.89 Outlet for community service hours 9,378 9,400 Productivity: Total number of advertising impressions (in millions) $6.2 $9.3 Number of youth theater shows for Fountain Hills youth 5 5 Number of theater participants 1,544 1,600 Number of Fountain Hills residents provided food 10,365 10,300 Number of Fountain Hills residents referred for non food assistance 11,414 11,500 Number of Fountain Hills teens served annually 340 350 Number of classes provided 90 90 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.05 Total Program Budget $362,640 The Height of Desert Living 145 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division Town Clerk Program: Administration Service Delivery Plan: The Town Clerk serves both internal and external customers in an impartial, confidential, effi- cient, trustworthy and friendly manner. Activities/Outcomes: Monitor division budget expenditures and process the daily business of the Town. Interact and respond to requests from elected officials, staff and the public. Perform duties as the Town’s filing agent of record relating to claims and legal documents. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Percentage of expenditures within budget 100% 100% Percentage of Financial Disclosure Statements received by filing deadline 100% 100% Productivity: Number of legal requests tracked 40 45 Number of notarial services provided 45 45 Number of Financial Disclosure Statements filed 13 7 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.30 Total Program Budget $34,414 The Height of Desert Living 146 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Town Clerk Program: Elections Service Delivery Plan: Serve as the Town’s election official; conduct municipal elections and all related activities in the most efficient and effective manner in full compliance with all applicable State statutes and Town Code provisions. Activities/Outcomes: Coordinate election actions/paperwork with Maricopa County Elections, the Town Attorney, staff, and vendors as required by state law, including processing related invoices for payment of services. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Percentage of voter turnout 31% 31% (avg. rate of return for municipal elections) Percentage of election canvasses completed 100% 100% (within statutory requirements) Percentage of political committee campaign finance reports posted on the Town’s website 100% 100% (within statutory requirements) Productivity: Number of municipal elections held 2 1 Number of political committee campaign finance reports received and processed 43 6 Number of Registered Voters at close of registration 16,146 16,953 Number of Voters on the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) 6,829 7,100 Number of Pro/Con arguments processed 2 4 Number of Council Candidate Nomination Packets distributed 8 0 Number of Council Candidate Nomination Packets Processed 6 0 Number of Political Committee packets distributed 0 2 Number of Political Committee packets processed 0 2 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.20 Total Program Budget $41,042 The Height of Desert Living 147 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Town Clerk Program: Legislation Service Delivery Plan: Provide support to the Mayor and Council for all Council meetings and ensuring compliance with applicable State law and Town policies; thereby aiding in the delivery of effective govern- ment to Town residents. Activities/Outcomes: Prepare and post notices for all Council attended non-official events, public meetings and Town Council meeting agendas required by State law. Coordinate receipt of individual department packet materials and prepare the electronic agenda packet. Prepare and/or review draft Town Council meeting minutes for approval submission. Process the Town’s business according to statutory requirements. Coordinate the Council’s selection and appointment process of Board/Commission applicants with support staff. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: % of agendas posted within statutory requirement % of approved Council meeting minutes posted on 100% 100% the Town’s website within statutory requirement 100% 100% % of post action agenda notices (Council Action) posted on the Town’s website within statutory requirement 100% 100% Productivity: Number of agendas/packets prepared 36 36 Number of agendas items 190 195 Number of meeting minutes placed on the web within 2 business days after approval 36 36 Number of Post Action Agenda Notices placed on the web within 3 business days after the meeting 36 36 Number of Executive Sessions 1 2 Number of Contracts processed 19 19 Number of Resolutions processed 30 30 Number of Ordinances processed 10 10 Number of Town Code amendments processed 4 4 Number of Board and Commission appointments 20 24 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.30 Total Program Budget $39,163 The Height of Desert Living 148 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Town Clerk Program: Records Service Delivery Plan: Maintain documents necessary for the effective administration and operation of the municipal government. Activities/Outcomes: Coordinate with support staff, the retention and destruction of records according to State law. Submit destruction certificates to the Records Management Division of the AZ State Library, Archives & Public Records. Coordinate posting of resolutions, ordinances, and proclamations for placement on the Town’s website. Coordinate requests for public records in a timely manner as required by State law. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: % of public requests responded to within statutory requirements 100% 100% % of resolutions placed on the Town’s website within 3 business days of approval 100% 100% % of ordinances placed on the Town’s website within 3 business days of approval 100% 100% % of proclamations placed on the Town’s website within 3 business days of the reading 100% 100% Productivity: Number of resolutions placed on the web 30 25 Number of ordinances placed on the web 10 10 Number of proclamations placed on the web 15 15 Number of record/destruction certificates processed 8 8 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.20 Total Program Budget $19,770 The Height of Desert Living 149 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Human Resources/Risk Management Program: Administration Service Delivery Plan: Provide employees with an optimal work environment for obtaining sustained high productiv- ity, continuous improvement, organizational renewal and exceptional customer service. Sus- tain an environment that supports the efforts of all employees to realize to the extent possible, their professional potential. Provide opportunities for personal enrichment and promote indi- vidual well-being. Provide a workplace free from any form of harassment, intimidation, or unlawful discrimination. Establish and maintain a work environment that promotes mutually respectful interactions between supervisor and the person supervised, and among employees. Activities/Outcomes: Development and implementation of policies and procedures. Management of grievances Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Turnover 3.4% 4.5% Productivity: Number of grievances filed 1 0 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.50 Total Program Budget $93,031 The Height of Desert Living 150 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Human Resources/Risk Management Program: Payroll Service Delivery Plan: Provide Town employees with accurate and timely paychecks. Activities/Outcomes: Process 26 payrolls annually. Maintain compensation compliance. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of voided checks processed due to errors 0 0 Productivity: Number of payrolls processed annually 26 26 Number of timecards processed annually 2,756 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.05 Total Program Budget $15,118 The Height of Desert Living 151 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Human Resources/Risk Management Program: Recruitment Service Delivery Plan: Recruit and select applicants with excellent qualifications using effective and efficient applica- tion and selection tools. Activities/Outcomes: Keep job descriptions up-to-date. Place ads where they will be most visible and cost effective. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Voluntary Terminations 2 4 Involuntary Terminations 14 1 Productivity: Average time to fill Job Openings 5.5 weeks 5 weeks Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.02 Total Program Budget $2,559 The Height of Desert Living 152 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Human Resources/Risk Management Program: Risk Management Service Delivery Plan: Provide a safe work environment for all employees. Activities/Outcomes: Safety training provided on a regular basis throughout the year. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of worker’s comp claims managed with no time lost from work 2 2 Assist to maintain Town of Fountain Hills Experience Modifier (EMOD) of 1.0 or less .95 (100%) 100% Productivity: Number of worker’s compensation claims filed annually 3 5 EEOC Claims filed annually 0 0 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.35 Total Program Budget $328,131 The Height of Desert Living 153 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Human Resources/Risk Management Program: Volunteers Service Delivery Plan: The Town of Fountain Hills Volunteer Program presents an avenue by which the Town and its residents can work together to provide enhanced services to the community, personnel cost savings, as well as opportunities for volunteers to utilize their talents. Activities/Outcomes: Recruit, interview, select, train, motivate and directly or indirectly supervise all volunteers in the Town of Fountain Hills’ comprehensive volunteer program. Develop and maintain two volunteer databases: general and transportation. Manage and develop Make a Difference Day by utilizing planning committee, community part- ners, staff and volunteers. Plan, develop, coordinate, and implement annual Volunteer Reception and coordinate plan- ning committee. Ensure proper placement of volunteers, develop job descriptions and work with staff who re- quest volunteers and interns. Create, develop and implement comprehensive communications with volunteers through newsletters, correspondence, telephone calls, emails and meetings. Speak on behalf of the volunteer program as requested by community organizations and clubs. Develop and co-manage Annual Community Volunteer Fair with FH Cultural & Civic Associa- tion. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Monies saved Town by Volunteers $428,898* $500,000 Productivity: Number of registered Volunteers 636 700 Senior Services Volunteers hours 2,538 2,665 Number of Special Events hours 2,616 2,000 Number of Parks/Recreation hours 4,449 4,500 Number of Home Delivered Meals hours 4,236 5,000 Number of Front Desk hours 2,546 2,600 Number of Adopt-A-Street hours 1,277 1,300 Number of Clerical Support hours 974 1,000 Number of other Volunteer hours 2,072 2,090 *State of Arizona hourly volunteer value $18.73 (1997) Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.53 Total Program Budget $31,685 The Height of Desert Living 154 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Human Resources/Risk Management Program: Training Service Delivery Plan: Develop and enhance the knowledge base of our workforce. Activities/Outcomes: Monitor and update employee policies Survey vendors that offer training programs Hold bimonthly All Employee Meetings Educate and encourage staff on Innovation Program Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Employee Manual policies approved by Council 0 5 Average cost per employee trained 0 $463 Innovative Awards Received 1 2 Productivity: Number of Employee Manual policy updates 0 5 Number of trainings offered 0 22 Number of training participants 0 29 Number of All Employee Meetings 3 6 Number of Innovative Ideas submitted 19 20 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.00 Total Program Budget $13,425 The Height of Desert Living 155 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Finance Program: Administration Service Delivery Plan: Provide efficient and cost effective financial oversight of both the short and long term compo- nents of the Town’s functions Activities/Outcomes: Supervise all finance programs and manage financial policy development. Update Town Council on financial issues. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Actual revenue versus forecast 93% 95% Public meetings on finances 6 6 Town’s bond rating AA3 AA3 Productivity: Number of finance reports to council 4 4 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.30 Total Program Budget $35,911 The Height of Desert Living 156 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Finance Program: Treasury/Banking Service Delivery Plan: Provide safe, secure and effective cash, banking, merchant service, tax service and debt ser- vice administration for the Town. Activities/Outcomes: Maintain bank, merchant account and fiscal agent liaison Provide daily cash management and banking service for all departments Provide funds transfer/ACH and Fed Wire services for all departments Prepare and maintain semi-annual debt services schedules Make debt service wire transfers on a timely basis. Manage positive pay entry/uploads and exceptions Prepare monthly Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) Filing Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Percent of debt service payments make timely 100% 100% Average interest earnings 0.35% 0.2% Productivity: Bank deposits processed annually 208 208 Credit card batches processed annually 4,084 4,100 Wires/ACHs/Transfers processed annually 160 160 Number of checks deposited annually 6,864 6,900 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.30 Total Program Budget $27,103 The Height of Desert Living 157 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Finance Program: Accounting Service Delivery Plan: Provide the Town with efficient and cost effective accounts receivable, accounts payable, and general ledger services. Activities/Outcome: Process, approve and post cash receipts entry daily. Reconcile bank accounts monthly. Process, approve and post journal entries for all transactions other than cash receipts as they occur. Process accounts payable bi-monthly Process employee benefit payments monthly Bill accounts receivable as activities occur. Reconcile balance sheet and revenue accounts monthly or as needed. Complete month end/year end close procedures. Reconcile and maintain fixed asset records. Maintain vehicle replacement program. Prepare Fuel Inventory Process/Reconcile PCard Charges Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of correcting journal entries on cash receipts 2 2 Productivity: Number of cash receipts batches processed annually 208 208 Number of bank reconciliations annually 84 84 Number of journal entries processed annually 144 144 Number of accounts receivable invoices processed annually 17 90 Number of balance sheet/revenue accounts reconciled annually 536 536 Invoices Paid 1,680 1,700 A/P checks issued 1,540 1,560 PCard charges imported 1,495 1,620 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.60 Total Program Budget $36,896 The Height of Desert Living 158 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Finance Program: Audit Service Delivery Plan: Staff select, coordinate, and prepare worksheets for the town’s external financial and sales tax auditors. The financial auditor reviews the town’s financial statements and issues an opinion on the accuracy of the town’s statements. Staff also ensures that the external auditor is inde- pendent, meaning no conflicts of interest exist that interferes with the auditor’s ability to is- sue an opinion on the town’s financial statements. The sales tax auditor reviews local sales tax receipts to ensure that all taxes that are owed to the town are paid. Activities/Outcomes: Solicit and coordinate annual financial audit, including issuing Requests for Quotations (RFQ’s) and monitoring contracts. Solicit and coordinate annual sales tax audit plan, including issuing Requests for Quotations (RFQ’s) monitoring contracts, analyzing sales tax and monitoring legislation, etc. Canvas all residential rentals for revenue leakage. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Financial statements opinion Unqualified Unqualified Auditor findings 0 0 GFOA Awards 13 14 Productivity: Sales tax assessments made annually $30,000 $50,000 Collections from assessments $30,000 $50,000 Audit Worksheets prepared 15 15 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.15 Total Program Budget $71,160 The Height of Desert Living 159 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Finance Program: Budget Service Delivery Plan: Prepare revenue estimates, coordinates budget preparation, communicates Council goals ob- jectives and priorities, compiles budget data, conducts Budget Committee meetings, presents budget to Council and at Public Meetings, insures the accuracy of data, and compiles the ten- tative and final budget documents. Activities/Outcomes: Prepare estimates of future revenues and expenditures. Coordinates budget preparation Conducts Budget Committee Meetings Presents budget to Council Compiles budget document for publication Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: GFOA Budget Presentation Awards 7 8 Percent deviation from budget schedule 10% 0% Productivity: Number of Council budget agendas 6 6 Number of public meetings on budget 2 3 Number of Council Study Sessions on budget 2 1 Number of Council Goal Setting meetings held 1 1 Number of funds budgeted 17 17 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.50 Total Program Budget $45,946 The Height of Desert Living 160 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Finance Program: Customer Service/Cashiering Service Delivery Plan: Be the first point of contact for citizens visiting Town Hall. Ensure excellent customer service through fast and accurate processing of Town licenses. Greet all Town visitors. Coordinate general inquiries from CRM program and answer telephone calls to Town Hall. Activities/Outcomes: Answer central telephone switchboard. Assist walk in customers/give directions. Process CRM requests/requests for public information. Process all cash/checks/credit cards in POS system. Process all incoming/outgoing mail/faxes/Audit postage machine usage. Perform notarizations/verify certificates of insurance. Maintain telephone/council/commission lists. Create holiday closing signs/telephone messages. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of annual cash discrepancies 4 3 Productivity: Number of walk in visitors – average per day 25 30 Number of telephone calls – average per day 40 30 Number of business license payment transactions 2,231 2,237 Number of requests for public information 120 130 Number of notarizations 328 350 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.50 Total Program Budget $27,393 The Height of Desert Living 161 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Finance Program: Licensing Service Delivery Plan: Provide residents and businesses with the highest quality of business licensing service deliv- ered with a sense of timeliness, integrity and accuracy. Activities/Outcomes: Process all new business license applications, renewals of business licenses and cancella- tions. Process all alarm licenses. Process all peddler/solicitor licenses. Process all liquor license applications for recommendation. Process monthly reports & provide delinquent information to appropriate departments. Follow up on delinquent business licenses. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of business days to process: New business license 10 10 Renewal business license 10 10 Alarm license 15 15 Peddler/Solicitor license 10 10 Liquor License 20 20 Delinquent Licenses 2 2 Productivity: Number of licenses processed annually 2,214 2,220 Number of new licenses 459 460 Number of renewal licenses 1,755 1,760 Number of liquor License 54 60 Number of peddler, solicitor licenses 7 7 Number of alarm licenses 10 10 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.50 Total Program Budget $23,617 The Height of Desert Living 162 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Finance Program: Purchasing Service Delivery Plan: Process purchase contracts, requisitions and convert to Purchase Orders, ensuring Town pur- chasing policies are adhered to. Activities/Outcomes: Review and process requisitions Convert requisitions to Purchase Orders. Process all Town Wide contracts for services Process all contract change orders Manage the Town wide office supplies contract Manage the Town wide printing contract Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of contract processing errors 0 0 Productivity: Number of requisitions processed 1,597 1,500 Number of Purchase Orders issued 1,273 1,300 Number of contracts processed 25 30 Number of contract change orders processed 5 4 Number of professional service agreements 23 23 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.55 Total Program Budget $34,157 The Height of Desert Living 163 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Information Technology Program: Administration Service Delivery Plan: Provide cost effective and reliable technology to staff to ensure service levels are met. Activities/Outcomes: Administer wireless communications services and contracts Programming on Government Access Channel 11 Administer access control system Oversee and maintain copy machines Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Uptime of wireless communications 100% 100% No of minutes to resolve wireless comm. issues 30 30 Copy machine uptime 99% 99% Channel 11 uptime 100% 100% Productivity: Number of wireless communications devices 46 41 Number of copy machines supported 2 2 Number of supported access controlled buildings 2 2 Number of supported ID/Access cards 373 373 Channel 11 broadcast messages 0 250 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.15 Total Program Budget $14,396 The Height of Desert Living 164 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Information Technology Program: Website /Channel 11 Maintenance Service Delivery Plan: Oversee operations of the Town’s internal and external websites. Continue to increase ser- vices offered to employees and citizens by implementation of new features while maintaining ease of use. Manage the content of the Town’s Channel 11 programming. Ensure that infor- mation provided to customers is accurate and complete. Activities/Outcomes: Administration of web and intranet sites. Manage Channel 11 content. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Website postings within 1 hour n/a 200 Website Uptime/Availability 100% 100% Intranet Uptime/Availability 100% 100% Channel 11 Uptime/Availability 100% 100% Productivity: Number of website postings n/a 200 Number of functionality/content changes n/a 50 Number of Channel 11 updates n/a 103 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.15 Total Program Budget $15,120 The Height of Desert Living 165 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division Information Technology Program: Hardware/Network Maintenance Service Delivery Plan: Provide cost effective and reliable technology to town staff and minimizing downtime and in- creasing employee productivity. Activities/Outcomes: Software and hardware installation and maintenance Technology infrastructure maintenance Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Computer systems uptime 97% 99.9% Voice communications uptime 100% 100% Data network uptime 100% 100% Productivity: Number of network devices (switches/routers) 8 8 Number of servers 25 25 Number of workstations 89 90 Number of network printers 12 12 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.25 Total Program Budget $105,567 The Height of Desert Living 166 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Information Technology Program: Technical Support Service Delivery Plan: Provide Town staff with cost effective and modern technology to accomplish the functions of their departments while achieving the Town’s strategic objectives. Activities/Outcomes: Help Desk service provided to Town personnel and fire department Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Initial contact within 2 hours of receipt of request 95% 100% Work requests resolved/completed within 24 hours 90% 95% Productivity: Number of individuals supported 120 120 Number of work requests 1,171 1,200 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.85 Total Program Budget $55,578 The Height of Desert Living 167 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Information Technology Program: Video Services Service Delivery Plan: Produce council meeting videos for replay on channel 11 with live webcast via the Town’s web- site. Also provide video production services for special events (town hall meetings, candidate forums, etc). Activities/Outcomes: Video production services for council meetings and special events Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Videos available for replay within 24 hours 100% 100% Productivity: Number of meetings recorded for Channel 11 30 30 Number of meetings streamed on website 30 30 Special projects 6 5 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.10 Total Program Budget $7,856 The Height of Desert Living 168 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Legal Services Program: Town Attorney Service Delivery Plan: To provide Town Attorney services to the Town of Fountain Hills. Activities/Outcome: Provide legal Counsel to the Town Council and Town Manager. Prepare Ordinances and Resolutions Prepare RFP’s and Contracts Prepare Town Code Amendments Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of Ordinance/Resolution corrections 0 0 Productivity: Number of Contracts prepared 19 19 Number of IGA’s prepared 5 5 Number of Resolutions prepared 30 30 Number of Ordinances prepared 10 10 Number of Town Code amendments prepared 4 4 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s n/a Total Program Budget $194,100 The Height of Desert Living 169 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Legal Services Program: Public Defender Service Delivery Plan: To represent indigent persons accused of crime in the Town of Fountain Hills who require le- gal representation and cannot afford a privately retained attorney. Activities/Outcome: Provide persons the right to counsel and pretrial proceedings. Ensure persons cannot be sentenced to even one day in jail unless a lawyer is provided Ensure the most efficient and effective method of protecting the indigent is carried out Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Availability of Public Defender services as required 100% 100% Productivity: Number of cases/trials annually 33 35 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s n/a Total Program Budget $9,960 The Height of Desert Living 170 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Legal Services Program: Prosecutor Service Delivery Plan: Represent the Town with the efficient disposition of criminal cases prosecuted in the Towns’ Municipal Court Activities/Outcome: Represent the Town of Fountain Hills in all criminal matters Review all criminal cases to determine whether there is a reasonable likelihood of successful prosecution. Prepare and file motions and pleadings. Provide discovery and other necessary documents and information to Defendants and/or De- fense Attorneys. Render legal advice, assist in providing legal opinions and procedures to Law Enforcement. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Availability of Prosecutor services as required 100% 100% Productivity: Number of trials held 2 2 Number of pretrial's (Adult & Juvenile) 694 700 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s n/a Total Program Budget $110,000 The Height of Desert Living 171 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Economic Development Program: Administration Service Delivery Plan: Enhance the Town’s economic base through business attraction and business vitality activi- ties Activities/Outcomes: Market the Town for business location and expansion. Develop and implement a strategy to encourage businesses to locate within the Town. Develop information and marketing pieces which target appropriate business sectors. Update promotional materials and information on a regular basis and maintain critical infor- mation which is needed in order to attract businesses. Continue to develop contacts and networks with local, regional, state and national organiza- tions to promote business opportunities within Fountain Hills. Develop quality, trusting relationships with site selectors, commercial real estate profession- als, and industrial contractors as well as targeted companies. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Qualified Lead Generation - 10 Number of Site Visits for potential business - 2 Develop Partnerships with outside jurisdictions - 1 Productivity: Number of meetings to discuss and identify potential partnerships - 2 Number of interactions with local, regional & national Economic Development groups/ organizations - 12 Number of annual Outreach strategies 2 2 Number of targeted Business Contacts 50 60 Number of Outreach/Meetings with Fort McDowell & other local, state and national organizations x2/yr. x2/yr. (Ft McDowell) Number of investigated business attraction opportunities in targeted areas - 3 Number of updates to economic indicators, website and fact book information - 6 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.40 Total Program Budget $73,359 The Height of Desert Living 172 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Economic Development Program: Downtown Development Service Delivery Plan: Enhance the Town’s economic base through business attraction and business vitality activi- ties Activities/Outcome: Market the Town for business location and expansion Develop and implement a strategy to encourage businesses to locate within the Town. Develop information and marketing pieces which target appropriate business sectors. Update promotional materials and information on a regular basis and maintain critical infor- mation which is needed in order to attract businesses. Continue to develop contacts and networks with local, regional, state and national organiza- tions to promote business opportunities within Fountain Hills. Develop quality, trusting relationships with site selectors, commercial real estate profession- als, and industrial contractors as well as targeted companies. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Qualified Lead Generation - 10 Number of Site Visits for potential Business - 2 Develop Partnerships with outside jurisdictions - 1 Receipt of bids from interested developers to the Lakeside District RFP - 2 Number of Reports of business attraction opportunities - 1 Productivity: Number of meetings to discuss and identify potential partnerships - 2 Number of interactions with local, regional and national Economic Development groups/ organizations - 12 Number of annual outreach strategies 2 2 Number of targeted Business Contacts 50 60 Number of contacts and meetings with local Businesses x20/yr x12/yr Number of investigated business attraction opportunities in targeted areas - 3 Number of RFP’s for public/private partnerships in the Lakeside District - 1 Number of investigations for parking needs - 1 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.60 Total Program Budget $584,276 The Height of Desert Living 173 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Administration Division: Human Resources/Risk Management Program: Volunteers: Transportation Service Delivery Plan: The Town of Fountain Hills Volunteer Program presents an avenue by which the Town and its residents can work together to provide enhanced services to the community, personnel cost savings, as well as opportunities for volunteers to utilize their talents. The volunteers enable new and innovative programs that could not otherwise be provided as well as supplement and compliment existing programs and services. Activities/Outcomes: Develop and maintain transportation database. Manage, schedule, and follow-up with Give a Lift volunteer transportation program. Develop and maintain operating procedures and riders criteria in Give a Lift program. Screen potential riders to match program criteria of Give a Lift program. Recruit and train volunteer drivers in Give a Lift program. Create, develop and implement comprehensive communications with transportation volun- teers through monthly newsletter, correspondence, telephone calls, emails and meetings. Oversee contracted transportation program, RideSource. Approve ride changes, meet with riders as needed and provide ongoing communication with Valley Metro and riders in RideSource program. Reconcile Valley Metro monthly invoice. Develop and coordinate recognition and appreciation activities for transportation volunteers. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: % of Volunteer Drivers placed with Riders 80% 90% Monies saved by Give A Lift Volunteers $53,760 $54,400 Productivity: Number of volunteer drivers 32 45 Number of rides provided annually in Give a Lift 1,680 1,700 Number of Give a Lift volunteer hours 1,903 3,600 Number of rides provided annually in RideSource Program 5,800 6,000 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.30 Total Program Budget $118,423 The Height of Desert Living 174 View of Red Mountain The Height of Desert Living 175 Development Services The Height of Desert Living 176 Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 177 Operating Budgets Development Services Mission Statement The Development Services Department is comprised of 5 Divisions; Engineering, Facilities, Planning, Building Safety and Streets Divisions. The Engineering, Facilities and Streets Divi- sions are dedicated to expressing and enhancing the beauty, value and quality of the environ- ment by operating and maintaining public grounds, dams, medians, natural washes and open space; by protecting the health, safety and well being of the public by assuring properly de- signed and constructed infrastructure; dedication to quality customer service by operating, pre- serving and maintaining Town-owned roadways and traffic control systems safely and effi- ciently; and maintaining all Town Facilities in a manner that provides a safe, healthy and secure environment for staff and visitors. The Planning and Building Safety Divisions are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Fountain Hills through innovative, proven planning techniques, and providing excellent customer service in a professional and timely manner. We also provide high quality construction permitting, plan review, building inspection and Code Enforcement services in a way that is responsive and customer friendly. Department Description The Engineering, Facilities and Streets Divisions of the Development Services Department in- cludes the Open Space and Engineering Programs which are responsible for the operation and maintenance of Town-owned wash parcels, open space, dams, public grounds and median land- scaping. These Divisions are responsible for six ADWR jurisdictional dams and numerous smaller dams. The Facilities Division maintains Town-owned buildings, including Town Hall, Community Center, Library, 2 Fire Stations, Community Theatre, Kiwanis Building, and the Street Yard. The Streets Division staff responsibilities include crack sealing, asphalt patching, sign maintenance, traffic signals, brush removal, storm debris clean up, street sweeping and street-related emergency responses. Contracted tasks include construction and renovation of streets, sidewalks, and drainage facilities. Engineering processes encroachment permits, and reviews subdivision plans, “off-site” improvement plans and utility cuts. Engineering provides support to Building Safety by reviewing and inspecting site work plans for building permits and to Planning by technical review of area specific plans, rezoning, preliminary plats, special use permits and other land use matters and technical support for park and building projects. It also provides Capital Improvement Project planning, design and contract administration. The Planning and Building Safety Divisions of the Development Services Department imple- ment planning related goals, policies and programs as approved by the Town Council. These Divisions process applications for changes of zoning, preliminary and final subdivision plats, variances from the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Temporary Use Permits, Special Use Permits, Concept Plans (site plans), signs amendments to the General Plan and Area Specific Plans. The Height of Desert Living 178 Operating Budgets We also process amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Town Code. The Planning Division maintains the Town's Geographic Information System. Division staff supports the other Town departments with graphics products and technical drawings. The Code Enforcement staff section is responsible for enforcing the Town's land use regulations and many of the provisions of the Town Code. The Building Safety Division employees process applications for permits to construct homes, commercial buildings, fences, swimming pools and other structures. The Division coordinates the review of plans for the structures it permits and inspects construction of permitted structures. Program areas included in Development Services are: Engineering Administration Long Range Planning Engineering Environmental Open Space Code Enforcement Storm Water GIS/CAD Capital Projects Building Safety Facilities Administration Building Permitting Community Center Maintenance Streets Administration Town Hall Maintenance Adopt-A-Street Library Maintenance Median Maintenance Theater Maintenance Pavement Management Fire Station 1 Maintenance Street Signs Fire Station 2 Maintenance Street Sweeping Kiwanis Building Maintenance Traffic Management Physical Plant Maintenance Traffic Signals Current Planning Vehicle Maintenance The Height of Desert Living 179 FY 2009-2010 Department Accomplishments Issued 412 Utility Encroachment Permits. Processed 3 Public Utility & Drainage Easements and Grants of Easement; 3 Traffic Calming cases. Reviewed 13 Temporary Use Permits, 24 Single Family Building permits, 3 Multi- Family Building permits, 7 Commercial and Industrial Building permits, reviewed and processed 12 subdivisions. Designed and constructed Phase 2 Alley Improvements for the MAG PM-10 measures. Constructed Saguaro Boulevard sidewalk, from Palisades Boulevard to Avenue of the Fountains. Designed Phase 3 Alley Improvements for the MAG PM-10 measures. Constructed Shea Boulevard climbing lane with ARRA funds; Fountain Hills Boulevard to Palisades Boulevard. Designed sidewalks from Fountain Hills Boulevard; Fayette Drive to the Middle School. Completed Town wide replacement of all street name signs to high intensity retro reflec- tive signs. Provided BMPs for Stormwater Management Plan by hydro-vacuuming storm water catch basins. Assisted with art installation projects on Town property. Conducted a public auction of Town surplus equipment returning proceeds to the Gen- eral Fund. Brought 75% of traffic signals into compliance with industry standard. Resurfaced streets in the central (Zone 4) area of town for pavement maintenance activi- ties. Repaired roof membranes at Town-owned Community Theater buildings. New regulations regarding illegal construction site activity. Developed a new General Plan 2010, which was approved by the Town Council on January 7, 2010. An Area Specific Plan for downtown Fountain Hills based on a vision plan done by Swaback Partners. Received funds under the ARRA program in the amount of $147,000 for three energy related projects. New fee schedule was approved for new construction. Developed and implemented a new, less expensive one day review and approval process for the installation of solar equipment for single family homes. A Master Preliminary Plat application was approved for the Fountain Hills Investment Company (a subsidiary of the Ellman Companies) on the former State Trust Land. The Building Safety Division received an ISO rating of 4. . Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 180 FY 2010-2011 Department Objectives Provide wash management at urgent and moderate fire hazard areas in coordination with the Fire Department requests. Provide capital project planning, design and construction consistent with the Council approved budget. Convert regulatory signs to high intensity retro reflective signs (i.e. stop and speed limit signs). Perform traffic signal inspections and maintenance to comply with industry standards for remaining 25%. Prepare streets in Zone 5A or mid-central area of town for pavement maintenance activi- ties. Increase hours spent on curb replacement to minimize town liability. Update Pavement Management Study with fresh data to provide improved street mainte- nance programs. Prepare an Area Specific Plan for the Shea Boulevard corridor near Saguaro Boulevard. Rezone Town owned washes to an Open Space zoning classification to further ensure their protection. Develop land use regulations that encourage development in the downtown consistent with the Downtown Vision Plan. Investigate additional opportunities to reduce the time it takes to issue certain types of building permits. Ensure that the development of the former State Trust Land proceeds in a way which is most responsible and beneficial to the Town. Complete the 2010 edition of the “Land Use Analysis and Statistical Report”. Evaluate the use of A-frame signs and prepare a report to the Planning and Zoning Com- mission regarding an extension of time for their use. Staff a booth at the fall Great Fair showcasing the Town’s environmental initiatives. Hold 4 paper shredding and 2 electronic/paint recycle events. Seek out grant opportunities to fund projects that support the Town’s environmental policies. Coordinate the preparation of an urban trail system master plan providing connectivity between parks and other activity centers. Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 181 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS: Overtime $7,191 $5,800 $3,426 $0 $0 Wages $647,709 $637,000 $670,632 $518,211 $803,865 FICA $11,460 $7,000 $12,600 $9,826 $14,949 Unemployment Insurance $780 $910 $815 $551 $1,293 Employee's Health Insurance $59,430 $72,100 $64,980 $80,203 $109,127 Employee's Life Insurance $2,470 $13,300 $3,972 $1,412 $2,361 Employee's Dental Insurance $6,920 $6,050 $6,060 $4,759 $7,322 Employee's Vision Insurance $950 $870 $1,038 $507 $1,558 Worker's Compensation Insurance $21,950 $14,500 $12,942 $10,923 $10,273 Employee's Retirement Fund $66,760 $66,600 $69,266 $52,621 $84,363 Disability Insurance $2,970 $2,965 $3,311 $2,083 $3,529 TOTAL $828,590 $827,095 $849,042 $681,098 $1,038,640 Licenses/Filing Fees $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $2,100 Dues & Publications $8,127 $6,112 $7,259 $7,740 $5,666 Training/Continuing Education $13,760 $11,520 $13,620 $14,978 $0 Meetings & Conferences $13,315 $15,554 $12,329 $5,525 $10,450 Office Equipment Repairs & Maint $400 $925 $1,750 $2,145 $1,951 Building Repair & Maintenance $65,650 $78,500 $84,934 $101,335 $66,823 Equipment Repair & Maintenance $0 $0 $20,800 $1,200 $4,335 Vehicle Repair & Maint. $6,700 $6,240 $5,624 $8,840 $2,818 Other Maintenance, Repair & Installation $0 $0 $0 $25,695 $12,841 Electricity $140,720 $150,400 $155,308 $222,035 $179,700 Refuse & Recycling $0 $0 $0 $13,764 $6,205 Communications Expense $8,360 $10,482 $9,660 $6,588 $16,471 Water/Sewer $64,962 $69,500 $70,000 $92,710 $23,515 Gas & Oil $18,715 $17,600 $23,743 $17,320 $7,700 Professional Fees $45,717 $118,050 $83,150 $7,100 $9,435 Engineering Fees $161,562 $467,000 $25,000 $7,000 $20,000 Printing $6,150 $2,915 $5,125 $2,550 $1,875 Advertising $2,650 $2,100 $2,050 $1,050 $500 Contractual Services $1,000 $19,998 $48,950 $2,050 $15,000 Grounds Maintenance $312,743 $326,800 $296,008 $34,550 $21,225 Wash Maintenance $158,622 $145,000 $117,800 $0 $61,700 Holiday Lighting $0 $0 $10,000 $0 $0 Office Supplies $14,967 $10,861 $14,350 $13,500 $10,380 Safety Supplies $0 $0 $0 $100 $780 Operating Supplies $0 $0 $0 $500 $14,945 Program Materials $0 $0 $0 $25,850 $550 Uniforms $4,090 $2,046 $3,080 $2,480 $1,541 Postage & Delivery $0 $0 $672 $0 $0 Tools & Equipment $800 $800 $3,662 $2,000 $1,895 Internal Service Charges $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,361 TOTAL $1,049,010 $1,462,403 $1,014,874 $619,605 $503,762 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay - Vehicles $33,000 $51,948 $0 $0 $0 Capital Outlay - Improvements $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Outlay-Improvements $498,700 $280,000 $81,061 $0 $0 TOTAL $531,700 $331,948 $81,061 $0 $0 Transfer to VRF $0 $0 $31,680 $24,326 $14,086 Transfer to Public Art Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $750 TOTAL $0 $0 $31,680 $24,326 $14,836 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,409,300 $2,621,446 $1,976,657 $1,325,029 $1,557,237 The Height of Desert Living 182 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES HURF-STREETS FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS: Overtime $7,401 $7,500 $3,464 $3,000 $0 Wages and Salaries $477,844 $390,000 $434,724 $320,211 $439,749 Employer FICA Expense $7,000 $6,000 $6,420 $4,643 $6,376 Unemployment Insurance Expense $655 $700 $630 $504 $592 Employee's Health Insurance $77,212 $57,500 $60,946 $51,592 $76,439 Employee's Life Insurance $1,981 $1,154 $1,373 $901 $1,288 Employee's Dental Insurance $7,056 $4,400 $4,453 $3,395 $4,840 Employee Vision Insurance $960 $700 $827 $452 $601 Worker Compensation Insurance $49,771 $25,000 $29,717 $18,639 $26,976 Employee's Retirement Expense $53,377 $45,000 $48,201 $35,223 $48,372 Disability Insurance $2,389 $1,800 $2,300 $1,461 $2,067 TOTAL $685,646 $539,754 $593,055 $440,023 $607,302 License & Permits $0 $0 $3,100 $2,000 $2,000 Dues & Publications $5,550 $3,500 $3,150 $3,080 $3,830 Training/Continuing Education $3,320 $2,000 $2,700 $3,500 $0 Meetings & Conferences $3,975 $400 $2,000 $0 $2,400 Grounds Maintenance & Repair $0 $0 $0 $5,600 $33,160 Building Repairs & Maintenance $7,000 $4,000 $3,000 $3,500 $1,225 Equipment Repairs & Maintenance $500 $200 $500 $1,500 $33,500 Traffic Signal Repair & Maintenance $0 $0 $71,735 $0 $0 Street Sign Repair & Maintenance $0 $0 $114,225 $0 $20,400 Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $36,330 $36,000 $38,460 $38,000 $29,155 Other Maintenance & Repair $0 $0 $0 $80,925 $21,874 Road Repair & Maintenance $194,231 $245,000 $122,450 $52,380 $20,000 Pavement Management $1,410,163 $1,193,342 $0 $0 $0 Electricity $30,000 $36,000 $36,000 $37,000 $48,660 Refuse/Recycling $0 $0 $0 $2,815 $15,800 Telecommunications $5,450 $5,680 $5,700 $5,900 $10,953 Water/Sewer $3,680 $7,400 $7,400 $8,600 $61,501 Gas & Oil $29,300 $48,000 $47,450 $49,700 $40,952 Auditing Expense $4,500 $8,465 $8,735 $9,000 $9,180 Professional Fees $10,500 $0 $0 $600 $600 Engineering Fees $0 $0 $0 $9,999 $5,000 Legal Fees $9,250 $18,000 $20,000 $20,000 $21,400 Liability Insurance $108,700 $95,000 $100,000 $108,000 $93,000 Equipment Rental $500 $0 $500 $0 $0 Printing $200 $0 $240 $0 $0 Advertising $250 $250 $250 $0 $0 Contractual Services $0 $0 $0 $168,695 $105,500 Operating Supplies $1,320 $1,000 $1,800 $1,500 $8,766 Uniforms $9,650 $8,000 $8,000 $6,400 $2,403 Tools, Shop Supplies $4,800 $5,500 $7,500 $5,400 $5,650 Software $0 $0 $0 $1,500 $3,500 Internal Service Charges $0 $0 $0 $0 $126 TOTAL $1,879,169 $1,717,737 $604,895 $625,594 $600,535 CAPITAL OUTLAY Capital Outlay - Vehicles $30,000 $59,000 $0 $0 $0 Capital Outlay - Furniture & Equipment $0 $0 $2,000 $0 $0 Capital Outlay - Software $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Outlay - Improvements $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $80,000 $59,000 $2,000 $0 $0 Transfer to VRF $0 $0 $66,491 $60,996 $79,875 Transfer to Debt Service $135,000 $126,300 $115,843 $136,413 $0 Transfer to CIP $0 $0 $825,000 $170,790 $0 TOTAL $135,000 $126,300 $1,007,334 $368,199 $79,875 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,779,815 $2,442,791 $2,207,284 $1,433,816 $1,287,711 The Height of Desert Living 183 Operating Budgets Sunridge Canyon Golf Course Department Division Budget Development Services Engineering $394,540 Facilities $494,122 Planning $414,022 Building Safety $254,554 Streets $1,287,711 * Total General Fund $1,557,237 Total Streets (HURF) Fund* $1,287,711 TOTAL OPERATING $2,844,948 The Height of Desert Living 184 Budget Highlights - Engineering (General Fund) $271,536 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for Engineering, and Stormwater staff- $271,536 $117,834 Services & Supplies ISA,APWA ASCE,STORM, memberships and publications-$1,256 ASCE, LTAP STORM meetings-$600 Vehicle maintenance, repair and fuel for 2 vehicles-$3,250 Bridge inspections and Dam Cleanup-$20,570 Wash Maintenance-$61,700 Outside Engineering support-$20,000 Uniforms and safety supplies-$357 Office & Operating Supplies-$3,729 Telecom-$4,536 Internal Service Charges-$1,836 $5,170 Transfers to Vehicle Replacement Fund $394,540 Total The Height of Desert Living 185 Budget Highlights - Facilities (General Fund) $170,210 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for Facilities Supervisor and Facilities staff -$170,210 $323,912 Services & Supplies Community Center Bldg Maintenance-$92,787 Town Hall Bldg Maintenance-$99,421 Library Bldg Maintenance-$76,889 Fire Station 1 Maintenance-$8,871 Fire Station 2 Maintenance-$5,972 Theater Bldg Maintenance-$4,780 Kiwanis Bldg Maintenance -$6,732 Physical Plant Maintenance-$24,305 $494,122 Total The Height of Desert Living 186 Budget Highlights - Planning (General Fund) $372,592 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for Planning, Code Enforcement and Map- ping & Graphics staff-$372,591 $35,908 Services & Supplies APA, AICP, Environmental Dues-$3,420 ICSC, AZ/APA, AICP conferences-$3,180 Environmental Program materials-$1,584 Office supplies-$7,015 P & Z Notifications-$500 Printing-$745 Maricopa Co Permit-$2,100 Telecom-$4,622 Internal Service Charges-$1,748 AGIC Conference-$360 Plotter maintenance-$995 GIS updates-$5,000 CELA membership-$70 CELA conferences-$720 Vehicle Maintenance-$3,616 Uniforms-$234 $5,522 Transfer to Vehicle Replacement Fund $414,022 Total The Height of Desert Living 187 Budget Highlights - Building Safety (General Fund) $224,300 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for Chief Building Official and Permit staff- $224,300 $27,659 Services & Supplies Certification renewals, ICC, AZBO memberships-$920 Contract inspection assistance-$15,000 AZBO conferences for all Building staff-$5,590 Vehicle maintenance, repair and fuel for 1 vehicle-$1,653 Telecom-$2,481 Office supplies-$1,436 Small tools-$200 $2,595 Transfer to Vehicle Replacement Fund $254,554 Total Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 188 Budget Highlights - Streets (HURF Fund) $607,302 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for Streets Superintendent and Streets staff-$607,302 $600,535 Services & Supplies Median Maintenance contracts-$158,234 Revegitation material for medians-$2,000 Electricity for street lighting, traffic signals, medians-$48,660 Minor road repair-$20,000 Signal Timing Changes-$5,000 Traffic Signal repair & maintenance-$30,000 Vehicle repair & maintenance-$29,155 Fuel & Oil-$36,952 Equip Maintenance-$3,500 Street Sign maintenance-$20,400 Liability Insurance-$93,000 Annual Audit fees-$9,180 HURF share of legal fees-$21,400 Telecom-$10,953 Refuse/Recycling-$15,800 Water-$61,501 Dues, subscriptions, licenses, permits-$9,110 Office, operating supplies & tools-$23,287 Uniforms-$2,403 $79,875 Transfer to Vehicle Replacement Fund $1,287,711 Total The Height of Desert Living 189 . Operating Budgets Program Budgets DEPARTMENT/DIVISION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION BUDGET Development Services Engineering Administration Public Works Administration $51,099 Engineering Construction Inspection $103,778 Right-of-way Permits/Easements Open Space Wash Maintenance $101,993 Dam Maintenance Stormwater Stormwater inspection $46,940 Capital Projects Mgmt Management of Capital Projects $90,730 Facilities Administration Facilities Administration $6,732 Com Center Maint Community Center Building Maintenance $124,560 Town Hall Maint Town Hall Building Maintenance $168,143 Library Maint Library Building Maintenance $107,261 Theater Maint Theater Building Maintenance $9,640 Fire 1 Maint Fire Station 1 Maintenance $20,315 Fire 2 Maint Fire Station 2 Maintenance $17,416 Kiwanis Maint Kiwanis Building Maintenance $10,265 Physical Plant Physical Plant Maintenance $29,790 Building Safety Building Safety Building Inspection $98,141 Building Safety Building Permitting Issuance of Building Permits $156,413 Planning Current Planning Zoning Administration $132,992 Subdivision Review Temporary Use Permits Long Range Planning General Plan Update $43,517 Land Use analysis and statistical report Environmental Recycling Events $56,480 Environmental initiatives Code Enforcement Enforcement of Town Code $104,517 GIS/CAD Mapping & Graphics Services $76,516 Total $1,557,237 The Height of Desert Living 190 Operating Budgets Program Budgets DEPARTMENT/DIVISION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION BUDGET Development Services HURF Fund Streets Administration Streets Admin $201,676 Legal/Insurance Adopt A Street Adopt A Street Program management $19,319 Median Maint Irrigation and turf management $296,825 Pavement Management Crack Sealing $98,049 Microsurfacing Street Signs Street Sign maint and repair $106,336 Street Sweeping Street Sweeping $206,023 Traffic Management Traffic Counts/Traffic Calming $97,446 Traffic Signals Signal maintenance and repair $169,907 Vehicle Maint Vehicle maintenance and repair $92,131 TOTAL $1,287,711 Downtown The Height of Desert Living 191 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division Engineering Program: Administration Service Delivery Plan: Efficiently and effectively provide the best possible customer service to our residents. Activities/Outcomes: Respond to residents at front counter. Investigate all concerns that pertain to Engineering. Return phone messages and emails in a timely manner. Attend all department meetings both internal and external. Attend all Council and Planning meetings that are applicable. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of drainage issues resolved 20 8 Number of complaints resolved 45 40 Number of traffic issues resolved 10 18 Number of Engineering meetings 12 12 Average days to respond to resident concerns 2 1 Productivity: Number of Engineering updates provided to Council 48 48 Council and Planning meetings attended 28 32 Number of traffic issues received 10 18 Number of complaints received 45 40 Number of drainage issues received 20 8 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.40 Total Program Budget $51,099 The Height of Desert Living 192 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Engineering Program: Engineering Service Delivery Plan: Efficiently process various permits for right-of-way, utility companies, and developers with quality construction that is acceptable to town standards or equal. Activities/Outcomes: Accept applications for work on town property. Review with engineering and other town departments. Establish bonds or letter of credit as needed by project size. Issue permits to utility or developer. Inspect as calls are received or daily visitations. Maintain daily log on all permits. Perform final inspection, set date for one year warranty, and reduce bonds to 10%. One year warranty inspection and release bonds (if issued). Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Average days to complete inspection 10 8 Productivity: Number of right-of-way permits 301 250 Number of driveway inspections for Building Safety 20 10 Number of easements released or acquired 3 10 Number of encroachment permits issued 315 320 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.75 Total Program Budget $103,778 The Height of Desert Living 193 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Engineering Program: Open Space Service Delivery Plan: Provide efficient and cost effective maintenance for fire control and drainage, safe streets, and dam safety. Activities/Outcomes: Inspect all jurisdictional dams annually. Cut washes as needed for fire control and proper drainage. Enhance the natural beauty of all open space as intended by the wash maintenance policy. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Dam Inspections passed annually by ADWR 6 6 Productivity: Number of dams inspected per year 6 6 Acres of wash cleared 52 52 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.20 Total Program Budget $101,993 The Height of Desert Living 194 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Engineering Program: Storm Water Service Delivery Plan: Provide an annual report to ADEQ that effectively indicates that the Town of Fountain Hills is abiding by the permit it was issued. Activities/Outcomes: Provide monitoring and enforcement on a town wide basis. Clean out catch basins to ensure sediment control. Test point of entry to local washes as needed. File reports to ADEQ as permit stipulates. Maintain environmental policies through Code Enforcement and Law Enforcement. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of reports accepted by ADEQ 1 1 Productivity: Construction sites inspected 11 11 Public awareness events conducted 2 3 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.55 Total Program Budget $46,940 The Height of Desert Living 195 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Engineering Program: Capital Projects Service Delivery Plan: Process projects that enhance the quality of life for our residents and business community. Activities/Outcomes: Conduct paving projects to provide safer streets; sidewalks to enhance pedestrian safety. Provide pavement maintenance to extend the life of our streets. Manage drainage projects to provide safe access and travel. Manage traffic and signalization projects. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of projects designed on schedule 1 3 Number of projects within budget 8 11 % Passing inspection on schedule 100% 100% Productivity: Number of Capital Projects budgeted 11 11 Number of Capital Projects completed 8 11 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.85 Total Program Budget $90,730 The Height of Desert Living 196 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Facilities Program: Administration Service Delivery Plan: Provide efficient, safe, clean, amenities for the public and town staff. Provide maintenance, repairs, alterations, custodial support to all staff to accomplish functions and goals of their departments. Activities/Outcomes: Respond to requests and concerns of citizens and staff. Manage maintenance and repair programs for town owned buildings. Respond to verbal, phone and email requests in a timely manner. Attend all Council meetings that are applicable. Address personnel issues and concerns efficiently and effectively. Attend all department meetings both internal and external. Meet with vendor representatives for products and services used by Facilities to maintain Town owned buildings. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Issues responded to within 2 hours 94% 94% Productivity: Number of staff supported 81 61 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.10 Total Program Budget $6,732 The Height of Desert Living 197 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Facilities Program: Community Center Maintenance Service Delivery Plan: Maintain and repair Community Center to operate a safe environment for the public and em- ployees. Activities/Outcomes: Respond in a timely manner to maintenance requests. Maintain and repair air conditioning, electrical heating and exterior lighting. Respond to verbal, phone and email requests in a considerate manner. Provide support to other departments in need of assistance. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Issues responded to within 2 hours 90% 90% Productivity: Number of annual maintenance requests via verbal, phone, email 300 315 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.55 Total Program Budget $124,560 The Height of Desert Living 198 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Facilities Program: Town Hall Maintenance Service Delivery Plan: Maintain and repair Town Hall to operate a safe environment for the public and employees. Activities/Outcomes: Respond in a timely manner to maintenance requests. Inspect ADA door operators daily for proper operation. Maintain and repair air conditioning, electrical, floors, furniture, heating, lighting and plumb- ing systems. Respond to verbal, phone and email requests in a considerate manner. Provide support to other departments in need of assistance and provide daily custodial ser- vices. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Issues responded to within 2 hours 90% 90% Productivity: Number of annual maintenance requests via email, phone, verbal 325 330 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 1.40 Total Program Budget $168,143 The Height of Desert Living 199 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Facilities Program: Library Maintenance Service Delivery Plan: Maintain and repair Library and Museum to operate a safe environment for the public and employees. Activities/Outcomes: Respond in a timely manner to maintenance requests. Maintain and repair air conditioning, electrical, floors, furniture, heating, lighting and plumb- ing systems. Respond to verbal, phone and email requests in a considerate manner. Actively look for items in need of maintenance or repair. Provide support to other departments in need of assistance and provide daily custodial ser- vices. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Issues responded to within 2 hours 90% 90% Productivity: Number of annual maintenance requests via verbal, phone, email 275 295 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.70 Total Program Budget $107,261 The Height of Desert Living 200 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Facilities Program: Community Theater Maintenance Service Delivery Plan: Maintain and repair other Town owned buildings to operate a safe environment for the public and employees. Activities/Outcomes: Respond in a timely manner to maintenance requests. Repair air conditioning, exterior electrical and lighting. Repair heating and water supply systems. Respond to verbal, phone and email requests in a considerate manner. Actively look for items in need of maintenance or repair. Provide support to other departments in need of assistance. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Issues responded to within 2 hours 85% 85% Productivity Number of annual maintenance requests via verbal, phone, email 43 45 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.05 Total Program Budget $9,640 The Height of Desert Living 201 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Facilities Program: Fire Station 1 Maintenance Service Delivery Plan: Maintain and repair Fire Station 1 to operate a safe environment for the public and employ- ees. Activities/Outcomes: Respond in a timely manner to maintenance requests. Maintain and repair air conditioning, electrical, floors, furniture, heating, lighting and plumb- ing systems, and building issues. Respond to verbal, phone and email requests in a considerate manner. Actively look for items in need of maintenance or repair. Provide support to other departments in need of assistance. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Issues responded to within 2 hours 90% 90% Productivity: Number of annual maintenance requests via verbal, phone, email 75 75 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.20 Total Program Budget $20,315 The Height of Desert Living 202 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Facilities Program: Fire Station 2 Maintenance Service Delivery Plan: Maintain and repair Fire Station 1 to operate a safe environment for the public and employ- ees. Activities/Outcomes: Respond in a timely manner to maintenance requests. Maintain and repair air conditioning, electrical, floors, furniture, heating, lighting and plumb- ing systems, and building issues. Respond to verbal, phone and email requests in a considerate manner. Actively look for items in need of maintenance or repair. Provide support to other departments in need of assistance. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Issues responded to within 2 hours 90% 90% Productivity: Number of annual maintenance requests via verbal, phone, email 70 70 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.15 Total Program Budget $17,416 The Height of Desert Living 203 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Facilities Program: Kiwanis Building Maintenance Service Delivery Plan: Maintain and repair other Town owned buildings to operate a safe environment for the public and employees. Activities/Outcomes: Respond in a timely manner to maintenance requests. Repair air conditioning, exterior electrical and lighting. Repair heating and water supply systems. Respond to verbal, phone and email requests in a considerate manner. Actively look for items in need of maintenance or repair. Provide support to other departments in need of assistance. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Issues responded to within 2 hours 55% 55% Productivity: Number of annual maintenance requests via verbal, phone, email 34 36 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.05 Total Program Budget $10,265 The Height of Desert Living 204 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Facilities Program: Physical Plant Service Delivery Plan: Maintain and repair other Town owned buildings to operate a safe environment for the public and employees. Activities/Outcomes: Respond in a timely manner to maintenance requests. Repair air conditioning, exterior electrical and lighting. Repair heating and water supply systems. Respond to verbal, phone and email requests in a considerate manner. Actively look for items in need of maintenance or repair. Provide support to other departments in need of assistance. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Issues responded to within 2 hours 92% 92% Productivity: Number of annual maintenance requests via verbal, phone, email 35 35 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.05 Total Program Budget $29,790 The Height of Desert Living 205 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Building Safety Program: Building Safety/Inspection Service Delivery Plan: Provide property owners with complete building inspection reports. Corrections required with 24 hours of inspection request. Activities/Outcomes: Receive inspection requests. Arrive at job site. Conduct inspections requested and log inspection results. Work with Code Enforcement to correct violations. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of missed inspections 0 0 Productivity: Number of inspections 4,000 4,500 Number of inspection stops 2,378 3,000 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.95 Total Program Budget $98,141 The Height of Desert Living 206 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Building Safety Program: Building Permitting Service Delivery Plan: Meet customer expectations for timely permit and plan review. Activities/Outcomes: In-take plans and enter data in permit tracking data base. Plan review done by department; process completed reviews. Calculate permit fees and issue permits. Meet state requirements for reporting activity. Research one-day building permits for simple projects. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Annual customer satisfaction rating 98% 90% Permits issued within 20 business days 98% 98% Productivity: Single family permits 11 15 Multi-family permits 10 0 Commercial permits 0 1 Other permits issued 250 310 Single day turn around permits (water heaters, solar) 150 180 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 2.40 Total Program Budget $156,413 The Height of Desert Living 207 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Planning Program: Current Planning Service Delivery Plan: Effectively and efficiently accept, review and process and evaluate land development applica- tions, regulations and variances for the Town. Activities/Outcomes: Accept and review application for completeness. Provide applicant with changes that need to be made. When application and plans meet Town requirements, schedule for meeting and provide legal notice. Write staff report for reviewing body and present staff recommendations at meetings. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Average of working days to process applications from the filing to public meeting or staff approval (less applicant time): Zoning cases 7 7 Subdivision cases 18 10 Concept plans 5 5 Temporary Use Permits 10 10 Productivity: Number of applications filed: Temporary Use Permit 12 12 Subdivision 7 7 Ordinance/Code changes 5 4 HPE 7 7 A Frame Signs 29 30 Grand Opening signs 4 4 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 1.60 Total Program Budget $132,992 The Height of Desert Living 208 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Planning Program: Long Range Planning Service Delivery Plan: Provide long range planning in an effective and efficient manner that meets state mandates and Town Council goals using processes that involve the public and stakeholders. Activities/Outcomes: Provide Project definition, timeline and resource requirements. Research and draft documents and plans. Transmit to agencies/public for review of documents and plans. Present to Town Council at meeting, leading to approval. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Fewer than 2 reported errors in any final project report 2 2 Productivity: % Completion of view corridor project 50% 100% % Completion of Shea Commercial Opport Project 20% 100% Update of Land Use Analysis and Statistical Report 1 1 Zoning Ordinance Amendments 2 2 Subdivision Ordinance Amendments 1 1 General Plan Amendments 1 1 Area Specific Plans 1 1 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.50 Total Program Budget $43,517 The Height of Desert Living 209 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Planning Program: Environmental Service Delivery Plan: Effectively and efficiently implement and environmental program consistent with Town Coun- cil goals and objectives. Activities/Outcomes: Meet with various Environmental Groups. Encourage participation in programs and events by partners. Plan environmental events and programs. Apply for grants, if applicable. Solicit volunteer help with events and programs. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Community participation during electronic recycling events; number of customer cars 470 440 Productivity: Recycling (tonnage) 10 10 Electronics recycling-money returned to Town by Vendor $900 $1,100 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.60 Total Program Budget $56,480 The Height of Desert Living 210 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Planning Program: Code Enforcement Service Delivery Plan: Effectively and efficiently enforce the Town’s Ordinances and Codes, emphasizing correction of violations related to public health and safety. Activities/Outcomes: Receive and log complaints. Inspect property for violation and issue courtesy notice. Follow up with complainant; work with property owner to resolve violation. If case not resolved, file complaint through town prosecutor. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Cases closed voluntarily 99% 95% Cases reviewed in court proceedings 3 4 Productivity: Number of cases 980 600 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 1.40 Total Program Budget $104,517 The Height of Desert Living 211 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Planning Program: GIS/CAD Service Delivery Plan: Effectively and efficiently deliver CAD and GIS services to Town personnel and other custom- ers. Activities/Outcomes: Contribute to Public Works Projects. Provide maps and graphic support to Town Departments and citizens. Maintain the GIS database. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: eFountain Work Oder survey satisfaction rating 95% 95% Productivity: GIS database maintenance in hours 180 230 Public Works projects completed 35 45 Aerial Site Plans created 75 150 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.90 Total Program Budget $76,516 The Height of Desert Living 212 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Streets Program: Administration Service Delivery Plan: Provide efficient and cost-effective service to our citizens and Town staff. Activities/Outcomes: Respond to requests and concerns of citizens and staff. Monitor contracts for road maintenance and repairs. Return phone messages and emails in a timely manner. Attend all Council meetings that are applicable. Address personnel issues and concerns efficiently and effectively. Attend all department meetings both internal and external. Meet with vendor representatives for products and services used by the Town of Fountain Hills Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Average time to respond to concerns. 24 hrs or 24 hrs or less less Productivity: Number of citizen/staff phone calls & emails. 4,200 4,200 Number of contracts monitored 6 6 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.20 Total Program Budget $201,676 The Height of Desert Living 213 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Streets Program: Adopt-a-Street Service Delivery Plan: Provide Fountain Hills businesses with the materials and supplies needed to conduct cleanup of their designated areas. Activities/Outcome: Accept and process applications for Adopt A Street Manage the distribution of supplies to participants Follow up on the activities of program participants Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of participants making 4-6 clean-ups annually 35 35 Productivity: Number of participant renewals annually 50 50 Number of follow ups on cleanup progress 15 15 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.25 Total Program Budget $19,319 The Height of Desert Living 214 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Streets Program: Median Maintenance Service Delivery Plan: Provide efficient and cost-effective maintenance for medians, ROW and streets. Activities/Outcomes: Maintain open space and medians for proper line-of-sight issues and maintain property val- ues. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of citizen complaints 15 12 Productivity: Acreage of medians maintained 44 44 Acreage of washes maintained 694 694 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.90 Total Program Budget $296,825 The Height of Desert Living 215 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Streets Program: Pavement Management Service Delivery Plan: Maintain and repair Town-owned streets. Activities/Outcomes: Slurry seal, micro surface, mill or overlay streets. Crack seal before street maintenance. Remove and replace asphalt for patching as needed. Grade unpaved alleys and shoulders as needed. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Asphalt maintained to Town standards using Stantec Pavement management recommendations. 0 0 Productivity Miles of slurry seal or microsurface. 11 15 Miles of Crack seal. 11 15 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 1.10 Total Program Budget $98,049 The Height of Desert Living 216 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Streets Program: Street Signs Maintenance Service Delivery Plan: Install and maintain all Town-owned traffic control devices to MUTCD standards. Activities/Outcomes: Install new street names, signs, poles and stop signs at all applicable Town intersections. Replace down, damaged or faded traffic control devices. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Percent of signs in compliance with the FHWA Standard for retro reflectivity and appropriate font size. 100% 100% Productivity: Number of new street name signs installed. 400 50 Number of new stop signs and poles installed. 200 200 Number of existing signs replaced. 400 600 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 1.25 Total Program Budget $106,336 The Height of Desert Living 217 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Streets Program: Street Sweeping Service Delivery Plan: Keep the Town’s public streets clean and free of debris in a safe and efficient manner. Activities/Outcomes: Sweep all Town-owned streets on a regular basis with PM-10 compliant street sweepers. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of complaints from citizens or businesses 0 0 Productivity: Number of annual sweepings: Downtown streets 24 24 Arterial roadways 24 24 Residential streets 6 6 Miles of full-width street sweeping 153 153 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 1.45 Total Program Budget $206,023 The Height of Desert Living 218 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Streets Program: Traffic Management Service Delivery Plan: Follow the Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan as approved by Town Council. Activities/Outcomes: Accept requests from residents and respond. Collect field data and review for recommendations. Conduct neighborhood meetings. Start actions with Level 1 by town staff and MCSO. Follow up after six months. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Successful neighborhood meetings 3 2 Average days from complaint to action 90 90 Productivity: Traffic devices installed 10 10 Number of traffic studies conducted 15 12 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 1.15 Total Program Budget $97,446 The Height of Desert Living 219 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Streets Program: Traffic Signals Service Delivery Plan: Maintain Town’s traffic signals to provide safe and efficient operation. Activities/Outcomes: Perform routine inspection, testing and maintenance on the Town’s traffic signals. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of signal failures annually 12 12 Response time to signal failure (in hours) 2 2 Productivity: Number of signal inspections 156 156 Number of cabinet inspections. 156 156 Number of conflict monitor tests 13 13 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 1.60 Total Program Budget $169,907 The Height of Desert Living 220 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Development Services Division: Streets Program: Vehicle Maintenance Service Delivery Plan: Provide efficient and cost-effective maintenance for the Town’s fleet. Activities/Outcomes: Purchase vehicles and equipment. Perform routine maintenance and fabricate and repair equipment. Dispose of surplus vehicles and equipment at auction. Procure Town’s fuel for all of fleet. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of emergency road service calls 0 0 Productivity: Number of major repairs (engine, etc) 4 6 Number of minor repairs (brakes, etc) 200 200 Downtime of vehicles for preventative maintenance (in hours) 159 159 Gallons of unleaded fuel inventoried annually 11,977 11,000 Gallons of diesel inventoried annually 12,739 12,800 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 1.10 Total Program Budget $92,131 The Height of Desert Living 221 Community Services The Height of Desert Living 222 Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 223 Operating Budgets Community Services Mission Statement The Community Services Department is made up of 4 Divisions that currently operate with in- dependent mission statements. Over the course of the next year, staff will work to craft a unique mission statement for the newly formed department with the assistance of the various advisory commissions. The existing mission statements are: The mission of the Fountain Hills Parks and Recreation is to enhance the quality of life by pro- viding and maintaining safe, available, and accessible parks and recreation services that will meet the intellectual, social, cultural, and leisure needs of all residents. Like the trademark fountain that stands at the heart of the community, so too does the Commu- nity Center. Its mission is to enhance the quality of life for Fountain Hills' citizens by providing a gathering place for civic, non-profit and community events, promoting the arts, and develop- ing a conference and convention trade. The Senior Activity Center helps seniors and adults maintain their independence and improve the quality of their lives by providing a comprehensive and coordinated system of services and programs by collaborating with other agencies and organizations that provide support programs and social services. Department Description The Recreation Division is responsible for providing safe and accessible recreation services for all age groups. Recreation services include adult and youth sports, pre-school programs, cul- tural programs, teen services, outdoor programs, special events, special interest classes, adult education classes, and after school programs. The Park Division oversees the Town’s four major parks including our signature, Fountain Park. The Parks Division also manages the Botanical Garden as well as a growing trails system The Community Center Division provides meeting and event space for recreational, civic, edu- cational, commercial, and private events that require seminar, banquet, classroom, or exhibit space. The facilities provide much needed space for public meetings and opportunities for group and individual rentals at affordable prices. The Center staff works attentively with clients and Town staff to ensure that all rooms and public areas are clean, properly set, and prepared for their users. License agreements ensure that users comply with the policies and procedures as adopted by the Town. The Senior Services Division provides programs and services, including Home Delivered Meals, fitness and educational programs, community and socialization activities, and social ser- vices to include support groups and consultations. Senior Services are housed in the Commu- nity Center building. The Height of Desert Living 224 Operating Budgets Program areas included in Community Services are: FY 2009-2010 Department Accomplishments Worked with coordinators to successfully facilitate Art on the Avenue and Farmers' Market. Helped to coordinate and sponsor Oktoberfest and St. Patrick's Day Celebration at Fountain Park. Continued to expand the Eggstravaganza event, including more organizations and busi- nesses and increasing to 15,000 eggs. Several Recreation staff members were nominated and elected to the APRA Board and/ or committees. Worked with the Downtown Business Community group to design, purchase, and install informational signage at Fountain Park. Worked with Ballet Arizona to coordinate the Ballet Under the Stars performance. Helped to coordinate the Town's 20th Anniversary Celebration at the Community Cen- ter. Coordinated four Movies in the Park, adding the first ever double feature for adults. Helped to facilitate an American Cancer Society Relay for Life event at Fountain Park. Increased activity with the Fountain Hills and Fort McDowell Visitor's Bureau to ex- pand marketing efforts for Town events and programs. Recreation Administration Fountain Park Fountain Operations Boards & Commissions Fountain Park Land Maintenance Special Events Fountain Park Amenities Community Events Golden Eagle Park Administration Special Interest Programming Golden Eagle Park Land Maintenance Sports Activities Golden Eagle Field Preparation Youth & Teen Programming Golden Eagle Park Amenities Community Support Four Peaks Park Administration Senior Activities Administration Four Peaks Park Land Maintenance Seniors Membership Programs Four Peaks Park Field Preparation Home Delivered Meals Four Peaks Park Amenities Senior Events Desert Vista Park Administration Community Center Administration Desert Vista Park Land Maintenance Building Operations Desert Vista Park Field Preparation Event Coordination Desert Vista park Amenities Fountain Park Administration Open Space/Trails The Height of Desert Living 225 Worked with ADOG through the Recreation Division for the third year of an expanded “Paws Around the Fountain” event in Fountain Park. Implemented “Save Our Statues” (S.O.S.) program to help maintain the Town’s public art collection. Collaborated with Grand Canyon State Games for the Lori Piestewa Native America Games and attracted over 2,000 people each summer for softball, baseball, basketball, track, cross country and wrestling events. Provided support to the McDowell Mountain Preserve Commission to create materials on the preserve, hikes, etc. Completed the Parks Division Maintenance Plan. Implemented in-house mowing at Golden Eagle Park & Four Peaks Park. Worked with the Greening of Downtown Committee to complete by Arbor Day the first phase of the project in Fountain Park . Opened the Sonoran Trail which links the Town to the Preserve. In cooperation with the Botanical Garden Society, reopened the Desert Botanical Gar- den. Successfully recruited, trained, and implemented the docent led art walks. Collaborated with Starbucks Coffee to start offering pastries and coffee two days a week in the Center lounge to encourage use, as a gathering place. Starbucks on Shea is donat- ing all pastries and coffee for this program. Installed new automatic paper towel holders in all restrooms and meeting rooms. Created designated parking spaces for seniors on heavy use days. Implemented a new liquor policy, allowing clients the option to choose who serves liq- uor, creating opportunities for more bookings and allowing non-profit groups to raise funds for their organizations. Community Center Advisory Commission completed a final report for Council on fu- ture use, fees, and policies after months of meeting with the study committee. Reviewed and recommended new designated spaces for art work inside of the Center in accordance with the Public Art Master Plan. Arranged program schedule to make better use of designated space for seniors. Continued to streamline the Home Delivered Meals route sheets, tracking and payment processing systems. Added a third Home Delivered Meals route to service clients in a more timely fashion; the additional route cuts down the delivery time for volunteers. Partnered with Fountain Hills Cultural & Civic Association to offer Fountain Hills Pub- lic Forum, First Annual Volunteer Fair, and Experience the Arts programs. Offered 58 trips this year, all were booked to capacity. No trips were cancelled due to low enrollment. Added three new support groups this year - Celiac, Diabetes, and Stroke Support. Added five new programs this year - Beginners Bridge, Co-ed Discussion Group, French for Travelers, Karaoke, and Swing Time Music. Partnered with Scottsdale Healthcare, Schultz Chiropractic Clinic, Spooner & Shaft Physical Therapy, and Hospice of the Valley to offer several special health related pres- entations. The Height of Desert Living 226 Partnered with Senior Services, Inc. to continue support of the Home Delivered Meals Program, Medical Equipment Loan Program, and Senior Net Computer lab Coordinated and hosted the 20 Year Incorporation Celebration event. Partnered with the Tourism Bureau to offer information to large events from out of town to help promote our local hotels and businesses. FY 2010-2011 Department Objectives Apply for designation as a Playful City USA from Kaboom!, a national recognition for communities dedicated to play. Work closely with the Fountain Hills Unified School District to assist with scheduling and maintenance of facilities utilized by the Parks and Recreation Division. Provide staff support to all events and activities at Town parks. Provide excellent customer service including information referral, quality programs, and easy registration. Implement youth activities at the Community Center. Continue to provide support to the McDowell Mountain Preserve Conservancy. Successful over seeding of Fountain Park. Expand recycle program to Four Peaks Park, Golden Eagle Park, and Fountain Park. Install solar panels on Parks restroom control buildings. Reduce SRP electrical power usage through conservation and use of solar technology. Continue partnership with Sonoran Conservancy on trail hikes, operations, and mainte- nance. Explore field maintenance cost sharing with sports field user groups. Continue successful seasonal operations of the Rotary Centennial Splash Park. Continue to monitor park/trail vandalism Provide excellent customer service including information referral, quality programs, and timely booking process. Provide staff support to all events and activities scheduled. Work closely with local groups and non-profit organizations to bring more events to the Center. Create a Health & Wellness Fair and teen programs. Identify new senior education and adult program options. Help seniors maintain independence and adequate nutrition through the Home Delivered Meals Program. Develop stronger support groups and seek out qualified coordinators. Use dedicated room space and review/monitor program space needs. Provide information referral, quality programs, and help new residents and visitors es- tablish a network of friends by providing opportunities for socialization. Serve as a resource center for trip options in the valley and other travel destinations. Work with travel companies to provide opportunities for trip options for Senior Activity members. The Height of Desert Living 227 Splash Park Department Division Budget Community Services Recreation $518,042 Community Center Operations $589,860 Senior Services $232,280 Parks-Fountain Park $384,443 Parks-Golden Eagle Park $316,577 Parks-Desert Vista Park $109,625 Parks-Four Peaks Park $124,503 Parks-Open Space/Trails $46,899 Total General Fund $2,322,230 TOTAL OPERATING $2,322,230 The Height of Desert Living 228 . Operating Budgets COMMUNITY SERVICES FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS: Overtime 5,984 $5,900 $2,500 $0 $0 Wages and Salaries 965,020 $991,370 $1,155,912 $1,084,044 $882,763 Employer FICA Expense 32,580 $35,300 $36,600 $30,400 $25,433 Unemployment Insurance Expense 2,454 $3,114 $3,486 $1,998 $1,658 Employee's Health Insurance 111,545 $140,845 $94,151 $110,970 $106,364 Employee's Life Insurance 2,703 $2,268 $2,584 $2,464 $2,081 Employee's Dental Insurance 10,937 $8,015 $8,512 $8,641 $7,494 Employee Vision Insurance 1,890 $1,923 $1,656 $1,268 $1,006 Worker Compensation Insurance 35,771 $19,990 $23,227 $16,853 $16,334 Employee's Retirement Expense 87,607 $81,750 $92,710 $90,852 $76,304 Disability Insurance 22,286 $24,960 $4,405 $3,858 $3,260 TOTAL $1,278,778 $1,315,435 $1,425,743 $1,351,348 $1,122,698 Licenses/Filing Fees $500 $800 $1,450 $1,530 $1,245 Dues & Memberships $4,095 $3,900 $3,115 $2,570 $2,331 Training/Continuing Education $11,657 $4,900 $5,175 $2,800 $0 Meetings & Conferences $8,600 $1,550 $7,175 $3,450 $4,450 Building Repair & Maintenance $21,600 $18,500 $67,355 $48,310 $10,950 Mowing/Landscape/Field Prep $247,830 $252,565 $331,223 $93,117 $95,453 Equipment Repair & Maintenance $45,700 $65,000 $32,700 $14,450 $23,450 Vehicle Repair & Maintenance $23,379 $5,350 $8,850 $15,234 $13,755 Office Equip Repair & Maintenance $1,320 $1,425 $1,320 $2,740 $2,830 Electricity $217,252 $207,523 $222,546 $183,692 $203,176 Communications Expense $5,400 $7,100 $12,435 $8,496 $29,574 Refuse/Recycling $18,700 $15,600 $9,000 $5,500 $6,140 Water/Sewer $37,060 $25,900 $46,500 $32,860 $39,572 Gas & Oil $9,923 $13,100 $10,400 $15,804 $15,970 McDowell Mountain Preservation $3,243 $1,400 $1,920 $0 $0 Professional/Instructor Fees $47,700 $9,490 $27,700 $36,540 $42,319 Rentals & Leases $11,199 $8,000 $9,474 $6,250 $17,995 Printing $5,220 $1,362 $3,800 $2,450 $2,710 Advertising $113,207 $18,125 $16,650 $1,218 $460 Contractual Services $103,900 $0 $3,961 $256,564 $91,049 Constituent Communications $46,026 $50,000 $54,691 $28,850 $19,950 Bank Charges $2,640 $900 $5,050 $4,640 $5,270 Office Supplies $20,350 $18,525 $16,690 $10,800 $12,250 Safety Supplies $0 $0 $0 $660 $1,260 Program Materials $21,710 $63,000 $87,607 $18,319 $31,859 Operating Supplies $98,626 $98,335 $112,845 $67,547 $81,934 Food & Beverage Supplies $28,000 $15,000 $7,200 $0 $1,720 Uniforms $9,316 $10,100 $8,031 $6,038 $6,296 Equipment & Small Tools $7,900 $7,700 $6,200 $2,400 $8,210 Internal Service Charges $0 $0 $0 $0 $19,711 TOTAL $1,172,053 $925,150 $1,121,063 $872,828 $791,889 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay-Vehicles $47,200 $71,972 $0 $0 $0 Capital Outlay - Equipment $9,500 $0 $6,130 $0 $0 Capital Outlay - Improvements $0 $0 $40,000 $0 $0 Capital Outlay - Park Improvements $271,538 $0 $67,966 $0 $0 TOTAL $328,238 $71,972 $114,096 $0 $0 Transfer to Debt Service $387,000 $387,000 $387,000 $387,000 $387,000 Transfer to Public Art $1,669,050 $0 $0 $0 $9,600 Transfer to VRF $0 $0 $24,953 $27,503 $11,042 TOTAL $2,056,050 $387,000 $411,953 $414,503 $407,642 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $4,835,119 $2,699,557 $3,072,855 $2,638,679 $2,322,230 The Height of Desert Living 229 Budget Highlights - Recreation (General Fund) $371,528 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for Community Services Director, Recrea- tion Community Center and Senior Activity staff-$371,528 $146,514 Services & Supplies Instructors-$26,504 Equipment Rental-$16,415 Event Security & Assistance-$11,090 Umpires-$6,725 Printing/mailing “In the Loop” (2 issues)-$17,955 NPRA, APRA, Arts Council, Heritage Alliance memberships-$1,453 APRA conference-$3,450 Vehicle and equipment maintenance-$1,365 Telecom-$8,219 Printing forms-$850 Bank/Merchant account fees-$2,000 Office supplies-$7,001 Uniforms-$1,656 Teen Programs-$3,250 Program Support & Materials-$27,159 Kiosk Supplies-$399 Internal Service Charges-$10,173 $518,042 Total Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 230 Budget Highlights - Community Center (General Fund) $176,496 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for Community Center staff-$176,496 $26,364 Services & Supplies Notary fees and subscriptions-$113 Meeting supplies-$150 Audio equipment repair and maintenance-$1,500 Copier maintenance-$2,423 Telecom-$9,533 Piano tuning, music licensing-$565 Bank and Merchant account charges-$2,190 Office and operating supplies-$3,500 Sign replacement-$500 Equipment purchase-$2,500 Advertising/Marketing Materials-$1,760 Uniforms-$450 Internal Service Charges-$1,180 $387,000 Transfers to Debt Service Fund $589,860 Total The Height of Desert Living 231 Budget Highlights - Senior Services (General Fund) $143,094 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for Senior Services Staff-$143,094 $89,186 Services & Supplies Meetings-$200 Home Delivered Meals Contract-$69,984 Videos/Movies/Games-$2,112 HDM Supplies-$2,966 Food & Beverage supplies-$1,050 Telecom-$2,675 “In the Loop”-$1,995 Bank/Merchant services fees-$1,080 Office supplies, business cards -$4,466 Internal Service Charges-$2,658 $232,280 Total The Height of Desert Living 232 Budget Highlights - Fountain Park (General Fund) $90,895 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for park staff-$90,895 $282,881 Services & Supplies ADEQ, Pesticide licenses and permits-$530 APRA, NPRA Memberships-$75 Veterans Memorial, Splash Park maintenance-$4,135 Sod, seed, soil prep -$25,650 Park maintenance supplies-$10,390 Fountain maintenance-$10,850 Vehicle maintenance & fuel-$3,600 Electricity-$147,680 Telecom-$3,224 Water-$3,600 Lake testing, algae treatment-$15,250 Mowing, aerating, spraying-$46,415 Misc supplies & tools-$499 Uniforms-$715 Building and Irrigation maintenance-$6,988 Refuse/Recycling-$1,780 Tree Replacement-$1,500 $2,067 Transfers to Vehicle Replacement Fund $8,600 Transfer to Public Art (for art maintenance) $384,443 Total The Height of Desert Living 233 Budget Highlights - Golden Eagle Park (General Fund) $182,557 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for park staff-$182,557 $127,422 Services & Supplies ADEQ, Pesticide licenses and permits-$395 APRA, NPRA, AZ Tree Memberships & training-$1,415 Sod, seed, irrigation, soil prep -$21,300 Playground equipment maintenance-$5,900 Field prep materials-$4,000 Vehicle maintenance & fuel-$20,020 Electricity-$29,660 Telecom-$4,307 Water-$5,360 Mowing, aerating, spraying-$3,000 Misc repair-$12,825 Uniforms-$2,760 Building janitorial supplies-$6,700 Refuse/Recycling-$3,280 Tennis Court lighting repair-$4,000 Trash can replacement-$1,000 Tree/shrub replacement-$1,500 $6,598 Transfers to Vehicle Replacement Fund $316,577 Total The Height of Desert Living 234 Budget Highlights - Four Peaks Park (General Fund) $61,993 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for park staff-$61,993 $60,132 Services & Supplies ADEQ, Pesticide licenses and permits-$20 APRA, NPRA Memberships-$75 Ball field lighting repair-$3,500 Vehicle maintenance & fuel-$3,600 Electricity-$11,460 Telecom-$1,616 Water-$27,272 Mowing, aerating, spraying-$1,100 Misc repair & maintenance-$7,600 Uniforms-$715 Irrigation repair-$1,250 Janitorial supplies-$1,924 $2,378 Transfer to Vehicle Replacement Fund $124,503 Total The Height of Desert Living 235 Budget Highlights-Desert Vista Park (General Fund) $61,977 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for park staff-$61,977 $47,648 Services & Supplies ADEQ, Pesticide licenses and permits-$300 Sod, seed, soil prep-$1,500 Dog Park supplies-$3,910 Pump station maintenance-$600 Vehicle maintenance & fuel-$1,140 Electricity-$12,216 Water-$2,560 Mowing, aerating, spraying-$15,040 Misc supplies & tools-$2,332 Building maintenance-$2,700 Janitorial supplies-$1,470 Skate Park maintenance-$1,200 Refuse/Recycling-$1,080 Field light maintenance-$1,600 $0 Transfer to Vehicle Replacement Fund $109,625 Total The Height of Desert Living 236 Budget Highlights-Open Space/Trails (General Fund) $34,159 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for park staff-$34,159 $12,740 Services & Supplies Educational materials & supplies-$700 Electricity expenses-Trailhead-$2,160 Water/Sewer expenses-$780 Botanical Garden erosion control-$2,000 Trailhead maintenance-$1,800 Trail Maintenance tools-$2,000 Internal Service Charges-3,300 $0 Transfer to Vehicle Replacement Fund $ 46,899 Total The Height of Desert Living 237 Operating Budgets Program Budgets DEPARTMENT/DIVISION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION BUDGET Community Services Recreation Administration Park & Recreation Administration $167,774 Kiosk Management Boards & Commissions Boards & Commissions Support $28,621 Special Events Special Event Permitting $13,904 Community Events Town Wide Event Programs/Activities $80,124 Special Interest Programs Provide Special Recreation Programs/Classes $40,621 Sports Activities Provide Sports Programs/Activities $73,018 Youth & Teen Programming Provide Youth & Teen Programs/Activities $42,386 Community Support Youth Sport Organization Support $71,595 Senior Services Administration Senior Activities Administration $40,440 Membership Membership Activities & Programs $73,849 Home Delivered Meals Home Delivered Meals Program $100,533 Events Dances & Socials $17,459 Community Center Administration Community Center Administration $425,098 Marketing & Promotion Building Operations Room Set up/Tear Down $113,527 Event Coordination Event Management $51,235 The Height of Desert Living 238 Operating Budgets Program Budgets DEPARTMENT/DIVISION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION BUDGET Community Services Parks Administration Fountain Park Administration $53,014 Fountain Fountain Maintenance & Operation $190,102 Land Maint Turf Maintenance $98,075 Amenities Amphitheater Maintenance $43,252 Ramada Maintenance Splash Park Maintenance Administration Golden Eagle Park Administration $49,827 Land Maint Turf Maintenance $50,115 Field Preparation Ball Field Maintenance $120,645 Amenities Ramada Maintenance $95,990 Tennis Court Maintenance Administration Four Peaks Park Administration $42,660 Land Maint Turf Maintenance $17,816 Field Preparation Soccer Field Maintenance $38,633 Amenities Ramada Maintenance $25,394 Administration Desert Vista Park Administration $39,715 Land Maint Turf Maintenance $31,736 Field Preparation Soccer Field Maintenance $12,443 Amenities Dog Park Maintenance $25,731 Skate Park Maintenance Ramada Maintenance Open Space/Trails Botanical Garden & Trails Maint $46,899 Total $2,322,230 The Height of Desert Living 239 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Recreation Program: Administration Service Delivery Plan: Provide efficient and cost effective financial overview of the entire Division. Activities/Outcomes: Monitor and order supplies and call for equipment repairs. Write grants for capital improvement projects. Insure accounts payable are accurate and forwarded to the Accounting Supervisor. Prepare and adhere to the Division’s annual budget Conduct performance evaluations, staff meetings, and staff management. Conduct online survey of community recreation needs. Maintain 8 Town kiosks stocked with information. Work with Customer Service Representatives to reserve park facilities and program registra- tions for residents and visitors. Process mail, check/cash/credit card payments, cancellations/refunds and weekly reporting for all program registrations/facility bookings. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of program budgets at or under budget 0 0 Productivity: Number of In-the-Loop Publications 3 3 Number of park facility rentals 400 425 Number of program registrations 1,712 1,750 Annual $ for program registrations $72,654 $72,700 Number of Turkey Trot registrations 613 600 Annual $ for Turkey Trot registrations $10,170 $10,000 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 1.50 Total Program Budget $167,774 The Height of Desert Living 240 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division Recreation Program: Boards and Commissions Service Delivery Plan: Provide proactive advice to the Town Council, staff, and Administration in matters pertaining to Parks and Recreation/McDowell Mountain Preservation services and facilities. Schedule Commission meetings regularly and work to accomplish the Division’s Mission Statement. Activities/Outcomes: Conduct any necessary research and report findings back to the Commission. Hold regular Parks and Recreation Commission/MMPC meetings per year. Schedule one joint meeting each between PRC/MMPC and Town Council per year. Prepare and deliver meeting agendas and minutes in accordance with state laws. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Meeting agendas in accordance with state law 100% 100% Agendas prepared in a timely fashion 100% 100% Productivity: Hold regular meetings 16 16 Schedule joint meeting with Town Council 2 2 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.35 Total Program Budget $28,621 The Height of Desert Living 241 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Recreation Program: Special Events Support Service Delivery Plan: Review both internal and external special event applications for compliance with Town Code and make recommendations to the Town Council for each event. Review and consideration of events which do not require Town Council approval and oversee staff committee reviewing special events. Activities/Outcomes: Update Special Event Application Update Town Code with regard to Special Events Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Respond to event applicants in a timely manner 100% 100% Productivity: Facilitate monthly Special Event Committee meetings 12 12 Internal/External event review 20+ 30+ Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.15 Total Program Budget $13,904 The Height of Desert Living 242 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Recreation Program: Community Events Service Delivery Plan: Coordinate events and seek grants and sponsorships to offset costs. Work with partners and volunteers to offer quality events that will highlight the small town character of Fountain Hills. Draw valley residents and visitors to the community to help the local businesses. As- sist non-Town sponsored or coordinated events to be successful and meet the Town’s overall goals and objectives. Activities/Outcomes: Coordinated Facilitated Ballet Under the Stars Farmers’ Market & Art on the Avenue Concerts in the Park Oktoberfest Eggstravaganza St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Fantastic Fall Festival Homecoming Parade Movies in the Park Paws in the Park Turkey Trot Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of registrations and/or participants 20,900 26,200 Productivity: Number of events 11 11 Program revenue $31,830 $36,725 Number of events coordinated 6 6 Number of events facilitated 5 5 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.65 Total Program Budget $80,124 The Height of Desert Living 243 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Recreation Program: Special Interest Programming Service Delivery Plan: Coordinate, market, schedule staff and instructors, and evaluate programs for success and cost effectiveness. Activities/Outcomes: Art Walks Arts & Crafts – Acrylics & Oil, Drawing, Oil Painting, Paper Clay, Texture & Color, Watercolor Health & Wellness – Tai Chi, Yoga Lifetime Learning – CRP/AED Training, Hunter Education, Language Lessons Ballroom Dancing Gardening Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of specialized/certified instructors 10 13 Productivity: Number of registrations and/or participants 350 462 Number of Activities Offered 10 15 Number of courses offered 51 67 Program revenue $20,300 $24,490 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.45 Total Program Budget $40,621 The Height of Desert Living 244 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Recreation Program: Sports Activities Service Delivery Plan: Coordinate, market, schedule staff and instructors, and evaluate programs for success and cost effectiveness. Activities/Outcomes: Basketball – Adult Leagues & Youth Recreational Leagues Flag Football/Cheer – Youth Recreational Leagues Golf Lessons – Adult & Junior Pickleball Soccer Tots Softball Leagues – Men’s & Senior Senior Softball Tournaments Tennis – Adult, Junior & Pee Wee Lessons Youth Sports Competitions Skateboard Clinics Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of specialized/certified instructors 16 16 Number of trained volunteer coaches Productivity: Number of registrations team registrations 59 64 Number of individual registrations/participants 860 975 Number of Activities offered 16 16 Number of courses offered 70 70 Program revenue $45,700 $60,998 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 1.00 Total Program Budget $73,018 The Height of Desert Living 245 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Recreation Program: Youth and Teen Programming Service Delivery Plan: Coordinate, market, schedule staff and instructors, and evaluate programs for success and cost effectiveness. Activities/Outcomes: Fine Arts Camps Homecoming Tailgate Party Mayor’s Youth Council Party in the Park Teen Events at Community Center Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of specialized/certified instructors 1 1 Productivity: Number of registrations and/or participants 1,020 1,425 Number of activities offered 3 5 Number of courses offered 5 9 Program revenue $2,475 $6,320 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.45 Total Program Budget $42,386 The Height of Desert Living 246 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Recreation Program: Community Support Service Delivery Plan: Support community organizations, particularly youth sports organizations, in their effort to provide additional recreational opportunities to the youth of Fountain Hills. Activities/Outcomes: Be responsible for coordinating with youth sports organizations such as Fountain Hills Little League, Fountain Hills Soccer Club, Pop Warner Football and Cheerleading. Be responsible for coordinating joint facility usage with the Fountain Hills Unified School Dis- trict. Prepare fields and monitor activities in Town’s parks associated with use by partner organiza- tions. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of Youth Sports Organizations support received to reduce maintenance cost to Town 3 3 Productivity: Little League bookings 608 600 Soccer Club bookings 499 500 Youth Football bookings 44 54 FHUSD bookings 434 400 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 2.20 Total Program Budget $71,595 The Height of Desert Living 247 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Senior Services Program: Administration Service Delivery Plan: Provide quality customer service to walk-in and phone-in customers. Communicate with pro- gram coordinators about activities, special events, office hours, etc. Perform overall opera- tional duties to include performance evaluations, staff meetings, and staff and volunteer man- agement. Communicate with Senior Services Advisory Commission. Provide Supervisors re- port at monthly Commission meeting. Process accounts payable and monitor expenditures. Be responsible for preparation and adherence to the division’s budget. Activities/Outcomes: Help walk-in and phone-in customers with activities and program information. Conduct performance evaluations. Establish agenda for staff meetings and Commission meetings. Provide Supervisors report at monthly Commission meeting. Process division’s petty cash, accounts payable, and P-card transactions. Prepare annual division’s budget and monitor expenditures. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of complaints received about poor Customer Service 0 0 Productivity: Number of staff meetings held 7 7 Number of Commission meetings held 7 9 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.80 Total Program Budget $40,440 The Height of Desert Living 248 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Senior Services Program: Membership and Programs Service Delivery Plan: Offer annual membership. Provide meeting space to members for activities and programs. Coordinate and assist support groups and offer social services for the community. Utilize vari- ous marketing means to increase awareness about the programs, activities, and events that are offered throughout the year. Activities/Outcomes: Register and track annual membership. Book all classes and programs in CLASS and update changes as needed. Create or update program flyers. Create or update special event flyers/posters. Create monthly newsletter. Review weekly program schedule for the Fountain Hills Times. Submit weekly Fountain Hills Times updates. Submit monthly Let’s Go updates. Submit monthly Quality Life Magazine updates. Submit monthly press releases. Manage and update senior services website pages. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Productivity: Number of members 1,159 800 Number of activities offered 31 31 Number of attendees at Ice Cream Socials 140 140 Number of attendees at Holiday Cookie Exchange 16 20 Number of attendees at EXPO 440 450 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 1.40 Total Program Budget $73,849 The Height of Desert Living 249 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Senior Services Program: Home Delivered Meals Service Delivery Plan: Deliver a quality noon time meal to Town residents who require assistance in obtaining nutri- tional meals. Activities/Outcomes: Deliver noon time meals to clients. Intake and remove clients from program. Schedule weekly routes. Track monthly meals. Process billing monthly for clients and agencies (Fountain View Village, Area Agency on Aging and Senior Services, Inc.) Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of complaints about the meals 4 4 Number of volunteer complaints about the route 0 0 Number of people on waitlist 0 0 Productivity: Number of meals delivered yearly 10,500 10,800 Number of self-pay clients 4,250 2,697 Number of area agency clients 5,960 5,960 Number of underwritten (SSI) meals 590 2,143 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.85 Total Program Budget $100,533 The Height of Desert Living 250 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Senior Services Program: Events Service Delivery Plan: Coordinate educational classes and special events for members and the community. Activities/Outcomes: Coordinate special events and classes. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of attendees at Fall Event 220 150 Number of attendees at Spring Event 40 100 Productivity: Number of events offered 9 8 Number of classes offered 10 10 Number of presentations offered 10 11 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.48 Total Program Budget $17,459 The Height of Desert Living 251 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Community Center Program: Administration Service Delivery Plan: Provide cost effective and efficient financial oversight for the entire department. Market and advertise to attract large events to the Town of Fountain Hills. Provide proactive advice to the Town Council, staff and administration in matters pertaining to Community Center services and facilities Activities/Outcomes: Prepare monthly financial and activity reports. Track requisitions and purchases and reconcile numbers with reports from Accounting. Preparation and adherence to the Division’s annual budget Have front desk coverage with Customer Service Representative or volunteers. Hold a weekly staff meeting to review upcoming event schedule and provide assistance with performance evaluations, staff meetings and staff management. Prepare all necessary contract paperwork and invoices. Track payments and ensure client accounts are up-to-date. Work closely with the Tourism Bureau to co-market Fountain Hills as a destination. Network and invite vendors to tour the building in order to promote facility usage. Coordinate both print and electronic advertising and follow up with leads provided by adver- tising outlets. Staff will do any necessary research and report back to the Commission its findings. Hold ten Community Center Advisory Commission meetings per year. Hold one joint meeting with Senior Commission and one with Council each year. Prepare and deliver meeting agendas and minutes in accordance with state laws. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Time CSR desk is covered 98% 99% Large events (35) hosted successfully 49 35 Book 4 events per bridal show 0% 100% Productivity: Agendas and minutes sent out on time 10 10 Number of monthly reports completed 12 12 Number of staff meetings held each year 46 50 Number of joint meeting with Senior Commission 2 1 Number of bridal shows annually 0 2 Number of co-promotions with the Parks and Recreation Division 0 2 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.55 Total Program Budget $425,098 The Height of Desert Living 252 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Community Center Program: Building Operations Service Delivery Plan: Perform both set-up and take-down duties and the daily custodial and maintenance services of the Community Center Building. Coordinate with facility maintenance staff the repairs and construction projects and maintain proper levels of supplies needed. Work with the Event Coordinator to ensure that facilities, equipment, and room set-up meet the requirements of the event and the client’s contractual agreements. Work events ensuring clients are provided with contracted event details, maintain cleanliness of building during events and work with vendors to ensure compliance with facility policies. Activities/Outcomes: Train in the safe operation of equipment, such as floor scrubber, dance floor, staging, alarms, audio visual equipment, and routine maintenance of the building. Prepare work schedules for part time staff based on staffing budget and event schedules. Monitor multiple events and inspect work in progress to support various events and activities. Keep current on maintenance of all equipment and building codes. Maintain compliance with OSHA standards and fire code regulations. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of incident reports filed 0 0 Productivity: Number of set-up/take-downs 4,126 3,714 Number of equipment/supplies training attended 2 2 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 2.90 Total Program Budget $113,527 The Height of Desert Living 253 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Community Center Program: Event Coordination Service Delivery Plan: Facilitate and schedule all event related activities for the facility. Communicate with prospec- tive and confirmed leasees regarding facility availability. Conduct tours, and advise of ser- vices available. Work as the liaison between clients, the public, and staff prior to and during events to ensure that facilities, equipment, set-up and personnel meet the requirements of the event and the client’s contractual agreement. Coordinate and supervise support personnel, outside vendors, and services and provide on-site supervision of events taking place. Activities/Outcomes: Respond to inquiries by prospective and confirmed leasees concerning rental rates and space availability. Conduct facility tours and explain policies and procedures for use of Center. Calculate and provide clients with estimates of potential costs incurred in completing an event. Input, retrieve, and update event requirements: contracts, CAD drawings and event reports. Maintain information throughout the CLASS event management system. Finalize leasee requirements including all support personnel needed: security guards, cater- ers, rental companies, and other outside vendors. Ensure that pre and post event reports are up-to-date, accurate and delivered to the opera- tions and administrative staff in a timely manner. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Pre and Post event report forms completed 95% 98% Contracts processed within ten days 98% 100% Productivity: Number of post event surveys completed 0 50 Number of Town events scheduled 22 24 Number of other events scheduled 407 432 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.80 Total Program Budget $51,235 The Height of Desert Living 254 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Parks Program: Fountain Park Administration Service Delivery Plan Provide the public with professional park personnel at the Fountain Park facility to deliver quality customer service Activities/Outcomes: Professional character and attitude towards public Review budgets and line item reports Maintain present staff level at the Fountain Park facility Respond to positive or negative comments from residents Investigate all concerns that pertain to the Parks Division Address personnel issues and concerns efficiently and effectively Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of customer service complaints 2 2 Average days to respond to resident concerns 1 1 Productivity: Number of phone calls/ responses 6 6 Number of emails/ responses 8 10 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.50 Total Program Budget $53,014 The Height of Desert Living 255 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Parks Program: Fountain Park Fountain Operations Service Delivery Plan: Provide the best professional maintenance for the fountain equipment to keep the Town’s world famous fountain operational for many years to come. Also use preventive maintenance methods to prolong the life and efficiency of the equipment. Activities/Outcomes: Supervise vendors servicing motors and pumps. Perform annual maintenance inspections on equipment Consistently make repairs in a timely fashion Implement more efficient operations to conserve energy consumption Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Equipment inspections completed on time 2 2 Service calls on motors/pumps 2 2 % of time Fountain in daily operation 98% 98% Productivity: Number of infrared tests 1 1 Number of motor oil changes 1 1 Number of repacking turbine pumps & inspection 1 1 Number of lake quality tests 12 12 Upgrade Fountain control software 0 1 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.30 Total Program Budget $190,102 The Height of Desert Living 256 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Parks Program: Fountain Park Land Maintenance Service Delivery Plan: Provide the Town of Fountain Hills community and general public with a safe, clean, and green environment at the Fountain Park facility, to enjoy leisurely recreational activities and special events. Also maintain the landscaping in the park at a high standard to provide a beautiful park facility to host weddings and other community activities. Activities/Outcomes: Fertilize consistently to maintain healthy turf through turf enhancement efforts Utilize Annual Landscape Contract to augment park aesthetics Apply herbicide for weed control. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of complaints about overhanging branches 0 0 Number of complaints about turf quality 0 0 Productivity: Number of acres over-seeded 30.25 30.25 Number of mowing services performed 42 42 Number of Pre and Post emergent sprayings 4 4 Number of trees trimmed 60 60 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.30 Total Program Budget $98,075 The Height of Desert Living 257 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Parks Program: Fountain Park Amenities Service Delivery Plan: Provide the public with safe, clean amenities and facilities to attract park patrons for recrea- tional activity. This will continue to help increase rentals/revenue from picnics, birthday par- ties and special events. Activities/Outcomes: Service restroom and control building facility. Maintain Ramada’s for public use. Increase rentals of the Ramada’s Splash Park clean and operational during seasonal opening Amphitheater clean and operational for special events Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: % of time restrooms clean and ready for use 98% 98% % of time Ramada’s clean and ready for use 98% 98% % of time Splash Park open and operational 98% 98% % of time Amphitheater clean and operational 100% 100% Productivity: Ramada rentals 43 60 Open Turf/facilities rentals 26 50 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.30 Total Program Budget $43,252 The Height of Desert Living 258 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Parks Program: Golden Eagle Park Administration Service Delivery Plan: Provide the public with professional park personnel at each park facility to deliver quality cus- tomer service. Activities/Outcomes: Professional character and attitude towards public Review budgets and line item reports Maintain present staff level at the Golden Eagle Park facility Respond to positive or negative comments from residents Investigate all concerns that pertain to the Parks Division Address personnel issues and concerns efficiently and effectively Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Park Maintenance/Operations customer complaints 5 3 Average days to respond to resident concerns 1 1 Productivity: Number of phone calls/responses 4 4 Number of emails/responses 6 6 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.50 Total Program Budget $49,827 The Height of Desert Living 259 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Parks Program: Golden Eagle Park Land Maintenance Service Delivery Plan: Provide the public with safe, clean and green landscaped areas throughout the park facility. Also use Annual Landscape Contract services to augment the park aesthetics. Activities/Outcomes: Fertilize consistently to maintain healthy turf through turf enhancement efforts Utilize Annual Landscape Contract to augment park aesthetics Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of complaints about overhanging branches 0 0 Number of complaints about turf quality 2 0 Productivity: Number of acres over-seeded 4 4 Number of mowing services performed 4 0 Number of Pre and Post emergent sprayings 4 4 Number of trees trimmed 100 100 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.90 Total Program Budget $50,115 The Height of Desert Living 260 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Parks Program: Golden Eagle Park Field Prep Service Delivery Plan: Provide the public with safe, clean and green ball-fields, open turf areas and sports facilities for the public to utilize for recreational activity. This will continue to increase rentals of the park facilities and support seasonal sporting events. Activities/Outcomes: Fertilize the ball-fields and open turf areas Maintenance on the infields and warning tracks Proper maintenance on the equipment Manage utilities and supplies efficiently Manage maintenance/repairs effectively Fall over-seeding Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: % of time Ball Fields are operational 98% 98% Productivity: Number of in-house mowings 44 44 Number of ball fields over-seeded 4 4 Number of ball fields prep/lined 4 4 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 1.10 Total Program Budget $120,645 The Height of Desert Living 261 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Parks Program: Golden Eagle Park Amenities Service Delivery Plan: Provide the public with safe, clean amenities and facilities for the public to utilize for recrea- tional activity. This will continue to increase rentals of the Ramada’s for picnics, birthday parties and support annual sporting events. Activities/Outcomes: Service restroom and control building facility. Maintain Ramada’s for public use. Host annual softball tournaments Maintain efficient operation of amenities and use of supplies Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: % of time restrooms clean and ready for use 98% 98% % of time Ramada’s clean and ready for use 98% 98% % of time Tennis Courts are operational 98% 98% Productivity: Ramada rentals 49 65 Facilities rentals 82 100 Number of tennis courts cleaned 4 4 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.90 Total Program Budget $95,990 The Height of Desert Living 262 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Parks Program: Four Peaks Park Administration Service Delivery Plan: Provide the public with professional park personnel at the Four Peaks Park facility to deliver quality customer service. Activities/Outcomes: Professional character and attitude towards public Review budgets and line item reports Maintain present staff level at the Four Peaks Park facility Respond to positive or negative comments from residents Investigate all concerns that pertain to the Parks Division Address personnel issues and concerns efficiently and effectively Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Park Maintenance/Operations customer complaints 2 2 Average days to respond to resident concerns 1 1 Productivity: Number of phone calls/ responses 2 2 Number of emails/responses 4 4 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.50 Total Program Budget $42,660 The Height of Desert Living 263 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Parks Program: Four Peaks Park Land Maintenance Service Delivery Plan: Provide the Town of Fountain Hills community and general public with a safe, clean, and green environment at the Four Peaks facility to enjoy leisurely recreational activities and spe- cial events. Maintain the landscaping and turf in the park at a high standard with profes- sional training for staff. Activities/Outcomes: Utilize the Annual Landscape Contract maintenance services effectively. Apply herbicide for weed control. Staff attend job related workshop/training Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of complaints about overhanging branches 0 0 Number of complaints about turf quality 0 0 Productivity: Number of acres over-seeded - - Number of mowing services performed 44 44 Number of Pre and Post emergent sprayings 4 4 Number of trees trimmed 100 100 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.30 Total Program Budget $17,816 The Height of Desert Living 264 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Parks Program: Four Peaks Park Field Prep Service Delivery Plan: Provide the public with safe, clean and well groomed turf and amenities for recreational activi- ties, organized seasonal sporting events, and community special events. Activities/Outcomes: Irrigate consistently during overnight hours Manage utilities and supplies efficiently Manage maintenance/repairs effectively Apply herbicide for weed control Apply adequate fertilizer to turf Maintain ball fields, tennis courts and playgrounds consistently Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: % of time Soccer Fields are operational 98% 98% Productivity: Number of mowing 44 44 Number of fertilizer applications 2 2 Number of herbicide applications 2 2 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.05 Total Program Budget $38,633 The Height of Desert Living 265 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Parks Program: Four Peaks Park Amenities Service Delivery Plan: Provide the public with safe, clean amenities and facilities so the public can utilize the park for recreational and leisure activity. Also continue to increase rentals of the Ramada’s for pic- nics, birthday parties, and support seasonal sporting events. Activities/Outcomes: Service restroom and control building facility. Maintain Ramada’s for public use. Manage utilities and supplies efficiently Manage maintenance/repairs effectively Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: % of time restrooms clean and ready for use 98% 98% % of time Ramada’s clean and ready for use 98% 98% Productivity: Ramada rentals/revenue 3 6 Facilities rentals 15 20 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.05 Total Program Budget $25,394 The Height of Desert Living 266 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Parks Program: Desert Vista Park Administration Service Delivery Plan: Provide the public with professional park personnel at the Desert Vista Park facility to deliver quality customer service. Activities/Outcomes: Maintain present staff level at the Desert Vista Park facility Respond to positive or negative comments from residents Investigate all concerns that pertain to the Parks Division Address personnel issues and concerns efficiently and effectively Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Park Maintenance/Operations customer complaints 5 3 Average days to respond to resident concerns 1 1 Productivity: Number of phone calls/ responses 2 2 Number of emails/responses 6 6 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.50 Total Program Budget $39,715 The Height of Desert Living 267 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Parks Program: Desert Vista Park Land Maintenance Service Delivery Plan: Provide the Town of Fountain Hills community and general public with a safe, clean, and green environment at the Desert Vista Park facility to enjoy leisurely recreational activities and sporting events. Maintain the landscaping and turf in the park at a high standard with professional training for staff. Activities/Outcomes: Utilize the Annual Landscape Contract maintenance services effectively Apply herbicide for weed control Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of complaints about overhanging branches 0 0 Number of complaints about turf quality 0 0 Productivity: Number of acres over-seeded - - Number of mowing services performed 42 42 Number of pre and post emergent sprayings 4 4 Number of trees trimmed 100 100 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.30 Total Program Budget $31,736 The Height of Desert Living 268 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Parks Program: Desert Vista Park Field Prep Service Delivery Plan: Provide the public with safe, clean and well groomed turf and amenities for recreational activi- ties, organized seasonal sporting events, and community special events. Activities/Outcomes: Apply herbicide for weed control Apply adequate fertilizer to turf Maintain soccer fields, dog park, skate park and playgrounds consistently Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: % of time soccer fields are operational 98% 98% Productivity: Number of mowing 42 42 Number of fertilizer applications 2 2 Number of herbicide applications 2 2 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.05 Total Program Budget $12,443 The Height of Desert Living 269 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Parks Program: Desert Vista Park Amenities Service Delivery Plan: Provide the public with safe, clean amenities and facilities so the public can utilize the park for recreational and leisure activity. Also continue to increase rentals of the Ramada’s for pic- nics, birthday parties, and support seasonal sporting events. Activities/Outcomes: Service restroom and control building facility Maintain Ramada’s for public use Manage utilities and supplies efficiently Manage maintenance/repairs effectively Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: % of time restrooms clean and ready for use 98% 98% % of time Ramada’s clean and ready for use 98% 98% % of time dog park is clean and ready for use 98% 98% Productivity: Ramada rentals 3 6 Facilities rentals 13 20 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.05 Total Program Budget $25,731 The Height of Desert Living 270 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Community Services Division: Parks Program: Open Space/Trails Service Delivery Plan: Provide the public with safe, clean amenities and facilities to attract park patrons for recrea- tional activity. Also work with the Sonoran Conservancy of Fountain Hills to support and maintain the natural preserve and trails in the Town. Activities/Outcomes: Service GEP trailhead restroom facility. Maintain trails for public use. Provide brochures and maps on town trails/preserve. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: % of time restrooms clean and ready for use 98% 98% % of time trails are available 98% 98% Productivity: Number estimated trail hikers 500 1,000 Number of guided hikes 16 16 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.40 Total Program Budget $46,899 The Height of Desert Living 271 Law Enforcement The Height of Desert Living 272 The Height of Desert Living 273 Operating Budgets Law Enforcement Mission Statement Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) proudly provides con- tractual Law Enforcement Services to the Town of Fountain Hills by enforcing State and local laws; selective Town Ordinances, and deterring criminal activity without racially profiling. MCSO will protect life property, investigate criminal activity, and will work in partnership with the Town Council, staff, community leaders, and residents to resolve issues and concerns. The Office is dedicated to providing these Services to the residents of Fountain Hills and the general public in a respectful, courteous, and professional manner and is supportive of the com- munity based policing principles. Additionally, all sworn personnel will meet and stay current with established State training as delineated by Arizona Police Officer Standards and Training (AZ POST), and the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office as a means of reducing liability. Department Description The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office is a fully integrated law enforcement agency committed to being the leader in establishing the standards for providing quality law enforcement, deten- tion and support services to the citizens of Maricopa County and to other criminal justice agen- cies. Under the command of Captain John A. Kleinheinz, twenty deputies are assigned full-time to the Town of Fountain Hills. Of these, nineteen deputies and three sergeants are assigned to pa- trol. One deputy is assigned to the Schools and Community Services Section to address quality of life issues, court security, and administrative duties. Additionally, there are three detectives and a detective sergeant assigned, one Commander (Captain), one Deputy Commander (Lieutenant), and one administrative assistant. Program areas included in Law Enforcement are: Administration Incarceration Patrol Animal Control MCSO Posse The Height of Desert Living 274 Operating Budgets FY 2009-2010 Department Accomplishments Increased and maintained participation of the community in Sheriff’s Office sponsored Block Watch programs. Increased and maintained participation of rental properties involved in Crime Free Multi -Housing program. Increased traffic enforcement through, education and awareness with high visibility pa- trolling during peak traffic times to promote safety and decrease the number of traffic complaints and vehicle accidents. Established a Commercial Vehicle Inspection team to address the inspections of semi- trucks, heavy-duty dump trucks, and transports with two newly certified Commercial Vehicle (Truck) Inspectors. Supported initiatives which enhanced ‘quality of life’ and public safety in our commu- nity. Promoted public awareness, encouraged LE accessibility and community relations through clearly marked cars and involvement of uniformed Sheriff’s Office personnel at Town functions. Continued to promote effective communication between the Town and Sheriff’s Office in addressing issues that need a cooperative answer. Continued to utilize the Sheriff’s Posse whenever possible to enhance the effectiveness of the District 7 personnel in their duties that support the Town of Fountain Hills. FY 2010-2011 Department Objectives Decrease the number of false burglar alarms through and educational program for resi- dents in partnership with the Town. In cooperation with local businesses and the Fountain Hills Fire Department, reintro- duce a program rewarding helmet use by youths. Work with Fountain Hills Fire to present a Public Safety day. Participate with the Fountain Hills Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition to ad- dress the substance abuse in Fountain Hills. Support initiatives that enhance ‘quality of life’ and public safety in our community. Promote public visibility, accessibility, and community relations through clearly marked cars and involvement of uniformed Sheriff’s Office personnel at Town functions. Continue to promote effective communications between the Town and Sheriff’s Office in addressing issues that need a cooperative answer. Continue to utilize the Sheriff’s Posse whenever possible to enhance the effectiveness of the District 7 personnel in their duties that support the Town of Fountain Hills. The Height of Desert Living 275 Operating Budgets LAW ENFORCEMENT FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS: Wages $0 $0 $0 $9,049 $13,227 FICA $0 $0 $0 $681 $732 Unemployment Insurance $0 $0 $0 $32 $28 Employee's Health Insurance $0 $0 $0 $0 $358 Employee's Life Insurance $0 $0 $0 $0 $14 Employee's Dental Insurance $0 $0 $0 $0 $23 Employee's Vision Insurance $0 $0 $0 $0 $3 Worker's Compensation Insurance $0 $0 $0 $23 $31 Employee's Retirement Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $674 Recruitment Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $21 Disability Insurance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $9,784 $15,111 Jail/Prisoner Fees $45,000 $58,500 $68,000 $96,000 $96,000 Animal Control & Shelter $32,000 $28,200 $28,200 $30,600 $54,464 Patrol & Administration $2,188,572 $2,704,200 $2,742,877 $2,707,728 $2,589,879 Other Supplies $0 $0 $0 $765 $1,664 Internal Service Charges $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,412 TOTAL $2,265,572 $2,790,900 $2,839,077 $2,835,093 $2,744,419 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay-Vehicles $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Office Furniture & Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Outlay-Commun. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,265,572 $2,790,900 $2,839,077 $2,844,877 $2,759,530 The Height of Desert Living 276 Operating Budgets Department Division Budget Law Enforcement Law $2,759,530 Total General Fund $2,759,530 TOTAL OPERATING $2,759,530 The Height of Desert Living 277 Budget Highlights - Law Enforcement (General Fund) $15,111 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes Salaries, benefits & taxes for a portion of Finance staff for Animal Licensing and Board & Commission support-$15,111 $2,744,419 Services & Supplies Animal Control-$54,464 Prisoner Fees-$96,000 MCSO Contract-$2,589,879 Other supplies-$4,076 $0 Transfers to Vehicle Replacement Fund $2,759,530 Total Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 278 Operating Budgets Program Budgets DEPARTMENT/DIVISION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION BUDGET Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Administration Law Enforcement Administration $7,843 Incarceration Prisoner Incarceration $96,000 Patrol Law Enforcement Patrol Services $2,582,036 Animal Control Animal Licensing $65,808 Animal Control Shelter Services MCSO Posse Sheriff's Posse $7,843 Total $2,759,530 The Height of Desert Living 279 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Law Enforcement Division: Law Program: Administration Service Delivery Plan: Ensure all sworn personnel are in compliance and meet yearly Arizona Police Officer Stan- dards and Training (AZ POST), and MCSO training mandates. Responsible for providing pub- lic information to the local media, other Town departments, residents, and coordinating Sher- iff’s Office District activities; managing fiscal and material resources, participating in commu- nity policing activities, solving community problems analyzing and projecting crime trends and managing the process of Law Enforcement Services for the Town. Provide support to the Public Safety Advisory Commission. Activities/Outcome: Ensure the annual compliance of all Deputies with AZ POST and MCSO mandated training. Serve as a liaison to foster cooperation with the local media, other Town departments, Town residents, community groups, and other law enforcement agencies. To decrease false burglar alarm calls for service through public education program in partner- ship with the Town. Work in partnership with community groups to address specific community concerns. Hold regular Public Safety Advisory Commission meetings per year. Schedule one joint meeting between the Commission and Town Council per year. Prepare and maintain meeting agendas and minutes in accordance with state laws Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: % of Deputies in compliance with AZ POST annual certification requirements (30 sworn Deputies) 100 100 % of Sheriff’s Office contract within budget 100 100 Number of community policing activities attended 7 10 Number of Block Watches active in the community 25 30 Agendas prepared and posted in a timely manner 100% 100% Meeting agendas in accordance with compliance 100% 100% Productivity: Number of AZ POST annual required training hours/deputy (13) 390 390 Number of Deputy training hours above AZ POST annual requirements 958 900 Number of Block Watches started 5 5 Number of regular meetings held 4 4 Scheduled joint meeting with Town Council 1 1 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.10 Total Program Budget $7,843 The Height of Desert Living 280 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Law Enforcement Division: Law Program: Incarceration Service Delivery Plan: To provide secure transportation for incarcerated individuals to the County Jail System. As- sist the Fountain Hills Court in pre-sentencing, sentencing, and trial hearings by picking up, securing, and returning incarcerated individuals after their hearings from the County Jails in Downtown Phoenix. Providing security for the Fountain Hills Court in judicial matters requir- ing LE presence and /or service of Court paperwork. Activities/Outcome: Transport subjects that have been arrested and need to be transported in a secure manner to the County Jail System Downtown Phoenix (4th Avenue Jail). Pick-up and return incarcerated individuals from the County Jail in Downtown Phoenix for pre-sentencing, sentencing, and trials in the Fountain Hills Court. Provide security for incarcerated individuals while in process for pre-sentencing, sentencing, and trials in the Fountain Hills Court. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: % of transports to County Jail without an escape 100 100 Number of pick-ups and returns from the County Jail system for the Fountain Hills Court for pre-sentencing, sentencing, or trials without an escape 100 100 Number of Court inmates appearances without An incident in Fountain Hills Court for Pre-sentencing, sentencing, and trials 100 100 Productivity: Number of transports to 4th Avenue Jail n/a n/a Number of pick-ups and returns for Fountain Hills Court n/a n/a Number of hours in Court for pre-sentencing, sentencing, and trials in the Fountain Hills Court n/a n/a Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s n/a Total Program Budget $96,000 The Height of Desert Living 281 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Law Enforcement Division: Law Program: Patrol Service Delivery Plan: Deterring crime, in partnership with community input, through proactive patrolling with the prime directive to protect and serve the residents of Fountain Hills. This is accomplished by quickly responding to calls for service and investigating criminal activity in Town with a re- spectful, efficient, and professional manner. Activities/Outcome: Respond to all emergency Priority 1* calls in the most efficient, and professional manner pos- sible. To respond to all non-emergency calls/incidents in an efficient, timely, and professional man- ner that instills confidence and trust in the Town residents. Investigate criminal activity that occurs in the Town with the goal to solve and clear the inves- tigation. To respond to the security needs of the Fountain Hills Court to maintain a safe working envi- ronment for court staff and serve Court papers. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Respond to emergency Priority 1* calls for service, 85% of the time within 5 minute average 4.3min >5.0min Reduction of traffic accidents by 5% 306 291 Number of investigative cases cleared by detectives 215 150 Number of Orders of Protection for Town residents 108 108 Number of False alarms calls (reduction by 10%) 1032 929 Productivity: Number of Priority 1* calls for service 200 200 Number of high visibility traffic enforcement programs 16 18 Number of investigative cases assigned to detectives 254 130 Number of Orders of Protection served/attempted 40/90 n/a Number of False Alarms educational notices delivered n/a 200 Number of hours in Court for pre-sentencing, sentencing, and trials in the Court n/a n/a *Priority 1 calls for service requires immediate response due to life threatening circumstances or when significant property loss or damage is a real possibility. Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s n/a Total Program Budget $2,582,036 The Height of Desert Living 282 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Law Enforcement Division: Law Program: Animal Control Service Delivery Plan: Coordinate all dog licensing activities. Ensure that all dogs that reside in the town limits of Fountain Hills have up-to-date rabies vaccinations and are licensed. Activities/Outcomes: Purchase annual dog licenses. Mail dog license renewals to owners one month in advance of due date/mail past due notices. Process mail/walk in dog license transactions. Make monthly courtesy telephone calls to past due dog owners. Follow up weekly with Code Enforcement. Mail letters to owners identified by Maricopa County as having adopted a dog. Process barking dog complaints/send letters for unlicensed dogs. Process dead animal pickup. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of data entry errors 12 12 Productivity: Number of dog licenses issued 3,400 3,450 Number of renewals/past due notices mailed 4,200 4,300 Number of telephone calls to past due dog owners 780 800 Number of contacts with Code Enforcement 70 72 Number of letters sent for unlicensed dogs 60 60 Number of barking dog complaints 109 120 Number of dead animal pickups 36 40 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s 0.20 Total Program Budget $65,808 The Height of Desert Living 283 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Law Enforcement Division: Law Program: MCSO Posse Service Delivery Plan: Generally patrolling with the prime directive to assist District Deputies in protecting and serv- ing the residents of Fountain Hills in a courteous and professional manner. Posse members commonly assist deputies with securing crime scene perimeters, transporting arrestees to 4th Avenue Jail, high visibility patrolling, traffic control, and vehicle accidents. They provide ad- ministrative assistance to the District and vacation watches for Town resident’s homes while residents are away. Activities/Outcome: Assist deputies with transporting detainees to the 4th Avenue (saving 3 hours of a Deputies time that he/she can remain in Town). Assist Deputies at calls/incidents in an efficient, timely, and professional manner that instills confidence and trust in the Town residents. General patrol in Town to deter crime and assist Deputies with their workload. To respond to the security needs of the Fountain Hills Court to maintain a safe working envi- ronment for Court staff under the supervision of a deputy. Pick-ups and returns of detainees from 4th Avenue Jail for pre-sentencing, sentencing or trials under the supervision of a Deputy Sheriff. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Town monies saved by Posse assistance (12,793 hrs donated and 55,156 miles driven) $452,000 $452,000 % of transports by Posse to 4th Avenue Jail instead of Deputies n/a n/a % of Posse used for Court security for pre-sentencing, sentencing or trials instead of Deputies n/a n/a Productivity: Number of total hours donated to the Town by the Posse 12,793 12,793 Number of transports to the 4th Avenue Jail by the Posse n/a n/a Number of pick-ups and returns to the 4th Avenue Jail for pre-sentencing, sentencing or trials n/a n/a Number of hours Posse provides Court security n/a n/a Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s n/a Total Program Budget $7,843 The Height of Desert Living 284 View of Four Peaks The Height of Desert Living 285 Fire & Emergency Medical The Height of Desert Living 286 The Height of Desert Living 287 Operating Budgets Fire & Emergency Medical Mission Statement The mission of the Fire Department is to provide the residents, businesses, and visitors of Foun- tain Hills with the highest level of protection against loss of life and property. We uphold the commitment through quality emergency services and a proactive emphasis on public education, code enforcement, hazard investigation, innovative life and safety awareness, and community service; while maintaining the highest level of professionalism in all aspects of rescue, emer- gency medical service, fire prevention and suppression and control the control of hazardous situations. Department Description Fire protection and emergency medical services are provided to the residents through a unique public/private sector combination of municipally owned equipment and facilities operated by contract personnel from Rural Metro Corporation. The Fire Department is responsible for prevention and suppression of structural and wild land fires within the town limits. The Fire Department also provides building safety inspections and plan review for construction activity, enforces the Town Fire Code and Ordinance’s, emergency medical services and transports, hazardous material mitigation, and takes the lead role in emer- gency response to natural disasters. In conjunction with its primary role, the Fire Department provides a wide range of auxiliary community services such as public education, youth-oriented explorer post, Car-seat installation, and a community CPR/AED certification program. The Fire Department currently staffs one pumper truck with paramedic capabilities, one ladder/ pumper truck with paramedic capabilities and one Ladder Tender with paramedic capabilities. All three trucks carry extrication/rescue equipment. Program areas included in Fire & Emergency Medical are: Administration Suppression Prevention & Safety The Height of Desert Living 288 Operating Budgets FY 2009-2010 Department Accomplishments Completed the location and LEED design/construction document phase of fire station #2. Submitted FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Fire Station Construction Grant…Pending Submitted FEMA Firefighters Grant for Emergency generators for stations 1 & 2… pending to FY10/11 Submitted State Grant for extrication equipment. Pending to FY10/11 Completed second phase of mountain (trail) rescue program policy Conducted first Public Safety/Appreciation Day. Crisis Activated Response Effort (CARE) operational with an increase in call volume. Certified Car-Seat Installation program operational. 800MGH Radio Interoperability program expanded to Maricopa County Sheriff Depart- ment. Renewed Rural/Metro Contract at a decreased annual cost. FY 2010-11 Department Objectives Submit Prop 202 application for completion of the Town Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Transfer Fire Marshal data base to the MUNIS Permit and Code Enforcement system. Start construction on Station #2 re-location project. Reintroduce a program rewarding helmet use by youths with cooperation of local busi- nesses. Continue “Public Safety Day” and build in more elements to provident living. Hold a “Community Health and Wellness Fair” at the Community Center. Initiate a Fee Schedule for fire plan review, inspections, and special permits. The Height of Desert Living 289 Operating Budgets FIRE DEPARTMENT FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS: Wages $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 FICA $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Unemployment Insurance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Employee's Health Insurance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Employee's Life Insurance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Employee's Dental Insurance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Employee's Eye Insurance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Worker's Compensation Insurance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Employee's Retirement Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Recruitment Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Disability Insurance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Dues & Publications $1,135 $2,000 $1,300 $1,600 $1,200 Conferences $500 $300 $500 $500 $0 Building Repairs/Maintenance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Equipment Repair & Maintenance $0 $11,200 $12,000 $12,000 Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $38,000 $36,500 $36,500 $37,500 $37,500 Telecommunications $0 $0 $0 $600 $475 Gas & Oil Expense $26,255 $22,700 $29,800 $19,500 $17,300 Professional Fees $2,500 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 Printing $500 $320 $500 $500 $500 Intergovernmental Agreements $0 $0 $5,000 $1,800 $1,800 Rural Metro Contract $2,746,787 $2,884,126 $3,028,332 $2,852,368 $2,852,368 Office Supplies $1,500 $8,000 $1,500 $1,000 $650 Safety Supplies $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 Small Tools & Equipment $18,111 $10,000 $10,000 $16,500 $4,000 Internal Service Charges $0 $0 $0 $0 $23 TOTAL $2,835,288 $2,968,946 $3,124,632 $2,944,868 $2,928,816 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay $6,000 $13,500 $4,000 $0 $0 TOTAL $6,000 $13,500 $4,000 $0 $0 Transfer to VRF $0 $0 $112,276 $120,609 $113,594 TOTAL $0 $0 $112,276 $120,609 $113,594 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,841,288 $2,982,446 $3,240,908 $3,065,477 $3,042,410 The Height of Desert Living 290 Mountain Rescue Operating Budgets Department Division Budget Fire & Emergency Medical Fire $3,042,410 Total General Fund $3,042,410 TOTAL OPERATING $3,042,410 The Height of Desert Living 291 Budget Highlights - Fire and Emergency Medical (General Fund) $0 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes No Salaries or benefits $2,928,817 Services & Supplies Rural Metro Contract-$2,852,368 Dues & Subscriptions-$1,200 Equipment Maintenance-$12,000 Vehicle Maintenance & Repair-$37,500 Fuel & Oil-$17,300 Telecommunications-$476 Tools & Equipment-$4,000 Office and operating supplies-$1,650 EOP Contract-$1,800 Printing-$500 Internal Service Charges-$23 $113,593 Transfers to Vehicle Replacement Fund $3,042,410 Total Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 292 Operating Budgets Program Budgets DEPARTMENT/DIVISION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION BUDGET Fire & Emergency Medical Fire Administration Fire Administration $139,250 Suppression Fire Suppression response $2,761,922 Emergency Medical response Prevention/Safety Plan Review $141,238 Safety Inspections Total $3,042,410 The Height of Desert Living 293 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Fire & Emergency Medical Division: Fire Program: Administration Service Delivery Plan: Provide the necessary leadership and management to accomplish the organization’s mission, goals, and objectives in an effective manner. Activities: Manage budget within approved funding levels. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Number of accounts at or under budget 100% 100% Productivity: Annual training hours 6,247 6,250 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s n/a Total Program Budget $139,251 The Height of Desert Living 294 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Fire & Emergency Medical Division: Fire Program: Suppression Service Delivery Plan: Prepare, operate, and respond to emergencies which meet community expectations. Comply with National Fire Protection Agency, Phoenix area Regional Operations Consistency Commit- tee, Arizona Department of Health and Safety, and OSHA standards. Activities/Outcomes: Complete 240 hours of training for each firefighter annually. First due company will travel to fire & EMS incidents within five minutes 90% of the time. Emergency calls dispatched within one minute of receipt of alarm 90% of the time. Initiate response by companies within one minute of receipt of a call 90% of the time. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: 20 minimum company standards completed 100% 100% Five minute emergency response 85% 90% 1 minute of receipt of alarm by dispatch 90% 90% Respond within 1 minute of receipt of call 85% 90% Productivity: Average annual response time in minutes 4.02 <4.00 Total fire loss in dollars $428,500 <$400,000 Number of incident responses 2874 2880 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s n/a Total Program Budget $2,761,922 The Height of Desert Living 295 Town of Fountain Hills Department: Fire & Emergency Medical Division: Fire Program: Fire Prevention/Safety Service Delivery Plan: To review and approve all plans required by Town Building and Fire and the State of Arizona Codes; inspect all construction projects and issue Certificate of occupancy; inspect all Target Hazards and Safety Surveys; create community-wide fire prevention public education pro- grams and activities; and establish a cost recovery fee schedule. Activities/Outcomes: Review plan checks. Plan check turn-around time. Inspect building projects. Fire code violations and corrections. Target Hazards completed. Safety surveys completed. CPR class’s schedule/completed. Car-seat installations completed. Fee schedule implemented. Performance Measures: FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Actual Proposed Quality: Fire Code violations corrected within first notice 75% 75% Plan checks turn-around within 10 business days 95% 100% Safety surveys completed within 3 months 100% 100% Productivity: Number of fire code violations 165 - Number of safety surveys 220 250 Number of building and site inspections 285 290 Number of building and site plan reviews 126 130 Number of AED inspections 153 155 Cost Effectiveness/Resources Needed: Total FTE’s n/a Total Program Budget $141,238 The Height of Desert Living 296 Photovoltaics Project The Height of Desert Living 297 Special Revenue Funds The Height of Desert Living 298 The Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF) (Fund 200) may only be used for street and highway purposes. It is the primary funding source for the Streets Divi- sion of the Development Services Department. The Public Art Fund (Fund 410) is funded by Developer In-Lieu contributions. The fund is used for the acquisition, installation and maintenance of public art. Funds for maintenance are transferred from the General Fund as In-Lieu contributions are only used for art purchase and installation. HIGHWAY USERS FUND SUMMARY FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-11 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUE: LTAF $110,785 $114,716 $113,600 $113,400 $0 Highway User $1,750,100 $1,675,000 $1,763,000 $1,480,152 $1,315,800 Charges for Svcs/In Lieu Pmts $28,185 $25,000 $10,000 $2,000 $15,068 Interest $42,678 $45,000 $20,000 $4,993 $120 Misc. Income $0 $500 $1,000 $0 $7,602 TOTAL $1,931,748 $1,860,216 $1,907,600 $1,600,545 $1,338,590 EXPENDITURES: Salaries and Benefits $685,646 $585,392 $593,055 $440,023 $607,302 Services and Supplies $24,250 $26,465 $28,735 $0 $0 Repairs and Maintenance $1,648,724 $1,477,328 $350,870 $0 $0 Supplies and Services $206,195 $199,800 $225,290 $625,594 $600,535 Capital Outlay $80,000 $74,000 $2,000 $0 $0 TOTAL $2,644,815 $2,362,985 $1,199,950 $1,065,617 $1,207,836 TRANSFERS Debt Retirement $135,000 $126,300 $115,843 $136,413 $0 Transfer to CIP $0 $0 $825,000 $170,790 $0 Transfer to VRF $0 $0 $66,491 $60,996 $79,875 TOTAL $135,000 $126,300 $1,007,334 $368,199 $79,875 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,779,815 $2,489,285 $2,207,284 $1,433,816 $1,287,711 Special Revenue PUBLIC ART FUND FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUE: In Lieu Fees $0 $0 $20,000 $2,000 $20,416 Transfers in $0 $0 $0 $12,000 $10,350 TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE $0 $0 $20,000 $14,000 $30,766 EXPENDITURES: Repairs & Maintenance $0 $0 $0 $12,000 $10,350 Capital Expenditures $0 $0 $14,000 $6,500 $10,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $14,000 $18,500 $20,350 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $6,000 -$4,500 $10,416 Fund Balance Beginning of Year $0 $0 $0 $6,000 $1,500 Ending Fund Balance $0 $0 $6,000 $1,500 $11,916 The Height of Desert Living 299 The Excise Tax Fund (Fund 300) is a restricted fund which may only be used for Downtown Development and the repayment of Civic Center and Mountain Bonds. Revenue for this fund comes from .4% of Local Sales Tax collections that have been dedicated for this purpose. EXCISE TAX FUND FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUES: Local Sales Tax Transfer $486,877 $314,281 $295,859 $295,859 $270,629 TOTAL REVENUES $486,877 $314,281 $295,859 $295,859 $270,629 EXPENDITURES: SALARIES & BENEFITS: Wages $37,465 $21,051 $45,003 $38,252 $45,004 FICA $544 $307 $653 $555 $653 Unemployment Insurance $42 $0 $38 $32 $38 Employee's Health Insurance $3,819 $1,672 $3,306 $2,073 $3,306 Employee's Life Insurance $132 $65 $135 $113 $135 Employee's Dental Insurance $289 $115 $272 $203 $272 Employee's Eye Insurance $60 $18 $41 $32 $41 Worker's Compensation Insurance $148 $171 $104 $95 $104 Employee's Retirement Fund $4,123 $2,396 $4,950 $4,208 $4,950 Disability Insurance $178 $105 $212 $176 $212 TOTAL $46,800 $25,900 $54,713 $45,739 $54,714 CONTRACT SERVICES Dues/Publications $1,418 $2,345 $1,995 $2,025 $7,826 Training/Continuing Education $383 $0 $4,830 $0 $1,450 Meetings & Conferences $8,087 $7,400 $530 $4,800 $7,525 Meetings/Travel $2,631 $1,300 $8,260 $0 $0 Telecommunications $1,178 $725 $1,500 $476 $324 Professional Fees $32,990 $0 $5,000 $27,500 $40,000 Gas & Oil $0 $0 $0 $0 $50 Printing $1,060 $0 $2,120 $20,535 $14,565 Advertising/Signage $27,824 $1,500 $62,830 $31,000 $44,980 Community Events $0 $0 $6,000 $0 $0 Holiday Lighting $0 $29,000 $38,000 $0 $25,000 Office Supplies $1,826 $114 $200 $600 $600 Internal Service Charges $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,843 TOTAL $77,397 $42,384 $131,265 $86,936 $148,163 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay $400,860 $0 $10,000 $0 $11,300 TOTAL $400,860 $0 $10,000 $0 $11,300 Transfer to VRP $0 $0 $0 $0 $100 Transfer to CIP $0 $0 $3,000 $250,000 $320,000 Transfer to General Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 TOTAL $0 $0 $3,000 $250,000 $370,100 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $525,057 $68,284 $198,978 $382,675 $584,276 Special Revenue The Height of Desert Living 300 The Special Revenue Fund (Fund 400) is restricted by the terms of the individual Grants or Program funds received. An example of this would be a FEMA Grant which the Town is awarded for the purchase of Firefighting equipment. This type of grant could only be used for the purposes specified and has to be accounted for separately from other Town funds. Below are the Special Revenues that the Town anticipates receiving in FY2010-11 for designated projects. SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-11 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUE: Community Grants $0 $185,000 $0 $150,000 $200,000 Special Transp Grants $0 $0 $0 $0 $87,464 Transfer from General Fund for Match $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,959 Miscellaneous Grants $0 $0 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Municipal Court Grant $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,000 LTAF Revenue $0 $40,030 $0 $40,000 $0 Stimulus/ARRA $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,085,965 CIP Construction Grants $0 $0 $575,847 $1,318,000 $2,763,212 Donations/Rebates $0 $96,397 $0 $68,850 $282,625 TOTAL REVENUE $0 $321,427 $2,075,847 $2,576,850 $7,490,225 EXPENDITURES: Community Grants $0 $185,000 $0 $150,000 $200,000 Special Transportation Program $0 $62,200 $0 $0 $118,423 Miscellaneous Grants $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $247,200 $0 $150,000 $1,318,423 Transfer to VRF $0 $0 $33,500 $0 $0 Transfer to CIP $0 $74,227 $2,023,222 $2,318,000 $6,131,802 Transfer to General Fund $0 $0 $19,125 $108,850 $40,000 TOTAL TRANSFERS $0 $74,227 $2,075,847 $2,426,850 $6,171,802 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS $0 $321,427 $2,075,847 $2,576,850 $7,490,225 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Fund Balance Beginning of Year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Ending Fund Balance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Special Revenue The Height of Desert Living 301 The Court Enhancement Fund (Fund 420) is a restricted fund which may only be used to enhance the technological, operational and security capabilities of the Foun- tain Hills Municipal Court and to support the operation of the collection program. Revenues are derived from Court Fees and Bond Forfeitures. COURT ENHANCEMENT FUND FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-11 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUE: Court Enhancement Fund $23,041 $18,500 $23,300 $15,500 $19,000 Interest $4,834 $4,000 $4,700 $1,500 $250 TOTAL REVENUE $27,875 $22,500 $28,000 $17,000 $19,250 Salary and Benefits $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Repairs & Maintenance $4,288 $0 $35,000 $3,100 $850 Supplies & Services $0 $0 $10,000 $5,000 $2,500 Capital Expenditures $0 $8,250 $45,000 $41,900 $37,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $4,288 $8,250 $90,000 $50,000 $40,350 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENDITURES $23,587 $14,250 -$62,000 -$33,000 -$21,100 Fund Balance Beginning of Year $237,615 $261,202 $275,452 $213,452 $180,452 Ending Fund Balance $261,202 $275,452 $213,452 $180,452 $159,352 Special Revenue The Height of Desert Living 302 The Height of Desert Living 303 Debt Services Funds The Height of Desert Living 304 Debt Service Funds The Debt Service Funds provide for the payment of interest, principal, and related costs on General Obligation (GO) Bonds, Highway User Revenue Fund bonds and Municipal Property Corporation (MPC) Revenue bonds. There are three General Obligation bond issues outstanding that were approved by the voters for specific purposes: The first GO bond issue in 1991 (refunded in 1995) was to pave roads that remained unpaved at the time of incorporation. Additional GO bonds issued in 1999 and 2000 were for the construction of a library/ museum and community center. Bonds issued in 2001 were for the purchase of mountain preserve land in the McDowell mountains. Total General Obligation bond principal and interest payments for fiscal year 2010-11 are $1,030,813 and will be paid through a levy of Town property. GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE FY 2006-2007FY 2007-2008FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-11 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUE: Property Tax Revenue: Secondary Property Tax $1,232,781 $1,330,000 $1,400,000 $1,400,000 $1,040,484 Interest Earnings $25,786 $800 $1,500 $1,500 $300 TOTAL REVENUES $1,258,567 $1,330,800 $1,401,500 $1,401,500 $1,040,784 EXPENDITURES: General Obligation Bonds: Refunded Bonds-Principal $1,360,294 $1,389,596 $1,188,057 $1,188,057 $820,000 Refunded Bonds-Interest $0 $0 $148,057 $148,057 $208,713 Trustee, Admin and Report Fees $4,250 $4,250 $4,250 $4,250 $2,100 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,364,544 $1,393,846 $1,340,364 $1,340,364 $1,030,813 Debt Service The Height of Desert Living 305 The Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF) Bonds are anticipated to be paid off during FY2009-10. There are no principal or interest payments scheduled for FY2010-11 The Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District debt payments are levied on the property owners within the district. These obligations are paid by the Fountain Hills’ property owners using secondary property taxes, less any credits, carry-forward and/or interest earnings. REVENUE BOND DEBT SERVICE FY 2006-2007FY 2007-2008FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-11 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUE: Transfer from HURF Fund $134,137 $126,300 $115,843 $136,413 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $134,137 $126,300 $115,843 $136,413 $0 EXPENDITURES: Bond Payment - Principal $130,743 $125,793 $110,422 $130,000 $0 Bond Payment - Interest $0 $0 $5,421 $6,413 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $130,743 $125,793 $115,843 $136,413 $0 EAGLE MTN COM FACILITIES DISTRICT FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUE: Property Tax Revenue $194,274 $340,000 $375,000 $388,500 $420,000 Investment Earnings $9,183 $4,000 $4,000 $600 $84 TOTAL REVENUES $203,457 $344,000 $379,000 $389,100 $420,084 EXPENDITURES: Principal $160,000 $190,000 $210,000 $230,000 $260,000 Interest $171,659 $160,235 $158,760 $151,410 $143,360 Administrative/Trustee Fees $7,600 $7,600 $7,600 $7,690 $7,350 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $339,259 $357,835 $376,360 $389,100 $410,710 Debt Service The Height of Desert Living 306 The Municipal Property Corporation owns the land and buildings purchased through bond proceeds (McDowell Mountain preserve, Community Center and Town Hall). The annual debt payment on the bonds is paid for with proceeds from the dedicated portion of the local sales tax and is included as a transfer from the Excise Sales Tax. The debt payment for the Community Center will be transferred from the General Fund and is included within the Community Center budget. Any fund balance in this fund may be used only to retire the debt on the bonds. When the bonds are retired any assets owned by the MPC will be turned over to the Town of Fountain Hills. The Cottonwood Improvement District was established to provide landscape installa- tion and maintenance for a special district within the Town of Fountain Hills. MUNICIPAL PROP CORP FY 2006-2007FY 2007-2008FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-11 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUES: Excise Tax Transfers (.2%) $832,576 $628,562 $591,718 $594,480 $551,667 Excise Tax Transfers (.1%) $448,673 $314,281 $295,859 $297,240 $275,833 Transfer from Community Center $387,000 $387,000 $387,000 $387,000 $387,000 Interest $45,619 $40,000 $30,000 $4,458 $1,200 TOTAL REVENUES $1,713,868 $1,369,843 $1,304,577 $1,283,178 $1,215,700 EXPENDITURES: MPC Debt Service Mountain Bond Payment (.2%) $416,818 $415,005 $0 $0 $0 Civic Center Phase II Bonds (.1%) $266,438 $298,338 $0 $0 $0 MPC - Community Center $239,169 $255,419 $0 $0 $0 Refunded Bonds $265,924 $320,412 $0 $0 $0 Principal $0 $0 $885,000 $985,000 $1,035,000 Interest $0 $0 $452,486 $416,886 $376,630 Admin Fee $0 $0 $0 $7,000 $7,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,188,348 $1,289,173 $1,337,486 $1,408,886 $1,418,630 COTTONWOOD IMPOVEMENT DIST FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-11 Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget REVENUE: Cottonwoods Improvement District $4,228 $3,850 $3,850 $3,850 $3,315 TOTAL REVENUES $4,228 $3,850 $3,850 $3,850 $3,315 EXPENDITURES: Bond Payment - Cottonwoods Impr. Dist. $3,652 $3,850 $3,850 $3,850 $3,315 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,652 $3,850 $3,850 $3,850 $3,315 Debt Service The Height of Desert Living 307 Below is the schedule of Debt Service payments required for next fiscal year, including a breakdown of the debt service payments for FY2010-11. The annual property tax levy is based on the total amount required for the payment (with adjustments for carry-forward, delinquencies, etc.) divided by the total assessed valuation for the Town of Fountain Hills. The Town’s secondary assessed property valuation for fiscal year 2010-11 is estimated to be $651,218,464 for the upcoming year and the estimated levy is $0.2273 per $100 of assessed value. The levy is 10% higher than last year as a result of the decrease in the Town’s assessed value. The Summary/Schedules section includes an itemization of the outstanding debt as of June 30, 2010 Bond Purpose Date of Interest Date of Original Principal Principal Amount Outstanding Type of Issue Bond Issue Rate Maturity Amount Amount Retired Refunded Principal GO Refunding 11/1/1995 5.30 7/1/2010 $2,455,000 $1,200,000 $1,255,000 $0 GO Library/Museum 6/1/2000 5.50 7/1/2014 $3,700,000 $2,025,000 $1,675,000 $0 GO Land Acq-Lake 8/1/1999 5.10 7/1/2014 $1,400,000 $900,000 $500,000 $0 GO Mtn. Bonds 12/1/2001 4.90 7/1/2020 $6,000,000 $1,975,000 $3,725,000 $300,000 GO Refunding 6/1/2005 4.00 7/1/2019 $7,225,000 $2,110,000 $0 $5,115,000 TOTAL $24,310,000 $9,285,000 $9,610,000 $5,415,000 Rev Refunding 8/1/1998 4.63 7/1/2010 $1,075,000 $1,075,000 $0 $0 Rev Comm. Center 7/1/2000 5.40 7/1/2020 $4,680,000 $1,525,000 $2,700,000 $455,000 Rev Mtn. Bonds 12/1/2001 4.70 7/1/2021 $7,750,000 $2,365,000 $4,250,000 $1,135,000 Rev Civic Center 12/1/2004 4.50 7/1/2019 $3,645,000 $1,010,000 $0 $2,635,000 Rev Refunding 6/1/2005 4.15 7/1/2019 $5,330,000 $635,000 $0 $4,695,000 TOTAL $23,680,000 $6,175,000 $7,950,000 $8,920,000 SA Eagle Mtn-A 6/1/1996 6.50 7/1/2021 $4,435,000 $410,000 $4,025,000 $0 SA Eagle Mtn-B 6/1/1996 7.25 7/1/2021 $470,000 $40,000 $430,000 $0 SA Eagle Mtn 7/12/2005 3.95 7/1/2021 $4,555,000 $925,000 $0 $3,630,000 SA Improvmnts 6/16/1999 5.25 7/1/2009 $32,276 $32,276 $0 ($0) TOTAL $9,492,276 $1,407,276 $4,455,000 $3,630,000 GRAND TOTAL $57,482,276 $16,867,276 $22,015,000 $17,965,000 GO General Obligation Bonds Rev Revenue Bonds SA Special Assessment Bonds Debt Service The Height of Desert Living 308 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Summary of Tax Levy and Tax Rate Information Fiscal Year 2010-11 2009-10 2010-11 FISCAL YEAR FISCAL YEAR 1. Maximum allowable primary property tax levy A.R.S. §42-17051(A). $ 0 $ 0 2. Amount received from primary property taxation in the fiscal year 2008-09 in excess of the sum of that year's maximum allowable primary property tax levy. A.R.S. §42-17102(A)(18). $0 0 3. Property tax levy amounts A. Primary property taxes $ 0 $ 0 B. Secondary property taxes 1,400,000 1,040,484 C. Total property tax levy amounts $ 1,400,000 $ 1,040,484 4. Property taxes collected* A. Primary property taxes (1) 2009-10 levy $ 0 0 (2) Prior years’ levy 0 0 (3) Total primary property taxes $ 0 0 B. Secondary property taxes (1) 2009-10 levy $ 1,400,000 1,040,484 (2) Prior years’ levy $ 0 0 (3) Total secondary property taxes $ 1,400,000 1,040,484 C. Total property taxes collected $ 1,400,000 1,040,484 5. Property tax rates A. Town tax rate (1) Primary property tax rate 0.0000 0.0000 (2) Secondary property tax rate (estimate) 0.2273 0.1836 (3) Total city/town tax rate 0.2273 0.1836 B. Special assessment district tax rates Secondary property tax rates - As of the date the proposed budget was prepared, the town was operating two (2) special assessment districts for which secondary property taxes are levied. For information pertaining to these special assessment districts and their tax rates, please contact the town. *Includes actual property taxes collected as of the date the proposed budget was prepared plus estimated property tax collections for the remainder of the fiscal year. Debt Service The Height of Desert Living 309 Capital Improvement Projects The Height of Desert Living 310 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Policy and Procedures Objective To provide a policy and procedures for the development, approval, and implementa- tion of the Town of Fountain Hills’ five (5) year and twenty (20) year Capital Im- provement Programs (CIP). Scope This policy applies to all projects undertaken by the Town of Fountain Hills that meet the definition of a capital improvement project detailed in the definitions section. Policy The purpose of the Capital Improvement Program is to provide an authoritative deci- sion-making process for the evaluation, selection, and multi-year scheduling of public physical improvements based on a projection of available fiscal resources and the community's priorities. The objectives of the program are to: a) ensure the timely repair, replacement and expansion of the Town’s infra- structure; b) serve as a link in the Town’s planning between the Town’s strategic plan and all subsidiary plans with a 10-20 year horizon and the annual budget process with a one-year horizon; c) maintain control over the Town’s long-term cash flow in relation to the Town's financial capacity; and d) ensure efficient, effective and coordinated capital improvement. Definitions The following words when used in connection with this policy shall have the following meanings: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: A multi-year planning document that is the prod- uct of a systematic evaluation of capital projects. This plan serves as a guide for the efficient and effective construction and maintenance of public facilities, outlining a detailed timeline and financing schedule of capital projects for a five (5) year period of time and a summary schedule of capital projects for a twenty (20) year period. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: A capital project is a heavy equipment acquisition, a computer/software systems acquisition, or a public improvement that involves con- struction of new infrastructure, additions to existing structures, renovation of exist- ing structures, and major repairs to infrastructure of a comprehensive and non- routine nature. A capital project is defined in financial terms as a project with a pro- jected final cost of at least $50,000 and is a non-recurring expense. The Height of Desert Living 311 In addition, the capital asset(s) resulting from the project should have a useful life of at least 10 years. Studies, design and engineering fees greater than $10,000 which are preparatory to a capital project with a projected final cost of at least $50,000 should be included as part of the capital project cost. INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT PLAN (IIP): A written plan that individually or col- lectively identifies each public service that is proposed to be the subject of a devel- opment fee. The Town of Fountain Hills’ IIP is incorporated as part of the Town CIP and follows the same timeline and procedure. PROCESS A. Schedule: Annually, the CIP Coordinator and Finance Director will submit a proposed CIP development calendar to the Town Manager for review. Based on this calendar, the CIP Coordinator will initiate a request to the Management Team for submission of updates, revisions and new projects for the five (5) year Capital Improvement Program. A further, but less detailed, review of the twenty (20) year plan will also be conducted. B. Format: The Management Team will utilize the previous year's approved CIP as a base for developing recommended additions, deletions, or changes for incorporation in the updated CIP for the ensuing year. The Management Team will utilize the standard format provided to submit new projects or pro- pose revisions to existing projects. All new projects will also include a compre- hensive estimate of the impact of the new project on the Town's annual oper- ating budget; e.g., salaries and benefits, supplies, utilities, fuel, maintenance requirements, etc. C. Finance Review: The Finance Director will assist the CIP Coordinator as necessary in all facets of Capital Improvement Program development and re- view including production of revenue estimates and estimated growth in as- sessed valuation as well as overall financial analysis of the proposed program. Additional assistance may be requested to help produce draft documents, etc. D. Town Manager Review: The CIP Coordinator will provide a copy of the pro- posed CIP document to the Finance Director and Town Manager for review and comment prior to distribution of the CIP document to the Town Council as part of the budget package. E. Public Hearing: The proposed CIP will be considered at a public hearing convened by the Town Council to accept comments and input from the public on the content of the Plan. Notice of said public hearing date, place, and time will be made at least 60 days in advance of the scheduled hearing. Copies of the proposed CIP will be made available to the public at least 30 days prior to the scheduled hearing date and at the hearing itself. The Height of Desert Living 312 F. Town Council Approval: The final draft of the proposed CIP will be submit- ted as an agenda item for formal approval by the Town Council at the first Council Meeting in June. G. Distribution: A copy of the approved CIP document will be published on the Town’s website. H. Implementation: Upon adoption of the CIP, projects included within the ap- plicable budget year may be implemented by the appropriate Management Team member in compliance with the Town’s Purchasing Policy, Special Bene- fit District, or applicable procedure. I. Amendments: The adopted CIP may be amended upon approval of the Town Council. Examples of amendments include cost increases for approved projects, the acceleration of projects to the applicable budget year from a fu- ture year, and the addition of projects not previously included in the CIP. An amendment to the CIP will be submitted to the Town Manager for ap- proval. Upon approval, the amendment should be prepared as an agenda item for formal approval by the Town Council at a regular or special call meet- ing. Upon approval, a copy of the amended CIP document will be published on the Town’s website. PROCEDURE: A. Form: The form listed as Attachment A shall be utilized to request inclusion of a project in the Capital Improvement Plan. B. Funding Prioritization: As part of the project submittal process, Manage- ment Team members shall identify project priorities to help determine which projects are recommended for inclusion in the five-year CIP. The initial measure of the project’s priority is first established using the follow- ing factors: HIGH Project protects the health and safety of the Town, its residents, visi- tors and employees Project is mandated by local, State or Federal regulations Project is a high priority of the Town Council, based on the most cur- rent Strategic Plan or other subsidiary plans Project prevents irreparable damage to existing facilities Project leverages local funding with other non-local funding sources Project finishes a partially completed project The Height of Desert Living 313 MEDIUM Project maintains existing service levels Project provides for the maintenance of existing systems and equipment Project results in increased efficiency Project reduces operational costs Project significantly reduces losses in revenue or provides for significant increased revenues LOW Project provides an expanded level of service or new public facility not in- cluded in the Town Council’s priorities Project is deferrable Project uses debt financing C. Funding Sources: The primary funding sources for the CIP are the General Fund, Grants, Development Fees, Excise Taxes, HURF, Bonded Indebtedness, Capital Leases and Capital Project funds. All potential projects must identify the proposed sources of funding before submission of the CIP request. Projects that are funded by Development Fees must also identify the relation- ship between the IIP project and the Development fee from which it is funded in the justification section of the CIP Form. D. Project Schedule: Each Project Manager shall provide a preliminary sched- ule which shall detail the various phases involved in the project and their starting and ending dates. It is the responsibility of the Project Manager to maintain this schedule or to provide schedule updates to the CIP Coordinator on at least a quarterly basis. RESPONSIBILITY FOR ENFORCEMENT: The Town Manager, Finance Director and CIP Coordinator will be responsible for en- suring that this policy is followed and/or updated as necessary. The Height of Desert Living 314 PROJFY10-11 FY11-12 FY12-13 FY13-14 FY14-15 TOTALSNO PROJECT TITLEDOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENTSE8005 Avenue of the Fountains Improvements, Phase III $0 $0 $0 $0 $0E8501 Downtown Vision Plan-Phase I (Greening) $250,000 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $350,000E8502 Downtown Vision Plan-Phase II (Ave/Lakeside) $290,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $0 $1,040,000E8503 Downtown Vision Plan-Phase III (Ave/Saguaro)$30,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,000TOTAL $570,000 $350,000 $250,000 $250,000 $0 $1,420,000OPEN SPACE PROJECTSO7002 Adero Canyon Trailhead $0 $0 $1,627,400 $1,084,900 $0 $2,712,300O7004 FH McDowell Mtn Preserve Access $0 $0 $0 $0 $0O7005 Botanical Garden Parking Improvements $0 $0 $0 $0 $0TOTAL $0 $0 $1,627,400 $1,084,900 $0 $2,712,300STREET/SIDEWALK PROJECTSS6001 Shea Blvd Climbing Lane $1,147,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,147,500S6003 Unpaved Alley Paving Projects $135,000 $280,000 $160,000 $150,000 $0 $725,000S6005 Shea Blvd Widening $1,600,000 $1,600,000 $0 $0 $0 $3,200,000S6006 Fountain Hills Blvd Sidewalk$521,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $521,000S6007 Annual Sidewalk Program$292,263 $291,014 $289,710 $320,000 $326,400 $1,519,387S6008 Annual Pavement Management$515,000 $623,000 $930,000 $1,625,000 $1,706,250 $5,399,250S6009 Downtown Sidewalk Program $34,737 $28,986 $30,290 $31,653 $33,077 $158,743S6010 Saguaro Blvd Mill & Overlay $0 $4,500,000 $0 $0 $0 $4,500,000S6011 La Montana Medians $0 $0 $0 $0 $175,000 $175,000S6012 Palisades & Vista Intersection Reconfiguration $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0S6013 Palisades & Sunburst Intersection Reconfiguration $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0S6014 Turn lanes-Palisades at F H Blvd $0 $0 $0 $0 $484,000 $484,000S6015 Fountain Hills Blvd Widening$0 $0 $0 $0 $236,000 $236,000S6016 Medians-FH Blvd $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 The Height of Desert Living 315 PROJFY10-11 FY11-12 FY12-13 FY13-14 FY14-15 TOTALSNO PROJECT TITLES6017 Intersection reconfig-Saguaro & Trevino $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0S6018 Saguaro/Monterey Right Turn Improvements $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0S6019 Saguaro Blvd Service Road Elimination $0 $0 $0 $123,200 $750,000 $873,200S6020 Intersec Improv/Roundabout-Verde River & AOTF $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0S6021 Medians-Saguaro & Grande $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0S6022 Medians-Saguaro & F H Blvd $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0S6023 Shea/Saguaro Blvd $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0S6024 Shea/Saguaro Blvd Intersection Improvements $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0S6025 Shea Bldv Gap-Overlay $1,146,993 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,146,993S6046 Fountain Hills Blvd Sidewalk $40,000 $40,000 $430,000 $0 $0 $510,000S6047 Shea Blvd Sidewalk $0 $30,000 $30,000 $200,000 $0 $260,000S6050 Shea Blvd Bike lane $75,000 $440,000 $0 $0 $0 $515,000S6051 AOTF/La Montana Ped Movement/Roundabout $0 $0 $0 $0$110,000 $110,000S6052 Shea/Palisades Traffic Volume Improvements $0 $0 $0 $0 $0L1002 Median Landscape-Palisades $0 $0 $0 $0 $0TOTAL$10,007,493 $3,333,000 $1,870,000 $2,449,853 $3,820,727 $21,481,073TRAFFIC SIGNALST5003 Traffic Signal-Palisades & Sunridge $0 $0 $0 $0 $0T5004 Traffic Signal-AOTF & Saguaro $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $500,000 $550,000T5005 Traffic Signal-Palisades & Eagle Ridge/Palomino $0 $0 $40,000 $490,000 $0 $530,000T5006 Traffic Signal-FHB and Glenbrook $0 $0 $0 $40,000 $500,000 $540,000T5007 Traffic Signal-Saguaro & Panorama $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,000 $56,000T5008 Traffic Signal-Palisades & LaMontana $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0T5009 Traffic Signal Upgrades $148,800 $155,000 $0 $0 $0 $303,800T5010 Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) $0 $0 $0 $0 $200,000 $200,000T5011 Traffic Signal-Palisades & Saguaro upgrade $0 $0 $0$40,000 $500,000 $540,000T5012 Traffic Signal-FHB and Saguaro $0 $0 $0 $0 $0T5013 Traffic Signal-Palisades & Golden Eagle $0 $0 $0 $0 $0T5014 Traffic Signal-Golden Eagle & Sierra Madre $0 $0 $0 $0 $0TOTAL$148,800 $155,000 $40,000 $620,000 $1,756,000 $2,719,800 The Height of Desert Living 316 PROJFY10-11 FY11-12 FY12-13 FY13-14 FY14-15 TOTALSNO PROJECT TITLESTORMWATER MGMT/DRAINAGE PROJECTSD6026 Drainage-Saguaro Blvd $0 $0 $0 $0 $0D6027 Drainage-Del Cambre $0 $0 $0 $0 $0D6028 Drainage-FHB/Oxford Wash $0 $0 $0 $0 $72,900 $72,900D6029 Drainage-Firebrick/Laser $0 $0 $0 $0 $0D6030 Drainage-Ashbrook Wash Crossing/Del $0 $0 $0 $0 $0D6031 Drainage-Balboa Wash Crossing/FHB $0 $0 $0 $0 $0D6032 Drainage-Hesperus Wash Crossing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0D6033 Drainage-Oxbow Wash Crossing $0 $0 $0 $0 $459,800 $459,800D6034 Drainage-Oxford Wash Crossing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0D6035 Drainage-Arrow Wash Crossing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0D6036 Drainage-Colony Wash Crossing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0D6037 Drainage-Fountain Channel Crossing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0D6038 Drainage-Ironwood Wash Crossing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0D6039 Drainage-Malta Wash Crossing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0D6040 Drainage-Emerald Wash Crossing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0D6041 Drainage-Kingstree Wash Crossing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0D6042 Drainage-Cypress Point Wash Crossing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0D6043 Drainage-Jacklin Wash Crossing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0D6044 Drainage-Escalante Wash Crossing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0D6045 Drainage-Legend Wash Crossing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $532,700 $532,700PARK & RECREATION PROJECTSP3007 Desert Vista Park, Phase II $0 $0 $0 $0 $0P3008 Four Peaks Park, Phase II & III $0 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $50,000P3011 Fountain Park, Phase VI $0$683,400 $683,400 $0 $0 $1,366,800 The Height of Desert Living 317 PROJFY10-11 FY11-12 FY12-13 FY13-14 FY14-15 TOTALSNO PROJECT TITLEP3013 Neighborhood Park-South $0 $0 $0 $3,953,250 $2,046,750 $6,000,000P3014 Community/Neighborhood Parks-Ellman Property $0 $0 $9,700,000 $17,900,000 $0 $27,600,000P3019 Joint Use Park-High School Site $0$75,000 $0 $619,900 $0 $694,900P3020 Joint Use Park- McDowell Elem $0 $75,000 $586,000 $0 $0 $661,000TOTAL $0 $883,400 $10,969,400 $22,473,150 $2,046,750 $36,372,700GENERAL GOVERNMENT PROJECTSF4001 Civic Center Phase II $0 $0 $0 $0 $0F4002 Street Maintenance Facility Improvements $0 $800,000 $880,000 $0 $0 $1,680,000F4020 Voice & Data Communications Upgrade $10,000 $90,000 $25,000 $0 $0 $125,000F4022 Photovoltaic Installations$80,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $80,000TOTAL $90,000 $890,000 $905,000 $0 $0 $1,885,000FIRE & EMERGENCY PROJECTSF4005 Fire Station 2 Relocation $0 $2,226,951 $0 $0 $0 $2,226,951F4013 Fire Station Construction (Eagles Nest) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0F4015 Fire Station 1 Renovation $0 $0 $0$150,000 $0 $150,000F4021 Fire Station Emergency Generators $66,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $66,000TOTAL $66,000 $2,226,951 $0 $150,000 $0 $2,442,951Contingency $63,823 $123,384 $156,618 $270,279 $81,562 $695,665TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $6,446,116 $12,461,735 $15,818,418 $27,298,182 $8,237,739 $70,262,189 The Height of Desert Living 318 PROJ PROJECT TITLEFY2010-11 Excise Tax Grants Capital Projects Stimulus Other TotalNOFund MAG, etc Fund ARRA FundingDOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENTSE8501 Downtown Vision Plan-Phase I (Greening)$250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $250,000 $250,000E8502 Downtown Vision Plan-Phase II (Ave/Lakeside) $290,000 $290,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $290,000E8503 Downtown Vision Plan-Phase III (Ave/Saguaro)$30,000 $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,000TOTAL$570,000 $320,000 $0 $0 $0 $250,000 $570,000STREET PROJECTSS6001 Shea Blvd Climbing Lane $1,147,500 $0 $1,147,500 $0 $0 $1,147,500S6003 Unpaved Alley Paving Projects $135,000 $0 $0 $135,000 $0 $0 $135,000S6005 Shea Blvd Widening $1,600,000 $0 $1,120,000 $480,000 $0 $0 $1,600,000S6006 Fountain Hills Blvd Sidewalk $521,000 $0 $354,200 $166,800 $0 $0 $521,000S6007 Annual Sidewalk Program$292,263 $0 $0 $292,263 $0 $0 $292,263S6008 Annual Pavement Management$515,000 $0 $0 $515,000 $0 $0 $515,000S6009 Downtown Sidewalk Program $34,737 $0 $34,737 $0 $0 $0 $34,737S6025 Shea Bldv Gap-Overlay $1,146,993 $0 $0 $65,379 $1,081,614 $0 $1,146,993S6046 Fountain Hills Blvd Sidewalk $40,000 $0 $0 $40,000 $0 $0 $40,000S6050 Shea Blvd Bike lane $75,000 $0 $0 $75,000 $0 $0 $75,000TOTAL$5,507,493 $2,656,437 $1,769,442 $1,081,614 $0 $5,507,493TRAFFIC SIGNALST5009 Traffic Signal Upgrades $148,800 $0 $0 $148,800 $0 $0 $148,800TOTAL$148,800 $0 $0 $148,800 $0 $0 $148,800GENERAL GOVERNMENT PROJECTSF4020 Voice & Data Communications Upgrade $10,000 $0 $0 $10,000 $0 $0 $10,000F4022 Photovoltaic Installations $80,000 $0 $47,375 $0 $0 $32,625 $80,000TOTAL $90,000 $0 $47,375 $10,000 $0 $32,625 $90,000FIRE & EMERGENCY PROJECTSF4021 Fire Station Emergency Generators $66,000 $0 $59,400 $6,600 $0 $0 $66,000TOTAL $66,000 $0 $59,400 $6,600 $0 $0 $66,000Contingency $63,823 $63,823 $63,823TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $6,446,116 $320,000 $2,763,212 $1,998,665 $1,081,614 $282,625 $6,446,116 The Height of Desert Living 319 Capital Projects Information Sheets For Fiscal 2010-11 Year The Height of Desert Living 320 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Downtown Vision Plan-Phase I"The Greening of Downtown" DEPARTMENT: Development Services PROJECT MANAGER: Mark Mayer PROJECT NUMBER: E8501 FUNDING PRIORITY: High-Leverages local funds FUNDING SOURCES(S): FY2010-11 FY2011-12 FY2012-13 FY2013-14 FY2014-15 Grant $250,000 $100,000 Impact on Operating Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT SCHEDULE: STARTING DATE ENDING DATE PLANNING/DESIGN: 11.1.2009 4.30.2010 CONSTRUCTION: 5.1.2010 2.14.2012 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION Project is planned to introduce additional trees and potentially shrubs to Fountain Park and a number of vacant lots principally in the downtown area. Donations will be sought for this work. Work on the project is to be completed in time for the State's Centennial, which is February 14, 2012. The Height of Desert Living 321 JUSTIFICATION: The "Greening of Downtown" was one of the recommendations to come from the recently completed Downtown Visioning Project. The "Greening of Downtown" envisioned additional trees and schrubbery for Fountain Park to provide additional shade and aesthetic appeal and the planting of greenery in the Town's privately-owned, large vacant lots in the downtown area. The source of funding is to be donation driven. The project will include a demonstration planting area on the park's east side, trees along the sidewalks and paths in and around the park, and more intensely planted "grove" areas, which are envisioned to include both trees and shrubs. Lastly, additional work that is envisioned included naturalization of the park islands and a desert wildflower area among others. BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:CARRYFORWARDS: The Height of Desert Living 322 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Downtown Vision Plan-Phase II"Lakeside/Avenue Project" DEPARTMENT: Administration PROJECT MANAGER: Lori Gary PROJECT NUMBER: E8502 FUNDING PRIORITY: High-Town Council Priority FUNDING SOURCES(S): FY2010-11 FY2011-12 FY2012-13 FY2013-14 FY2014-15 Excise Tax $290,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 Impact on Operating Budget $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 PROJECT SCHEDULE: STARTING DATE ENDING DATE CONSTRUCTION: 1.3.2011 6.30.2011 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION This project may be used as an inducement to reimburse a developer(s) up to $1,000,000 for construction of Town approved streetscape/sidewalks/road improvemetns for development of a project or projects in the Lakeside District and/or The Avenue District in alignment with the Downtown Vision Plan adopted by Council on September 17, 2009 and in alignment with the Downtown Area Specific Plan framework. It may also be used by the Town for streetscape/sidewalks/road improvements/parking studies to induce a developer(s) to develop a project or projects in the above mentioned Districts whose plans are in alignment with the Downtown Vision Plan and the Area Specific Plan. The Height of Desert Living 323 JUSTIFICATION: In FY 2005/2006 and FY 2006/2007, the Town completed Phases I and II of the "Avenue of the Fountains Enhancement Project." Phase I included design of the entire project, and construction of the streetscape / sidewalks on the north side of the Avenue. Phase II included construction of the streetscape / sidewalks on the south side of the Avenue in front of Town Hall. In January 2009, the Town of Fountain Hills and the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce, embarked on journey to develop a master plan for downtown Fountain Hills. Swaback Partners were engaged to assist in this project. The process included input in structured group settings. Two different groups, inclusive of community leaders and local constituents, formally assisted in defining the vision - the Project Team and the Focus Group. In addition, the process included numerous public meetings to discuss the project progress, and receive feedback and guidance. This project will continue the "Avenue of the Fountains Enhancement Project" in the form of an inducement up to $1,000,000 to reimburse a developer or developers (s) for developing a project(s) in the Lakeside District or The Avenue District in alignment with the Downtown Vision Plan. It may also be in the form of a Town project to induce a development. The Town Council would formalize the reimbursement or inducement through an adopted Development Agreement which would outline the conditions of the reimbursements or inducements. BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:CARRYFORWARDS: The Height of Desert Living 324 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Downtown Vision Plan-Phase III"Saguaro/Avenue Project" DEPARTMENT: Administration PROJECT MANAGER: Lori Gary/Randy Harrel PROJECT NUMBER: E8503 FUNDING PRIORITY: High-Town Council Priority FUNDING SOURCES(S): FY2010-11 FY2011-12 FY2012-13 FY2013-14 FY2014-15 Excise Tax $30,000 Impact on Operating Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT SCHEDULE: STARTING DATE ENDING DATE PLANNING/DESIGN: 7.1.2010 12.31.2010 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION This project is for the design and engineering of the intersection of Saguaro Blvd and Avenue of the Fountains to conform with elements of the Swaback Downtown Vision Plan. The Height of Desert Living 325 JUSTIFICATION: In FY 2005/2006 and FY 2006/2007, the Town completed Phases I and II of the "Avenue of the Fountains Enhancement Project." Phase I included design of the entire project, and construction of the streetscape / sidewalks on the north side of the Avenue. Phase II included construction of the streetscape / sidewalks on the south side of the Avenue in front of Town Hall. In January 2009, the Town of Fountain Hills and the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce, embarked on journey to develop a master plan for downtown Fountain Hills. Swaback Partners were engaged to assist in this project. The process included input in structured group settings. The Town has included in the Capital Improvement Program the Mill & Overlay of Saguaro Blvd.In order to insure that the Downtown Vision Plan is followed, this project will provide the design and engineering of Saguaro Blvd at and around the intersection with Avenue of the Fountains.Funding of this project will come from the Economic Development (Excise Tax) Fund. BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:CARRYFORWARDS: The Height of Desert Living 326 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Shea Blvd. Climbing Lane DEPARTMENT: Development Services PROJECT MANAGER: Randy Harrel PROJECT NUMBER: S6001 FUNDING PRIORITY: High-Finishes a partially completed project FUNDING SOURCES(S): FY2010-11 FY2011-12 FY2012-13 FY2013-14 FY2014-15 Grant $1,147,500 Impact on Operating Budget $0 $5,000 $5,000 $20,000 $5,000 PROJECT SCHEDULE: STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ENGINEERING: 10.1.2008 8.15.2009 CONSTRUCTION 5.1.2010 8.31.2010 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION Widen the north side of Shea Boulevard between Palisades Bouelvard and Fountain Hills Boulevard. Add an additional third westbound lane, bicycle lane, curb & gutter, sidewalk and appurtenances. This project was bid by ADOT in January 2010; excellent bids well below the project estimate were received. Construction is expected to begin during fiscal year 2009-10 and to be completed in fiscal year 2010-11. The Height of Desert Living 327 JUSTIFICATION: In 2001, the Town applied for a grant to construct the Shea Boulevard Improvements and was awarded a Surface Transportation Project-Maricopa Association of Governments (STP-MAG) grant in the amount of $1,076,000. In 2009, the Town received additional STP grant funding, bringing the total STP funds up to $2,164,000. Town matching funds of $131,000 were deposited with ADOT during FY 09-10. The Town had allocated its ARRA (stimulus funds) to this project, but - due to the excellent project bids received - will be able to de-obligate the ARRA funds from this project, and to shift those ARRA funds to the proposed, new Shea Gap Overlay project. This project's construction is estimated to be approximately 50% complete at the start of FY10-11.This section of Shea Boulevard, between Fountain Hills Boulevard and Palisades Boulevard, has a long steep westbound uphill grade (maximum grade of 5%-6% for 2200'). The steep uphill grade forces many large, heavily loaded trucks to slow and use lower gears. Additionally, traffic signals at Fountain Hills Boulevard (at the start of the hill) and at Palisades Boulevard (near the top of the hill) accentuate the truck climbing problems.Mile long holiday weekend backups caused by vacationers returning to the Valley (Sunday or Monday p.m.) have been common on this road segment.Shea Boulevard is also a popular bicycle route (Maricopa Association of Governments Route 62) for the experienced well-conditioned athlete. However, its long length of steep grade also forces bicyclists to a low speed, creating excess hazards with slow bicyclists, large slow trucks, and fast moving cars.The 2006 weekday traffic volume along Shea Boulevard averaged 24,400 vehicles per day (vpd). By 2030, MAG projects Shea Boulevard will carry in excess of 39,000 vpd. ADOT projects that the capacity of a 4-lane street is only 35, 000 vpd, therefore, the capacity of Shea Boulevard will be exceeded in the future. ADOT will combine the Town's deposited funds with the STP grant funding, and will pay all invoices to the contractors, inspectors, etc. BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:CARRYFORWARDS: The Height of Desert Living 328 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Unpaved Alley Paving Projects DEPARTMENT: Development Services PROJECT MANAGER: Randy Harrel PROJECT NUMBER: S6003 FUNDING PRIORITY: High-Federal, State or Local Mandate FUNDING SOURCES(S): FY2010-11 FY2011-12 FY2012-13 FY2013-14 FY2014-15 Capital Projects Fund $135,000 $280,000 $160,000 $150,000 Impact on Operating Fund $0 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 PROJECT SCHEDULE: STARTING DATE ENDING DATE CONSTRUCTION 9.7.2009 6.24.2013 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION This project involves paving a number of unpaved alleys throughout the Town. The paving project is divided into 5 different phasesPhase I is 1400 l.f. from Panorama to Colony, and was completed in FY2009-10.Phase II is 870 l.f. from Tower to Panorama.Phase III is 890 l.f. from Panorama to Enterprise.Phase IV is 1150 l.f. adjacent to Colony Wash and 770 l.f. from Fountain Hills Boulevard to Glenbrook Blvd.Phase V is 635 l.f. from Desert Vista to Saxon Drive and 410 l.f. from Tioga south and east of Panorama. The Height of Desert Living 329 JUSTIFICATION: Maricopa County is concerned about the air pollution in the Valley and outlying areas. Part of the problem involves particulate matter in the air. In order to reduce this air pollution, the State of Arizona is requiring that all unpaved alleys be stabilized or paved. By creating an IGA with MAG, the Town of Fountain Hills Council was required to comply with this state law. The Town is performing the design in-house and will have the construction performed by the Town Contractor. The Town Council has committed to paving all the unpaved alleys within 5 years. (4 years remaining.)The project has allocated $5,000 in construction costs for each project for construction staking. BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:CARRYFORWARDS: The Height of Desert Living 330 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Shea Blvd. Widening DEPARTMENT: Development Services PROJECT MANAGER: Randy Harrel PROJECT NUMBER: S6005 FUNDING PRIORITY: High-Leverages local funds FUNDING SOURCES(S): FY2010-11 FY2011-12 FY2012-13 FY2013-14 FY2014-15 Grant $1,120,000 $1,120,000 Capital Projects Fund $480,000 $480,000 Impact on Operating Budget $0 $1,000 $2,000 $20,000 $2,000 PROJECT SCHEDULE: STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ENGINEERING: 4.17.2008 12.31.2010 ACQUISITION: 10.1.2010 3.1.2011 CONSTRUCTION 10.1.2010 3.1.2011 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION East Town Boundary to 1000' west of Technology. Design and construction of street widening for Saguaro Blvd. intersection improvements, a third westbound lane, sidewalk, traffic signal interconnect, curb & gutter and appurtenances.Phase I -Intersection Improvements (Shea/Saguaro) is from the Town east boundary to 1000' west of Technology (FY 07-08 to FY 10-11).Phase II is from 1000' west of Technology to Palisades Boulevard (FY20-21 to 22-23). The Height of Desert Living 331 JUSTIFICATION: This project is being partially funded with Prop 400 (1/2 cent sales tax) monies. The Town will pay for design, right-of-way and construction costs and MAG will reimburse the Town for up to 70% of the cost.In 2002, the Town applied for a grant to widen Shea Boulevard, from the East Boundary to Palisades Boulevard, to 6 lanes (3 lanes in each direction) plus appurtenances. Shea Boulevard is a road of regional significance. Shea has also been listed on the National Highway System. Shea is the only arterial classification level connection between Scottsdale and Mesa north of McDowell Road and is the only arterial road feeding the Beeline Highway north of McDowell Road. Except for this 2.7 mile "bottleneck" project length, Shea Boulevard is currently built to the MAG principal arterial standard 6 lanes, medianed, with bike lanes and meandering sidewalk for nearly its full length from Piestewa Freeway to Loop 101 to the Beeline Highway. Shea Boulevard currently carries 35,000 vpd at Palisades Boulevard and 25,000 vpd at Saguaro Boulevard.This existing roadway section is typically an uncurbed, 4 lane divided roadway with a gravel median. It was constructed by MCDOT in 1964 and 1973, with several segments of partial developer widening (Target Center, Balera Development, etc.). Because of the rugged topography, existing developments on each side, and the Town's efforts to maintain only limited access to Shea Boulevard, very little additional developer widening will ever occur. Speeds are limited to 45-50 mph. Shea Boulevard is a wide road for a small Town. It traverses rugged terrain and carries a high amount of regional-interstate car and truck traffic. In 2005, the Town Staff requested MAG consider phasing the project. The first Phase of the project will start at the Town East Boundary and continue to 1000' west of Technology. The second Phase would begin 1000' west of Technology and end at Palisades Boulevard. MAG is verbally in agreement with this phasing plan. Town staff will complete this phasing plan with MAG.Town staff is in design with HDR Engineering to perform the design for Phase I.Current estimated Phase 1 Construction Cost = $2,505,349 (@ 30% design, on 8-13-09) Fiscal Year 10-11 11-12 Complete Design,Ph.1 $ 100,000 RARF Grant $1,020,000 $1,120,000Town Portion $ 480,000 $ 480,000Total Town Budget $1,600,000 $1,600,000 BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:CARRYFORWARDS: The design firm HDR will complete the design in FY 10-11. The Height of Desert Living 332 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Fountain Hills Boulevard Sidewalk (Fayette Drive to Middle School) DEPARTMENT: Development Services PROJECT MANAGER: Randy Harrel PROJECT NUMBER: S6006 FUNDING PRIORITY: High-Leverages local funds FUNDING SOURCES(S): FY2010-11 FY2011-12 FY2012-13 FY2012-13 FY2013-14 Grant $354,200 Capital Projects Fund $166,800 Impact on Operating Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT SCHEDULE: STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ENGINEERING: 1.4.2008 6.30.2010 ACQUISITION: 7.1.2009 12.31.2009 CONSTRUCTION 11.1.2010 3.31.2011 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION A 6'-8' wide meandering sidewalk on portions of both sides of the street from Fayette Drive to the Middle School, filling in the segments where there currently are no sidewalks. In FY 2010-11 construction is planned. The Town's construction funding will be an up-front payment to ADOT, who will manage the construction. The Height of Desert Living 333 JUSTIFICATION: In 2004, the Town applied for and was awarded a Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) grant from Maricopa County Association of Governments in the amount of $354,200. This Grant provides for the direct payment of construction costs by ADOT up to the amount of the Grant. The balance of the cost of the project would be paid by the Town from Capital Project funds.The project addresses a critical lack of sidewalks along an arterial roadway (and a Road of Regional Significance) and a major pedestrian route - the only route to the Fountain Hills Middle School. Sidewalks will encourage Middle School students to walk to school, leading to a reduction of the large number of student drop-offs and pick-ups by parents and the associated congestion and engine-running waiting time, thereby improving air quality.This project will provide added safety to pedestrians by providing a sidewalk separated from vehicular and bicycle traffic on Fountain Hills Boulevard. Likewise, there will be a major benefit to bicyclists who will no longer share the existing on-street bike lane with pedestrians. Retired adults (using the Town's few sidewalks for exercising walking) are the second most common walkers (after students). These sidewalks will provide a concrete walking surface and handicap-accessible ramps, reducing the fall risk from existing uneven dirt paths in front of the existing commercial, multi-family and church facilities, in addition to reducing the traffic accident hazard of walking in the existing bike lane adjacent to the traffic.$15,000 Relocations and Constr. Engrg. (by Design Consultant)(Town Cost)$354,800 Grant (CMAQ)$151,800 Construction FY 10-11 (Town cost).[$166,800 Total for Town Budget] BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:CARRYFORWARDS: The Height of Desert Living 334 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Annual Sidewalk Program DEPARTMENT: Development Services PROJECT MANAGER: Randy Harrel PROJECT NUMBER: S6007 FUNDING PRIORITY: High-Finishes a partially completed project FUNDING SOURCES(S): FY2010-11 FY2011-12 FY2012-13 FY2013-14 FY2014-15 Capital Projects Fund $292,263 $291,014 $289,710 $320,000 $326,400 Impact on Operating Budget $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 PROJECT SCHEDULE: STARTING DATE ENDING DATE CONSTRUCTION 3.1.2011 6.30.2015 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION In August of 2007, Town Staff presented a long range, Town wide sidewalk plan to Council. Sidewalks on Del Cambre (construction) are scheduled for FY 2010-11. Priorities for the balance of the 5 CIP were established and were presented to Council and are detailed below. The Height of Desert Living 335 JUSTIFICATION: The Town Council has established pedestrian safety as a goal. Priorities are as follows:FY10-11: DelCambre, Grande to Calaveras (construction)FY11-12: Saguaro Blvd, from Hawk Drive to El Lago Blvd. (West side only)FY12-13: Saguaro Blvd., from Colony Drive to Kiwanis Drive (East side only)FY13-14: Palisades Blvd., from Westby Drive to FH Blvd. (North side only)FY14-15: Saguaro Service Road, from FH Theatre to Desert Vista Park (North side only) BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:CARRYFORWARDS: The Height of Desert Living 336 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Annual Pavement Management DEPARTMENT: Development Services PROJECT MANAGER: Randy Harrel PROJECT NUMBER: S6008 FUNDING PRIORITY: High-Town Council Priority FUNDING SOURCES(S): FY2010-11 FY2011-12 FY2012-13 FY2013-14 FY2014-15 Capital Projects Fund $515,000 $623,000 $930,000 $1,625,000 $1,706,250 Impact on Operating Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT SCHEDULE: STARTING DATE ENDING DATE CONSTRUCTION 7.6.2010 6.23.2014 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION Slurry Seal and Micro-Surface streets plus street mill and overlay. Zone 5 is scheduled for completion during FY 10-11.A map of the proposed work area is included in the budget document. The Height of Desert Living 337 JUSTIFICATION: The Town has provided a pavement management program that started a number of years ago. This program, researched by Stantec, provided Pavement Quality Index (PQI) ratings to indicate stress ratings for all streets in FH. The typical range where staff considers street maintenance is between 40 and 70 PQI. As we move from Zone to Zone staff looks at the PQI ratings to determine what type of treatment is necessary, depending on the rating. Saguaro Boulevard was identified as a street to mill and overlay. That work is separately detailed in Project S6010. The Town is considering a bond issue to fund this work.The pavement management analysis/consultant recommended the Town continue the slurry seal and micro surface program. Currently, the program was set up to accomplish all residential areas on a 6-year rotation. There are 6 zones in Town plus the major roads (Saguaro, Fountain Hills Blvd., Palisades and Shea, these streets are separate from the rotation plan). Since the Pavement Analysis was performed staff has found locations where newer streets require less intense maintenance due to higher pavement ratings, therefore the cost can be reduced and the Level of Service can be maintained.Zone 1- FY 06-07Zone 2- FY 07-08Zone 3- FY 08-09Zone 4- FY 09-10 (Possible two phased due to economy slow down)Zone 5- FY 10-11Zone 6- FY 11-12Major Roads are typically maintained on an as-needed basis, but are referred to as Zone 7. They include Shea, Saguaro, Palisades and Fountain Hills Blvd. BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:CARRYFORWARDS: The Height of Desert Living 338 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Downtown Sidewalk Program DEPARTMENT: Development Services PROJECT MANAGER: Randy Harrel PROJECT NUMBER: S6009 FUNDING PRIORITY: Medium-Maintains existing service levels FUNDING SOURCES(S): FY2010-11 FY2011-12 FY2012-13 FY2013-14 FY2014-15 Capital Projects Fund $34,737 $28,986 $30,290 $31,653 $33,077 Impact on Operating Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT SCHEDULE: STARTING DATE ENDING DATE PLANNING/DESIGN: 7.1.2010 12.31.2014 CONSTRUCTION 1.4.2010 6.15.2015 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION This project includes infill sidewalk on El Lago Drive between Saguaro Blvd and the Service Road. The Height of Desert Living 339 JUSTIFICATION: The Town Council has established "Enhance Pedestrian Safety" as a goal. These sidewalk projects continues the goal to improve pedestrian safety and accessibility in the downtown area. The Five year plan involves creating connections in the Downtown where short areas of sidewalk need to be installed for ADA accessibility and removing pedestrians from vehicular traffic. BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:CARRYFORWARDS: The Height of Desert Living 340 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Shea Boulevard Gap - Overlay DEPARTMENT: Development Services PROJECT MANAGER: Randy Harrel PROJECT NUMBER: S6025 FUNDING PRIORITY: High-Leverages local funds FUNDING SOURCES(S): FY2010-11 FY2011-12 FY2012-13 FY2013-14 FY2014-15 Grant $1,081,614 Capital Projects Fund $65,379 Impact on Operating Budget $0 $1,000 $1,000 $20,000 $1,000 PROJECT SCHEDULE: STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ENGINEERING: 3.1.2010 9.30.2010 CONSTRUCTION 1.1.2011 6.30.2011 CONSTRUCTION 1.1.2011 6.30.2011 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION Rubberized Asphalt Overlay on existing WB pavement (East of Fountain Hills Blvd. to West of Technology Drive)(from end of Shea Climbing Lane project to start of Shea Widening Project, Phase 1), and overlay other existing pavement areas on Shea Blvd. (Fountain Hills Blvd. - Saguaro Blvd.) as grant funding (STP, from re-constituted ARRA funding) permits. The Height of Desert Living 341 JUSTIFICATION: This project is being partially funded with Prop 400 (1/2 cent sales tax) monies. The Town will pay for design, right-of-way and construction costs and MAG will reimburse the Town for up to 70% of the cost.In 2002, the Town applied for a grant to widen Shea Boulevard, from the East Boundary to Palisades Boulevard, to 6 lanes (3 lanes in each direction) plus appurtenances. Shea Boulevard is a road of regional significance. Shea has also been listed on the National Highway System. Shea is the only arterial classification level connection between Scottsdale and Mesa north of McDowell Road and is the only arterial road feeding the Beeline Highway north of McDowell Road. Except for this 2.7 mile "bottleneck" project length, Shea Boulevard is currently built to the MAG principal arterial standard 6 lanes, medianed, with bike lanes and meandering sidewalk for nearly its full length from Piestewa Freeway to Loop 101 to the Beeline Highway. Shea Boulevard currently carries 35,000 vpd at Palisades Boulevard and 25,000 vpd at Saguaro Boulevard.This existing roadway section is typically an uncurbed, 4 lane divided roadway with a gravel median. It was constructed by MCDOT in 1964 and 1973, with several segments of partial developer widening (Target Center, Balera Development, etc.). Because of the rugged topography, existing developments on each side, and the Town's efforts to maintain only limited access to Shea Boulevard, very little additional developer widening will ever occur. Speeds are limited to 45-50 mph. Shea Boulevard is a wide road for a small Town. It traverses rugged terrain and carries a high amount of regional-interstate car and truck traffic. In 2005, the Town Staff requested MAG consider phasing the project. The first Phase of the project will start at the Town East Boundary and continue to 1000' west of Technology. The second Phase would begin 1000' west of Technology and end at Palisades Boulevard. MAG is verbally in agreement with this phasing plan. Town staff will complete this phasing plan with MAG.Town staff is in design with HDR Engineering to perform the design for Phase I. BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:CARRYFORWARDS: The Height of Desert Living 342 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Fountain Hills Boulevard Sidewalk (Cholla Drive to Crystal Point) DEPARTMENT: Development Services PROJECT MANAGER: Randy Harrel PROJECT NUMBER: S6046 FUNDING PRIORITY: Medium-results in increased efficiency FUNDING SOURCES(S): FY2010-11 FY2011-12 FY2012-13 FY2013-14 FY2014-15 Grant $300,000 Capital Projects Fund $40,000 $40,000 $130,000 Impact on Operating Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT SCHEDULE: STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ENGINEERING: 7.1.2010 6.30.2012 ACQUISITION: 1.1.2012 6.30.2012 CONSTRUCTION 10.1.2012 3.31.2013 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION Sidewalk and appurtenances on the west side of Fountain Hills Boulevard from Cholla Drive to Crystal Point. The Height of Desert Living 343 JUSTIFICATION: In September 2006 the Town applied for a grant to design and construct this sidewalk project. The Town was awarded a grant using Congestion Mitigation Air Quality grant funds. In 2009, MAG allowed this project length to be shortened to better fit the grant funding available. The $300,000 grant funds are available for construction in Federal Fiscal year 2011-12. (Staff will apply to MAG for a (semi-automatic) 1-year deferral.) The plan would be to bid and start construction of the project in Town FY 12-13.The sidewalk is the first phase (northerly part) of a sidewalk connector from Shea Boulevard (this northerly part will begin at Cholla Drive) to the existing Town sidewalks at Crystal Point. Enhance pedistrian safety is a goal of the Town Council.The Town Council did not fund the design of this project in FY 09-10, citing the low amount of grant funding available for this project. (19% of the then-proposed construction funds). MAG has now approved Staff's request to shorten the grant project length, thereby minimizing the necessary Town matching funds. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) will administer the project during construction. The Town will deposit the construction funds with ADOT. BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:CARRYFORWARDS: The Height of Desert Living 344 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Shea Boulevard Bike Lane DEPARTMENT: Development Services PROJECT MANAGER: Randy Harrel PROJECT NUMBER: S6050 FUNDING PRIORITY: High-Finishes a partially completed project FUNDING SOURCES(S): FY2010-11 FY2011-12 FY2012-13 FY2013-14 FY2014-15 Grant $440,000 Capital Projects Fund $75,000 Impact on Operating Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT SCHEDULE: STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ENGINEERING: 6.1.2010 9.1.2010 CONSTRUCTION 10.1.2011 2.1.2011 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION Bike lane and appurtenances adjacent to the pavement on the south side of Shea Boulevard from Technology Drive to Palisades Boulevard and complete the medians. Project will be constructed together with the Shea Gap Overlay project The Height of Desert Living 345 JUSTIFICATION: This project was designed a number of years ago, bid and a contractor selected. The Town deposited their matching funds for the project. The contractor ended up in default and never started construction of the project. Some of the funds deposited for construction were used to terminate the contract with the contractor at the direction of ADOT.Plans will be updated and revised at the request of ADOT. The Town, engineer consultants (Burgess & Niple) and ADOT will work to resolve all of the outstanding issues on this project.As a result of project delays and the need to use some of the deposited funds to terminate the first contractor, additional funding of $75,000 FY 10-11 will be necessary to start construction of the project. ADOT administers this type of grant project during construction. The Town deposits the funds with ADOT and they pay all bills associated with the project. This project is currently planned to be constructed as a joint project with the Shea Blvd Gap Overlay project BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:CARRYFORWARDS: The Height of Desert Living 346 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Traffic Signal Upgrades DEPARTMENT: Development Services PROJECT MANAGER: Ken Kurth PROJECT NUMBER: T5009 FUNDING PRIORITY: Medium-Provides maintenance of existing systems FUNDING SOURCES(S): FY2010-11 FY2011-12 FY2012-13 FY2013-14 FY2014-15 Capital Projects Fund $148,800 $155,000 Developer Fees Impact on Operating Fund ($5,000) $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT SCHEDULE: STARTING DATE ENDING DATE COMPLETION: 9.1.2009 12.31.2011 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION Install new traffic signal cabinets and controllers at six (6) intersections. The Height of Desert Living 347 JUSTIFICATION: These traffic signal controllers are the existing equipment from the original construction. These controllers are no longer produced and replacement parts are no longer available. Staff has some shelf items in our inventory, but we cannot rely on any other sources to purchase replacement parts for this outdated technology. This proposed new technology will bring us up to the present industry standard, while minimizing liability for the Town. Lastly, these upgrades will allow signal timing coordination, which in turn will lessen the amount of pollution with greater signal efficiency. BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:CARRYFORWARDS: The Height of Desert Living 348 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Voice & Data Communications Upgrade DEPARTMENT: Administration PROJECT MANAGER: Mike Ciccarone PROJECT NUMBER: F4020 FUNDING PRIORITY: Medium-results in increased efficiency FUNDING SOURCES(S): FY2010-11 FY2011-12 FY2012-13 FY2013-14 FY2014-15 Capital Projects Fund $10,000 $90,000 $25,000 $0 $0 Impact on Operating Budget $0 $0 $13,500 $17,500 $17,500 PROJECT SCHEDULE: STARTING DATE ENDING DATE PLANNING/DESIGN: 3.1.2011 6.30.2011 ACQUISITION: 7.1.2011 12.31.2011 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION Replace network equipment and phone system at the Civic Center (Town Hall and Community Center) with expansion to two fire stations and street yard in following years. The Height of Desert Living 349 JUSTIFICATION: Existing network equipment at these locations is approximately 10 years old and no longer supported by manufactures and replacement parts are hard to come by. Upgrading the data and voice networks will provide the town with enhanced capabilities and redundancy. This network would be expanded to the fire stations and street yard in the budget year following deployment at the Civic Center campus. BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:CARRYFORWARDS: The Height of Desert Living 350 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Fire Station Emergency Generators DEPARTMENT: Fire PROJECT MANAGER: Scott La Greca PROJECT NUMBER: F4021 FUNDING PRIORITY: High-Leverages local funds FUNDING SOURCES(S): FY2010-11 FY2011-12 FY2012-13 FY2013-14 FY2014-15 Grant $59,400 Capital Projects Fund $6,600 Impact on Operating Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT SCHEDULE: STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ACQUISITION: 7.1.2010 10.29.2010 COMPLETION: 11.1.2010 12.31.2010 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION Replace generator at Station 1with an upgraded 80kw generator; Add new 80kw generator at Station 2. This is a Federal Emergency Management Firefighters Grant request. If awarded it is 90% funded by the grant with a 10% Town match. The Height of Desert Living 351 JUSTIFICATION: Emergency backup power at station 1 (secondary Town EOC ) is provided by a 20 year old generator that is rated at 15kw. This is just enough power to run the existing VHF radio system and provide emergency lighting, as well as energize a few selected receptacles, and the overhead doors. It will not power the air conditioning system. It would be unable to power a propossed 800MHZ radio system. Station 2 has no backup emergency power capability...no generator. BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:CARRYFORWARDS: The Height of Desert Living 352 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Photovoltaic Installations DEPARTMENT: Development Services PROJECT MANAGER: Raymond Rees PROJECT NUMBER: F4022 FUNDING PRIORITY: Medium-results in increased efficiency FUNDING SOURCES(S): FY2010-11 FY2011-12 FY2012-13 FY2013-14 FY2014-15 Grant $47,375 Rebates $32,625 Impact on Operating Budget ($2,462) ($2,462) ($2,462) ($2,462) ($2,462) PROJECT SCHEDULE: STARTING DATE ENDING DATE CONSTRUCTION 7.15.2010 9.30.2010 COMPLETION: 9.30.2010 9.30.2010 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION The Town is proposing the development and installation of three grid-tied photovoltaic generators at three separate locations on Town-owned buildings within the Town limits. The combined output of the systems will equal 14.5 kw and is estimated to generate a total annual production of 23,446 kwh. Calculations in this summary were calculated from the PVWatts website calculator and the EPA’s greenhouse equivalencies calculator. The Height of Desert Living 353 JUSTIFICATION: This project is important to the community of Fountain Hills because it can reduce the use and cost of power taken from the areas electrical grid and help reduce our carbon footprint. The Town will also be using this as an educational tool for its citizens. The Town is strategically targeting its parks buildings for the PV solar installations to help promote PV solar technology. Each of the sites will have roof mounted PV panels, and a system monitor display unit will be located in the front of each building. Placing the display monitors in the front of the buildings will provide easy access to the monitors for students and the public and students from local schools. This will provide an educational tool for students and the public to learn more about PV solar generators and how they work. It is anticipated that these installations will help promote and encourage more citizens to use PV systems and other alternative types of renewable energy sources BUDGET MODIFICATIONS:CARRYFORWARDS: The Height of Desert Living 354 The Height of Desert Living 355 Vehicle Replacement Program Policy and Procedure 5 Year Schedule The Height of Desert Living 356 Objective To provide a policy and procedures for the development, approval, and implementa- tion of the Town of Fountain Hills’ twenty (20) year Vehicle Replacement Program (VRP). Scope This policy applies to all vehicles owned by the Town of Fountain Hills that meet the definition detailed in the definitions section. Policy The purpose of the Vehicle Replacement Program is to provide an authoritative deci- sion-making process for the evaluation, selection, and multi-year scheduling of vehi- cle replacements based on a projection of available fiscal resources and the vehicles age, mileage, engine hours and repair costs. The objectives of the program are to: Ensure the timely purchase, repair and replacement of the Town’s vehicles; Serve as a link in the Town’s planning between the Town’s operating and capi- tal budgets; Maintain control over the Town’s long-term cash flow in relation to the Town's financial capacity; and Ensure efficient, effective and coordinated vehicle acquisition and replace- ment. Definitions The following words when used in connection with this policy shall have the following meanings: VEHICLE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM: A multi-year planning document that is the prod- uct of a systematic evaluation of vehicle utilization, repair and maintenance. This plan serves as a guide for the efficient and effective replacement of vehicles, outlin- ing a detailed timeline and financing schedule of vehicle replacement for a twenty (20) year period. VEHICLE: A vehicle is defined in financial terms as a piece of rolling stock with a pro- jected final cost of at least $10,000 and a useful life of at least 7 years. Vehicles shall be subdivided into various classifications as follows: Sedans Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) Light Duty Truck Medium Duty Truck Heavy Duty Truck The Height of Desert Living 357 Passenger Van Street Sweeper Fire Ladder Truck Fire Pumper Truck Utility Vehicle/Bunker Rake Backhoe Loader/Grader/Tractor Gator Dump Truck Trailer PROCESS: A. Schedule: Annually, the Development Services Director and Finance Direc- tor will submit an updated VRP to the Town Manager for review in February of each fiscal year. The Town Manager will review the proposal and forward the approved VRP to the Finance Director in March for inclusion in the Town’s CIP budget proposal. B. Format: The Development Services Director will utilize the previous year's approved VRP as the base for developing recommended additions, deletions, or changes for incorporation in the updated VRP for the ensuing year. All new (not replacement) vehicle requests will also include a comprehensive estimate of the impact of the new vehicle on the Town's annual operating budget; e.g., fuel, maintenance requirements, etc. B. Finance Review: The Finance Director will assist the Development Services Director as necessary in all facets of the Vehicle Replacement Program devel- opment and review including production of cost estimates, as well as an over- all financial analysis of the proposed program. Additional assistance may be requested to help produce draft documents, etc. C. Town Manager Review: The Development Services Director will provide a copy of the proposed VRP document to the Finance Director and Town Man- ager for review and comment. Following approval by the Town Manager the VRP will be incorporated into the CIP budget proposal for the coming year. D. Implementation: Upon adoption of the VRP in the operating budget, vehi- cles included within the applicable budget year may be purchased by the De- velopment Services Director, or his/her designee in compliance with the Town’s Purchasing Policy. The Height of Desert Living 358 E. Amendments: The adopted VRP may be amended upon recommendation of the Development Services Director and approval of the Town Manager and Town Council. PROCEDURE: A. Form: The New Vehicle Request form (listed as Attachment A) shall be util- ized to request inclusion of a new (not replacement) vehicle in the Vehicle Re- placement Plan. Department Directors may request the addition of a new ve- hicle to the VRP by submitting their request to the Public Works Director in January as part of the budget process. The Development Services Director shall include these requests in the VRP that is submitted to the Finance Director and Town Manager. B. Funding Prioritization: As part of the VRP development process, the Public Works Director shall create vehicle replacement priorities to help determine the vehicle replacement schedule which will be incorporated in the five (5) year and twenty (20) year VRP. The following guidelines shall be utilized: Sedans 10 years/100,000 miles Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) 10 years/100,000 miles Light Duty Truck 10 years/100,000 miles Medium Duty Truck 12 years/125,000 miles Heavy Duty Truck 12 years/125,000 miles Passenger Van 12 years/100,000 miles Street Sweeper 7 years/75,000 miles Fire Ladder Truck 15 years/100,000 miles Fire Pumper Truck 15 years/100,000 miles Utility Vehicle/Bunker Rake 12 years/100,000 miles Backhoe 20 years/15,000 engine hours Loader/Grader/Tractor 20 years/15,000 engine hours Gator 12 years/15,000 engine hours Dump Truck 15 years/125,000 miles Trailer 10 years In addition to the factors listed above, the Development Services Director, or his/her The Height of Desert Living 359 designee shall also review the utilization, maintenance records of the vehicles, down- time and the overall condition of the vehicles when making recommendations for re- placement. C. Funding Sources: The primary funding sources for the VRP are the General Fund and Streets Fund. Revenues for the Vehicle Replacement Fund will also be gener- ated from the replacement charges applied against the operating funds that support the departments that utilize the subject vehicles. Surplus sale proceeds and insur- ance claim proceeds will also be deposited to the Vehicle Replacement Fund to help offset future vehicle and equipment costs. D. Vehicle Disposal: At least once annually, the Development Services Director, or his/her designee shall prepare a list of vehicles to be retired from the Town’s fleet. The Town Manager shall authorize the sales of these vehicles at Auction by signing over the vehicle title(s). The Development Services Director, or his/her designee shall then transport the vehicles to the Auctioneer and shall be responsible to insure that payment on the vehicles is made to the Vehicle Replacement Fund. RESPONSIBILITY FOR ENFORCEMENT: The Town Manager, Finance Director and Development Services Director will be re- sponsible for ensuring that this policy is followed and/or updated as necessary. Fiscal Year 2010-11 Vehicle Replacement Recommendation In fiscal year 2010-11, no vehicles are proposed for replacement. The Height of Desert Living 360 Equipment No. Description Type Year Odometer Cost Schedule FY10-11PW-144 Ford Escape Hybrid SUV 2007 22,118 $29,844.00 10 years/100,000 miles $2,984.40B-148 Ford Escape Hybrid SUV 2008 17,230 $25,947.22 10 years/100,000 miles $2,594.72PZ-149 Ford Escape Hybrid SUV 2008 12,683 $25,947.22 10 years/100,000 miles $2,594.72B-143 Ford Escape Hybrid SUV 2006 26,240 $29,275.00 10 years/100,000 miles $2,927.50E-821 American LaFrance Pumper Truck 1998 86,773 $450,000.00 15 years/100,000 miles $30,000.00E-823 Crimson Pumper Truck 2008 2,000 $450,000.00 15 years/100,000 miles $30,000.00138 Ford FMC Pumper Truck 1990 136,187 $367,000.00 15 years/100,000 miles $0.00F-198 Serro Trailer E.D.I.T.H. House1995 0 $0.00 non-replaceable $0.00F-204 Ford F-550 SUV Heavy Duty Truck 2001 26,212 $100,000.00 12 years/125,000 miles $8,333.33F-911 Ford F-150 Light Duty Truck 1998 81,413 $43,004.00 10 years/100,000 milesL-822 American LaFrance Ladder Truck 1999 57,119 $525,000.00 15 years/100,000 miles $35,000.00F-040 Ford Expedition SUV 2002 0 $35,000.00 10 years/100,000 miles $3,500.00F-668 Ford Explorer SUV 2001 57,394 $24,610.00 10 years/100,000 miles $2,461.00PZ-107 Ford Crown Victoria Sedan 2001 51,954 $24,020.00 10 years/100,000 milesFD-7 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab Medium Duty Truck2009 100 $43,000.00 10 years/100,000 miles $4,300.00P-11 John Deere 4x2 Gator Gator 2007 1,863 $6,590.00 12 years/15,000 hours $549.17PR-141 Ford F-150 Light Duty Truck 2007 19,182 $15,174.00 10 years/100,000 miles $1,517.40P-12 John Deere 4x2 Gator Gator 2007 439 $6,590.00 12 years/15,000 hours $549.17P-9 John Deere 4x2 Gator Gator 1998 2,982 $10,000.00 12 years/15,000 hours $0.00PR-146 Ford F-150 Pickup Light Duty Truck 2007 24,322 $18,288.49 10 years/100,000 miles $1,828.85BR-02 John Deere 1200A Golden Bunker Rake 1999 2,284 $10,000.00 12 years/15,000 hours $833.33P-1 John Deere Bunker Rake Bunker Rake 1994 861 $10,000.00 12 years/15,000 hours $0.00P-8 John Deere 4x2 Gator Gator 1998 5,670 $10,000.00 12 years/15,000 hours $0.00P-10 John Deere 4x2 Gator Gator 1998 3,200 $10,000.00 12 years/15,000 hours $0.00P-13 Mule KAF400A7 Utility Vehicle 2007 287 $8,000.00 12 years/15,000 hours $666.67P-14 Kubota KU Tractor/Loader 2007 205 $27,199.30 20 years/15,000 hours $1,359.97PR-103 Ford F-150 Pickup Light Duty Truck 1995 91,868 $15,087.13 10 years/100,000 milesPR-142 Ford F-250 Pickup Light Duty Truck 2007 14,304 $19,089.00 10 years/100,000 miles $1,908.90 The Height of Desert Living 361 Equipment No. Description Type Year Odometer Cost Schedule FY10-11PR-142 Ford F-250 Pickup Light Duty Truck 2007 14,304 $19,089.00 10 years/100,000 miles $1,908.90PR-147 Ford F-150 Pickup Light Duty Truck 2007 28,228 $18,288.49 10 years/100,000 miles $1,828.85PR-102 Ford Crown Victoria Sedan 1999 50,600 $24,607.00 10 years/100,000 milesSS-121 Chevrolet Van Van 2000 40,628 $21,157.83 12 years/125,000 miles $0.00SS-152 Ford Cutaway Van 2004 125,000 $1.00 12 years/125,000 miles $0.00PW-101 Dodge 1500 Pickup Light Duty Truck 1999 21,639 $14,705.73 10 years/100,000 miles $0.00PW-105 Ford F-150 Pickup Light Duty Truck 1997 63,557 $19,174.00 10 years/100,000 milesPW-112 Chevrolet S-10 Blazer SUV 2001 56,274 $23,445.00 10 years/100,000 miles $2,344.50PW-140 Ford Escape Hybrid SUV 2007 9,816 $28,247.00 10 years/100,000 miles $2,824.70PW-145 Ford F-150 Supercab Light Duty Truck2007 6,525 $25,403.00 10 years/100,000 miles $2,540.30S-12 John Deere Tractor Tractor 1993 6,767 $55,403.00 20 years/15,000 hours $2,770.15S-104 Chevrolet 1500 Pickup Light Duty Truck 1998 91,996 $14,336.58 10 years/100,000 milesS-133 Ford F-150 Pickup Light Duty Truck 2001 44,717 $23,764.00 10 years/100,000 miles $2,376.40S-134 Ford F-550 Pickup Heavy Duty Truck 2005 17,403 $41,994.25 12 years/125,000 miles $3,499.52S-135 Freightliner M2106 Dump Truck 2005 10,277 $63,170.13 15 years/125,000 miles $4,211.34S-139 Schwartz A9000 Sweeper Sweeper 2006 6,459 $195,300.00 7 years/75,000 miles $27,900.00S-150 Freightliner Sweeper Sweeper 2007 56 $185,954.00 7 years/75,000 miles $26,564.86S-151 Ford F-450 Pickup Heavy Duty Truck 2008 0 $52,182.78 12 years/125,000 miles $4,348.57S-113 Ford F-150 Pickup Light Duty Truck 2001 51,315 $23,764.00 10 years/100,000 milesS-124 Dodge 3500 Pickup Medium Duty Truck 1999 52,702 $24,061.66 10 years/100,000 milesS-129 Ford F-450 Utility Dump Truck Heavy Duty Truck 1992 69,485 $24,893.08 12 years/125,000 milesS-153 Ford F-150 Utility Light Duty Truck 1998 89,252 $19,816.40 10 years/100,000 milesS-20 Caterpillar 426C Backhoe 1999 3,844 $88,393.00 20 years/15,000 hours $4,419.65SE-05 Caterpillar 21B Roller1993 833 $24,898.00 20 years/10,000 hours $1,244.90Totals $3,351,625.29 $220,782.86 The Height of Desert Living 362 This Page Intentionally Left Blank The Height of Desert Living 363 Comprehensive Fee Schedule The Height of Desert Living 364 This Page Intentionally Left Blank The Height of Desert Living 365 DescriptionAmountServicesNotarization $2.00 per signatureAffix Town Seal $2.00 eachFaxing Service - Local Only $2.00 First Page, $.50 Each Additional PageFaxing Service - Long Distance $3.00 First Page, $.50 Each Additional PageE-Mail Document Service $.50 First Page, $.10 Each Additional PageCampaign FeesPro/Con Argument Fee $100.00Campaign Finance-Late Filing Fee$10.00 per dayCopies-Non-CommercialPhotocopies (B&W) 8 1/2 x 11 $.25 per pagePhotocopies (B&W) 8 1/2 x 14 $.30 per pagePhotocopies (B&W) 11 x 17 $.40 per pagePhotocopies (Color) 8 1/2 x 11 $.50 per pagePhotocopies (Color) 8 1/2 x 14 $.60 per pagePhotocopies (Color) 11 x 17 $.70 per pageCopies-Commercial Photocopies (B&W) 8 1/2 x 11 $.50 per pagePhotocopies (B&W) 8 1/2 x 14 $.60 per pagePhotocopies (B&W) 11 x 17 $.80 per pagePhotocopies (Color) 8 1/2 x 11 $1.00 per pagePhotocopies (Color) 8 1/2 x 14 $1.20 per pagePhotocopies (Color) 11 x 17 $1.40 per pageDocumentsTown Code$25.00 (CD or hard copy)Zoning Ordinances $25.00 (CD or hard copy)Subdivision Code $25.00 (CD or hard copy)CAFR (Annual Financial Report) $25.00 (CD or hard copy)Annual Budget $45.00 (CD or hard copy)Land Use Analysis $25.00 (hard copy only)CD of Council Meeting $25.00 eaOther Materials on CD $25.00 eaE-Mail Service (Request for Public Information) $25.00 ea The Height of Desert Living 366 DescriptionAmountReportsCurrent Business License Report (Non-commercial Use) $25.00 (CD or hard copy)Current Business License Report (Commercial Use) $50.00 (CD or hard copy)Maps8 1/2" x 11" Street/Index Map "Typical"(B&W) $0.508 1/2" x 11" Street/Index Map "Typical"(Color) $2.008 1/2" x 11" Street/Index Map "Typical"(Photo) $3.0011" x 17" Street/Index Map "Typical" (B&W) $0.7511" x 17" Street/Index Map "Typical" (Color) $3.0011" x 17" Street/Index Map "Typical" (Photo) $5.0011" x 17" Aerial Site Plan (Photo) $20.0024" x 36" Street/Final Plat/As Built (B&W) $3.0024" x 36" Street/Final Plat/As Built (Color) $20.0024" x 36" Street/Final Plat/As Built (Photo) $30.0060" x 60" Street/Bldg/Develop/Plat/Plot (B&W) $35.0060" x 60" Street/Bldg/Develop/Plat/Plot (Color) $75.0060" x 60" Street/Bldg/Develop/Plat/Plot (Photo) $125.00Plat Map Book $25.00Adopt A StreetFee, per sign $30.00Dog LicenseNon-neutered dog $40.00Spayed/Neutered dog $16.00Over 65 with neutered dog $6.00Service Dog No feeReplacement Dog Tag $2.00Late fee neutered dog (per month) $2.00Late fee non-neutered dog (per month) $4.00Business License FeesProviders of services, wholesalers and manufacturers with a $50.00/ application and first year feefixed place of business within the town limits The Height of Desert Living 367 DescriptionAmountRetail merchants, restaurants, bars, contractors and rental $50.00/ application and first year feeof real and personal property with a fixed place of business within the town limits and persons engaging in the sale or rental of real estateWholesalers, manufacturers and providers of services without a $50.00/ application and first year feefixed place of business within the town limitsRetail merchants, etc. (as above) without a fixed place of $50.00/ application and first year feebusiness within the town limitsAnnual renewal fee for business within the town limits $35.00Annual renewal fee for business without a fixed place of business $50.00within the town limitsTemporary Vendor Permit (Special Events Only) $50.00/application and processing feePeddlers, solicitors and mobile merchants $250.00/calendar quarter or fraction thereofPeddler investigation fee (per person) $25.00Promoters of entertainments, circuses, bazaars, etc., who $100.00/weekreceive a percentage of receipts or other consideration for their services. Each such promoter shall also obtain liability insurance of a minimum of $1 million naming the town as insured.Animal Show $100.00/weekCircus Parade Only $50.00/dayHandbill Distributor $10.00/dayAmusement Company, such as ferris wheel, merry-go-round,etc., $100.00/daynot part of a circusTent Show$100.00/dayWrestling Exhibition $100.00/dayRoad Show, Carnival or Circus $100.00/dayPractice of palmistry, phrenology, astrology, fortune telling, mind $50.00/dayreading, clairvoyancy, magic or any healing practices not licensed by the State of Arizona, or any similar calling without a fixed place of businessDuplicate Business License $10.00Verification of License Letter $10.00 The Height of Desert Living 368 DescriptionAmountAlarm LicenseApplication fee $100.00Annual License fee $30.00Criminal history investigation (per person) $25.00Duplicate Alarm License $10.00False Alarm Service Charges (per calendar year)First and second NoneThird$50.00Fourth$75.00Fifth and Sixth $100.00Seventh or more $200.00 eachWireless Communications (Cell Tower on Town property)Application Fee, Each location $100.00Special Event PermitsApplication Fee $500.00Application Fee-Charitable Organization $100.00Alcohol License ApplicationApplication Fee $25.00Transfer Fee $150.00Annual Fee Schedule:01-In State Producer $750.0002-Out of State Producer $750.0003-Domestic Microbrewery $750.0004-In State Wholesaler $750.0005-Government $0.0006-Bar, All Spirituous Liquors $1,200.0007-Beer & Wine Bar $1,000.0008-Conveyance $500.0009-Liquor Store $1,000.0010-Beer & Wine Store $500.0011-Hotel/Motel $1,000.00 The Height of Desert Living 369 DescriptionAmount12-Restaurant $750.0013-Domestic Farm Winery $750.0014-Private Club $500.0015-Special Event $0.0016-Wine Festival/Wine Fair $0.00Adult Oriented Business LicenseApplication Fee-Business $500.00Application Fee-Provider $100.00Application Fee-Manager $100.00Application Fee-Employee (per person) $50.00License Fee-annual-Business $200.00License Fee-annual-Provider $100.00License Fee-annual-Manager $100.00Cable LicenseInitial License Application $2,500.00Transfer of ownership $2,000.00License modification, pursuant to 47 USC Sec 545 $2,500.00Other License modification up to $2000License fee-quarterly 5% of gross receipts Late fee (after 30 days) 5% plus interest of 1 1/2%/moExcavationsBase fee (per excavation) $100.00 plus:Newly paved or overlayed 0-2 yrs $10.00 per lineal ft.Newly paved or overlayed 2-4 yrs $5.00 per lineal ft.Slurry or chip sealed 0-2 years $2.00 per lineal ft.Pavement replacement greater than 600 ft in length $2.00 per sq. yd.Encroachment PermitsBase Permit Fee$50.002"/6" Paving A.C. $.30 per sq. yd.1" Paving-Overlay or Top Course $.05 per sq. yd.1" ABC or Select Subbase $.03 per sq. yd. The Height of Desert Living 370 DescriptionAmountPermanent Barricading $11.00 ea.Guard Rail/Hand Rail $.10 per linear ft.Survey Monuments $5.00 ea.Adjustments MH, etc. $6.00 ea.4" Paving-PC Concrete $.22 per sq. yd.Decorative Sidewalk or Paving $.10 per sq. ft.Sidewalk & Bikepath $.05 per sq. ft.Curb & Gutter $.16 per linear ft.Valley Gutter $.29 per square ft.Concrete Apron $7.50 ea.Scuppers$10.00 ea.Sign (regulator, street etc.) $4.00 ea.Striping$.10 per linear ft.Pavement Cuts $.40 per square ft.Driveway Cuts $20.00 ea.Water Line Trench $.10 per linear ft.Sewer Line Trench $.10 per linear ft.Drywells (maxwell or similar) $35.00 eachStorm Drain Pipe $.68 per linear ft.Catch Basins, Headwells, MH $15.00 ea.Cutoff Walls $.15 per linear ft.Slope Protection $.25 per sq. yd.Box Culverts 3.25% of attached estimateMiscellaneous: 3.25% of attached estimateLandscaping 3.25% of attached estimateIrrigation3.25% of attached estimateLighting3.25% of attached estimateGrading3.25% of attached estimateUtility Trench $.10 per linear ft.Utility Splice and Repair Pits (outside pvmt)$10.00 ea.Other3.25% of attached estimateIn Lieu Payments Calculated for cuts greater than 600 feet in LengthTraffic Control Plan Review $150Failure to obtain an Encroachment Permit $100Public Works FeesEasement or Right-of-Way Abandonment $350.00Revocation Administrative Fee $300.00 The Height of Desert Living 371 Planning & Zoning FeesArea Specific Plans and amendments $3,000.00 plus $ 100.00 per acre ^General Plan Amendments: Minor $ 3,000.00 plus $ 100.00 per acre ^Major $ 5,000.00 plus $ 100.00 per acre ^Preliminary Plats: $2,000.00 plus $50.00 per lot, unit or tract ^ Time Extension Fee $100.00Final Plats:$1,500.00 plus $ 50.00 per lot, unit or tract ^Replats (lot joins, lot divisions, lot line adjustments) $500.00 up to three lots, more than 3 lots use Final Plat fees ^Plat Abandonments: $500.00 ^Condominium Plats: $1,500.00 plus $50.00 per unit ^Cut & Fill Waiver:$300Final Plat Improvement:Plan Checking: $350.00 per sheet (includes 2nd and 3rd reviews)except water and sewer plans $175.00 per sheet (includes 2nd and 3rd reviews)water and sewer plans only $200.00 per sheet with corrections (4th + reviews)$75.00 per sheet for addendums (changes made after approval).Subdivision Recording: $30.00 per page for plat filed for record, +$3.00 per page for each additional copy, and;$7.00 for each instrument, +$1.00 for each additional page over 5 pages.Concept Plans or Design Review $500.00 plus $200.00 for every 5,000 square feet or portion thereof ^Time Extension fee $ 100.00Site Plan Review: $500.00 plus $ 100 per acre or portion thereofHillside Protection Easement (HPE) $20.00 (includes recording fee)Land Disturbance Fee $10.00 per sq. ft.Rezones (Map): $2,000.00 plus $100 per acre or portion thereof plus notification *^Ordinances (Text Amendments): $2,000.00 plus notification *Planned Unit Developments (PUD): $2,000.00 plus $100 per acre or portion thereof plus notification *Development Agreements: $2,500.00 plus $100 per acre or portion thereofZoning Verification Letter: $200.00Continuance at Applicant Request $250.00Variances$1,000.00 plus $300.00 for each additional variance plus notification *^Appeal of a Decision by the Zoning Administrator $2,000.00 plus notification *^ Special Use Permits and amendments: $1,000.00 plus notification *^Temporary Use Permits: $200.00 plus notification * Time extension Fee $100.00Comprehensive Sign Plans and amendments $200.00A Frame Sign Permit $5.00Administrative Use Permit/Grand Opening Sign Permit $25.00 The Height of Desert Living 372 DescriptionAmountLandscape Plan Review $420.00 plus $ 2,500.00 refundable deposit **Saguaro Cactus Permit $90.00Temporary Visitor Permit (RV Parking): $25.00Change of Address Fee $25.00Notification fee $5.00 per mailing label and $ 25.00 per newspaper posting as appropriateThe "recording fee" is per Maricopa County's Fee Schedule and is, therefore, subject to change.Development Fees Single Family Residential $10,460.00Multi-Family Residential $8,788.00Commercial$5.00/s.f.Office$2.35/s.f.Hotel$3.423/s.f.Industrial$2.40/s.f.Office$4.00/s.f.Fee Detail (From Above)General GovernmentResidential $1,549Non-Residential $0.966/s.f.Law EnforcementResidential $112Non-Residential $0.070/s.f.Open SpaceResidential $430Park & RecreationResidential $2,289StreetsSF-Residential $5,614.00MF-Residential $3,942.00Commercial $3.835/s.f.Hotel$2.258/s.f.Industrial $1.235/s.f.Office$2.835/s.f.*Plus a notification charge of $5.00 per mailing label and/or $25 per newspaper posting as appropriate^ All fees include up to 3 reviews by staff. Any additional reviews will be subject to an additional fee equal to 25% of the original fee charged.** Deposit refundable upon landscaping approval by Town The Height of Desert Living 373 DescriptionAmountFire and EmergencyResidential $207Non-Residential $0.129/s.f.Library and MuseumResidential $259Building Permit/Plan Check – Single Family ResidentialSingle Family Homes (Includes Permit and Plan Review)· Livable Area with A/C $.75 Sq ft· Covered Area: Garage and/or Patio (non A/C) $.45 Sq ft· Single Family Addition $.75 Sq ft· Area non A/C $.45 Sq ft· Single Family Remodel $.23 Sq ft · Area non A/C $.14 Sq ft Specialized Permits (Includes Permit and Plan Review)· Solar Photovoltaic $140.00 · Fence Walls $70 plus $.15 Lf (Linear Footage)· Retaining Walls $70 plus $1.53 LF (Linear Footage)· Pools & Spas Attached $290 plus $.90 Sq ft· Stand Alone Spas $235.00 . Landscape Plan Review $420.00 plus $ 2,500.00 refundable deposit ** Miscellaneous Permits (Plan Review Fee Extra)· One Discipline Permit $70.00 (building, plumbing, electrical or mechanical)· Combination Permit $210.00 Miscellaneous Plan Review· Minimum Plan Review $70.00 per hour (1-hour Minimum)· Revisions to Approved Building Plans $70.00 per hour (1-hour Minimum)Over the Counter Permits (No Plan Review Fee Required)· Plumbing-Water heater replacement/solar (minor) $70.00· Mechanical-HVAC replacement (minor)$70.00· Electrical-panel repair (minor) $70.00· Demolition (minor) $120.00 The Height of Desert Living 374 DescriptionAmountPlan Review Add On (After 3rd Review)50% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review FeeReinspection Fee$150.00 per TripPermit Extensions-Residential new construction only$400.00 (If Town has all records and within current Code cycle)Permit Extensions-Residential remodel only$100.00 (If Town has all records and within current Code cycle)Refund for cancelled Single Family Home permit35% of building permit fee paidPenalty for failure to obtain a building permit50% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review FeeBuilding Permit/Plan Check - CommercialCommercial Building Permit (Includes Permit and Plan Review)· Area with A/C $.75 Sq ft· Covered Area (non A/C) $.45 Sq ftCommercial Building Addition· Area with A/C $.75 Sq ft· Covered Area (non-A/C) $.45 Sq ftCommercial Remodel (Existing)· Area with A/C $145 plus $.23 Sq ft · Covered Area (non-A/C) $145 plus $.14 Sq ft Shell Only for Commercial & Multi-Family· Area with A/C $205 plus $.50 Sq ft· Covered Area (non-A-C) $70 plus $.45 Sq ftCommercial Tenant Improvement· Area with A/C $145 plus $.23 Sq ft · Covered Area (non-A/C) $145 plus $.14 Sq ft Apartments/Condominiums· Livable Area with A/C $.75 Sq ft· Covered Area (non-A/C) $.45 Sq ft The Height of Desert Living 375 DescriptionAmountApartments/Condominiums with 4 or more units & reoccurringfloor plans (0-100,000 livable sq ft)· Livable Area with A/C $.60 Sq ft · Covered Area (non-A/C) $.37 Sq ft Apartments/Condominiums with 4 or more units & reoccurringfloor plans (Over 100,000 livable sq ft)· Livable Area with A/C $.53 Sq ft · Covered Area (non-A/C) $.33 Sq ft Specialized Permits (Includes Permit and Plan Review)· Solar Photovoltaic $140.00 · Fence Walls $70 plus $.15 Lf (Linear Footage)· Retaining Walls $70 plus $1.53 LF (Linear Footage)· Pools & Spas Attached $290 plus $.90 Sq ft· Stand Alone Spas $235.00 . Landscape Plan Review $420.00 plus $ 2,500.00 refundable deposit ** Miscellaneous Permits (Plan Review Fee is Separate)· Minimum Permit (one discipline) $70.00 (or $210.00 for building, plumbing, electrical and mechanical)· Minimum Combination (all disciplines) $210.00 · Sign Permit, less than 32 sq ft. (Face Replacement Only) $50.00 per sign· Sign Permit, greater than 32 sq ft (Face Replacement Only)$100.00 per sign· Sign Permit, less than 32 sq ft. (New) $190.00 per sign· Sign Permit, greater than 32 sq ft (New) $240.00 per signMiscellaneous Plan Review · Minimum Plan Review $70.00 per hour (1-hour Minimum)· Revisions to Approved Building Plans $70.00 per hour (1-hour Minimum)Over the Counter Permits (No Plan Review Fee Required)· Plumbing-Water heater replacement/solar (minor) $70.00· Mechanical-HVAC replacement (minor)$70.00· Electrical-panel repair (minor) $70.00· Demolition (minor) $120.00 The Height of Desert Living 376 DescriptionAmountPlan Review Add On (After 3rd Review)50% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review FeeReinspection Fee$150.00 per tripPermit Extensions-Commercial new construction only$400.00 (If Town has all records and within current Code cycle)Permit Extensions-Commercial remodel only$100.00 (If Town has all records and within current Code cycle)Penalty for failure to obtain a building permit$100.00 Refund for cancelled Commercial Building permit35% of building permit fee paidFire Safety FeesResidential Automatic Sprinkler System Plan Review/Inspection0.05 Sq FtCommercial Automatic Sprinkler System Plan Review/Inspecion$.10 Sq FtCom Auto Sprinkler System Modification Plan Review/Inspection$75.00 Commercial Hood System Plan Review/Inspection$100.00 Commercial Fire Alarm System Plan Review/Inspection$100.00 Com Fire Alarm System Plan Review/Inspection$50.00 Residential LPG Installation Review/Inspection$50.00 Annual Adult Residential Group Care Inspection$100.00 per yearAnnual Commercial Business Safety Survey$25.00 Reinspection Fee (beyond one re-check)$150.00 per tripAbatement FeesInspection fee$70.00 per hour (1-hour minimum)Reinspection fee $150.00 per tripPark Facility RentalsPark Rental Fees-ResidentSmall Ramada-Up to 4 hours $24.00Over 4 Hours $48.00 The Height of Desert Living 377 DescriptionAmountMedium Ramada-Up to 4 hours $30.00Over 4 Hours $60.00Large Ramada-Up to 4 hours $72.00Over 4 Hours $144.00Meeting Rooms-Up to 4 hours $24.00Over 4 Hours $48.00Multi Purpose Fields-Up to 4 hours $30.00Over 4 Hours $60.00Open Turf Areas-Up to 4 hours $200.00Over 4 Hours $400.00Performance Pad (Amphitheater)-Up to 4 hours $240.00Over 4 Hours $480.00Tennis Courts-90 minute reservation $5.00 (Day)Tennis Courts-90 minute reservation $7.00 (Evening)Park Rental Fee Extras:Athletic Field Lights (2 hour minimum) $10.00 Per HourAthletic Field – Prep & Bases $25.00 EachAlcohol Permit with Park Reservation $10.00 For 50 Consuming AdultsFountain Operation $250.00 Per Half-HourPark Personnel Labor $15-$30 Per HourPark Rental Fees-Non-ResidentSmall Ramada-Up to 4 hours $30.00Over 4 Hours $60.00Medium Ramada-Up to 4 hours $38.00Over 4 Hours $76.00Large Ramada-Up to 4 hours $90.00Over 4 Hours $180.00Meeting Rooms-Up to 4 hours $30.00Over 4 Hours $60.00Multi Purpose Fields-Up to 4 hours $38.00Over 4 Hours $76.00Open Turf Areas-Up to 4 hours $250.00Over 4 Hours $500.00Performance Pad (Amphitheater)-Up to 4 hours $300.00Over 4 Hours $600.00 The Height of Desert Living 378 DescriptionAmountTennis Courts-90 minute reservation $10.00 (Day)Tennis Courts-90 minute reservation $14.00 (Evening)Park Rental Fee Extras:Athletic Field Lights $10.00 Per HourAthletic Field – Prep & Bases $25.00 EachAlcohol Permit with Park Reservation $10.00 For 50 Consuming AdultsFountain Operation $250.00 Per Half-HourPark Personnel Labor $15.00-$30.00 Per HourRecreation FeesProgram Cancellation Fee $10.00Community Center RentalsCommunity Center Rental - Resident / Non-Profit (Tier 2)Any Meeting Room $15.00 per HourOne Ballroom (30-90 people) 4 hours$130.00Per hour thereafter $25.00Two Ballrooms *(91-160 people)4 hours$260.00Per hour thereafter $50.00Three Ballrooms*( 161-250 people) 4 hours$390.00Per hour thereafter $75.00Grand Ballroom *( 251-450 people)4 hours$520.00Per hour thereafter $100.00Lobby 4 hours$125.00Per hour thereafter $25.00Grand Ballroom & LobbyAll Day Rate (Monday-Thursday 7:00 am to Midnight) $1,600.00All Day Rate (Friday-Saturday 7:00 am to Midnight) $2,000.00Kitchen Usage Fee per Ballroom $30.00 The Height of Desert Living 379 DescriptionAmountWeekend Rates: Friday & Saturday ( no rentals on Sunday)Ballroom 3 (includes patio access and views)*4 hours$150.00Per hour thereafter $30.00Ballroom 4 (includes patio access and views)4 hours$150.00Per hour thereafter $30.00Tier 2 Groups meeting 6 or More Times per Year:4 hours (with contract) $65.00/ballroom per meeting*Ballroom 3 not available as a standalone rentalCommunity Center Rental -Non- Resident / Commercial (Tier 3)Any Meeting Room $35.00 per HourOne Ballroom (30-90 people) 4 hours$300.00Per hour thereafter $65.00Two Ballrooms *(91-160 people)4 hours$600.00Per hour thereafter $130.00Three Ballrooms*( 161-250 people) 4 hours$900.00Per hour thereafter $195.00Grand Ballroom *( 251-450 people)4 hours$1,200.00Per hour thereafter $260.00Lobby 4 hours$250.00Per hour thereafter $50.00Grand Ballroom & LobbyAll Day Rate (Monday-Thursday 7:00 am to Midnight) $4,000.00All Day Rate (Friday-Saturday 7:00 am to Midnight) $5,000.00Kitchen Usage Fee per Ballroom $60.00 The Height of Desert Living 380 DescriptionAmountWeekend Rates: Friday & Saturday ( no rentals on Sunday)Ballroom 3 (includes patio access and views)*4 hours$450.00Per hour thereafter $125.00Ballroom 4 (includes patio access and views)4 hours$450.00Per hour thereafter $125.00Tier 3 Groups meeting 6 or More Times per Year:4 hours (with contract) $120.00/per ballroom per meeting*Ballroom 3 not available as a standalone rentalCommunity Center Extra Service Fees - Resident / Non - ProfitVideo Projector-Note Vission 3,000 Lumens $75.00Overhead Projector $15.00Slide Projector $15.00TV/VCR ( or DVD) $20.00VCR or DVD Player $10.00Small Screen $10.00Large Screen ( 8' x 10') $20.0052" Plasma TV Monitor $50.00Internet Access Wireless$25.00 per day Hard Wire$125 per daySound Reinforcement MicrophonesWireless $10.00Speaker Table* ( Includes Mixing Board) $15.00 eachConference Phone $10.00Portable Sound System ( Includes Mixing Board and/or Portable Speaker) $25.00CD Player$10.00Electricity ( per booth)110 V $15.00220 V$40.00 The Height of Desert Living 381 DescriptionAmountOtherEasel$5.00Papers & Markers $10.00Portable White Board $5.00Walker Display Board $5.00Items for Sale25' Extension Cord $15.00 eachPower Strip $15.00 eachMasking Tape $5.00 per rollMiscellaneousCance Floor- per 3' x 3' parquet square $3.00Staging 6' x 8" section $5.00Piano - Tuning ExtraUpright $25.00Grand $50.00Coffee Service $5.00 per 8 cup packCommunity Center Extra Service Fees - Non - Resident / CommercialVideo Projector-Note Vission 3,000 Lumens $150.00Overhead Projector $30.00Slide Projector $30.0027" TV$40.0050" Plasma Flat Panel Monitor $100.00VCR or DVD Player $20.00Small Screen $20.00Large Screen ( 8' x 10') $40.00Large Screen Border $30.00Internet Access Wireless$25.00 per day Hard Wire$125.00 per daySound Reinforcement MicrophonesWireless $25.00Speaker Table* ( Includes Mixing Board) $15.00 each The Height of Desert Living 382 DescriptionAmountConference Phone $20.00Portable Sound System ( Includes Mixing Board and/or Portable Speaker) $50.00CD Player$20.00Electricity ( per booth)110 V $25.00220 V$75.00OtherEasel$10.00Papers & Markers $20.00Portable White Board $10.00Walker Display Board $10.00Items for Sale25' Extension Cord $15.00 eachPower Strip $15.00 eachMasking Tape $5.00 eachMiscellaneousDance Floor- Per 3' x 3' parquet square $5.00Staging 6' x 8" section $10.00Piano - Tuning ExtraUpright $50.00Grand $100.00Coffee Service $5.00 per (10) 8oz cup packMedian RentalsNon Resident Rental RatesEast Median-up to 6 hours $40.006-12 Hours: $70.0013-24 Hours: $100.00West Median-up to 6 hours $60.006-12 Hours: $100.0013-24 Hour: $150.00 The Height of Desert Living 383 DescriptionAmountResident Rental RatesEast Median-up to 6 hours $20.006-12 Hours: $35.0013-24 Hours: $50.00West Median-up to 6 hours $30.006-12 Hours: $50.0013-24 Hour: $75.00Business Rental RatesEast Median-up to 6 hours $20.006-12 Hours: $35.0013-24 Hours: $50.00West Median-up to 6 hours $30.006-12 Hours: $50.0013-24 Hour: $75.00NOTE: All Rentals Are Subject To Applicable Arizona Sales Taxes The Height of Desert Living 384 This Page Intentionally Left Blank The Height of Desert Living 385 Schedule of Authorized Positions The Height of Desert Living 386 Schedule of Authorized Positions 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Authorized Authorized Authorized Proposed Position – Title FTE FTE FTE FTE Municipal Court Presiding Judge 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Court Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Court Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Court Clerk 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Authorized FTE 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Administration Town Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant to the Town Manager 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Deputy Town Manager/Finance Director 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Asst to Town Mgr/Council 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Town Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 H/R Adminstrator/Risk Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Volunteer Coordinator 0.50 0.50 0.75 0.75 Economic Development Administrator 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 Public Information Officer 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Community Affairs/Media Relations Admin 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 I/T Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I/T Technician 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 I/T Intern 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 Finance Director 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Accounting Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Financial Services Technician 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 Accounting Clerk 1.50 1.50 0.50 0.50 Customer Service Rep 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 Receptionist 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Authorized FTE 13.50 13.50 13.25 11.25 The Height of Desert Living 387 Schedule of Authorized Positions 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Authorized Authorized Authorized Proposed Position – Title FTE FTE FTE FTE Development Services Development Services Director 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 Public Works Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Town Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Civil Engineer 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Engineering Project Manager 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Senior Civil Engineer Inspector 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Civil Engineer Inspector 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 Planner - Environmental 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 Executive Assistant 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Facilities Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Facilities Maintenance Tech 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maintenance/Custodial Worker 0.50 0.50 0.75 0.00 Custodian 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.25 Street Superintendent 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Open Space & Landscape Spec. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Fleet Mechanic 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Traffic Signal Technician I 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 Traffic Signal Technician II 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Street Maintenance Tech 8.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 P&Z Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Planner 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 Planner - Environmental 0.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 GIS Technician/CAD Operator 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Senior Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Code Enforcement Officer 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Planning Assistant 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Chief Building Official 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Plans Examiner 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 Building Inspector 3.00 3.00 2.00 0.00 Building Permit Technician 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Authorized FTE 40.50 40.00 35.75 23.25 The Height of Desert Living 388 Schedule of Authorized Positions 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Authorized Authorized Authorized Proposed Position – Title FTE FTE FTE FTE Community Services Community Services Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Rec. Program Coordinator 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Recreation Assistant 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.35 Recreation Aide 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Recreation Intern 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 Executive Assistant 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Parks Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Park Operations Lead 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 Park Ranger 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Groundskeeper 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Customer Service Representative 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 Comm Ctr Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Comm Ctr Operations Supervisor 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Comm Ctr Events Coordinator 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Comm Ctr Operations Coordinator 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Operations Support Worker 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 Operations Support Assistant 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Receptionist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Bartender 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.00 Senior Services Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Services Activities Coordinator 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.58 HDM/Special Programs Admin 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 HDM Coordinator 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.75 Senior Services Assistant 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.45 Senior Aide 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 Driver 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 Authorized FTE 29.25 29.75 27.10 21.63 Total Authorized FTE 88.25 88.25 81.10 61.13 The Height of Desert Living 389 Pay Plan The Height of Desert Living 390 Position Title Deputy Town Manager/Finance Director 77,542 110,273 77,542 110,273 Development Services Director 82,044 116,675 - Town Engineer 75,283 107,060 75,283 - 107,060 Community Services Director 72,277 102,785 72,277 - 102,785 Human Resources Administrator/Risk Manager 68,082 96,819 68,082 - 96,819 Court Administrator 65,864 93,665 65,864 - 93,665 Town Clerk 58,419 83,078 58,419 - 83,078 Senior Planner 56,193 79,912 56,193 - 79,912 Chief Building Official 54,891 78,061 54,891 - 78,061 Recreation Supervisor 52,056 74,029 52,056 74,029 Street Superintendent 52,056 74,029 52,056 - 74,029 Accounting Supervisor 51,906 73,816 51,906 - 73,816 Parks Supervisor 51,106 72,678 51,106 - 72,678 Information Technology Coordinator 48,610 69,128 48,610 - 69,128 Executive Assistant to Town Manager/Council 46,000 65,417 46,000 - 65,417 Planner 44,998 63,992 44,998 - 63,992 Planner - Environmental 44,998 63,992 44,998 63,992 Senior Services Supervisor 43,642 62,063 43,642 62,063 Facilities Supervisor 42,806 60,874 42,806 - 60,874 Community Center Event Coordinator 39,253 55,821 39,253 - 55,821 Recreation Program Coordinator 39,253 55,821 39,253 - 55,821 Community Center Operations Coordinator 35,676 50,735 35,676 50,735 Exempt Positions Previous RangeMinimumMaximum The Height of Desert Living 391 Position Title Plans Examiner 21.90 31.14 21.90 31.14 GIS Technician/CAD Operator 20.39 29.00 20.39 - 29.00 Traffic Signal Technician II 20.39 29.00 20.39 29.00 Civil Engineer Inspector 19.54 27.79 19.54 - 27.79 Code Enforcement Officer 18.16 25.83 18.16 - 25.83 Park Operations Lead 17.89 25.44 17.89 25.44 Open Space/Landscape Specialist 17.89 25.44 17.89 - 25.44 Information Technology Technician 17.89 25.44 17.89 25.44 Traffic Signal Technician I 17.57 24.99 17.57 24.99 Executive Assistant 17.17 24.42 17.17 - 24.42 Fleet Mechanic 16.56 23.55 16.56 - 23.55 Facilities Maintenance Technician 16.56 23.55 16.56 - 23.55 Building Permit Technician 16.13 22.94 16.13 - 22.94 Senior Court Clerk 15.47 22.00 15.47 - 22.00 Financial Services Technician 15.00 21.33 15.00 21.33 Accounting Clerk 15.00 21.33 15.00 21.33 Street Maintenance Technician 15.00 21.33 15.00 - 21.33 Customer Service Representative 14.20 20.19 14.20 - 20.19 Senior Services Activities Coordinator 14.20 20.19 14.20 20.19 Volunteer Coordinator 14.20 20.19 14.20 20.19 Court Clerk 13.75 19.55 13.75 - 19.55 Groundskeeper 12.36 17.60 12.36 - 17.60 Operations Support Worker 12.36 17.58 12.36 - 17.58 Home Delivered Meals Coordinator 11.57 16.47 11.57 16.47 Receptionist 11.57 16.47 11.57 - 16.47 Custodian 11.16 15.87 11.16 - 15.87 Recreation Assistant 9.92 14.11 9.92 - 14.11 Senior Services Assistant 9.92 14.11 9.92 14.11 Non-Exempt Positions Previous RangeMinimumMaximum The Height of Desert Living 392 This Page Intentionally Left Blank The Height of Desert Living 393 Other Schedules The Height of Desert Living 394 This Page Intentionally Left Blank The Height of Desert Living 395 Pavement Management Project Map– CIP No S 6008 The Height of Desert Living 396 This Page Intentionally Left Blank The Height of Desert Living 397 Glossary The Height of Desert Living 398 Account A separate financial reporting unit for budgeting, management or accounting pur- poses. All budgetary transactions, whether revenue or expenditure, are recorded in accounts. Several related accounts may be grouped together in a fund. A list is called a chart of accounts. Accounting Standards The generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) promulgated by the Govern- mental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) that guide the recording and reporting of financial information by state and local governments. Accrual Basis Accounting A basis of accounting in which transactions are recognized at the time they are in- curred, as opposed to when cash is received or sent. Actual vs. Budgeted Difference between the amounts projected (budgeted) in revenues or expenditures at the beginning of the fiscal year and the actual receipts or expenses, which are in- curred by the end of the fiscal year. Ad Valorem Taxes Commonly referred to as property taxes. The charges levied on all real, and certain personal property according to the property’s assessed value and the tax rate. Used as a source of monies to pay general obligation debt and to support the general fund. Adoption Formal action by the Town Council, which sets the spending limits for the fiscal years. Appropriation Specific amount of monies authorized by the Council for the purpose of incurring ob- ligations and acquiring goods and services. Arbitrage The ability to use tax exempt proceeds and, by investing those funds in higher yield- ing taxable securities, generate a profit to the issuer. Assessed Valuation A value set upon real and personal property by the Maricopa County Assessor for the purpose of levying property taxes. The Height of Desert Living 399 Asset The resources and property of the Town that can be used or applied to cover liabili- ties. Audit Report The report prepared by an auditor covering the audit or investigation of an entity’s financial position for a given period of time, usually a year. As a general rule, the report should include: 1) a statement of the scope of the audit; 2) explanatory com- ments concerning exceptions from generally accepted auditing standards; 3) opin- ions; 4) explanatory comments concerning verification procedures; 5) financial state- ments and schedules; and 6) statistical tables, supplementary comments and recom- mendations. The auditors signature follows 3). The Town is required to have an an- nual audit conducted by qualified certified public accountants. Balanced Budget Arizona law (Title 42 Arizona Revised Statutes) requires the Town Council to annually adopt a balanced budget by purpose of public expense. State law defines this bal- anced budget as “the primary property tax levy, when added together with all other available resources, must equal these expenditures.” The total of proposed expendi- tures will not exceed the total of estimated revenues and fund balances. Base Budget The ongoing expense for personnel, contractual services, commodities, and the re- placement of equipment to maintain service levels previously established by the Council. Bond A written promise to pay a specified sum of money (called the principal amount) at a specified date or dates in the future (called the maturity dates), and carrying interest at a specified rate, usually paid periodically. The difference between a bond and a note is that a bond is issued for a longer period and requires greater legal formality. Bonds are primarily used to finance capital projects. The most common types of bonds are: General Obligation (GO) Bond: This type of bond is secured by the full faith, credit, and taxing power of the municipality. Revenue Bond: This type of bond is secured by the revenues from a specific source such as gas taxes or water revenues. Budget A financial plan of estimated expenditures and anticipated resources adopted for a specific period of time outlining a plan for achieving council goals and objectives. Budget Amendment A change of budget appropriation between expenditure accounts which does not The Height of Desert Living 400 change the legal spending limit adopted by Council. Budgetary Basis The method used to determine when revenues and expenditures are recognized for budgetary purposes. Capital Budget A spending plan for improvements to or acquisition of land, facilities and infrastruc- ture that balances revenues and expenditures, specifies the sources of revenues, and lists each project or acquisition. Normally a capital budget must be approved by the legislative body. The capital budget and accompanying appropriation ordinance may be included in a consolidated budget document that has a section devoted to capital expenditures and another to operating expenditures. Or two separate documents may be prepared – one for the capital budget and one for the operating budget. Capital Improvements Expenditures for the construction, purchase or renovation of Town facilities or prop- erty that have a value greater than $50,000. Capital Outlay Expenditures resulting in the acquisition of or addition to the Town’s fixed assets. Capital Projects Funds Capital projects funds are used to account for and report financial resources that are restricted, committed, or assigned to expenditure for capital outlays, including the acquisition or construction of capital facilities and other capital assets. Capital pro- jects funds exclude those types of capital related outflows financed by proprietary funds or for assets that will be held in trust for individuals, private organizations, or other governments. Capital Project Carryover An approved Capital Project that was not completed in the fiscal year and, therefore, was budgeted again in the current fiscal year in order to finish the project. Cash Basis A basis of accounting in which transactions are recognized only when cash amounts are increased or decreased. Community Facilities District (CFD) A separate legal entity established by the Town which allows for financing of public improvements and services. The Height of Desert Living 401 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) The official annual financial report of the Town. The CAFR represents management’s report to the Town Council, constituents, investors and creditors. Contingency/Reserve An amount set aside as available, with Council approval, to cover unforeseen expen- ditures, emergency expenditures, or revenue short falls. Debt Limit Statutory or constitutional limit on the principal amount of debt that an issuer may incur (or that it may have outstanding at any one time). Debt Ratio Total debt divided by total assets. Debt Service Principal and interest payments on outstanding bonds. Debt Service Fund One or more funds established to account for revenues used to repay the principal and interest on debt. Department A functional group of the Town with related activities aimed at accomplishing a major Town service or program. Depreciation An accounting transaction which spreads the purchase cost of an asset across its useful life. Division A grouping of related activities within a particular department (example, Senior Ser- vices is a division of Community Center). Encumbrance The formal accounting recognition of committed funds to be set aside for a future ex- penditure. For budgetary purposes encumbrances are considered expenditures. Estimated Revenue The amount of projected revenue to be collected during the fiscal year. Expenditure If accounts are kept on the accrual basis, this term designates total charges in- The Height of Desert Living 402 curred, whether paid or unpaid. If they are kept on the cash basis, the term covers only actual disbursements for these purposes. Expenditure Limitation An amendment to the Arizona State Constitution that limits annual expenditures of all municipalities. The Economic Estimates Commission, based on population growth and inflation sets the limit. All municipalities have the option of Home Rule where the voters approve a four-year expenditure limit based on revenues received. Fiscal Year Any period of twelve consecutive months establishing the beginning and the ending of financial transactions. For the Town of Fountain Hills, this period begins July 1 and ends June 30. Fixed Assets Assets of a long term character which are intended to continue to be in use or kept for more than five years and of a monetary value greater than $10,000. Full-Time Equivalent Position (FTE) A position converted to the decimal equivalent of a full-time position based on 2,080 hours per year. For example, a part-time typist working for 20 hours per week would be equivalent to a 0.5 FTE. Fund A fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and other financial resources. Fund Balance A balance or carry over that occurs when actual revenues exceed budgeted revenues and/or when actual expenditures are less than budgeted expenditures. General Fund The major fund in most governmental entities. While other funds tend to be re- stricted to a single purpose, the general fund is a catch all for general government purposes. The General Fund contains the activities commonly associated with mu- nicipal government, such as police and fire protection, parks and recreation. General Obligation Bonds Bonds that finance a variety of public projects. The repayment of these bonds is usually made from secondary property tax revenues. General Plan A plan approved by the Town Council that provides the fundamental policy direction and guidance on development decisions in the Town. Governmental Funds Governmental Funds are those through which most governmental functions of the The Height of Desert Living 403 are recognized in the accounting period in which the fund liability is incurred, if measurable, except for un-matured interest on general long-term debt and certain similar accrued obligations, which should be recognized when due. Municipal Property Corporation (MPC) Bond Bonds that are backed by the excise taxes of the Town including local sales tax, fran- chise tax, state shared sales tax, and auto lieu tax. The MPC is a non-profit corpora- tion established for the purpose of issuing debt to purchase municipal facilities, which it leases to the Town. Objectives A measurable output that an organization strives to achieve within a designated time frame. The achievement of the objective advances an organization toward a corre- sponding goal. Operating Budget Plans of current expenditures and the proposed means of financing them. The an- nual operating budget is the primary means by which most of the financing activities of the Town are controlled. Ordinance A formal legislative enactment by the Town Council. Performance Based Budget The Performance Based Budget is a customer based, performance driven, results ori- ented budget system based on Outcome Management. Outcome Management is a management approach that focuses on the results achieved when providing a ser- vice. Performance Indicators Measurement of service performance indicators that reflect amount of money spent on services and the resulting outcomes at a specific level of services provided. Program Activities performed by one or more organizational units for the purpose of accom- plishing a function for which the Town is responsible. Property Tax The total property tax levied by a municipality. Arizona’s municipal property tax sys- tem is divided into a primary and secondary tax rate. The rate is expressed as dol- lars per $100 of assessed valuation. Primary Property Tax The Height of Desert Living 404 Arizona statute limits the primary property tax levy amount and municipalities may use this tax for any purpose. Resolution A special or temporary order of the Town Council. Requires less formality than an ordinance. Resources Total amounts available for appropriation including estimated revenues, bond/loan proceeds, fund transfers, and beginning fund balances. Revenue Financial resources received from taxes, user charges, and other levels of govern- ment. Revenue Bonds Bonds whose principal and interest are payable exclusively from earnings of a reve- nue generating fund. Secondary Rate Arizona statute does not limit the secondary tax levy amount and municipalities may only use this levy to retire the principal and interest or redemption charges on bond debt. Sinking Fund A means of repaying funds that were borrowed through a bond issue. The issuer makes periodic payments to a trustee who retires part of the issue by purchasing the bonds in the open market. Special Revenue Fund Accounts for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditure for specific purposes. State-Shared Revenue Includes the Town’s portion of state sales tax revenues, state income tax receipts, motor vehicle in-lieu taxes. Strategic Plan The Strategic Plan defines the Town’s strategy, or direction, and assists Town man- agement in making decisions on the allocation of personnel and resources. Tax Levy The total amount of the general property taxes collected for purposes specified in the The Height of Desert Living 405 Tax Levy Ordinance. Tax Rate The amount of tax levied for each $100 of assessed valuation. Transfer Movement of resources between two funds. Example: An interfund transfer would include the transfer of operating resources from the General Fund to the Street Fund. User Fees The fee charged for the direct receipt of a public service to the party or parties who benefit from the service. Working Capital A financial metric which represents the amount of day-to-day operating liquidity available. Also known as operating capital, it is calculated as current assets minus current liabilities. The Height of Desert Living 406 ACMA-Arizona City Manager’s Association ADEQ-Arizona Department of Environmental Quality ADOG-Non profit promoting responsible dog ownership ADWR-Arizona Department of Water Resources AGIC-Arizona Geographic Information Council AICP-American Institute of Certified Planners APA-American Planning Association APRA-American Park & Recreation Association APWA-American Public Works Association ARRA-American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ASCE-American Society of Civil Engineers AZBO-AZ Building Officials AZDOR-AZ Department of Revenue AZDOT-AZ Department of Transportation CAD-Computer Aided Design CAFR-Comprehensive Annual Financial Report CELA-Code Enforcement League of Arizona CIP-Capital Improvement Program EMCFD-Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District FEMA-Federal Emergency Management Administration FTE-Full Time Equivalent GAAP-Generally Accepted Accounting Principles GADA-Greater Arizona Development Authority GASB-Government Accounting Standards Board GFOA-Government Finance Officer’s Association GIS-Geographical Information Systems GO-General Obligation GPEC-Greater Phoenix Economic Council Acronyms The Height of Desert Living 407 HDM-Home Delivered Meals HURF-Highway User Revenue Fund ICSC-International Council of Shopping Centers ID-Improvement District IGA-Intergovernmental Agreement IT-Information Technology LTAP-Local Technical Assistance Program LTAF-Local Transportation Assistance Fund MAG-Maricopa Association of Governments’ MPC-Municipal Property Corporation NPRA-National Park & Recreation Association RPTA-Regional Public Transit Agency STORM-Stormwater Outreach for Regional Municipalities The Height of Desert Living 408 Town of Fountain Hills 16705 E Avenue of the Fountain Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 480-816-5100